Find a home - a roof over your head - it ain't hard - I could do it even if I was plum flat out broke so you ought be able.

Once you get inside, plant something in the sunshine - maybe after that something might grow, but if not, then live in dismay I reckon - by why - why do you let that be your fate?

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Aug 9Liked by Amaterasu Solar

How do you afford a home if you are broke? I'm in California, and I assure, the majority of the population here can no longer afford a home.

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Are you for real - you come back here damn near six months later with this comment?

What is the point of this comment six months after the fact?

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Humbly, People do respond to comments to which They have something to say when They come across them, irrespective of the initial posting date... Just saying...

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Of course, and I was just thinking about you today - so maybe that is why the comment was made?

Regardless, six months later - can one expect a response - and so really - what was the point?

I stand by my conviction that if one wants a roof over their head, they can obtain that, no matter whether they have "funds" in hand or not - tis a matter of perspective.

By the way - the peppers are coming along - I share an image of them here and I'm sorry how things went twixt us - that was not my intent - but you must realize sometimes in life if you want something you have to work for it.

Here is an image of some peppers I got growing in my garden and I have a place there that I would happily offer up to somebody willing to work hard to earn their keep.


So - seriously - victims are a dime a dozen - and the times are fixing to be full of gusto!

Warmly to you but you ain't ever gonna discover free energy nor share that with others if you can't even figure out how to get a roof over your head.


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Humbly, when One spends 10 years of One's life with that as an aim, and really, 20 now, and there are Ones making sure You don't succeed, then it's pretty difficult to do so.

And I don't need to "discover" free energy - I offer what I know in a video and article. I merely ask Others with the wherewithal to bring it forth to do so.

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

Lovely peppers.

Love always,

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Well - this must be why I was thinking about you today - I've already posted my ideas about "free energy" - even though that is a misnomer if you give it consideration cause thermodynamically and I concur with this - energy in any system is limited, but practically speaking there is free energy high up in the atmosphere of planet earth and it would be easy to tap into it....


Seriously - that is free energy over the South Pole. It would be easy to set some devices up there humbly bringing down the circular energy the place offers up from the magnetic influence mostly from the big sun in the sky!

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I don't. There are People ensuring I "fail." I cannot tell You how certain I was that I would get a job and a place for Myself. For 20 years. What do You think I should do? Break in somewhere and squat? I already am struggling to get enough food, with prices rising...

Seriously, Ken, give Me a detailed plan. Because beyond breaking and squatting, I have no idea what I could do.

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You must have something of value to offer up so have faith in yourself and the value will be revealed I reckon - the main thing is to get by day-by-day just like we all have to do.

I got a bit of perspective on folks got themselves into situations they might wonder about - I've been there myself - but if you got something to offer up it will resonate and then....let the chips fall where they will I reckon.

Main thing though day-to-day make sure you got enough sustenance and a roof over your head is preferred and know this - there are some of us out there - we think similar - maybe we are kindred in a way - who knows - but know this - you are not alone.


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I quit looking for work a decade ago. LOL! Now the psoriatic arthritis is too much to expect any pace needed by an employer. I just need too many breaks or the next day My joints become swollen, red, hot to the touch, and excruciating. Completely unusable.

What I have to offer, and I offer it freely, is My work for Humanity.

I manage with friends, crashing on the floor, using Their web connection...on My 10+year old laptop. Haha!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I gave up trying to work for others when I was about 45. I have done autocad drafting and for a time did housecleaning, because I got so sick of (and sick from) working on a computer. I would like to get away from 5g, entirely. I think it's killing us faster than we even realize, and of course if they send a bunch of EMF pulses our way they may kill many humans all at once. Make sure you are off your phone Oct 4 and Oct 11 at 2 pm, and away from 5g, for what it's worth.

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Indeed, 5G is an issue. But I love graphic design, working on a computer - just WAY too slow. LOL! I really have little to offer otherwise. So...

And in My destitute state, I have no phone - just a VOIP on a tab on My 10+ year old laptop. Not sure where They have hidden 5G around here.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Sorry to hear this, you are quite pleasant and talented. Many companies and recruiters now have an age limit cut off on CVs they will read, could even be 50. If you are really in a fix you can find ways to post that you will tudor or teach English on-line to persons in Korea, Taiwan and Japan. Maybe even fix the English on research papers that doctors and scientists write in those countries. Good luck.

