It is a difficult concept to come to terms with that there are only a few who will hear your message...I've had to accept this myself.
Humanity has been traumatized, mind controlled, divided and manipulated for a very, very long time so it makes it easier to understand why it's so hard to reach people.
The thing is, we don't need a lot of people to transform this world, just enough.
The Blog Free Energy and Healing Humanity and The Planet by Wade Frazier that you support and I found thanks to you has a solid solution. At least I believe it's worth trying.
To reach 100,000 people focused on understanding abundance and free energy and be all for releasing it to the public. Not for profit or anything else but simultaneously at the same time. His solution is below if interested 👇
62.5% of the population will not speak truth to the de facto. 12 to 15% cannot pass the entrance exam for the military. 16.25% are smart enough to have figured it out and decided to work within the de facto color of law system. 3 to 7% will not comply with the de facto and will return us to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2025 We are no longer deceived.
You are delusional. Support that claim. as an example: provide an affidavit of truth in the form of Living Testimony with two witnesses and proof of service. Provide a Claim of Conusance from an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. Something besides a rant.
Recognizing your sovereignty requires study to gain wisdom. Few people step away from the Slavery System because that requires effort. The majority of people are too comfortable in their slavery and many too dumb or ill informed to realize it.
I like your approach of staying in honor by not getting caught up in the enslavers controversy. I too return to sender but have used specific clauses in the Uniform Commercial Code to do so, or the mail fraud statutes at USC Title 18, and if necessary I resort to calling out the perpetrators for fraud and genocide.
Have you heard of time banking? That seems to be a good medium of exchange for people to share their skills. I like the fourth link best. Fifth link is a downloadable pdf.
Yeah, I have heard of “time banking.” Another form of energy accounting. time = energy. I would rid Us of that archaic practice. We are all multimillionaires…
Hello, I am not an enemy. As soon as you join a social compact actual members in an effort or imagined you work with others to bring about an action. That is not sovereign. That is what a sovereign is doing and it changes your jurisdiction. ARTICLE I Section 1 look it up. Read it. Do it.
Should you want to be sovereign there is work to do. Read and comprehend the first part of the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. Then read the first part of our Confederation and perpetual Union's articles. Then read the entire The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859. Are you on one of the 33 states or are you on a territory. Now provide the proof to support your claim that you are a man or woman with our progeny on the land and soil jurisdiction without ruler or subjects. You are in a place where people get treated like persons. Get out of there. See as an example.
Humbly… I do not care what some legalate says about anything. And I am an Earthian, eschewing all imaginary lines on Our planet drawn to divide Us and use to wars.
Speaking only for myself, I have a hard time supporting your program because of your writing style. Specifically, the unexpected capitalized words, and your endlessly repeated phrases that have your own meaning, unrelated to to the meaning of the plain English words used. The overall effect makes you sound spaced out.
Well, dear One, I am sure those things are far more important than Humanity being driven to essentially extinction.
I have no idea what You're talking about with "...endlessly repeated phrases that have your own meaning, unrelated to to the meaning of the plain English words used." Example please?
And as for why I cap Human pronouns? It is to honor all sapient Ones. Sorry it is a struggle for You.
men and women with our progeny on the land and soil jurisdiction, without ruler or subject are sovereign on Oregon. No one else has done the work. www, sovereign is not free it has a price. you must do it for yourself; no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone.
I know! I got off banking system a while ago, joined the global walk out movement, now constantly learning and practicing new arts to be more autonomous. Learn crypto to so i can just understand whats coming. The maritime law and land law i followed tayos and rcmp in quebec canada to be sovereign with them. Just a quick update, both went under arrest. One is out, the other still in. I lnow they were many in the area they built but when the heads fall the body crumble.
All this to say that i totaly agree and know the law jurisdiction you just mentionned. 👍
Not sure of Your point… My point is We bloody well better cast off the controlmind, stop consenting to it. Co-create vastly better. If We do not, there will be no further chances.
Kingdom queendom wisdom, dom is dominion over the extent of a king territory. Wise is the extent of our personal territory.
So sovereignty comes from knowledge. Thats the known edge of our own sovereignty inside our territory.
Now we understand the basic of why they created fake story to feed the simpleton. Universities were we learned in private group and get dummer in classes. Money with different values that have no value 😁Why NASA is Not A Space Agency🤭 and masons created so many myth. Why the esoterism movement and new ages could grow in influence.
That way we are not only in echo bubbles, but in a false reality so no matter the solution we find. If its for a reality that is wrongly interpreted… how can the solution work?
So my point is: we need to be wise so our kingdom is as far as solomon could see the horizon from the top of is temple.
