It would seem the comments You linked to have been removed? And "accountability" is relevant in Our choices of behavior, and Many, through money motive, choose behavior that is unEthical. Statistically speaking, nearly ALL unEthical behavior choices are done for money/power. By "unEthical, I mean the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

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Yes, unfortunately, that content was deleted by that group owner.

Nevertheless, the core position remains here the same:

'Accountability VS Corruption'


'Denial of Accountability' as core requirement of functioning systems has fostered the corruption cancer spreading.


Censorship colludes with Corruption.

here are a few recent censorship related info links you may enjoy:


As Empire Of Lies Crumbles, Hillary Clinton Warns: "We'll Lose Total Control" If Social Media Stops Censoring Content

Who is "We"?



Neil Oliver: WATCH How The Elites Are EXPOSING Themselves For Who They Really Are..



Episode 392: CEREAL KILLER



"Speech is the Alternative to Violence, Coercion, and Tyranny"

Dr. Bret Weinstein & Matt Taibbi defend free speech at Rescue the Republic rally in Washington D.C.



Amazon Retracts Ban of Dr. Paul Marik's "Cancer Care"

Excommunication of the great intensive care specialist is rescinded.



The Battle for Free Speech in Ireland Is Far From Over



John Kerry Wants to Abolish the First Amendment

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence.

John Leake

Sep 29



Envy And Fear Behind Totalitarian Plot To Censor The Planet

Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton back sweeping censorship agenda as Australia joins Brazil in demanding ever-greater government control over social media platforms



Bill Gates Wants AI-Based Real-Time Censorship for Vaccine “Misinformation”

Microsoft founder Bill Gates continues with his crusade...



when I say dog,

I don't mean cat;

Accountability is where IT's at!


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I guess I'm missing some point... Yes, psychopaths are in power, with Their money/control, able to put Their system against Us. It would be nice to hold Them to account, but... We don't know who They are, the Ones behind the scenes, writing the scripts, casting the actors, and directing from the wings.

Even Billy-boy is not at the top.

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

It IS a Planetary Problem! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/it-is-a-planetary-problem

Tips and Tricks for Surviving the Performance (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/tips-and-tricks-for-surviving-the

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"It would be nice to hold Them to account..."

Yes, I think you're starting to get IT. ;-)

Hold Them/US to account!

Simple stuff

Not a 'Witch Hunt' causing censorship, but precisely the opposite.

Info Due Processing Accountability.

Accountability obviously requires Transparency.

Denying the core of Systems is Accountability is not helpful, but for more corruption collusion with Them Psychopaths.


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I’m saying We take Their tool to power away. Because as long as that tool is available, anyOne We take down today will just be replaced tomorrow. That's what this whole article is about. And these:

Quantifying Wealth (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/quantifying-wealth

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system

Solving for Psychopaths in Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-psychopaths-in-control

They Say It’s All About the Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/they-say-its-all-about-the-money

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

Greed is a Symptom of Energy Accounting (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/greed-is-a-symptom-of-energy-accounting

A Discussion on Accounting for Our Energy Added (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-discussion-on-accounting-for-our

On the Same Page (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/on-the-same-page

Solving for Poverty (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-poverty

The Third Option: Anarcho-Abundancism (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-third-option-anarcho-abundancism

One Outcome in Abundance (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/one-outcome-in-abundance

Money vs. Currency (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-vs-currency

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

Money Is The Hook (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-is-the-hook

Money... Do We Need It? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-do-we-need-it

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Currently we are subject to a NON-Transparent / NON-Accountable system.

Make IT Transparent/Accountable so 'The Psychopathic Tools Of Power' - go away & not allowed to play another day ;-)

It is denial of the core problem that censors the solution.


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All true! My labor is my time spent towards best return. My Last 20 years of income earning was 1099 income with pass thru s- Corp. much more latitude with fica avoidance and freeing pretax income.

We can not get back time, labor!

