In My haste, I failed to point out this about Sam's video:

Why did She deal with anything and everything She could find in that hit piece of Hers except who was the progenitor of the work JSB offered Mark and Her?

That was the core of the article by Kiwi. The motivator of the whole thing. Yet that single point is never addressed.

Right there We have to question the motive.

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She relies on a time line which is not the point, as you say.

I am surprised that *Sam I am* was prepared to sully her angelic public persona with this vitriolic attack.

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I used to hold Her in esteem... Now...? [shrug]

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I read Craig's piece on his interaction with the Baileys and did not comment, albeit I noted it. I was surprised by it perhaps but it was his choice to do an article.

I was however staggered by the Bailey's response which seemed to stoke up dissention quite unnecessarily. Now I personally like the name Sam and Samantha but I had observed the anagram of Samantha includes a well-known personality and that Samantha Bailey will anagram to:

aah blimey Satan

This should be said in an Australian accent for full effect IMHO. :)

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Interestingly... I read it in an Aussie accent! LOL! Yes, I am astounded at the response She put out. It made no sense to Me. Why so ungraceful? Indeed, I love the work, but this was uncalled for.

Thank You for reading, and I adore Your anagramming!

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I incidentally happened to see that video.

I noticed that they used shaming/bullying/doxxing tactics in their video.

Going down that route is never beneficial, even if the rest of your content is accurate, because nobody likes a high school bully.

Of course that is obvious to everyone who has a capacity for introspection. So the very fact that video even exists means that they do not have this capability.

I made a comment on their page to test their response and of course they were stupid enough to fall for it.

My comment stated the following: "internet drama is irrelevant. We should stay impartial and not pick sides, instead we should focus on the message, not the messenger".

Well of course my comment got deleted because only worship energy is tolerated there. Impartiality is not good enough.

As someone who has been researching psychology for a long time I can now state definitively, that their video title is in fact projection.

But honestly I cannot say I am surprised. So one of the Bailey's is a confirmed narcissist, that doesn't make them particularly unique. Pretty much damn near everyone who runs a substack is one, so as far as I am concerned she just fits that norm.

But I want to stick with what I said before, that internet drama is irrelevant. The only reason I "got involved" is because I saw you genuinely wondering about the situation and I guess this clears that up.

Back into the shadows I go.

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Most humble thanks for Your payment of time in offering Your perspective. It enriched Me well! Indeed, the drama is a distractor, and better left behind. In truth, the final paragraph was the main intent - to than Sam for the publicity She gave Me... LOL!

Onwards and forwards!

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And I want to add that I was referring to the very last part of this post, which I think may be your bio?

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I was a bit confused! Thanks for the clarification. It is My signature. It's on all My posts.

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Just want to say that I also went through that entire process which your just narrated and reached the same conclusions you did, even including the Black ops anti-gravity stuff. It took me since about 2007 until a few years ago.

The similarity is uncanny.

It's good to know there are truly like minds out there!

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Love always!!!

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It's not a good look for her to attack you personally.

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I agree! I was standing on the sideline, offering My support to Kiwi, and She dragged Me into the game. Very ungracious. Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading! I am enriched!

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Now we find that Eric F Coppolino has posted on this topic another one of his laconic discussions with Mark Bailey behind a paywall. It is entitled: "Dr. Mark Bailey on the Intellectual Chaos of Substack and 'Health Freedom' Grifters" subtitled:

"We interrupt this break from public affairs coverage with...an interview with Dr. Mark Bailey on the issue of the Substack echo chamber and someone claiming to have written one of his articles." So despite being roundly corrected by me days ago, Eric still misrepresents the claims made by The Poisoned Kiwi. This astrology tantra freak is NOT a journalist, as he claims. He is a bitch on heat, spoiling for a fight!

I listened carefully this morning and they generalised ad nauseum without daring to name anyone but referring to Sam's memes as 'jokes'. Wow. Some sense of humour!

Apparently they think she is perfectly entitled to chuck excrement at anyone who showed support for the Poisoned Kiwi who they made sure to refer to by his proper name, Craig Hutchison. Mark Bailey repeatedly accused No Virus advocates of causing trouble and division!! What a damned cheek! Not once did he offer any explanation for the unbridled bitchcraft, Dupers Delight and vengefulness of his wife's video viciousness.

Well. As a genuine campaigner, labelled as a fly around shit, I am still buzzing and I look forward to continuing to hover at the side of the Poisoned Kiwi because where there is smoke...... there is usually fire and I don't think he lit that fire without good cause.


