Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Would love to think - these vibrations you are feeling are that of your inner-gy body… ♥️✌️🌹🙏

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I doubt it. They are coming from the floor, and if I stand, I do not feel them. And they start and stop about the same times daily.

But thank You for the suggestion! And the payment of attention in reading!!!

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

👍 - ♥️

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

The mandalic mantra "Namo Buddhaya" is infinitely more powerful than ANY psychotronic weapon's vibration, even if at first appearances are deceiving. No need for religosity... "Buddhaya" simply means "the abode of Vast Awakening." Vast Awakening simply being the Dao, the Universe, Source, or whatever you want to call it. "Namo" simply means you are paying homage to that "Allness." Recite continually and often and observe the changes.

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Is there somewhere I can hear it pronounced? Does it matter the pronunciation?

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Very popular mantra. Probably the world's most well known Buddhist mantra actually. Should not be hard to find. That being said. Intention is more important than pronunciation. And you will have countless Buddhas helping and guiding you as you're learning if you keep that intention while reciting. If you are having an emotional flashback, first, breath, calm your mind and body, put awareness on the negative emotion being brought up, and at that point you can start reciting. Reciting unconsciously while triggered/in the depths of emotional flashback ...not always, but can create more of the negative emotion/thinking

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Well, I virtually never have "emotional flashbacks." I aim for the future with positivity. A choice I made decades ago in My solving for chronic depression.

Choosing to Depress (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/choosing-to-depress

But okay. I will see what manifests!

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

One thing that is helpful... 108 recitations, out loud, in a row is very helpful, and one set a day is all that is encouraged for a bare minimum practice. Just one recitation of "Namo Buddhaya" can clear away countless lives' negative karma/thinking.

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All due respect... unless you're an Arhat, a Bodhisattva, or have attained Buddhahood you're not immune to triggering. So being a human, with all the baggage that that entails, you, like all of us, get triggered (i.e. have emotional flashbacks). Case in point, you and I were lightly triggering each other in our conversation last week. Luckily for us, we have the good karma to transmute that towards healing 🙏

(By the way, I forgot to include my disclaimer with sharing the knowledge about reciting mantra, so here it is:

I am in no way, shape, or form qualified to teach, guide, or give advice on how to practice mantra or Buddhism. And am not acting in the capacity of a Dzogchen lineage teacher, nor have I received official initiation into the Dzogchen Shri Singha Lineage. I am merely sharing information which I have found to be helpful to me in my experience.)

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With all due respect it is a choice. We all can choose what We think about, and how We think about what We think about. Otherwise, that “words are weapons” liberal BS would be true, but…


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Absolutely. But the laws of reality are not a choose your own adventure. Solipsism is a fallacy. Cause and effect is a science.

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

We had a new tenant who absolutely hated me and wanted me out of the house (I had lived there for 3 years) Some nights I could hear a frequency. I looked to see what it was but couldn't find it. It was so subtle but it gnawed on your brain so that you couldn't turn your consciousness to anything else (such a sleeping) I thought it may have been someone's fan, or the kook downstairs who hated me and was trying to drive me out of the house with frequency. I never approached him lest I give him ideas if it happened to be something else. I heard this same frequency somewhere else at this period which was last summer. We didn't have smart meters there. But I wouldn't be surprised if they are testing on us. They must do this to get the dose and they do it in isolated areas so as not to get everybody asking questions or exchanging notes. They have to find the doses they need to sicken us but slowly so we don't notice it as they only work "under the radar". Once we are conscious of what they do, it will disable them. They have to keep the element of surprise to get a leg up. They also need to know the doses that will kill instantly or anything in between. These dudes are anal. They leave no stone unturned. But they would be nothing if people threw their cell phones away or didn't pay the banks their loans. There are other strategies too. Something for everyone!

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I'm sure they are testing their frequencies on us. Good catch picking it up. Any electronic sounds or frequencies bother me. I like quiet. Even the sound of cars and machinery I feel is an imposition. Our level of human is almost totally unaware of the noise they inflict on others. Same with perfumes and car exhausts, etc. We're an almost blind culture. There is so much to learn. Maybe this is like going through the birth canal. Throwing cell phones out is one tactic that would render their dastardly plans moot. Oh how fun that would be wouldn't it? Or people stop paying their loans to the banks. It's starts with talking about it. We can only create the new world that way otherwise if we leave it to others, we'll be under the dictates of others. We have everything we need today, to start laying down a new foundation.