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Humble thanks, but I devote virtually all My time to sharing awareness that We can co-create better. If I go after money, rather than the elimination of it from Our planet, I may manage a bit better than I am now, but Humanity will be destroyed by the psychopaths in control. And even if I do not succeed, I will die knowing I did all I could.

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Hi Amaterasu

I have unsubscribed to protonmagic's stack because I feel a vague uneasiness about their work- and their personality. Reading this exchange has given me some further insight as to why and I would like to share with you what I see through my "lens" of perception. I hope I am not intruding innapropriately here - but for what it may be worth in terms of clarity and comraderie; - I find it interesting that protonmagic posts a patronizing critique in response to your article sharing your experience of being a Targeted Individual. I admit to being very interested in your experience because I too have had very similar experiences and have also been shut out of my profession for over a decade or more at this point. I think this is relevant to share because in my situation I am an artist with over 20 credits on feature films, 7 published illustrated childrens books, tons of awards and accolades - all spanning years and years of tremendous success -so it is not a matter of "aging out" (as that is irrelevant as an artist in film or any other business)but having hundreds of applications submitted with no response, submitting to individuals I know and have worked with previously but now they are oddly unavailable or going silent, or the few things Im hired on start then cut short weeks into the hire, having people that I knew and have worked with previously and have very good working relationships with not return my calls etc and when we would meet they would be acting very different than previously. All this to say one of the most traumatic aspects of the Ti experience is no one believes the individual being targeted. The attacks are designed to be plausibly deniable- leaving no evidence that the Ti can find to prove anything is happening. This exchange reveals to me the individual calling themselves "protonmagic" is either not familiar with Ti attack protocols, or they are familiar, and are feigning no knowledge of them. After dispensing advice (you did not ask for) suggesting you work as an English tutor(?) online(?) to make money and then going on to boast about how prolific they are while holding down 2 jobs (?) All of this is very telling- it reveals the individual calling themselves "protonmagic" is incapable of relating to your story with empathy - instead is responding as a narcissist would- comparing everything to themselves, relating to everything as a competition, incapable of "walking a mile in another's shoes"- leaving me to wonder if they are on the spectrum of sociopath/ psycopath.

I can say without reservation I appreciate you sharing you story, and I can 100% understand your choice to persist as best you can manage. Your reluctance to not pursue some type of "gig" employment to help support your efforts to share this information with as many people as you can is totally understandable. Good on you for trying. I for one appreciate very much your service. I am grateful to have come across your substack. May your words ripple out into the vast ocean of consciousness and help serve to awaken the all in all of us.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Amaterasu Solar

This thread came across my desk again and I re-read your comment I feel is quite rude. I honestly gave AS some helpful info, you dont like it? Please find a lake to jump in.

For 2 years now, AS and I have exchanged dozens of mails supporting each other and she knows I am quite fond of her.

I have spent hundreds of hours making 120 posts on many topics that have helped spread info on the problems in the world all free of charge and I will not let anyone pay me anything even if they try. You my good friend have zero posts on this platform and you should take some lessons in being pleasant and humble.

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Love always, little proton!!!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Apologies and regrets I have not understood your personal situation and difficulties. I am fully behind you and love here too!

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🤗 💜 🤗

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Most humble thanks. I am well paid in Your appreciation! As for PM... I have dealt with oceans of People like that, and I know He thinks He is offering help. They all do.

Be that as it may, I press on. And will hope My work is shared far and wide. [hugs!]

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ok everyone's in a different situation. I also have a job, about to have 2 jobs, but still put out 69 posts in 11 months and read and reply to thousand of comments for the same reasons you do, FOR FREE!

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023Author

Do You have extreme issues with arthritis? LOL! Seriously, I have only put out so much at the start here because I have been adding older articles I posted elsewhere. Haha! I usually post once or twice a month or so. I spend My time mostly going to forums and social media sites and all offering up My links. Talking to People who have questions. I am still extremely slow - typing hurts but I do it anyway for My deep desire to see Humanity freed from the control of the psychopaths.

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deletedMar 8Liked by Amaterasu Solar
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Thank You for reading! Though I do not have evidence of the metaphysical, I can't rule it out either. Love always!

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