Agreed big time on free energy!! My take is being an energy efficiency expert in my own world. R60 plus in attic in northern climate for example-On and on with dynamic actuary thinking. I’m self insured except for vehicles-absolute minimum for law.

Health and property, none!

Life is made simple if math is strong suite.

The convergence of real science with common sense forming logical conclusions, while ignoring everything non logical…

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Well, when We get free energy flowing, We ALL will be able to live as richly as We choose on Our vastly abundance planet - doing what We love to do, and the caring Ones taking care of things, not the psychopaths controlling everything.

Thank You for Your payment of attention and appreciation! I am enriched!!!

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The one big thing I would quibble with is the one-acre notion. Some of us need more than one acre, and if we have traded fairly with others for it, it's fine. None of that violates the Lockean Proviso. If we want to look to a violator of the Proviso, we get a lot closer with the BLM, which "oversees more than 247.3 million acres (1,001,000 km2) of land, or one-eighth of the United States's total landmass."

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I agree that We, if needed, can have more than an acre - and Most would need far less. The point being that We ALL are wealthy beyond counting, but Our wealth is kept in “TRUSTS” (legal caps), and We made slave to serve only a very Few here.

And yes, if We all had an acre, there would be quite a bit left over.

The aim is to remove the need for money such that We all can effectively have returned what belongs to Us.

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Well said, Amaterasu Solar. The day will come when this is common sense. Let's hope it's not too late. Love Always 🙏💜🙏

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🤗 💜 🤗 Humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation! [hugs!]

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Exceptional perspective.

While reading your well thought out essay, my mind wandered to several scenarios to solve the questions.

One of them is: If America still had a proper functioning democracy, we could've solved these problems decades ago. Infact there's several solutions to the problems already.

Now the problems are actually pronounced by the disfunctional democracy itself.

For example: There's plenty of geniuses here on the Substack and other fringe platforms. Ones who were banished from the mainstream. Ones once respected in their fields of professional work and probably paid quite well for it.

There's also ones who were considered conspiracy theorists that are now considered relevant.

The other problem is the way things are because by the time folks figure it all out - it's kinda too late to stop the bleeding. And I'm going to go out on a limb to say that it's all by design. Everything is always the same; just in a different time period.

Is the future - the past or is the past - the future?

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Humble thanks for Your payment of attention in reading!

I will dispute the "democracy" claim. What happens when 51% of the People vote to take what belongs to the 49%? Demo(n)cracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.

And why keep the look for solutions to the psychopaths in control to one area used to divide Us? This is a planetary problem.

And yes, the moneyed psychopaths have been messing with Humanity, experimenting by setting up "countries" with differing rules (remember that "America" was an experiment?), and seeing what We emerged as in the rules and conditions They set up.

I aim to break out of that mold - for Humanity to emerge from Their moneyed mess which entraps Us. For the future to be tabula rasa of true freedom.

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Agreed, it's the money. The whole concept of using it is a sham. A made up store of value. Anything can be considered money for that matter. Rocks and sand, for example. I get that.

Energy from human labor that produces a crop or a widget:

When we research the history of the human energy factor and how things were done. It's absolutely ludicrous that anyone bent a knee to another human for the right to be human.

It started with capturing food & water supplies, shelter, then a protection factor. Protection from what? Manufactured threats and violence by the group of people who are actually the threat and made the violence. The whole story began from the Bible, of All things. So who decided to be the oppressor and the oppressed?

As for money; the storyline is even more ridiculous. Roman times of conquest began the nightmare of money. Creating coin for protection turned into coin for the necessities of life itself.

Then, there's gold, silver, and gemstones. So who decided to turn natural things into a store of value? Especially things that are scarce, difficult to obtain, and not anyone's to lay claim to as only theirs to control and distribute in exchange for anything that is already free to make.

Kings, royalty, emperor's and the rest, are all made up, hierarchy schemes. That which are all mythological rubbish. And so in my objection, should all be tossed into the dust bin of bad ideas.