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I never had a cell phone, so... LOL! If People stopped consenting to Their system, got free energy tech out to strip Them of Their tool to power, and stood sovereign under the three Law... We could create a marvelous world indeed!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I feel a sort of hum beneath my feet when I pay attention to it. I go barefoot indoors. I live in semirural West Virginia.

Gene Decode makes interesting claims.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

I guess "Gene Decode" is someOne here on SS? I will search for Their stack. Humble thanks for reading and sharing!

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Gene Decode appears a a guest on various patriot videos, on You Tube.

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Ah. I avoid YouToilet as much as possible, but if You have a link or two, I will check Them out. My preferred video platform is Odysee. Haha!

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Brighteon is my favorite, then Rumble. Odysee is good, and there is at least another way to avoid Betrayou Tube.

Here is a Gene Decode video:


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Thank You so much! I was kinda cast out of Brighteon years ago… They don’t like My stance on the psychopaths’ power tool that buys all the rest They use. i.e., money.

I like that the development team at Odysee are available to speak with on Dickscord…er…Discord. No other platform have I seen that option on. (May have missed it, but I doubt…)

Will check out GD there. Thanks!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

My guess 3 months ago ties into what I'm saying, targeted individuals like yourself now, folks trying to get the truth out there get on the 'list'. Be safe and keep on keeping on!!

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Ahhhh. Okay. I know I have been targeted nigh 20 years. Not sure You have seen this:

Targeted Individual (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/targeted-individual

And to be sure, I will persist until Humanity is free or They get to Me. Either way, I will die knowing I did all I could!

Love always!!!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

In the 1800's the effects of radio waves were discovered and it also caused many ailments that were not there before the invention and discoveries of radio, radar, micro wave energies ref book 'The Invisible Rainbow' by Arthur Firstenburg. Also look up video's on Dr. Barrie Trower an expert and developer of microwave energy.

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Oh, I am fully aware, but thanks for refreshing My memory! Yes, it's all ghastly. I'm just trying to figure out what started three months ago all of a sudden. Thank You for the payment of Your attention and knowledge!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

*They* are not human. They are terraforming the planet to be hospitable for Them, not Us.

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I agree with Solar, there is no evidence to show this is done by aliens. I'm not saying it's impossible but highly unlikely. For one thing, intelligence that could travel the cosmos would not be so savage and caveman-like. They wouldn't be able to even drive fancy intercosmic distances with their concentration of destruction or self-interest. I think it's most likely insanity of a deep kind like what happens with very concentrated incest. And they seem very human to me. They have to "keep it in the family" and I would go so far as even the aliens story is conjured by these families. They do nothing, live like exotic kings and queens, spiffingly jetsetting all over the world and telling billions of people what they should do.

But do you know the most insane part of all of this? Giggle.

Why do we listen to them at all? Not just listen but give them portions of our salaries and obey the "laws" that they themselves write. Who's really insane here?

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Humbly, I do not have evidence that They are anything other than psychopaths. I am not saying that You are not correct, just I have nothing to support placing high probability it is correct.

Do You have any evidence I could examine?

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

There's plenty online if you look. Here on Substack too. Check out Mike Huggins at the Vaccine Reaper Report for one

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

How long are we going to keep circling these stories of what we essentially already know? We keep telling the people who are already aware and the stories go round and round and round. We know it's badder than bad. So why talk so much about it? You say and many of us say the same thing - we are under attack. We say it at about the same decibels and tone as we would say "pass me the salt". We are definitely under attack. But when do you hear someone who hasn't heard this before ask even one question. Do we realize what we are dealing with? A totally hypnotized population. There are levels and we should realize that even we are part of the spell. Just using the language keeps us in the spell. But the beauty is the spell dissolves when you realize it. Then you can "reprogram" it so that it boosts you every time it repeats. We need to talk to each other about more urgent subjects than rehashing the latest news, cosmic though it may be. Not to say we turn a blind eye to it, but we only continue to keep that paradigm in existence by talking about it so much. And we're putting no energy into creating the free and beautiful world. It could be just around the corner. I'd love to play "cat and mouse" with them for a while first though, before checkmating them into soap suds.

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typo: inhabitable s/b uninhabitable

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Yeah it looks like we're just going to lay around like lemmings and let them take it all away.

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Humble apologies, but I am not sure where You are seeing that. I don't think I used either word in this. Can You clarify?

