Money and the love of money which is nothing but worthless counterfeit printed paper backed by nothing has no value except that which we give it. It truly is the root of all evils. We never needed money to live or survive, we just were manipulated to beleive we need it to lavish ourselves with endless junk and materialism. Now we know better as we ascend and grow into spirituality. Soulless psychpaths who kill for money have already lost their immortal souls. It degrades everything it touches with destruction, death and violence. Self serving communities of growing community farms and exchanging of services to others will be the future of mankind. Let the rich have their wealth, no amount of billions or trillions will ever satisfy them.
Humbly, I made the distinction of what I call money above. "..anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose)."
The system is irrelevant to the foundational function of accounting for the energy We add into a system.
😊 I like your reasoning and logic and see the picture you create! We need to extract ourselves from the perception deception illusion (aka the Matrix), whereby the parasites have contrived to call ALL the shots and narratives. If more off us can do this and generate a chain reaction of free consciousness, the illusion will be broken and reality and truth will be revealed…..
So then we need free energy before we can do anything? But we don't have free energy available to us so what now? What do we do TODAY that can get us off money?
We've had this discussion before and so far - no answer.
One solution, if you'd just consider something outside your perfect image, is using another currency to wean us off this one. A currency that is a bridge to a no-currency world. This currency taught us to think in terms of scarcity. But we can use another currency to retrain us to think in terms of abundance. And when we learn that, we will not need money in the stage after. We can't just go cold turkey because we would suffer enormously. There is no point in reiterating that if we had free energy we wouldn't need money, because that is not the case and may not be for a long time to come. However I believe we would invent it again if we used a money system that made sense. We need to only do one thing for now - seek out or create a local currency that we participate in. We need that training in abundance.
The only thing We can do now is deal with the whole system under dress, and all We can to get free energy tech in the open.
Not sure how substituting one energy accounting token for another is going to help... How can money, a product of scarcity, ever be supportive of abundance?
And if We have free energy flowing it will be about 10 years before money use will fall to the wayside.
I'll try to explain how money can give us the mentality of abundance. Certainly there would be much more abundance just by doing one thing and keeping the money the same even, and that is to eradicate interest. It is silly to pay a premium on something that just comes out of thin air. And this would mean that we are not in a debt system. Also, if we want a truly elegant system then we would have even more abundance if money were done in a better way, by being issued by the individual themselves through their labor (hours worked) Prices too would be based on the hours something took to make. That seems fair, but we need to have discussions so that this can be further absorbed. Another way is to have a money system based on something that is infinite and has value to the community. Something like food seeds, or cannabis. We could have this going by the middle of this year if enough people understood money better. We cannot live without money because we are too entrenched in it and all the infrastructure depends on it. Going without it would only cause great deprivation. I hate money myself and keep its usage super low, but I want to be able to get things however nobody is ready to make exchanges in an alternative system. Alternative systems have to be created, which is easy now, but there is no drive for it because people are still too comfortable. If the government should pull the rug out from under us, we would be well-heeled if we were buying and selling using an alternative, preferably, local currency, It can still be done while using the national currency.
While I agree that interest is a bad addition to a money system, removing it will not solve to the inherent aspect of any energy accounting system, that being to promote psychopaths to the top.
For no matter what, money = power, psychopaths seriously lust for power over Others, and They will not stop short of defraud, theft, sabotage, torture and murder to get the most.
And presently, the moneyed psychopaths in control own virtually all the “precious” metals…
The best solution is not to rearrange what We use as tokens for that energy accounting, but to make the point of accounting for the energy in the first place moot. Free energy = no point to accounting for Ours.
In my opinion, the OP has developed a one track mind on the subject.
"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
The only reason for taxes at the federal level is to make you "believe" they need them and to impart value in your mind on fake fiat currency. Did it work?
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "
- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10
"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."
~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4
Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."
~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 6
Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)
If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?
5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":
Not so. You are missing the foundational function of money (in any form as I described in the initial paragraph here). The foundational function is to account for the energy We’re adding into a system. Making sure We’re adding Our “fair share” of energy.
With free energy the whole point to money becomes moot.