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Oh wow! WE are causing this??? That's just too rich! I ponder who is creating the trouble and division. Had the Baileys reached out to Kiwi, tried to sort things out, none of this drama would have ensued.

But there's Sam, attacking anything and everything BUT the suggestion that what JBS (Just BullShit?) provided Mark with, claiming to be the author, was actually the work of Kiwi. Not even denying it or in any way acknowledging the main and important claim.

I have to conclude that it is Their (back) side that the shit emerges from.

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May it hit the fan!

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💯 !!!

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Sometimes I wish lucylin was here to address blocking others from commenting on a public forum (comment section). He does such a great job and mocking that with humor.

Censorship out of fear of what others might say. So let's block the people I am going to me tion in my posts so they don't get to share their side of the story. A real breadwinner idea.

The whole purpose of a comment section is to allow public discourse. You get rid of that and eventually you just get a smug character who only wants to hear themselves talk. Then who is the narcissist then?

Everyone has narcissist traits. Some more than others and each trait may not be as bad. We can point out all the narcissist traits in everyone and call each other narcissist but that would be deceitful to our own selves because not everyone is a narcissist. And narcissist people are not that common as most tend to think it is.

Sincerely, one who grew up with a narcissist and victim of narcissism abuse.

Anyways, this has been some good popcorn event. Hope you get this sorted out. I don't know the full story here or why you were mentioned in sam's video as a fly attracted to shit. Maybe because you liked kiwis post?

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Yes, as I said, I commented on His post (and liked it, too), that it was sad He ran into a scummy One who stole His work, and I hoped the Baileys would reach out to clear things up. I also added My weird experience where I asked for clarification of why a comment of Mine was not allowed on a video Sam posted on Odysee in an open letter that was never addresses.

Suddenly I am included in a hit piece. I doubt Sam will have the grace to respond and explain things to Me...

I carry on. [hugs!]

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I "liked" Craig's post and commented several times in support of his situation. I assume that, because I don't have a Substack I didn't warrant the Sam excrement.

I don't subscribe to Sam's work so I have not run up against her either.

Very lowlife of Sam to throw faeces around. Awful for you and Frances et al.

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Yeah, I am not sure how You would tell who liked things on SS, but surely Sam is aware of Me from several years commenting on Her videos on Odysee - and My open letter to Her, I would guess, though She never acknowledged it.

It is scummy behavior, indeed.

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It's easy to see who likes a post - click on the number of likes.

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I learn something new every day! Thank You so much!

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Oh, it's not working just now when I tried. Huh?

Maybe some authors deactivate the function.

I just looked at another Substack and it was evident with the avatars of those who liked it.

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At first impression of her talking I was instantly reminded of this clip. Sorry it's on youtoilet.


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That vocal fry.

Lot of it about.

Some young men doing it too.

Grate on the ears.

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LOL! 🙏🏻 🤗 💜 🤗 🙏🏻

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Mark Bailey has the affliction too.


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Very grating!!!

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Discernment is key. If it doesn’t resonate, I leave it. Do not fall prey to distractions. Exposure will flush out the unimportant.

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I surely agree. I will say that when I first encountered Sam and the idea that there were no such things as viruses (maybe things They call "viruses" but not the deadly and illness-causing contagious unicorns) it all resonated. At this point, though, Sam and Her gang are failing completely to resonate. They are, it would seem, there to tell part truth, but distract from deeper truths.

This whole snit fit (or "shit fit?") of Hers just leaves Me aghast!

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Did you notice that Eric had some sort of comment about teaching Samantha how to speak with an NZ accent.

Drama business again.

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Guess I missed that... LOL! Yeah, not finding the show to be quality entertainment.

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It was under the photo, but neither you nor I want to go back and suffer looking at Eric's post again.


Good that you have opened up this forum for a few things that need to be said.

The term "narcissist" is so wrong about Craig. Doesn't ring at all true.

A poor attempt at character assassination.

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Character assassination is the last attempt of an imbecile who thinks he or she knows their argument is sound.

It's face palm material if you ask me. Why? I know you didn't ask, but I'll say it anyway. It's because it shows they are afraid of their narrative being questioned and disproven. And on a public area aka comment section (should be public anyways).

I have yet to see one area of the market where anyone profited from any form of censorship. It's similar to digital feudalism vía an adult-child.

But they're clever. And they will double down on their idiocy.

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I agree 100%. Craig never struck Me as One who wanted Others to worship Him. Very humble He seems to be. And He was just getting the lack of response from the Baileys off His chest. In comments He said He's all good now.