Truth is a lie between be-lie-ving and to be living 😎
Maybe you tought this trough but let me ask a weird question 🙋
You know indiana jones movie? When he takes the treasure and swap it for the same weight rock. If we get the money system out, with what do we replace it?
We back to slavery. Gotta admit tho, that slavery is the economic means that worked best in humanity.
I saw good idea’s to replace money by tereza coragio. The Caret system.
She is really interesting and knowledgefull.
I would go back to rice like japan was before. But since im in canada i guess here we would be dealing potato. Hehe, i find rice less heavy😄
Maybe you wrote an article of a replacement idea, if soo link me to it i will gladly read and share a good idea ✌️😇👍
My father and your father had things in common...math-oriented, log\cal minds. My father was born at a time, when vaxes were not required...which destroy the glands in the brain that promote the ability to think. It is very difficult to get through to people who have been vax-damaged and refuse to listen or even read anything that does not agree with their robotic programming.
Nope, just trying to get back to our Founding before we were "incorporated" and became chattel. I think the woman who started the website was judge. It's very interesting and too much to read. I only just got started.
It is a difficult concept to come to terms with that there are only a few who will hear your message...I've had to accept this myself.
Humanity has been traumatized, mind controlled, divided and manipulated for a very, very long time so it makes it easier to understand why it's so hard to reach people.
The thing is, we don't need a lot of people to transform this world, just enough.
The Blog Free Energy and Healing Humanity and The Planet by Wade Frazier that you support and I found thanks to you has a solid solution. At least I believe it's worth trying.
To reach 100,000 people focused on understanding abundance and free energy and be all for releasing it to the public. Not for profit or anything else but simultaneously at the same time. His solution is below if interested 👇
Indeed! He has excellent ideas! From My standpoint, the key - THE key - is free energy.
On the Same Page (article):
Agreed! Keep up what your doing and do not despair. We will transform this world, somehow, someway.
Like Sam in LOTR says. "There is some good in this world Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."
Oh, I will keep going until We succeed or I’m dead. Either way I will know I did all I could!
62.5% of the population will not speak truth to the de facto. 12 to 15% cannot pass the entrance exam for the military. 16.25% are smart enough to have figured it out and decided to work within the de facto color of law system. 3 to 7% will not comply with the de facto and will return us to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2025 We are no longer deceived.
I want no controlmind. I am sovereign. No One is above Me. And as long as I choose My behavior Ethically… I may do as I please.
You are delusional. Support that claim. as an example: provide an affidavit of truth in the form of Living Testimony with two witnesses and proof of service. Provide a Claim of Conusance from an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. Something besides a rant.
Recognizing your sovereignty requires study to gain wisdom. Few people step away from the Slavery System because that requires effort. The majority of people are too comfortable in their slavery and many too dumb or ill informed to realize it.
I like your approach of staying in honor by not getting caught up in the enslavers controversy. I too return to sender but have used specific clauses in the Uniform Commercial Code to do so, or the mail fraud statutes at USC Title 18, and if necessary I resort to calling out the perpetrators for fraud and genocide.
Have you heard of time banking? That seems to be a good medium of exchange for people to share their skills. I like the fourth link best. Fifth link is a downloadable pdf.
The very nature of time banking limits its acceptance, confining it to relatively small communities or social networks.
Yeah, I have heard of “time banking.” Another form of energy accounting. time = energy. I would rid Us of that archaic practice. We are all multimillionaires…
Perfect Amaterasu!
🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻 Most humble thanks for Your payment of attention in reading, as well as Your appreciation!
societies are granted their authority from the de facto governamce. Assemblies grant authority to government.
Find your ARTICLE I Section 1 and form or join it.
No One can say anOther stands over Me. I am sovereign, and I do not consent to the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system…
Hello, I am not an enemy. As soon as you join a social compact actual members in an effort or imagined you work with others to bring about an action. That is not sovereign. That is what a sovereign is doing and it changes your jurisdiction. ARTICLE I Section 1 look it up. Read it. Do it.
Should you want to be sovereign there is work to do. Read and comprehend the first part of the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. Then read the first part of our Confederation and perpetual Union's articles. Then read the entire The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859. Are you on one of the 33 states or are you on a territory. Now provide the proof to support your claim that you are a man or woman with our progeny on the land and soil jurisdiction without ruler or subjects. You are in a place where people get treated like persons. Get out of there. See as an example.
Humbly… I do not care what some legalate says about anything. And I am an Earthian, eschewing all imaginary lines on Our planet drawn to divide Us and use to wars.
You are not worth the effort.
Speaking only for myself, I have a hard time supporting your program because of your writing style. Specifically, the unexpected capitalized words, and your endlessly repeated phrases that have your own meaning, unrelated to to the meaning of the plain English words used. The overall effect makes you sound spaced out.