And as I pointed out in this article, 80% of Us are merely moving money:
I’ve read numerous posts of yours, had debates with you over this “concept” and obviously we are on different planets with our understanding. You have these grandiose ideas but with no way to get there. We don’t HAVE free energy as it stands and you can’t expect with the cost involved to those who monopolize it to see any way for it happening in the near future. You remind me of Jacques Fresco with his “Venus Project”. And whenever you EXPECT anyone to add their “fair share” that becomes a moot point. People as a whole look for the easiest way out in life. Which is why the welfare system is so over taxed. As for me “missing the foundational function of money”?? Seriously? Have you ever READ Blood Running in The Streets. Mobs of Rioters and Demonstrators Threatening Banks and Legislatures... or A Caveat Against Injustice? What you are suggesting goes totally AGAINST the foundational function of money. Anyone who READS this post will not need to go get a four year college degree in Economics. They will walk away with more KNOWLEDGE than someone who has such a degree. You might actually seriously take the time to read it.
We DO have free energy. The moneyed psychopaths are hiding it. We must experiment and share successes freely (NO patents!).
I will read Your post, but do know... I was in banking 15 years, I have studied economics and money in general for 50+ years, and studied psychopathy nearly as long. I know why the moneyed psychopaths in control hide free energy,
The foundational function of money is to ensure We're adding Our "fair share" of energy, irrespective of the legal/governmental "welfare" plots. Add free energy and the point to accounting for it vanishes.
Yes I know all that. But to respond to the idea of barter - yes barter is good as an adjunct or entirely if everything else is lost, however we can't have cell phones, airline flights, schools, roads, phone lines, etc, on a barter system. Bartering would keep us a pastoral society. Now that may be enough for some people and there ought to be communities like that if they so wish, but it wouldn't work for most people because most people want you know, plumbing and shit. Why are you opposed to a system of money that generates abundance though?
Apparently you made no effort to read the post attached to my comment. The BARTER system that Judge Roger Sherman set up was to use gold and silver for barter. It has been used for thousands of years and for us to think that something can be made better by using “energy” or cyber coins or whatever is foolish. He was a pretty smart guy back in his day having penned “A Caveat Against Injustice or the EVILS of a FLUCTUATING medium of Exchange” which is what Fed notes, and Bit coin and all the other brilliant ideas that have enriched a few and impoverished millions, no billions of human beings across the planet. If we were using gold and silver, prices of things would be going DOWN as folks removed some out of circulation in the form of savings. You wouldn’t have interest because in a closed system you can’t have interest which is the REASON it is prohibited in the Bible. The Israelites of old, which we are the decedents of knew and understood economics quite well. FYI: Maybe if SUBSTACK would make it so LINKS could be EMBEDDED in some words like Word Press does it would become more obvious, but as it is I have to do this: Blood Running in The Streets. Mobs of Rioters and Demonstrators Threatening Banks and Legislatures...=
Having a mined product (gold, silver, etc) is an old-fashioned form of exchange. One thing, you have to carry it around, and another thing, it's bad for the earth. Why can't you see the value in something new, that has not been done before? It's like what is old is good but it wasn't good and it was what led to banks starting up. What is so hard to understand that mining is not a good thing? What is hard to understand that we can use ANYTHING we want as a form of exchange? And we could use materials that are good for us such as hemp which is needed for medicine and industrial purposes. It's perfect to get us off petrochemicals. Why is it so hard for people to see this and talk about this as though it could happen? But instead keep regurgitating the same old. same old as though that worked. Who cares what the bible says. A book that old has no relevance to today.
How would our home mortgage be paid that we have now? Do you think that the banks are just going to forgive us of those debts as well as other “credit” debt?
We are already losing our homes, lives, health and money anyways, what's the diference? We will have to adapt to a whole new way of life without the luxuries and fake money. Go and see this web site of a brilliant social engineer who gave humanity a true free gift. https://www.thevenusproject - Jacque Fresco was a visionary with a differnt mind set. A world without money, politics, endless wars or outdated religions. Self sustainablity.
Dear One, there will be no banks. With no money, there is no financial debt. And the workers will not show up. They can live richly without such a job.