Realistically, nobody actually knows why or what they're purpose is as a human while alive but apparently there's plenty of stories about what it is to be dead. Freedom from life itself. Infact the money, taxes, and the systems adopted from historical lunacy has made life so difficult for humanity, many choose death in order to escape it.

It's all slavery based ideology, plain and simple.

The illusion of value that money creates is the mind trick. Humans chasing the opportunity to escape slavery through the fabrications of society usually ends in either being another oppressor or in utter disgrace.

Convincing people to be responsible for each other and themselves seems to be challenging because of how those oppressors have essentially modified the human psyche though historical abuse. Humans have been trained as animals, they want to be ruled, taken care of, and so forth. It's quite sickening.

The imperial monetary systems actually created the pollution, scarcity, criminal, mental, and many other problem "systems" that capitalize upon destruction. And yes there are many alternatives to the monetary systems. We as humanity must demand the alternatives immediately.

It's not communism, socialism, or Marxism, or ANY other - ism. It's called basic common sense.

There's been plenty of time and historical data that proves what works and doesn't work and it's about time to get the message out loud and clear without the threats of violence or use of their weaponry upon the world.

The oppressors must bend their knees and admit they are the problem. Without fear of retribution.

Because we will not participate in their monetary, military, criminal, and punishment systems any longer. Because when there's no crime to Being Human, there's no need for any of it.

The only thing that must be obeyed is what is Commonsensical and if folks can't understand what that is then simply provide that knowledge to them until they do. And that knowledge will proliferate on its own.

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I will quote from this article:

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

And in fact, there are examples of societies with no money, and I am sure My regular readers have heard this before. LOL! In societies that emerged in abundance, where all the was needed was there for the taking – mainly “island paradises” – They did not account for the energy Each was adding. Characteristics seen in them all were:

1. The caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things

2. The People operated on social currency – They did things for the appreciation for Their efforts that They received, the thanks, the love, the lauds, the fame, the Self satisfaction, and other such positive returns

3. Any lazy Ones (very few) earned disgust, scorn, being ignored

4. AnyOne who chose unEthical behavior (break the three Laws of Ethics) earned reviling, and being cast out (or killed)

5. The People were happy, playful, creative, loving, giving, caring, compassionate

Also, though I failed to list it... There was no poverty.

And here I look deeper:

Abundance -> Cooperation; Scarcity -> Competition (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/abundance-cooperation-scarcity-competition

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Yeah, I have read your work about that and it's an extremely valuable contribution. There's a few components that are not so realistic but the majority of the ideology is very pragmatic.

Technology has evolved to the point where society doesn't require central government or committees. No matter what the politicians might do or say about that.

I've already provided you another referral to The Venus Project a while back too.

My suggestion is to combine the two to fill in the gaps, so to speak.

Considering society is inherently stubborn and not comfortable with changing, unless it's a handout. Even when their situation is actually oppressive. There's that "cave people syndrome" combined with the "Stockholm Syndrome" deeply rooted within DNA from thousands of years of "imperial systems" - abuse.

Therefore an expedited magnanimous shift is futile. Just looking at what the current US government administration has done by simply cutting off and restricting fossil fuels through mandatory lawfare. But the best examples, unfortunately, are Wars and pandemics.

But nobody wants to magnanimously shift for their better. Start the killing and poisoning and society is all-in.

That's the problem.

I might be one of the few who doesn't believe humanity is inherently destructive because actually the "psychopaths" as you described, have shown and taught humanity what is destructive, violent and evil. It's constantly advertised in the media, entertainment and the so-called news, 24-7/365. If there's not enough terror, then it's manufactured, apparently. Throw in some natural disasters and it's all seemingly spontaneous too.

Sickening, as if it's not enough to deal with nature's wrath and simply survive as one with nature. We have human predation because some species of humans believe it's not their responsibility to others that are possibly different from them, as they might believe, and it's much better to terrorize or abuse their way through life rather than participating in life for the fullest benefits of others too. It doesn't compute with the predator mindset. Everything is or has to be a complicated competition with that type. Gotta WIN. $$$

It's all learned behavior at the core. Meaning, from birth to adolescents. After that it's nearly impossible to get the predator out of their mindset or the fear or the hate or the struggle.

