On psychopaths in power - may I suggest the "Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes" book by Andrew M. Lobaczewski?
Thanks! I have read it. I do not see "evil" and "good." I see "unEthical" - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - with "good" being the upholding of the Betterment Ethic.
The one thing that Political Ponerology missed is the fact that money systems WILL promote the psychopaths amongst Us to the top. It's a very good look at the structure that allows Them to buy the things and the People to to Their psychopathic ends, though. A brilliant work.
My work is to strip Them of power in a two-fold way. Us not consenting and co-creating better, and the removal of the need to account for Our energy added. Money is 100% a bane to Humanity. And We do not need it.
So what do you use instead of money? I'm reading your post and find something right at the beginning that makes it look like the employer is the culprit. The point is the words AGREED UPON. No one in the private sector ever forces you to work for them. However, when it comes to those running government...THEY force you to work to pay for services you don't have a use for or that are inferior to privately run services. I have no use for the public school system, never had any use for it. We homeschooled our four sons and STILL had to pay for the government run school even though we didn't use it for one minute.
You seem to believe that we have a right to "live richly" which is simply not the case. For the majority of my life I have not worked for anyone. I have punched no time clocks and have not have to had to structure my life around a schedule provided by an employer.
And I am not living richly unless you consider those people living the way they are in those apartment complexes in your one picture. I have a house. It is paid off. I still am forced to provide close to $1000 a year to the local taxing "authorities" to live in my paid off house. If I do improvements, they want to know so they can increase my rent AKA property taxes. I have a couple of automobiles. They put them on my "personal property tax" role and make me pay close to $250 a year to be able to drive them with paid for license plate stickers that they charge me another $80 a year for. So the energy it takes me to make $1330 a year is STOLEN from me at gun point and I have never had a single employer in my younger days steal my labor from me at gun point. Not once.
I think that if you want to blame slavery on someone, you need to look at the parasites that run governments as the source of your slavery. Not an employer you make a agreement with.
What I read is that you are missing the reality of the MONOPOLIES that the control freaks run. The ENERGY monopoly is one of them. The monetary MONOPOLY is another, the Medical MONOPOLY is another. The monopoly on the USE OF FORCE is another. If we can BREAK the monetary MONOPOLY we would be much better off. See: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen Actually if we could break the money monopoly and the use of force monopoly, the rest would fall also.
Read this as a primer on MONEY. It is a bit lengthy but the end result will be that you will understand what money is and what money isn't by the end.
When it comes to free energy, yes they will kill you if they have to. Read the story of Stanley Meyer and his water powered car. The ENERGY MONOPOLY is a major one that needs to be broken. I do believe if we break the monetary and use of force monopolies that it will fall too.
You can already teach your children the eight ethics you have listed. YOU have to take the responsibility for teaching them and not send them to a government school. Once you send them there YOU loose control of what is taught to them. My wife and I gave up over ONE MILLION "DOLLARS" over a 20 year period so that we could homeschool our four sons. She was a registered nurse. Do you know what a registered nurse makes these days? About $100,000 a year. My estimate is low because when she was working as one she made less than half of that a year. As the years have passed over that 20 year period the wages of nurses has risen drastically.
I just don't own new cars and the house I "own" is one built in the 1960's that I remodeled and I just found out has a structural issue taking place in the hip roof over my garage. People don't want to teach their own children. They want to work to buy pretty houses and new cars. I was at the target range one day and some guy literally said, you must be rich because I was driving a BMW and had Barrett 82 A 1 rifle I was shooting. I asked him what his new Dodge pickup cost and he said it was SEVENTY THOUSAND dollars. I told him, I'm not the rich one. YOU must be. My BMW was $20,000 purchased six years after it's manufacture. The guy before me paid $70,000 for it. My rifle cost $7,000. For a total of $27,000 between the two. The rifle was actually purchased from some "money" that my late father left me. However, that aside, his $70,000 pickup was going to cost him more due to interest and he was still $$43,000 in the hole when compared to my six year old BMW and my rifle. See my point?