The clear path to no taxes would seem to be to get everyone on board to decide NOT to pay/contribute to the system/bullies. We the people give power to the bullies by consent also by not doing anything at all, which is implied consent that it’s okay. If we use the reasoning that we are not receiving a product up front that we are paying for then the feds are going to tell us that the taxation is for our protection via military, welfare, road maintenance etc…It seems pretty clear that unless we get the WHOLE world citizens on board with this free energy way of life thinking, that we will always be in jeopardy of invasion(s) in our land that is called USA by other outside countries that want our resources for themselves and in some cases to enslave our people as it has been throughout time in history. Yes, I believe having free energy needs to start somewhere and why not here. I’m all for it! I realize that in order to stop the vicious cycle of psychopaths unduly ruling over the masses that we need to take away/eliminate their “food” which is money and install free energy. BUT, the whole world needs to be on board with free energy or I feel that the first country that goes the way of free energy will be vulnerable to the looters that are waiting to confiscate our rich natural resources, thus the need for a strong military, until all of the world is on board with free energy. I served in our nations military for 26 years and realize how close to “Midnight” we have been many times. I also realize the we have millions of veterans as well as citizens that are well armed in case there is an invasion from a foreign nation. That has been one deterrent of other foreign nations from invading this country. Right now China A.K.A. CCP is in dire need of natural resources due to over population and the CCP has been slowly seeping into our nation from many ways, illegal border crossings, federal student programs, technicians setting up of monumental solar farms etc…they want our natural resources and they are trying to take it from the inside out. This is just one example of outside foreign invasions. If we ALL could just share the world’s natural resources it would be much simpler wouldn’t it? But that’d be just too easy and then the psychopaths wouldn’t have any traction for controlling the masses. Since I was a very young adult, early 20’s, a thought occurred to me. We the masses out number the psychopaths. Why don’t we just say NO MORE! But. The reality is that the majority of the masses are not awake yet. They are happy and comfortable to walk in the “norm” of their every day life. Contentment. The old adage of slowly boiling the frog to his own death in a pot of water.
Well, first, I aim for a planetary solution. Second, trying to get everyOne on the same page is nigh an impossibility. And third, We don't need to change everyOne's perspective.
As someone who was born in the Great Depression..and we lived for years on O , some H20. from the tap. and sunlight all summer long.....I know what it is to have no money. Every month it was a miracle to find enough money to pay the rent. I saw eviction notices go up on the door...a number of times, but somehow the money turned up. Even, after WW11 started food money was scarce, because there were 7 mouths to feed...When the school weighed children monthly...I was always 10 pounds less than other children my age. However, we were the most active children in the city of Pittsburgh. We had a top sergeant father who pushed us beyond our endurance walking or bicycling for miles in every direction. We would bike 8 - 10 miles up the Allegheny river swim all day. Then it was an upgrade all the way back; until we came to Negley Hill...the steepest hill in Pittsburgh.. Only prayer got me up the hill! We did not eat all day...and all I wanted to do was get home and collapse. I only got sick once a year, at the end of February, when the Vit D from sunlight ran out. However, I always had toys and a father who played games with us. This is what children like. I never really thought money was all that important...All I ever wanted was enough to put food on the table and a roof over my head.
No! Money is not everything. Time is important Knowledge is important! Health is important! Spiritual beliefs are important! Money is not that important. People want money to buy things that pull their health down! and wind up destroying them People envy people who have money. I lived in a nice neighborhood around the corner from mansions, where the elite of Pittsburgh lived before the Great Depression. I saw lovely elegant old homes...and was sad, when I went back years later to see them torn down. .Estates spilt up with many small homes on them. What the H*** is money? Does it buy happiness? As a child, I was taken to the library, museum, art gallery, flower shows .I was taught how to use tools, and every sport, except golf and tennis....I learned tennis later. My father spent hours playing chess with me for 4 years. I did not feel deprived of anything and I'm happy today that I had so little of the toxic fare that people eat. What does money buy that I didn't already have? I had decent people in my life who taught me more than the schools I attended. I had friends...and I had a very exciting childhood without any money. Wealthy children did not have a childhood as interesting as mine. I really don't like has caused too much trouble in the world!
I am not talking money (but to eliminate the practice of using that dangerous and archaic tool). I'm talking about wealth - Humanity's wealth stolen from Us and We, through money, have been made slaves for the moneyed psychopaths in control.
Maybe this piece will assist You in grasping My point:
Money and the love of money which is nothing but worthless counterfeit printed paper backed by nothing has no value except that which we give it. It truly is the root of all evils. We never needed money to live or survive, we just were manipulated to beleive we need it to lavish ourselves with endless junk and materialism. Now we know better as we ascend and grow into spirituality. Soulless psychpaths who kill for money have already lost their immortal souls. It degrades everything it touches with destruction, death and violence. Self serving communities of growing community farms and exchanging of services to others will be the future of mankind. Let the rich have their wealth, no amount of billions or trillions will ever satisfy them.
Humbly, I made the distinction of what I call money above. "..anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose)."
The system is irrelevant to the foundational function of accounting for the energy We add into a system.
And irrespective of souls and losing them...
We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article):
Love always.