Well, dear One, I am sure those things are far more important than Humanity being driven to essentially extinction.
I have no idea what You're talking about with "...endlessly repeated phrases that have your own meaning, unrelated to to the meaning of the plain English words used." Example please?
And as for why I cap Human pronouns? It is to honor all sapient Ones. Sorry it is a struggle for You.
Love always!
Its a hard sell
to find our
shard’s shell
How can 2 related interdepandable thing be sovereign one from each other?
Man and woman divised= death
Individual and collective cant be philosophicaly disolved
Most duality in fact 🙂🙃
So sovereignties & submissions dance’s together 💃🏻🕺🏻
men and women with our progeny on the land and soil jurisdiction, without ruler or subject are sovereign on Oregon. No one else has done the work. www, sovereign is not free it has a price. you must do it for yourself; no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone.
I know! I got off banking system a while ago, joined the global walk out movement, now constantly learning and practicing new arts to be more autonomous. Learn crypto to so i can just understand whats coming. The maritime law and land law i followed tayos and rcmp in quebec canada to be sovereign with them. Just a quick update, both went under arrest. One is out, the other still in. I lnow they were many in the area they built but when the heads fall the body crumble.
All this to say that i totaly agree and know the law jurisdiction you just mentionned. 👍
Not sure of Your point… My point is We bloody well better cast off the controlmind, stop consenting to it. Co-create vastly better. If We do not, there will be no further chances.
Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):
I ll make my point even more obscure
Kingdom queendom wisdom, dom is dominion over the extent of a king territory. Wise is the extent of our personal territory.
So sovereignty comes from knowledge. Thats the known edge of our own sovereignty inside our territory.
Now we understand the basic of why they created fake story to feed the simpleton. Universities were we learned in private group and get dummer in classes. Money with different values that have no value 😁Why NASA is Not A Space Agency🤭 and masons created so many myth. Why the esoterism movement and new ages could grow in influence.
That way we are not only in echo bubbles, but in a false reality so no matter the solution we find. If its for a reality that is wrongly interpreted… how can the solution work?
So my point is: we need to be wise so our kingdom is as far as solomon could see the horizon from the top of is temple.
Truth is a lie between be-lie-ving and to be living 😎
Maybe you tought this trough but let me ask a weird question 🙋
You know indiana jones movie? When he takes the treasure and swap it for the same weight rock. If we get the money system out, with what do we replace it?
We back to slavery. Gotta admit tho, that slavery is the economic means that worked best in humanity.
I saw good idea’s to replace money by tereza coragio. The Caret system.
She is really interesting and knowledgefull.
I would go back to rice like japan was before. But since im in canada i guess here we would be dealing potato. Hehe, i find rice less heavy😄
Maybe you wrote an article of a replacement idea, if soo link me to it i will gladly read and share a good idea ✌️😇👍
Well, I’m aiming for no need for money in ANY form… Where, like the few societies that emerged in abundance, We use social currencies…
Social Currency (article):
My father and your father had things in common...math-oriented, log\cal minds. My father was born at a time, when vaxes were not required...which destroy the glands in the brain that promote the ability to think. It is very difficult to get through to people who have been vax-damaged and refuse to listen or even read anything that does not agree with their robotic programming.
My dad died at 69 - 30+ years ago. So He was not jabbed. Me? I was jabbed at 6 and this is My story on that:
Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min):
Bang on , Barbara! 🎯
Thanks but... How can One be sovereign AND have a controlmind choosing for One? I want no controlmind, and I do want a solutocracy.
Solutocracy – A Way to Govern (article):
(Also, I am a state national, having corrected My status in that system.)
I think this website is just trying to get back to our roots and tell the true story of our history. They have done a lot of work.
Ah. It looked like it was trying to pull Us under a different setup than the one We have going now…
Nope, just trying to get back to our Founding before we were "incorporated" and became chattel. I think the woman who started the website was judge. It's very interesting and too much to read. I only just got started.
Well, see, "founding..." That implies a system of "authority" that We are expected to bow to.
Me? I'm an Earthian, and have no imaginary lines I recognize of My planet (it's Your planet too).
The GentleOne’s Solution (article):
Agree. The Native Americans lived here before we did and they didn't own the Land.
Dad was correct re: probs. Must be an engineering thing.
Indeed! He was an engineer. Electrical. Graduated with a masters from CalTech.
Ah well. I'm M Chem. I'm sure we would have understood each other well.
I do not doubt! You kinda remind Me of Him.
"often They will back down rather than bully" -- cowards either back down, bully, or kill with a weapon. I will never give in. C’est la vie.