True. I filed a release of my strawman with papers (signed by John Kerry). Unless very knowledgeable, there is no freedom in this earth. For this earth was given over to negative life forces, or, evil.

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I had My status corrected from debtor to creditor and now am a secured party. Only thing is, I have no idea what the thieves demand to get My wealth flowing back to Me. Ergo…

I remain targeted, elderly, disabled, denied assistance, lost everything, destitute, and homeless, sheltering on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 15+ year old laptop.

Such is life.

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This is of course different from ‘private trusts’ set up by sovereign people which is all what the rich and ‘powerful’ do to avoid paying tax in life and on death.

In a Private Trust you own nothing but control everything being both Settlor and Beneficiary whilst the trustees are whom ever you want them to be.

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The numbers on your birth certificate have never been shown to be directly connected to the CQV … there exists no Access to that Trust

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I am told there ARE hoops One can jump through to get the CQV money, but... I am not privy to them.

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Yet, I have NEVER once, being 73, seen a Trust Cusip produce “money”! Free a debt! Nor produce Freedom from prosecution domicile.

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I did have success in getting the costumed bullies off My tail relative to My unregistered vehicle (broken now and no $$$ to fix):

Walking the Walk Some More (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk-some-more

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True. The Cestui Que Vie "TRUSTS" are Them keeping Our money. I have corrected My status and have the ALL CAPS name as a TRUST. But I cannot discover how to access My money. Thus...

I work to remove the need for it (money), given it promotes psychopaths to power, and effectively returning to ALL of Us Our interest in the wealth of Our planet.

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Very nice.

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This is excellent Ama, I've heard it a few times in the past, always finish with some fuzzy understanding, finally I'm coming close to get it. I hope you will continue to explain more to us in coming posts.

1. How does one become the executor, just by stating so in court?

2. Who and how is the initial money at birth put into the trust? Where is the trust, and how can one find out how much is in it?

3. Richard started making sense, but you can't just say these things in court right? You need some paper work as in settling the Strawman's trust right?

4. This one was harder to grasp, "How to Settle your Strawman's Cestui Que Vie Trust", hope you will take it up again!

5. With CBDC will they force us to always be the Strawman? I wonder how that will work out.

👉anyway, great topic and explanations!

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1) Yes; State your claim as the living Proton and rebuke being the 'SUR-NAME'

"I am Proton of the family Magic and I am here to present as the beneficiary/executor of the trust named in the (police, court) documents...'they' will either ignore you or speak over you so you need to state your claim 3 times (as calmly as you can) this then becomes Tacit Agreement if left unchallenged (how can 'they' claim you to be not living without revealing the fraud?)

Having a pre-prepared 'affidavit' stating that you aware of the trust 'SURNAME' and that you are (now) the beneficiary/executor of said trust will/might prove handy; Again, 'they' will most likely refuse to accept any documents from the living Proton

(there are many places to find examples of affidavits relating to the Cestui Qui Vie)

2) ever heard the saying "worth his weight in gold"? well my friend there is more to that saying than meets the eye; Our 'Live Birth' (Berth) weight is recorded then when our mother INFORMS (the) State for an application for a Birth Certificate (Manifest), a number (CUSIP) is created and our 'value' is kept in trust under the 'SURNAME' that eventually gets attached to our Christian Name(s) without our knowledge or consent; as our parent(s) write in our FULL NAME on all manner of documents the 'SURNAME' sticks and becomes a 'LEGALITY' Our Parent(s) didn't know of course but it is Fraud on a grand scale; Our 'trust' accumulates 'interest' as it gets traded on various 'stock markets' (think Cattle, Chattel)

(it is long and convoluted subject to put in words; search Cestui Qui Vie and I'm sure you'll find much helpful info)

3) "our word is our bond and our bond is our word"... regardless of what 'the court' says, we can state anything we like and make sure to state "I make this claim for and on the public record" (courts are private BAR administrations (corporate) so we need to make sure we are being heard to the greater audience (public) or 'they' simply will not record what we say) Further, "we are sentenced on our word" so once we state our claim, it is then incumbent on 'the court' to rebuke our claim which of course, they can not do

4) It has been suggested that our trust can be claimed through 'Treasury' or through the Tax man but I have not read of anyone succeeding as yet (doesn't mean no one has succeeded when we consider the sensoring (deliberate) going on...there's also the matter of 'Treasury' being usurped by 'reserve' so how to get to 'Treasury' is a mystery to I

5) we are being forced to be (use) the 'strawman' everyday without our knowledge or consent but now that you have been made aware of it, will you continue with 'the systems' Implied Consent or will you willingly and knowingly withdraw your consent?