😊 I like your reasoning and logic and see the picture you create! We need to extract ourselves from the perception deception illusion (aka the Matrix), whereby the parasites have contrived to call ALL the shots and narratives. If more off us can do this and generate a chain reaction of free consciousness, the illusion will be broken and reality and truth will be revealed…..
Thus I seek payment in shares! Haha! There's more...
Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article):
Solutocracy – A Way to Govern (article):
Abundancism: Things Done for Purpose, Not Profit (article):
Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):
So then we need free energy before we can do anything? But we don't have free energy available to us so what now? What do we do TODAY that can get us off money?
We've had this discussion before and so far - no answer.
One solution, if you'd just consider something outside your perfect image, is using another currency to wean us off this one. A currency that is a bridge to a no-currency world. This currency taught us to think in terms of scarcity. But we can use another currency to retrain us to think in terms of abundance. And when we learn that, we will not need money in the stage after. We can't just go cold turkey because we would suffer enormously. There is no point in reiterating that if we had free energy we wouldn't need money, because that is not the case and may not be for a long time to come. However I believe we would invent it again if we used a money system that made sense. We need to only do one thing for now - seek out or create a local currency that we participate in. We need that training in abundance.
The only thing We can do now is deal with the whole system under dress, and all We can to get free energy tech in the open.
Not sure how substituting one energy accounting token for another is going to help... How can money, a product of scarcity, ever be supportive of abundance?
And if We have free energy flowing it will be about 10 years before money use will fall to the wayside.
I'll try to explain how money can give us the mentality of abundance. Certainly there would be much more abundance just by doing one thing and keeping the money the same even, and that is to eradicate interest. It is silly to pay a premium on something that just comes out of thin air. And this would mean that we are not in a debt system. Also, if we want a truly elegant system then we would have even more abundance if money were done in a better way, by being issued by the individual themselves through their labor (hours worked) Prices too would be based on the hours something took to make. That seems fair, but we need to have discussions so that this can be further absorbed. Another way is to have a money system based on something that is infinite and has value to the community. Something like food seeds, or cannabis. We could have this going by the middle of this year if enough people understood money better. We cannot live without money because we are too entrenched in it and all the infrastructure depends on it. Going without it would only cause great deprivation. I hate money myself and keep its usage super low, but I want to be able to get things however nobody is ready to make exchanges in an alternative system. Alternative systems have to be created, which is easy now, but there is no drive for it because people are still too comfortable. If the government should pull the rug out from under us, we would be well-heeled if we were buying and selling using an alternative, preferably, local currency, It can still be done while using the national currency.
While I agree that interest is a bad addition to a money system, removing it will not solve to the inherent aspect of any energy accounting system, that being to promote psychopaths to the top.
For no matter what, money = power, psychopaths seriously lust for power over Others, and They will not stop short of defraud, theft, sabotage, torture and murder to get the most.
And presently, the moneyed psychopaths in control own virtually all the “precious” metals…
The best solution is not to rearrange what We use as tokens for that energy accounting, but to make the point of accounting for the energy in the first place moot. Free energy = no point to accounting for Ours.
The answer to no money is to barter. And to barter you need something to barter with. I think Judge Roger Sherman figured it out and that is why he put a system of BARTER in the US Constitution. Someone is trying to reinvent the wheel. The current PROBLEM lies in the REASON They don't listen to us anymore. There is no MONEY in circulation. There hasn't been any since 1964.
In my opinion, the OP has developed a one track mind on the subject.
"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."
~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?
The only reason for taxes at the federal level is to make you "believe" they need them and to impart value in your mind on fake fiat currency. Did it work?
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' "
- 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10
"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy."
~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4
Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."
~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 6
Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING?
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)
If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the state at war with the people?
5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'":
-Merrill Jenkins, Sr.,
Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth
Not so. You are missing the foundational function of money (in any form as I described in the initial paragraph here). The foundational function is to account for the energy We’re adding into a system. Making sure We’re adding Our “fair share” of energy.
With free energy the whole point to money becomes moot.