That Sam (and Her handlers?) chose that route with that title just shows the BS. Did You see My recent comment here that I pinned?

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Bailey took the opportunity to create drama, deliberately misconstruing what Kiwi said in order to inflame the situation, and attacking others for simply liking the article--why? IMO, it is to cover up the fact that the Baileys were just exposed for concealing the global democide of 2020-2022 on PM's blog. Notice how Bailey and Coppolino never said anything about it in their counter-attack? Coppolino banned me from commenting in his forum a long time ago, when I exposed the fact he was covering up the democide. He continues to do so--note his dismissive reply to a comment about excess deaths.

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Craig emphasized the point that the Baileys were very tardy in publishing the work, which meant people woke up after it was too late.

The Bs appear so very virtuous but she is a TV actress of course, hence the drama play.

Did you notice the vehicle crash to start with on her video. Nasty association.

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I felt from the get go, despite the very solid info, that watching Sam on film was like watching someone learning to act. I'd love to see the edits and bloopers on the raw footage

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What got to Me was His (Coppolino's) refusal to read this article. First He asked for the video and timestamp of the "shit picture" I mentioned, and I told Him they were offered in this article, but I would oblige, and gave Him the Odysee link and the timestamp. He came back with a link to the image I have here, with a snide comment. Something is not right with these big wig People in the scene.

And yes, Sam created drama. She never addressed who actually was author of the work in question. Just brought up feces - figuratively and literally - about everything BUT that question. I think They're all controlled op... (And Steve Falconer's pushing of NASA's pancake planet psyop rather ices that cake.)

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Pretty much everyone is covering up the democide, and it is deeply creepy. What kind of mind is comfortable covering up mass murder? Coppolino is known for exposing environmental poisoning at Love Canal, decades ago, but I guess he just rests on his laurels now. 50k deaths under his nose in NYC, and he looks the other way.

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My guess? The mind paid enough money.

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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I was on 'the list' too but have been blocked by Sam Bailey for some time. I commented on this issue last night when Eric F. Coppolino posted about it. https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/the-poorly-attempted-besmirching

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What a mess this is. [sigh]

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Over recent years I have observed a small toxic 'gang' which convenes to make messes and salivates to bully with savage bitchcraft. I find these occasional opportunities to watch the way they congregate useful. They reveal themselves to those of us who are genuine.

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Yes, I have observed similar things. I will say I thought San had more grace than She is now demonstrating. Shows how wrong One can be, eh?

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Eric F Coppolino just suspended me (a paying subscriber) for saying that he was lazy! I asked three questions and he did not answer any of them. That man is a menace and always at the forefront of strife with his ad hominem attacks and sneering superiority. He is a prominent member of the Toxic Gang.

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Seems thus far I have not been blocked - kinda surprised that I have not been having asked this question:


Still no answer, though...

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I was warned I would be blocked. Eric made a mistake, imo, when he said "we know who he is" regarding PM, also claiming PM is a 70 yr old psychiatrist, just about the worst label you could dlap on anyone, then accuses me of trying to bait him into doxxing PM. Exposed himself, and whoever "we" is, assumed its the Baileys.

I do not understand ignoring EMF/5G, do they think people will just ignore it and say well, the Baileys aren't concerned about it, so I don't need to be. Country Bumpkin sure did get her knickers twisted.

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I wanna be an ''us'' but I gotta be ME.

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Maybe you will make an appearance on Sam Bailey's next infantile meme? Keep commenting and you are sure to be noticed!


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Hey, why don't you talk to your ''us us'' genuweiners and get me in the party?

Imagine max as the leader of the ''us us''. ''Get me a coffee Frances.''

''meme'' My ME ME. I like it, I like it alot.

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Ah. I see. You are only here to act the cunt.

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''According to Poisoned Kiwi,''

That is the key phrase. That's all you've got.

She, the Bailey, put the video up after the poisoned guy wrote the article, yes? So, just refute what she said on the video.

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She never addressed the question of whose work it was, which is all Kiwi wanted. I'm not going to address the peripheral elements that She went after. They are not the key point.

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She literally says its all their own work and videos, and that Farewell paper is Mark's, which is why he is credited as author of course. Whats the problem??

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No one has denied JBS stayed at Kiwi's house. Not weird?

So can we assume JBS stayed at Kiwi's house? Something is very off with that. very off

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She makes that claim. But what I was aware of is that JBS is credited in the work, and She never addresses Kiwi's claims. At all. Just flies off all bitchy with a hit piece and drags People like Me into the fray.