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What I would like to know, and search as I might, I have not yet figured this out, is how I go about obtaining, at least in part, the money in the trust. I am tired of being targeted, elderly, disabled, denied assistance, lost everything, destitute, and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 15+ year old laptop.

I want a small place for Me and My beloved feline to listen to a stream nearby, sleep on a bed and not the hard floor, and get sunshine.

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You I and many countless others would like to know how to claim the 'dividend' from the Cestui Qui Vie

We can, in part, claim the trust for 'payment' of bills etc sent by Corporate Entities but I contend that is not helping to remedy the control being forced by the Corporations; 1) these Corporations are already paid from the 'trust' before they issue ITS extortion demands for more monies to be paid; 2) Why would we engage in paying them Twice?

Richard Vobes has a video or two about paying his 'bills' with the trust

I simply refuse to pay anything and rather issue notice of Quo Warranto (Onus Of Proof of Authority) and further demand to be presented with any Contractual Agreement document that has been authored (signed) by both parties; 4 years of no payments and I have yet to be taken to task in their courts

I'm sorry you are 'living' the way you are; All of us deserve to have somewhere we can shelter and live in peace...I'd offer a bed and peace but I am in Australia so I am next to useless I'm afraid to say.

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I appreciate Your heart! I have no bills to pay, so there's that. The one advantage of being targeted. LOL!

Targeted Individual (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/targeted-individual

We all deserve to live as richly as We choose. And thus My work towards that end:

The End of Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

Social Currency (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/social-currency

Quantifying Wealth (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/quantifying-wealth

Accounting For the Energy We Add (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/accounting-for-the-energy-we-add

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Thank for the great info Mark! I was wondering if you were still on SS. I understand there are 2 Australia's, I saw a video once of a guy with a car payments or something-you might know. The commonwealth of Aus and the State or Aus is it? One is the people and one is like a corporation, am I right?

About this, "I simply refuse to pay anything", what kinds of payments do you refer to and to whom?

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You're welcome Proton; I share what I can when I have the knowledge to do so

Yep, still around (obviously) but your place attracts too many of the argumentative types that offer no counter evidence with only child like banter and denial offered as a rebuttal...I'm beyond tired of arguing with opinionated idiots and the not-so-polite Mark comes out to play

Yes, there are Two 'Australia's' although one is The (constitutional) Commonwealth Of Australia and the other 'AUSTRALIA' which is a registered USSEC corporate entity that hides itself as THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA and AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT both of which are USSEC Corporate Entities; 'AUSTRALIA' is basically under US/UN Administration which is how and why the Polly Ticks get away with so much shit here; Many of us are trying to remedy that situation and the Polly Ticks will pay for their Treachery and Deceit (among many other crimes)

I pay no Registrations of any kind; What I have paid for stays with I; I pay no Voluntary taxes to AusGovCo or STATE (unfortunately many taxes cannot be avoided at point of purchase) I pay no 'Council Rates' (property tax) as they too are Dun & Bradstreet Registered corporations; I do not pay for water; Electricity is still a work in progress as they kind of have us all over a barrel in that they will just disconnect us from the grid; I have withdrawn the DRIVERS LIE-SENSE so no more contract with STATE

Most don't realise but the DRIVERS LIE-SENSE is the biggest trap of them all; Photo ID? yeah right; It is the instrument used for collating all the images for the Facial Recognition surveillance state; My Implied Consent To Contract has been withdrawn.

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Thanks for your info Mark. Sounds like you have your hands full trying to deal with all the traps over there. The make up of commenters on my SS has morphed quite a bit, there have been some sea changes in the fracture lines in the no-virus scene and I've filtered out some rude folks by various means. Hopefully it's more tame now and hope to hear from you. Best wishes. PM

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Well, I offered what I know, but if Vobes is correct then yes, We state who/what We are and that establishes Us as executor.

I do not grasp the whole of the setup yet... But I figured offering these things would help Us all get closer to the answers.

And I aim to never see CBDC's - by getting free energy tech out in the open and eliminating the need for money, effectively returning to ALL of Us what They hold of Our interest in Our planet's wealth.

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