I spent a portion of my life reading your post. I think you are in error about money because you don't understand what real MONEY is. I simply do not have the time to watch all of the videos you have linked, but I did save them in a text program I have to take a look at in the future as time allows.
And yes, We DO have a right to live richly. When You grasp that this planet belongs to ALL of Us, and Our wealth is held in "trusts" with the psychopaths in control as "trustees," using Our wealth against Us... And that any adult has many millions accumulated in Their "trust..." You may begin to see that, in fact, We absolutely sould be living richly.
And lastly, I point out that I was in banking for 15 years, I have studied money and economics for 50+ years, and I know that free energy makes the accounting for Our energy added into a system pointless. And... I know We have free energy technologies.
You obviously are set in your way. You are right in your mind. It is a common occurrence for someone to believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. For someone who CLAIMS to have been in banking and has studied money economics for 50+ years, you are ignorant of the subject. You won't take the TIME like I did to read my "blood running in the streets" post because you BELIEVE you have it all figured out. Well I think the founding fathers were a lot smarter than you give them credit for. And what is your idea of living richly? Having a 5,000 square foot mansion and a Ferrari in the 10 car garage? Or just a 500 square foot apartment with a economy Ford down in the parking garage? That's a problem with your belief that we all have a "RIGHT" to live richly. I think Karl Marx's thinking may have clouded yours. Read my post. I read yours. Seems like a fair trade.
I have read it, and as so Many who support accounting for Our energy added, You place value on metals as the token to do so. My point is that, irrespective of token - eggs or electronic bits or anything in between - psychopaths will do anything, Ethical or unEthical, that They can get away with to acquire the most.
They will lie, cheat, steal, torture and murder when They see an advantage. To get and keep the most. Because money = power. And psychopaths tend to lust after power over Others.
In trade/barter, They will acquire/monopolize needed things - land, water, seed, etc. Once it's representational, They are off and running.
And once They have enough, They will buy the things and the People They can use to do what They want done. And being power-hungry, that means controlling Us more and more. Like We see today.
The founding fathers did not have free energy tech...which We do, but the psychopaths in control avidly hide and suppress and denigrate the idea of, because They know the intimate link between energy and money. They know that free energy means They lose Their single tool to power.
What is living as richly as One chooses? For Some it may be a yurt in Mongolia. For some it may be a mansion. For some it may be as the Amish live. For some it may be in a village dedicated to creating what They love to create...
Yes, again, We DO have a right to what is Ours and has been stolen from Us. Screw Marx, though. He was a communist. I am an abundancist. There is plenty on Our planet for ALL of Us, and with the tech We have, We do not need every hand on the planet adding energy into the system.
Far from it. Maybe 10% are needed, and the "jobs" will be the creative ones People LOVE to do.
And lastly... Virtually all the "precious" metals are presently owned by the psychopaths in control. Take fiat and paper and all that away, and They will still be in power.
Their "power" lies in the fact that some of the ordinary folks will ENFORCE their power. THEY are the problem. And if the SHTF they will be eliminated using copper and lead. Such is the cycle of civilizations...when evils become to bearable to suffer under. What you propose is so out there that the average person isn't even going to understand it in the least bit. I can hardly understand it and I'm quite well read.
but for the moment, it doesn't seem that you can build an over unity machine in your basement, mount it on your bicycle and go see your friend 40 miles away, going 20 mph where "they" can see you and 80 mph on the rural roads where you'll be alone. That's what's wrong with the technology you speak of. It's good for them, but not for us.
You post the plans everywhere You can on the web. Yes, I know They try to scrub it, but it will get out. I linked what I know of one technology, in the article, and will link again here:
look up patrick j. kelly in the internet archive. there's a 50 meg file to be downloaded with literally hundreds of designs. I mentioned Donnie Watts because it's the one I understand the best. It doesn't hold a mystery for me whereas the others do, or are too expensive to build something on a useful scale.