And as I pointed out in this article, 80% of Us are merely moving money:
80% of Us Merely Move Money (article):
I’ve read numerous posts of yours, had debates with you over this “concept” and obviously we are on different planets with our understanding. You have these grandiose ideas but with no way to get there. We don’t HAVE free energy as it stands and you can’t expect with the cost involved to those who monopolize it to see any way for it happening in the near future. You remind me of Jacques Fresco with his “Venus Project”. And whenever you EXPECT anyone to add their “fair share” that becomes a moot point. People as a whole look for the easiest way out in life. Which is why the welfare system is so over taxed. As for me “missing the foundational function of money”?? Seriously? Have you ever READ Blood Running in The Streets. Mobs of Rioters and Demonstrators Threatening Banks and Legislatures... or A Caveat Against Injustice? What you are suggesting goes totally AGAINST the foundational function of money. Anyone who READS this post will not need to go get a four year college degree in Economics. They will walk away with more KNOWLEDGE than someone who has such a degree. You might actually seriously take the time to read it.
We DO have free energy. The moneyed psychopaths are hiding it. We must experiment and share successes freely (NO patents!).
I will read Your post, but do know... I was in banking 15 years, I have studied economics and money in general for 50+ years, and studied psychopathy nearly as long. I know why the moneyed psychopaths in control hide free energy,
The foundational function of money is to ensure We're adding Our "fair share" of energy, irrespective of the legal/governmental "welfare" plots. Add free energy and the point to accounting for it vanishes.
Perhaps it is You who miss points...
Love always!
Yes I know all that. But to respond to the idea of barter - yes barter is good as an adjunct or entirely if everything else is lost, however we can't have cell phones, airline flights, schools, roads, phone lines, etc, on a barter system. Bartering would keep us a pastoral society. Now that may be enough for some people and there ought to be communities like that if they so wish, but it wouldn't work for most people because most people want you know, plumbing and shit. Why are you opposed to a system of money that generates abundance though?
And BTW...your comment shows you DON'T "know all that" Your "knowing" is full of not knowing.
Apparently you made no effort to read the post attached to my comment. The BARTER system that Judge Roger Sherman set up was to use gold and silver for barter. It has been used for thousands of years and for us to think that something can be made better by using “energy” or cyber coins or whatever is foolish. He was a pretty smart guy back in his day having penned “A Caveat Against Injustice or the EVILS of a FLUCTUATING medium of Exchange” which is what Fed notes, and Bit coin and all the other brilliant ideas that have enriched a few and impoverished millions, no billions of human beings across the planet. If we were using gold and silver, prices of things would be going DOWN as folks removed some out of circulation in the form of savings. You wouldn’t have interest because in a closed system you can’t have interest which is the REASON it is prohibited in the Bible. The Israelites of old, which we are the decedents of knew and understood economics quite well. FYI: Maybe if SUBSTACK would make it so LINKS could be EMBEDDED in some words like Word Press does it would become more obvious, but as it is I have to do this: Blood Running in The Streets. Mobs of Rioters and Demonstrators Threatening Banks and Legislatures...=
and A Caveat Against Injustice or an Inquiry Into the Evils of a Fluctuating Medium of Exchange by Judge Roger Sherman =
Having a mined product (gold, silver, etc) is an old-fashioned form of exchange. One thing, you have to carry it around, and another thing, it's bad for the earth. Why can't you see the value in something new, that has not been done before? It's like what is old is good but it wasn't good and it was what led to banks starting up. What is so hard to understand that mining is not a good thing? What is hard to understand that we can use ANYTHING we want as a form of exchange? And we could use materials that are good for us such as hemp which is needed for medicine and industrial purposes. It's perfect to get us off petrochemicals. Why is it so hard for people to see this and talk about this as though it could happen? But instead keep regurgitating the same old. same old as though that worked. Who cares what the bible says. A book that old has no relevance to today.
How would our home mortgage be paid that we have now? Do you think that the banks are just going to forgive us of those debts as well as other “credit” debt?
We are already losing our homes, lives, health and money anyways, what's the diference? We will have to adapt to a whole new way of life without the luxuries and fake money. Go and see this web site of a brilliant social engineer who gave humanity a true free gift. https://www.thevenusproject - Jacque Fresco was a visionary with a differnt mind set. A world without money, politics, endless wars or outdated religions. Self sustainablity.
A resource-based economy.
Dear One, there will be no banks. With no money, there is no financial debt. And the workers will not show up. They can live richly without such a job.
