impressive engagement

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🤗 💜 🤗 Most humble thanks! May enough of Us grasp that We CAN be free.

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I loved your article AS and am so glad you wrote it. It finally needed to be said, this thing about money, especially how it’s used to blackmail, compromise, etc. and then there’s narcodollars, that’s a whole other level of corruption. I loved how you echoed the sentiments expressed in some of my poetry; about having to pay to live on it. It’s really effed up and I desperately hope your articles will stimulate enough peoples imagination to come up with a workable solution to eliminate the Babylonian debt slave system off the face of the earth 🌍 thank you so much!

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Most humble thanks! Getting rid of the money system is just a matter of getting free energy tech out of black projects. Or more, getting inventions for it and sharing the info freely...

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

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For somebody with restrictions your writing is exceptional AS. I can use much of what you say in my book - Part 2 which starts publishing soon (sorry paywall on this one, I explain in my opening Notice. You can read the Introduction here (16 pages) as a preparation (Psycho-detoxing to accept a society based on giving, cooperation and love - in SA it is known as 'UBUNTU'). All as you have eloquently explained.




Money is the anvil upon which employee-slaves are beaten to death. Freedom is self-employment, being answerable only to customers, and having the option to deliver a service FOC if so chosen.


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Most humble thanks! My only issue with Ubuntu is it requires input from everyOne - and then I must ask, how will They ensure everyOne is inputting? A controlmind monitoring everyOne to be sure They do? And what happens when there is an overabundance of something? Do People keep creating it because They have to add energy?

When One grasps that on Our planet, about 80% of Us are doing work that merely moves wealth up to the psychopaths and that if We add robots for all work no One wants to do, only about 5% of Us will be needed for necessary work - and that 5% will be creative, not repetitious, and at least 5% of Us will enjoy the work.

So if (when!) We remove money, We don't need to demand energy input from everyOne. In fact, as the system is predicated on solving problems, not passing legalates ("laws") and enFORCING them, when there is a problem of not enough People doing something, Those affected WILL move to solve for it.

Solutocracy (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/solutocracy:c?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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I just copied up to just before the first "?" there. Worked fine! Not sure how that fits in with the idea of no money... LOL! But very interesting, nonetheless.

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It's my illustration of a simple local economy, AS, which doesn't actually need money but as long as it is circulating people will use it. These people will survive regardless of what the Banksters plan for them. People are generally very cute and adapt in a heartbeat IMHO.

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Well, if They are trading/bartering, that technically IS money. Anything We use to account for the energy We have added into a system is "money." I am aiming to remove the need to account for Our energy added in ANY way.

And all We have to do to remove the accounting for Our energy is add free energy tech. In 10 years' time, it will become more effort than it's worth to collect that penny for the house (or whatever).

Money... Do We Need It? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-do-we-need-it?sd=pf

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You might find this book enlightening AS, because here is an 18th century economy happily operating WITHOUT MONEY! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Diary-Thomas-Turner-1754-1765/dp/0952451603 The synopsis is worth a scan.

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Yes, I understand that very well. Having had NO money for the last 25 years I got used to life without it. It really isn't that difficult. So I didn't, my wife is gone she was the roadblock so I could have money now, but I've found that I'm just as happy without it.

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Wow. I have struggled for lack of money. Spent time on the road with truckers to have a roof over My head. Spent time in shelters. Slept on park benches. crashing now on friends' floors and using Their internet. Gone hungry for days on end... For nigh two decades.

Not happy at all. I want My cottage in the woods by a stream in the mountains of NE Georgia! LOL!

The point, though, is that when We get the free energy flowing, I can live as richly as I choose without the need for money. And so can everyOne else! I will not be homeless and bereft.

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When I was still a working psychologist, I used to feed homeless vets, my brothers and sisters so I want it also. Different reasons, but the same end.

I wouldn't say I was happy, "Barb, can I buy." "No."

And so it went for 25 years. Then I found her dying.

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So sorry about Your wife. How do You manage a place to live and all?

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That's sort of funny or sad, I'm not sure which. She left the house to my brother in law, she thought that I would die before her, no clue why. My genes say I may live to 100. Mikie is pretty nice, I wheel myself into bed and out. Food is a little tricky but I manage. And friends help out.

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Well, at least You have a place to live! Glad You have friends helping, too!

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You are always welcome here.

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