I hate to admit this, but I think they won the Covid War. What do you think? Some of us dodged the bullets, but...I'm a thinking the best we can do is try to wake up our brothers and sisters to be stronger for the next attack...People were WAY TO WILLING to lock down, mask, and jab...heck a large portion of the population is blinded to what just happened!
those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities --Voltaire
It occurs to me that nothing but that could be one of the main reasons for the fake "vaccine" to "protect" doofuses from the not proven to exist pathogenic virus fiction.
Gets the people believing absurdities to send them on the road to committing atrocities.
They already did it with the coercion and mandates of these poisons which have reduced citizens right to less than the rights of prisoners of war who are protected from this sort of idiocy theoretically by the geneva conventions.
But the geneva conventions didn't protect millions of 3rd reich soldiers from President Eisenhower using semantics to genocide them. They suddenly weren't prisoners of war and could be more legally starved to death by the "heroes" veterans of world war II.
Class of '45! Just following orders, threatening family members of starving german soldiers who tried to bring them food with also being treated as NON prisoners of war.
Some days it's just not worth strapping on the meat-bag and going out there and continuing one's life. But it's better to continue. But at some point we should all be ready to die for what is right rather than live and participate in the atrocities that our banker friends impose on us with the governments they own.
I agree that a lot of People were duped, and many still are. But... It really does not take many leaders to get followers aplenty. So though the covid thing still grips Us, I have hopes.
well then let's start by getting people to consider logic and truth as viable alternatives to absurdities and lies. Cause right now you can't swing a dead cat without clacking 47 believers of absurdities.
This seems to confirm the biblical proverb that “the love of money (ie avarice) is at the root of all evil behaviors.” An associated saying is might be “you cannot serve both the Good (the highest Platonic Form) and Mammon.” Mammon? (Greek) μαμωνᾷ ; Of Chaldee origin; mammonas, i.e. Avarice.
How would you go about eliminating (1) the love of power over others and (2) money as a tool for power (a tool to exercise power) over others? Once a tool is eliminated, won’t the psychopaths discover another tool?
I’d like to think that the love of power over others can be eliminated. It does seem a bit utopian.
There is no cure for the love of power over Others, but without money, none will be more powerful than any Other. As for removing the tool of money... Most of My work is aimed at that...
No, there is no other tool with which to buy things and People to nefarious goals.
Simply ignore the izichas-psychopaths. Leave the risks to me, and some others who go down that particular rabbit hole. When I heard that they fell the trains, my immediate response was tough shit. They climbed on.
Okay, izichas another language meaning bad guys to put it mildly. Risks- did you know the invaders are planting IEDs at the border? Also falling off trains. The rabbit hole of activists. Who will kill to protect you and everyone here.
Thanks much, would you pls point out the contact for your associate that assists people with becoming a soverign, paperwork wise? thank you from Oregon
On psychopaths in power - may I suggest the "Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes" book by Andrew M. Lobaczewski?
Thanks! I have read it. I do not see "evil" and "good." I see "unEthical" - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - with "good" being the upholding of the Betterment Ethic.
The Betterment Ethic vs. the Slave’s Creed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-betterment-ethic-vs-the-slaves
Psychopaths choose Their behavior unEthically far more than non-psychopaths.
Why did You link that? LOL! I left comments on it 9 years ago! Hahaha!
Synchronicity ;-) ?
it's the best explanation for "the psychopath problem" i've seen
share early and share often
Maybe I will watch again... LOL!
Another who sees the problems associated with psychopaths running the world.
Problem: Psychopathic Control Freak PARASITES Rule Us
Think about it...
The one thing that Political Ponerology missed is the fact that money systems WILL promote the psychopaths amongst Us to the top. It's a very good look at the structure that allows Them to buy the things and the People to to Their psychopathic ends, though. A brilliant work.
My work is to strip Them of power in a two-fold way. Us not consenting and co-creating better, and the removal of the need to account for Our energy added. Money is 100% a bane to Humanity. And We do not need it.
Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us
So what do you use instead of money? I'm reading your post and find something right at the beginning that makes it look like the employer is the culprit. The point is the words AGREED UPON. No one in the private sector ever forces you to work for them. However, when it comes to those running government...THEY force you to work to pay for services you don't have a use for or that are inferior to privately run services. I have no use for the public school system, never had any use for it. We homeschooled our four sons and STILL had to pay for the government run school even though we didn't use it for one minute.
You seem to believe that we have a right to "live richly" which is simply not the case. For the majority of my life I have not worked for anyone. I have punched no time clocks and have not have to had to structure my life around a schedule provided by an employer.
And I am not living richly unless you consider those people living the way they are in those apartment complexes in your one picture. I have a house. It is paid off. I still am forced to provide close to $1000 a year to the local taxing "authorities" to live in my paid off house. If I do improvements, they want to know so they can increase my rent AKA property taxes. I have a couple of automobiles. They put them on my "personal property tax" role and make me pay close to $250 a year to be able to drive them with paid for license plate stickers that they charge me another $80 a year for. So the energy it takes me to make $1330 a year is STOLEN from me at gun point and I have never had a single employer in my younger days steal my labor from me at gun point. Not once.
I think that if you want to blame slavery on someone, you need to look at the parasites that run governments as the source of your slavery. Not an employer you make a agreement with.
What I read is that you are missing the reality of the MONOPOLIES that the control freaks run. The ENERGY monopoly is one of them. The monetary MONOPOLY is another, the Medical MONOPOLY is another. The monopoly on the USE OF FORCE is another. If we can BREAK the monetary MONOPOLY we would be much better off. See: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen Actually if we could break the money monopoly and the use of force monopoly, the rest would fall also.
Read this as a primer on MONEY. It is a bit lengthy but the end result will be that you will understand what money is and what money isn't by the end.
When it comes to free energy, yes they will kill you if they have to. Read the story of Stanley Meyer and his water powered car. The ENERGY MONOPOLY is a major one that needs to be broken. I do believe if we break the monetary and use of force monopolies that it will fall too.
You can already teach your children the eight ethics you have listed. YOU have to take the responsibility for teaching them and not send them to a government school. Once you send them there YOU loose control of what is taught to them. My wife and I gave up over ONE MILLION "DOLLARS" over a 20 year period so that we could homeschool our four sons. She was a registered nurse. Do you know what a registered nurse makes these days? About $100,000 a year. My estimate is low because when she was working as one she made less than half of that a year. As the years have passed over that 20 year period the wages of nurses has risen drastically.
I just don't own new cars and the house I "own" is one built in the 1960's that I remodeled and I just found out has a structural issue taking place in the hip roof over my garage. People don't want to teach their own children. They want to work to buy pretty houses and new cars. I was at the target range one day and some guy literally said, you must be rich because I was driving a BMW and had Barrett 82 A 1 rifle I was shooting. I asked him what his new Dodge pickup cost and he said it was SEVENTY THOUSAND dollars. I told him, I'm not the rich one. YOU must be. My BMW was $20,000 purchased six years after it's manufacture. The guy before me paid $70,000 for it. My rifle cost $7,000. For a total of $27,000 between the two. The rifle was actually purchased from some "money" that my late father left me. However, that aside, his $70,000 pickup was going to cost him more due to interest and he was still $$43,000 in the hole when compared to my six year old BMW and my rifle. See my point?
I spent a portion of my life reading your post. I think you are in error about money because you don't understand what real MONEY is. I simply do not have the time to watch all of the videos you have linked, but I did save them in a text program I have to take a look at in the future as time allows.
PLEASE read https://www.courageouslion.us/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs
for a better understanding of the truth about money. The founding fathers set us up a barter system as you will soon understand.
You are still attached to the notion that We need to account for Our energy. Perhaps this will clarify...
Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven
And yes, We DO have a right to live richly. When You grasp that this planet belongs to ALL of Us, and Our wealth is held in "trusts" with the psychopaths in control as "trustees," using Our wealth against Us... And that any adult has many millions accumulated in Their "trust..." You may begin to see that, in fact, We absolutely sould be living richly.
Trusts (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/trusts:0?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
And... All money systems WILL promote psychopaths - those "parasites" You speak of - to the top.
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths
If You have no time to read/watch... [shrug]
And lastly, I point out that I was in banking for 15 years, I have studied money and economics for 50+ years, and I know that free energy makes the accounting for Our energy added into a system pointless. And... I know We have free energy technologies.
You obviously are set in your way. You are right in your mind. It is a common occurrence for someone to believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. For someone who CLAIMS to have been in banking and has studied money economics for 50+ years, you are ignorant of the subject. You won't take the TIME like I did to read my "blood running in the streets" post because you BELIEVE you have it all figured out. Well I think the founding fathers were a lot smarter than you give them credit for. And what is your idea of living richly? Having a 5,000 square foot mansion and a Ferrari in the 10 car garage? Or just a 500 square foot apartment with a economy Ford down in the parking garage? That's a problem with your belief that we all have a "RIGHT" to live richly. I think Karl Marx's thinking may have clouded yours. Read my post. I read yours. Seems like a fair trade.
I have read it, and as so Many who support accounting for Our energy added, You place value on metals as the token to do so. My point is that, irrespective of token - eggs or electronic bits or anything in between - psychopaths will do anything, Ethical or unEthical, that They can get away with to acquire the most.
They will lie, cheat, steal, torture and murder when They see an advantage. To get and keep the most. Because money = power. And psychopaths tend to lust after power over Others.
In trade/barter, They will acquire/monopolize needed things - land, water, seed, etc. Once it's representational, They are off and running.
And once They have enough, They will buy the things and the People They can use to do what They want done. And being power-hungry, that means controlling Us more and more. Like We see today.
The founding fathers did not have free energy tech...which We do, but the psychopaths in control avidly hide and suppress and denigrate the idea of, because They know the intimate link between energy and money. They know that free energy means They lose Their single tool to power.
What is living as richly as One chooses? For Some it may be a yurt in Mongolia. For some it may be a mansion. For some it may be as the Amish live. For some it may be in a village dedicated to creating what They love to create...
Yes, again, We DO have a right to what is Ours and has been stolen from Us. Screw Marx, though. He was a communist. I am an abundancist. There is plenty on Our planet for ALL of Us, and with the tech We have, We do not need every hand on the planet adding energy into the system.
Far from it. Maybe 10% are needed, and the "jobs" will be the creative ones People LOVE to do.
And lastly... Virtually all the "precious" metals are presently owned by the psychopaths in control. Take fiat and paper and all that away, and They will still be in power.
Their "power" lies in the fact that some of the ordinary folks will ENFORCE their power. THEY are the problem. And if the SHTF they will be eliminated using copper and lead. Such is the cycle of civilizations...when evils become to bearable to suffer under. What you propose is so out there that the average person isn't even going to understand it in the least bit. I can hardly understand it and I'm quite well read.
but for the moment, it doesn't seem that you can build an over unity machine in your basement, mount it on your bicycle and go see your friend 40 miles away, going 20 mph where "they" can see you and 80 mph on the rural roads where you'll be alone. That's what's wrong with the technology you speak of. It's good for them, but not for us.
You post the plans everywhere You can on the web. Yes, I know They try to scrub it, but it will get out. I linked what I know of one technology, in the article, and will link again here:
Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
do you know about Donnie Watts?
Name does not sound familiar.
look up patrick j. kelly in the internet archive. there's a 50 meg file to be downloaded with literally hundreds of designs. I mentioned Donnie Watts because it's the one I understand the best. It doesn't hold a mystery for me whereas the others do, or are too expensive to build something on a useful scale.
Well said!
🙏🏻 I am well paid in Your attention! Thank You!