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

typo was in my smart meter post

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Ahhhh, Gotcha! Yes, indeed!

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I suspect that the black magicians are indeed deploying harmful frequencies, and I think the purpose is to counteract the consciousness-raising frequencies that are built into the cosmology of this era. Humanity is intended to achieve another higher level of consciousness — which has been occurring for the past 50-60 years — and these Luciferian/Freemason/Satanist psychopaths know that. So they have been developing ways to hinder the Divine process. The best we can hope is that more of us continue waking up to this insanity and reclaim our Divine Rights and Creativity, which will render their numerological/astrological demon-worshiping fuckery useless. Meanwhile, I DO NOT CONSENT to any of it.

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I can say for sure I do not consent to any unEthical thing. And if We are being attacked by energy waves without Our explicit consent, that is unEthical.

Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading!

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Clearly We, Humanity, are under attack.

And in how many thousands of ways.

Love your ultra yellow art... Keep up the good work / resistance!

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Most humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation! I am enriched!

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most welcome ♡ (reading)

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

The vibrations are caused by smart meter pulses which operate in the 5th generation field of frequencies, 2.4 billion cycles per second, and are "boosted" significantly by 1000+ volts per meter energy surges. The power is enough to cause all structures to shudder at a very minimal rate, unnoticed by most people. The shuddering is 24/7, and building biologists will tell you that structural weakening, cracking, and fissuring of support walls, and columns and floor support damage will be enough to condemn many buildings.

The resulting destruction will render houses, condos etc. inhabitable, and the losses, ($) will be uninsured.

I do not know of any one who worships the technology of smart meters, and in most cases, installation of these weapons was done without consent.

The smart meter op is run by SERCO...

SMART = Secret Military Armaments Residential Technology

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

That's great information. Thank you. We need to do something about this, yes?

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To My awareness this building has had "SMART" meters installed years ago. They are at least 50 feet away from here. And, like I said, I can tell when these vibrations are "on" and when they are "off." And it seems to correlate roughly with the times of the microwave activity offered in that link.

But yeah, those meters are ghastly!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

It would be interesting if you could find a different floor to sleep on far away from the one you're on - to see if it's the same or different. Are you sleeping ok? Waking up rested or exhausted? Thank you for your heart-filled posts. ❤️

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Sadly, this is a studio apartment and My friend is a hoarder - so I am luck to have floor space at all... LOL! But yes, I seem to be sleeping well - 7-9 hours a night as usual. Waking as usual, too.

I am well paid in Your appreciation! And thank You for Your time spent reading!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

You're very sweet. It does indeed sound like you're lucky to have found ANY floor space. You seem to be sleeping better than me so maybe these vibrations are actually helping? I think it's worth thinking about it that way. None of us really know what's going on and what's helping us, so .... I thank YOU for spending your time writing and posting. ❤️ It's "Canada Day" here in Tranada and the ugly fighter jets are doing their terrorist dance in the sky, bringing tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart. Trying to imagine how even murderers are helping?

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

We have allowed everything and so everything goes. We are still in a position of power but time is running out. Once they bring in that confounded CBDC that is going to make totally cattle out of us.

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I guess we're just going to have to make sure that doesn't happen.

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It is not making things better, but seemingly no worse. And yes, it is Canada Day! I have a show I will be on with a Canadian friend tonight at 8 PM Eastern:


So sorry to hear the military crap is going on. Love always!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Oh Fantastic! I will see you there - always nice to find another Canadian "doing the work."

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I'm an Earthian, M'self - stuck out on Long Island, NY. But Stephane is Canadian. He is a good One doing the work!

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I didn't know there were any "Earthians" on Long Island! LOL. I went to Stephane's page so I see he's just over the bridge from me! You ARE doing the work Earthian xo ❤️

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Lower vibrations are the deadly ones, higher vibrations of microwave energy will burn the skin immediately. The lower mm microwaves were developed 50 plus years ago and with the implementation of this energy on a human it takes mere seconds to ensure you develop cancer within 2-3 years. One in 3 people or more will have cancer within 3 years.

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Well, THAT does not bode well. Whole neighborhoods at a time, I would guess. I ponder what They will blame it on, since "unicorns" - er... "virses" are not said to cause cancer. Hmmmm.