Maybe this piece will clarify:
Even Taxes Are Not Certain (article):
The clear path to no taxes would seem to be to get everyone on board to decide NOT to pay/contribute to the system/bullies. We the people give power to the bullies by consent also by not doing anything at all, which is implied consent that it’s okay. If we use the reasoning that we are not receiving a product up front that we are paying for then the feds are going to tell us that the taxation is for our protection via military, welfare, road maintenance etc…It seems pretty clear that unless we get the WHOLE world citizens on board with this free energy way of life thinking, that we will always be in jeopardy of invasion(s) in our land that is called USA by other outside countries that want our resources for themselves and in some cases to enslave our people as it has been throughout time in history. Yes, I believe having free energy needs to start somewhere and why not here. I’m all for it! I realize that in order to stop the vicious cycle of psychopaths unduly ruling over the masses that we need to take away/eliminate their “food” which is money and install free energy. BUT, the whole world needs to be on board with free energy or I feel that the first country that goes the way of free energy will be vulnerable to the looters that are waiting to confiscate our rich natural resources, thus the need for a strong military, until all of the world is on board with free energy. I served in our nations military for 26 years and realize how close to “Midnight” we have been many times. I also realize the we have millions of veterans as well as citizens that are well armed in case there is an invasion from a foreign nation. That has been one deterrent of other foreign nations from invading this country. Right now China A.K.A. CCP is in dire need of natural resources due to over population and the CCP has been slowly seeping into our nation from many ways, illegal border crossings, federal student programs, technicians setting up of monumental solar farms etc…they want our natural resources and they are trying to take it from the inside out. This is just one example of outside foreign invasions. If we ALL could just share the world’s natural resources it would be much simpler wouldn’t it? But that’d be just too easy and then the psychopaths wouldn’t have any traction for controlling the masses. Since I was a very young adult, early 20’s, a thought occurred to me. We the masses out number the psychopaths. Why don’t we just say NO MORE! But. The reality is that the majority of the masses are not awake yet. They are happy and comfortable to walk in the “norm” of their every day life. Contentment. The old adage of slowly boiling the frog to his own death in a pot of water.
Well, first, I aim for a planetary solution. Second, trying to get everyOne on the same page is nigh an impossibility. And third, We don't need to change everyOne's perspective.
I go into that here:
On the Same Page (article):
Free energy would manifest Us "just share[ing] the world’s natural resources."
As someone who was born in the Great Depression..and we lived for years on O , some H20. from the tap. and sunlight all summer long.....I know what it is to have no money. Every month it was a miracle to find enough money to pay the rent. I saw eviction notices go up on the door...a number of times, but somehow the money turned up. Even, after WW11 started food money was scarce, because there were 7 mouths to feed...When the school weighed children monthly...I was always 10 pounds less than other children my age. However, we were the most active children in the city of Pittsburgh. We had a top sergeant father who pushed us beyond our endurance walking or bicycling for miles in every direction. We would bike 8 - 10 miles up the Allegheny river swim all day. Then it was an upgrade all the way back; until we came to Negley Hill...the steepest hill in Pittsburgh.. Only prayer got me up the hill! We did not eat all day...and all I wanted to do was get home and collapse. I only got sick once a year, at the end of February, when the Vit D from sunlight ran out. However, I always had toys and a father who played games with us. This is what children like. I never really thought money was all that important...All I ever wanted was enough to put food on the table and a roof over my head.
I'm thinking You're not seeing where free energy will lead. It will free Our wealth to Us - We're ALL multimillionaires.
Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article):
Thank You for reading!!! I am enriched!
No! Money is not everything. Time is important Knowledge is important! Health is important! Spiritual beliefs are important! Money is not that important. People want money to buy things that pull their health down! and wind up destroying them People envy people who have money. I lived in a nice neighborhood around the corner from mansions, where the elite of Pittsburgh lived before the Great Depression. I saw lovely elegant old homes...and was sad, when I went back years later to see them torn down. .Estates spilt up with many small homes on them. What the H*** is money? Does it buy happiness? As a child, I was taken to the library, museum, art gallery, flower shows .I was taught how to use tools, and every sport, except golf and tennis....I learned tennis later. My father spent hours playing chess with me for 4 years. I did not feel deprived of anything and I'm happy today that I had so little of the toxic fare that people eat. What does money buy that I didn't already have? I had decent people in my life who taught me more than the schools I attended. I had friends...and I had a very exciting childhood without any money. Wealthy children did not have a childhood as interesting as mine. I really don't like has caused too much trouble in the world!
I am not talking money (but to eliminate the practice of using that dangerous and archaic tool). I'm talking about wealth - Humanity's wealth stolen from Us and We, through money, have been made slaves for the moneyed psychopaths in control.
Maybe this piece will assist You in grasping My point:
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article):
Interesting concept(s)! Definitely out-of-the-box thinking. Thank you
🤗 💜 🤗 Thank You for reading!!!