You think it's cool to do that? Drag innocent People into the mess One is creating?

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So, you're doing what you are accusing her of doing. Got it.

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Sorry. What are You on about? I did not paint Her as shit, unprovoked. Perhaps you can clarify what You mean, because without clarification it appears You're just trying to be nasty to Me.

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''She never addressed''

''I'm not going to address''

All you have now is hearsay. Prove her wrong using what she said. No?

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She never addressed THE SALIENT POINT. I am not addressing the extraneous stuff. I don’t care about the crap She pulled out. I want the resolution to whether Kiwi was that author or JBS.

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Then it's just a winefest. You're on her list, man. Put up your dukes. She did.

Other than the Ayn Rand promotion (which might be a complete give away all by itself), I don't see a problem with the video. She put up some information that can be verified, right? And the kiwi guy put up what, hamna? If what she put out is crap as you say, then do tell. Otherwise it's more boo hoo hooing.

Camaraderie can destroy objectivity and give away intent. The whole bunch could be shills. The only one that I know that isn't a shill is, ME. That is why I'm an independent supporter of ME.

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I appreciate you taking the time to relay all these facts - you're very respectful about it too which is important. I don't think characterizing this and the whole kerfuffle as "throwing mud" is helpful at all. I understand people being disappointed by all their 'heroes' NOT coming together because we really do need to stand together against the pure evil that is endemic and in our faces BUT the evil ones know how to infiltrate any step forward we make and not catching onto that is a grave, grave mistake. We SHOULD, all of us, be 100% transparent and stand behind what we do or say instead of blocking and shutting up dissenting or even just questioning voices. If we've learned anything at all in the past 4 years, it's to NOT look for truth from people who are all nice and shiny and well funded - even when they say some things we can get behind, even if they have been part of the system but only now realize how complicit they 'used to be.' My opinion is that we cannot trust anyone we do not know in real life, period. A good second position is that if we like someone online and seem to line up with their take on the world, that we also see the blind spots or the holes in their positions and make a decision about motives and connections based on how they respond to questions. It sure ain't looking good for Sam and her hubby who I never really connected with anyway. To me they belong in the same camp as Dr. Drew, the FLCC and TWC 'doctors.'

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 We will prevail. Most humble thanks for Your enriching Me with Your attention in reading and Your thoughts!

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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Thank you Amaterasu Solar - I shall have a look.

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Love always! You enrich Me!

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As you enrich me. ❤️

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unfortunately, instead of working together even though all of us will disagree on certain points, those who should unite are now throwing mud at each other, just like politicians do. This weekend I unsubscribed from several who were doing so. Soon I will have a very small group of Substackers left. If I don't like what someone writes or comments, I do that - I unsubscribe, and for a few, I blocked them. This is such a sorry thing going on, we need to stand together and every one is getting into everyone else;s har. I was just reading Loser Think by the writer of the Dilbert strip (his name excapes me) a while ago, and see how things develop... so sad.

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Soon you will have a small echo chamber. Combination is good too.

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Yeah it is sad! That's why I feel like humanity is going to lose this war and the parasitic psychos will win! People can't work together for the betterment of everything and life! If it ain't one thing keeping people divided its another!

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Whether it will be 100 or 500 years to a thousand, the plutocracy/elite/ruling class will have their end time and it will be done by the hands of the labor force.

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Well... I shall keep plugging. May enough of Us come together and co-create vastly better!

We Have to Do This Ourselves (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-have-to-do-this-ourselves

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Yes we do! We can save ourselves and cocreate better with off grid communities away from the matrix and the control matrix!

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Or just taking Their single tool to power away and allowing Humanity to live as richly as We each might choose, with the psychopaths having no more power than You or Me.

A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system

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I wish they would stop the autocorrect. I just corrected 2 mistakes in this small piece !

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Well that ducking sauce.

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Well, I surely did not ask for what I got. Merely commenting that I hoped that the Baileys would communicate and get it straitened out did not warrant that which came to be... I did note that at no point in the response did Sam address the question of whose work it was, but only dealt with other things. I would think whose work would be the prime question.

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This Dr. Bailey is acting like a coward! Very low IQ and very low mentality!

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Oh. Is that how you suggest we "work together for the betterment of everything and life!" At least we should be playing the ball not the man?

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I had great respect for Sam, but She has destroyed that. I appreciate the info She provides, but this lashing out without effort to calm things down... [sigh]

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LOL! Now that You mention it, He does rather look like Bart...