The psychology community has much to answer for in this regard. Primarily for not addressing that basic fundamental factor regarding indoctrination. Because it's the primary tool of Imperialism and apparently they're not so intelligent after all. Otherwise the ones at the top are mostly psychotic themselves apparently. Besides society can do without most of them when induced trauma is no longer acceptable as a controlling mechanism.

There's simply too much damage control as well. Nobody believes in a world without wars and famine and that's exactly why there needs to be responsibility or the take over of the international media including Internet and entertainment outlets. And redistribute the terror and immorality for what communication was intended for; pure unmolested information. Instead of entertainment mixed with very little constructive utility.

Democracy: forget about it, you're correct. That only works at the dinning table.

On the other hand, the banking overlords could turn the page on themselves and simply supply the world's population with the same wealth from the beginning of life and throughout it for everyone and see for ourselves what is the real source of destruction on the planet and humanity. It has nothing to do with supply and demand because that is a byproduct of that system, cannibalistic to itself and relentlessly demands more than is naturally possible.

In conclusion, if America doesn't stop this today there's no tomorrow for anyone including themselves. Why on earth would anybody know a game is rigged, odds are stacked, and believe they're gonna win somehow. Just ask the other 99% who did believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny & Tooth Fairy. If they are still alive to tell. Good luck with that. Ask the ones who gave up on the American Dream because they aren't stupid and we will actually learn something valuable.

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"There's a few components that are not so realistic ..." Can You clarify?

And no One has to believe or go along or anything:

On the Same Page (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/on-the-same-page

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Yeah, this world is a depressing place to live! There's something very wrong here! I don't think humanity is awake enough to change things, the majority anyway! The people who are awake and aware don't have the resources to be able to pull away from this set up slavery system!

The question is where do people find the time and resources to really plan to exit Their system and create something better? The majority of people don't have land and resources to grow their own food and become self sufficient! Most people rent houses or apartments and it's up to the landlord as to whether a renter can have a garden or not! There's not enough room and land for people living in apartments to have a garden and grow their own food!

The system is rigged and broken for humanity and I don't think it can be fixed, not in this lifetime anyway for the majority! If some people are lucky enough with some resources( owning land, having access to farming equipment and so on for independent offgrid living),the time and ability to set something like this up with having to build a house from scratch on their own land would be an enormous task, not to mention the cost involved! People would have to be very well off financially to be able to do something like this! People would have to be able to buy everything they need all at once and not finance anything or have any debts owed to anybody or anything! People putting resources and things that they need on financial payment plans is why we are in this mess in the first place! Today something like this would take the average person an entire lifetime of working a regular job or a career to save up enough money for the resources needed to do this! This is just not feasible for most people because people would still have to work regular jobs just to afford to eat, have a roof over their heads and survive while at the same time working on getting offgrid and free! The average person would never be free from Their system but the average person could start up something like this for their children and grandchildren!

Unfortunately regular people like myself still has to live in Their system while at the same time trying to pull out of their system to create a better way of life! If groups of like minded people could come together and work together inorder to create independent offgrid communities by pooling their resources together then this could happen! But would take a majority of people willing to work together inorder to get a movement like this started! If more people can exit Their slavery system and get in offgrid independently self sufficient communities based on natural law then They won't be able to control that majority of people anymore!

The only way to not consent to these hybrid fallen angel demon parasites is for people to get out of Their system completely and create a free system based on natural law! Us trying to fix a system that They control and took control of a long time ago will never work out for us!