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

They will probably set something up or blame it on climate change. They may say it's the gas in the pipes and so they have to do away with all gas stoves. Who knows! They have all the money and resources to do whatever they want. They try to do it below our perception. But once you're onto it, it dissolves their scheme. It is a matter of numbers too, the more people who know the better. But we still need to do something otherwise knowing and going along with it only says we consent.

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Exactly. The money - which buys the resources. And yes, the scheme becomes so stark when You know.

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Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I hear you friend. We are rapidly entering a time when multitudes will experience horrors that they may have only heard about in history books, if they are still alert enough to recognize the misery upon them. Yet it's worse, because the tech that humanity has come to worship is being pressed into the service of persecution and oppression. It's a time when life is cheap, and humanity is the experiment. Psychological operations are being used in rapid-fire procession to manipulate and coerce. Forces want to possess our minds, and for people to cower in fear as they de-nutrify us to dumb us down.

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

At the moment there are only a few who know what's going on and how grave it is. Most have no clue and many do have a clue now but they continue to do the same things. We have to talk about strategy otherwise the attack will be successful. We can't just lay down and let them have their way. Discussions about what we can do and brainstorming needs to happen. We let them take it this far, we are all culpable to various degrees. Continuing to pay taxes is funding these monsters.

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

The population has been thoroughly conditioned by psychological operations. My immediate strategy has been to get off the front lines and make provisions survive the initial assault. A man is not an island, and I only see relevant possibilities in real life. Online is for ideas only and preparing for what is coming. It's a terrible place to be, but here we are. We can't pretend that online is a solution. Even Freedom Cells can't Garner online people that arent mesmerized by the ongoing mind virus.

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Exactly. I keep pointing out:

Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up."

I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

That's all true but why are you packing it in already? Freedom Cells is weak, the idea is good but they want to be hip, they're not mariners on the high seas. Our power is enormous but if we just pack up our wings and lay low, then you're just giving in. Why no questions like "what can we do about it?" Because there is plenty. But inertia keeps most in a holding pattern. I hope you don't clam up when someone attacks you personally or physically. Why let these monsters win?

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I’m ready for a “Paul Revere Moment” or something better, but I also know that getting involved in politics and many of those organizations is a futile business. I’ve been on the lines, so I should know. Being obsessed with the minutiae of personal sovereignty is no better than distraction in such times of national calamity/transition. Better to be ready and part of the underground than to expose yourself like I am doing here. Of course, I am always open to ideas beyond focus groups and gaslighting.

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So grossly unEthical it all is! Thank You for reading!!!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I couldn't say for sure. I'm under the flight path of Mildenhall airforce base in Suffolk UK, and there is a hell of a military presence in the skies here, supersonic fighters and large Hercules type aircraft. It's unusual, your situation, unless there's a generator or some such device nearby, or potentially one of your neighbours recently installed an ice machine? We know that there are DARPA type transmitters at various locations on every continent and in every country, and hidden underground bases too. It's anyone's guess as to extent of the sadistic and twisted means within the possession of the sick fucks in charge, that they will turn against the myopic and unsuspecting populations of the world. Clearly, our lives are seen as redundant in their eyes, as you have correctly pointed out. Time is running out for us and we'll know soon enough, I'm sure. Here in the UK a new government will be installed in 4 days, and IF I'm not wrong, the communists will be in charge and the New World Order will have taken a giant step forward. I'm wishing you well, my friend 🙏💜🙏

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Jul 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Can you think of an outcome you would love? We are creating their future by thinking and discussing it. We're putting no energy into the world we would want to live in. And we really need to.

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Excellent comment, Denise 🙏putting the energy of Love out into the world to create the one that we want, rather than the one we don't, sounds like an excellent idea. In your experience Denise, how best do you believe we go about doing this, whilst also staying vigilant? I look forward to your response, and thank you for your much needed perspective 🙏

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I'm putting energy into co-creating vastly better... Sharing awareness of what We could co-create... Virtually everything I write is aimed at that.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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You are a beacon of love and hope, Amaterasu Solar, to say nothing of an ethical response to a dire world on the brink of no return. 🙏💜🙏

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Love always, Elliot! 🤗 💜 🤗

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Love Always Amaterasu 🙏💜🙏

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Thanks for reading! Yeah, I doubt its an ice machine - I would expect the sounds to last a few hours, but I have awakened at various points in the night to feel it, and I would also expect a consistent pattern, whereas there is no pattern to when it is strong, and when it is weak… It just is very weird.

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It is perplexing Amaterasu, no doubt about it 🙏💜🙏

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