I hate to admit this, but I think they won the Covid War. What do you think? Some of us dodged the bullets, but...I'm a thinking the best we can do is try to wake up our brothers and sisters to be stronger for the next attack...People were WAY TO WILLING to lock down, mask, and jab...heck a large portion of the population is blinded to what just happened!
those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities --Voltaire
It occurs to me that nothing but that could be one of the main reasons for the fake "vaccine" to "protect" doofuses from the not proven to exist pathogenic virus fiction.
Gets the people believing absurdities to send them on the road to committing atrocities.
They already did it with the coercion and mandates of these poisons which have reduced citizens right to less than the rights of prisoners of war who are protected from this sort of idiocy theoretically by the geneva conventions.
But the geneva conventions didn't protect millions of 3rd reich soldiers from President Eisenhower using semantics to genocide them. They suddenly weren't prisoners of war and could be more legally starved to death by the "heroes" veterans of world war II.
Class of '45! Just following orders, threatening family members of starving german soldiers who tried to bring them food with also being treated as NON prisoners of war.
Some days it's just not worth strapping on the meat-bag and going out there and continuing one's life. But it's better to continue. But at some point we should all be ready to die for what is right rather than live and participate in the atrocities that our banker friends impose on us with the governments they own.
I agree that a lot of People were duped, and many still are. But... It really does not take many leaders to get followers aplenty. So though the covid thing still grips Us, I have hopes.
well then let's start by getting people to consider logic and truth as viable alternatives to absurdities and lies. Cause right now you can't swing a dead cat without clacking 47 believers of absurdities.
thank-you, we need hope!
And to withdraw consent! Deal with the system under duress only. Thank You for Your payment of attention, Dee. I am enriched!
This seems to confirm the biblical proverb that “the love of money (ie avarice) is at the root of all evil behaviors.” An associated saying is might be “you cannot serve both the Good (the highest Platonic Form) and Mammon.” Mammon? (Greek) μαμωνᾷ ; Of Chaldee origin; mammonas, i.e. Avarice.
That is one gem of truth I found in that work. But I phrase it this way:
The love of power over Others is the root of all unEthical behavior choices. That is why I want to eliminate that tool to power.
How would you go about eliminating (1) the love of power over others and (2) money as a tool for power (a tool to exercise power) over others? Once a tool is eliminated, won’t the psychopaths discover another tool?
I’d like to think that the love of power over others can be eliminated. It does seem a bit utopian.
There is no cure for the love of power over Others, but without money, none will be more powerful than any Other. As for removing the tool of money... Most of My work is aimed at that...
No, there is no other tool with which to buy things and People to nefarious goals.
Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths
The Humble One (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-humble-one
The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
I have much more, but I think that's plenty to start with... LOL!
An author of a book on economics differentiates money from wealth. Do you?
Absolutely. Money just accounts for the energy We add into a system. Wealth is what We actually have to use in Our lives.
I suppose that one’s greatest source of wealth is time.
Simply ignore the izichas-psychopaths. Leave the risks to me, and some others who go down that particular rabbit hole. When I heard that they fell the trains, my immediate response was tough shit. They climbed on.
Humbly, Rob... I am not sure what You're on about. (Like what's "izichas?" What risks? What rabbit hole? Who felled what trains?
Thanks for reading though. I am well paid in Your attention!
Okay, izichas another language meaning bad guys to put it mildly. Risks- did you know the invaders are planting IEDs at the border? Also falling off trains. The rabbit hole of activists. Who will kill to protect you and everyone here.
Ah. I will kill to protect Me and Mine from bullies, and I think We ALL should be willing to do so.
Agreed, too few are when the moment of truth appears.
Sad, innit?
Very sad, but that's why there are people like me, I guess.
Thanks much, would you pls point out the contact for your associate that assists people with becoming a soverign, paperwork wise? thank you from Oregon
My friend's name is Robin and His email is:
securedservicesco@protonmail.com Please let Him know Amy (or Amaterasu) set You. 🙏🏻