As for the rest of the controlled op gang... I knew something was up with Steve - no One that sharp would fall for NASA's PPP (pancake planet psyop). But He came to "fame" via that route, pushing the propaganda of the PPP like crazy. He had to be some asset of Theirs.

As for the rest of the mess, I feel sad for Those who yet idolize that mess. They are casting crap on the "no virus" perspective, that I am giving probability approaching 100% is correct. Creating divides (to keep Us conquered, no doubt), and taking the focus off solutions.

And now that I see Them for what They are, it's small wonder Sam was ignoring for several years My efforts to solve for Her masters' control over Humanity. Indeed, I found it odd that I would reach out on every video with ways We could end the lies and the control - and never got a single response.

Likely, if I go back to Her older videos I watched, I would find that My comments have been deleted.

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The planet is a cube. 6 flat sides. You're delusional if you think otherwise. ;P

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ROFL! [hugs!!!]

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Aug 20Edited
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I would guess You're right about virtually all You say there. The only thing I ponder is Your pointing to "Hixos..." You might want to spend a bit of time with My article here:

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

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Interesting views there Solar, but some wrong assumptions sadly. The Romans were often ‘Hyksos’ Romans , like many Greeks became Hyksos Greeks if they weren’t Hellenes or the some-such before ! Hiksos are not bound by place , color, or professed religion- they are natural liars & the psychopaths you wish to spotlight.

It is due to their ‘beliefs’ & indoctrination. They are elite & chosen, just like ‘royalty’ claims. They consider the Goyim soul-less scum it is their duty to exploit, & eradicate with glee. It is in their writings & sick ritual of mutilation of genitalia.

Look at every power base or creative avenue in life & they have representatives there. Their Portraits are often revealing enough without arduous genealogy.

They control money & weapons. They control food supplies, fuel & land. Anyone complicit with their mercenary ways can be enfolded within the outer families and that is what you describe as psychopaths, but psychopaths typically have a self destructive component to their make up, so what you see are always the players on the pitch, not the managers & owners

The Medici were certainly ‘Jewish’ just look at their portraits, social interactions and alliances ! They can claim to be Italian, Catholic, Naga or Zulu , yet they will still be working for the ‘family concern’ which is ancient & terminally paranoid, justifiably & to their benefit.

Who is behind them is a mystery and can be considered effectively ‘alien’, as you yourself note they excel in generating ALIENATION & encouraging psychopathology, obsession & other manias.

You appear either very ‘jew-naive’ or an apologist for the actual face of horrors we all have to endure.

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Well, My only issue is lumping 15+ million working class People in many sects - some of which revile the talmud for the psychopathic work it is - in the same category as the psychopaths. Like My best friend and other friends who are not taught They are "better." Just have more rules to follow. They are lifelong friends - nigh 50 years - who have had My european-mutt-with-native-american-on-both-sides back MANY times over the decades. They are loving, giving, caring Ones.

I will go to bat for Them.

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& of the 15+ million WORKING CLASS people who now identify as Jewish, how many mutilated their children without consent ?

How many adhere to the Talmudic elitism & parasitic mercenary philosophy taught to them ?

You have no idea & neither does anyone else do they? you know a handful of people you claim are kind & loving, did they 'kindly' mutilate the genitals of their children or not ?

The simple fact is the powerful families are saturated with cock mutilating, sodomite, molesters who trade in flesh & illusions, and that is their RELIGION & a strategy that is devised to deliberately undermine all other communities & cultures. They de-humaise the rest of humanity while elevating themselves as chosen by 'god'.

By evading that fact you are effectively another apologist for oppression under the liberal guise of being 'fair' when the oppression they inflict is far from fair.

Who wrote the Bible & foisted the con of Mohammed & his rich bitch wife onto the world?

Who runs the banks, media, arms trade & pharmacological companies.... who were most responsible & devised the lies & illusion we all have to endure daily?

They are all of the same CULT-URE & unless the 15 million 'working class' members of that disposition stand up & make some effort to mitigate their fellow scum pushers & deny the indoctrination they have undergone, then they are just as complicit as any soldier, nurse or civil servant keeping the machinery running & keeping those unaware of their agenda from realizing what a long term series of lies we have been fed in every walk of life.

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Psychopathy is genetic, and is why the Ones at the top inbreed. They do not want heirs that care. But inbreeding has its issues, and so, with the advent of the ability to find genes, They are now taking in genetic psychopaths from outside the "families."

And no, psychopaths are very good at appearing "normal - They get trained to be. They loathe Our ability to care...

But yes, They also groom Their own.

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