I know I'm being negative but I'm facing reality as a regular average person in this world! They have free energy and all kinds of technology available today that They keep suppressed from humanity! I just think that the majority of people, especially Americans, are too weak, or are too fat, unhealthy and too dumbed down and so on to be able to do the work necessary to establish offgrid free communities, and I do hope I'm wrong in saying that! 🤷‍♀️ But things ain't lookin for the majority! The majority of Americans are too distracted in believing that Donald Trump is gonna save everything and save America! And this debate 🙄that took place last night is gonna do nothing but divide Americans more with hate! It's gonna be painful to see! And no I didn't watch that Clown shit show! I don't give my energy to politics! I'm going to be focusing my energy more on learning about "the soul trap" and planning what I'm going to do when I pass on and my soul leaves this body! Because I am Not going to get reincarnated and recycled back down here on this slave planet again for another lifetime of hell on this planet just to be an energy harvest source for Them to feed on! I know that They understand and know about "the soul trap" too, that's why They use religion to control the masses! They do suppress a whole lotta information from us! They've hijacked the truth about life on this planet and what it really is and if more people learn about "the soul trap" and escape completely and not get their soul recycled back down here again then humanity will win! They won't have any more slaves to control then! But in the mean time, for myself, I'm gonna to do the best I can and if the shit does it the fan for the worst, I'm gonna try and find an offgrid community for me and my husband to join to ride things out! I'm 59 years old and not in the greatest health and my husband is 73 years old and we're both tired! They've sucked enough life energy away from both of us! I'm so glad I'm not in my 20's anymore and I have a shorter time here at my age and my husband feels the same way!

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I'm impressed with your diligence. Your hubby is very fortunate to be with you and likewise, I'm positive about that.

But I disagree, it's not too late to be proactive or reactive at this point. "They" would want everyone else to believe that illusion but in reality there's much more to the story. Infact "they" are more afraid of "us" than they want anyone to know. Therefore it proliferates paralysis to the victim while the predator makes its moves.

Keep going!

"If you're going through hell, just keep going".

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Yeah actually I am going through hell right now! It's not easy! I'm concerned for my country! America is falling apart and I think Americans are too complacent with believing that voting and that Donald Trump is gonna save everything! We the people have to save the country ourselves! Or else live as slaves in their New World Order!

As for the afterlife I'm just ready to return to the source Creator/God/The Most High and get outta here! We're supposed to have freewill and this should include afterlife decisions too without getting forced and tricked into another lifetime by getting told that we have to work karma off and balance karma out through another lifetime!🙄 It's slavery! I'm starting to believe that this whole matrix system that's been set up is slavery, including the afterlife too by getting sent back reincarnated lifetime after lifetime! But while I'm here there's also good things to enjoy too! We have to focus our energy more on those things that we enjoy!

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Amii, we're all going through it. Never give up, never give in.

Additionally, the earth is as concerned as we all are. "Climate Change" is comparable to a deep cleansing. Nature is perfect. Follow the signs. Don't be fooled by the devil(s) incantation, "it's all your fault." 💜 You're an angel upon the world. Never forget that.


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I am not sure You have heard of the tipping point, but when only 10% of Us are aware of something beneficial, nearly overnight everyOne has. I am pressing for the tipping point to get People to withdraw consent and work on co-creating better.

I have pulled out... And I am 63, and homeless. It's not about leaving what We have, but setting records straight of what We consent to and what We do not, and specifically standing under the three Laws of Ethics, and not under the legal/governmental system.

Walking the Walk Some More (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk-some-more

And so... Share awareness, share My articles, and withdraw consent, dealing with that system under duress ONLY.

Under Duress Only (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/under-duress-only

To All Who Seek to Better Our Planet (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/to-all-who-seek-to-better-our-planet

Recommended Principles for Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/recommended-principles-for-ethical

We Have to Do This Ourselves (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-have-to-do-this-ourselves

The Simplicity of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-simplicity-of-ethics

Lead by example.

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Absolutely! 👍👍

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🤗 💜 🤗

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Excellent post... every word so true. Hopefully it will save some of the deer in the headlights.

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Most humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation! I am enriched! 🤗 💜 🤗

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I am enriched by Your payment of thanks! 🤗 💜 🤗

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