Hello Amaterasu Solar, I too have been studying up on psychopaths. I also have had a long term interest in economics and the origin of money.

I came to psychopathy through trying to get my head around Hitler and his Nazi gang. I went to Germany and walked around Nuremberg and stood where Hitler stood. I went to Dachau concentration camp and saw the experimental gas chambers with shower heads.

I have read first hand accounts from survivors of the atrocities on the eastern front and was shaken by the cruelty and insanity of it all.

Then I read further and in detail about all the camps and the Nazis ran with the death camps being the minority of camps. And I asked myself how can any of this happen, who can be so cruel and kill so endlessly and still sleep at night?

Stone cold hard core psychopaths can. The Nazis are a massive gang of psychopaths all trying to out compete each other before the prince psychopaths around the ultimate father Hitler.

All the great killers of history have been hard core psychopaths.


Genghis Khan.



Pol Pot.

All the US wars since War War 2.

And today we have -


Bibi & Ben Gvir.





I think money is one of our greatest inventions. As an agreed medium of exchange that is a confidence trick it’s amazing way to exchange goods and labour.

We have just perverted it like we do everything else. When you can make money of money and not do anything real or productive or useful now we have ruined it. It is now removed from the real economy of exchange of goods and services where 98%(?) live.

Ghessell (spelling, can’t find the quote as it’s in one of my books) said the problem with money is that it does not rust. It’s divorced from nature, reality, in that is does not decay.

Any maybe if it did by some mechanism we could end up with a more sane money system. There are so many ways to improve our money systems but the billionaire elites will have none of it as we worker drone plebs work our whole lives to keep them where they are. They luv us.

And as you said most likely all billionaires are hard core psychopaths. How else can you think exploiting the masses and the plant endlessly in a cannibalistic way, called Wetiko by native Americans is a good idea?

I am also convinced that psychopathic leaders induce and bring out latent psychopathic traits in the general population. They make out worst traits more acceptable and normal, roll on the christofascist bought to us by the evangelicals of Amerika. But, that is another issue for another time.

I am happy to have found a like minded mind… I will have a trawl through your long list of pieces.

Cheers fav24

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🙏 💜 🙏 Thank You so much for Your payment of time, attention, and appreciation! I am very well paid!

Personally, I do not see money as a good choice except in severe scarcity. And only to ensure no slackers arise when all hands are needed to get the necessary work done. That is the foundational function of money, whether it be in trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).

In a society where abundance is available and robotics exists, no need to have every hand doing something, and this is evident in the fact that about 80% of the "jobs" out there merely move the wealth upwards to the psychopaths in control. They are not necessary jobs at all. I go into it more deeply in this piece:


So happy to find You grasp what I am saying!!! Love always!

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If 1% are psychopaths and yes they are in control, what do we call ALL the others that say nothing and either go along willingly offering to die OR convince themselves they are part of the chosen group and will be spared? I was disappointed in my fellow human noting very FEW stood up and said anything against this murderous agenda.

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Aiding and abetting - whether They know it or not...

Are You Aiding and Abetting? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/are-you-aiding-and-abetting

And money motivates ignoring things that might threaten the income... Thus I aim to get rid of that tool.

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Please give me real life examples where this works for masses in diverse environments. You already stated: "I have discussed the “island paradises” where there was an abundance of food and other needed things, and so no accounting for the energy added arose." So you're thinking the whole world is going to live on island paradises?

I guess we don't need things to protect ourselves from others. When has that ever happened in history? If you live on a farm in the boondocks, you better believe you need to buy things to protect yourself. I guess we get rid of fuel. Who's going to make the farm equipment without fuel? How do we get this equipment without buying it? Everyone needs to build their own bicycle to get around? Are you saying we all go back to the garden of Eden and start over with just a fig leaf?

Somehow you think that 99% is going to think like you. Sorry, not going to happen. You want to throw out the baby with the bathwater just because of the 1% psychopaths. These psychopaths are protected by gubberments because the end game for them is to build a luciferian utopia (ran by a race that came from above according to them) and that's how they get away with it.

This has been beat to death over and over again throughout centuries and millenniums and we always end up at a universal currency to barter. Why? Incentives are usually needed to design/build contraptions that would help plant or harvest faster or better.

To me, without the incentive/$$$ part of it, good luck with a more productive part of it. Sure you will have some people who don't need incentive to be productive, but that's NOT how the masses think.

When I hear, "if there was no money," this is all I hear...


If there was a system (Egalitarian Proposal System) like Denise Ward advocates, where the local people are in control of decisions and not representatives this imbalance changes drastically to the 99%. This rating system should help weed out wealthy psychopaths who pay others to rip people off for them as well. Of course, her system needs some tweaks, but the overarching theme is what matters. I also realize she likes your system, but then I ran across her post something about a people's currency. So that confused me and I need to contact her and clarify what that entails.


I ran into another "no money" post the other day. I chimed in with this is NOT going to work with masses of people. Then someone directed me to a communal garden society called the Moravians and I should research it. I did.

Moravian Story:

1) It's a religious community. Do they except Hindus, Buddhists etc.? Do these people have their own communities? At what point do they outgrow you and want your food and woman?

2) It's a very very small town. I thought 3,000 was small, but I see ~200 here. There's NOT enough people here to blackmail anyone to be worth their time. I would not feel safe with these low numbers considering how many people exist today.

3) They needed a palisade fort for protection. I guess they realized luciferians existed.

4) It states, "In addition, the 1754 Village, Community Garden, and Medicinal Garden have all been reconstructed so that the area looks as it did in the 1750s. The garden, originally laid out in 1759, is the only documented colonial community garden in the United States."

4a) hmmm "the only documented colonial community garden in the United States." Does this sound like it caught on with the masses?


"In 1762, they significantly altered the character of their communal experiment at Bethlehem and in later years modified or abandoned some of their most distinctive characteristics."

"Moravian leaders believed that this system, which kept men and women separated at nearly all times, reduced the likelihood of sexual sin and encouraged both men and women to focus their attention on God."

"During the American Revolution, Pennsylvania Moravians faced serious difficulties. As pacifists and largely apolitical, they believed Christians should submit to legitimate authority."

"By the end of the 1700s, the Moravians had lost much of their former distinctiveness. Due to debt and economic difficulties, they abandoned their communal economy at Bethlehem in 1762 and after the American Revolution grew to resemble other German Christian groups."


I realize this sounds good in theory. However, they have problems. Primarily, it only really works with a small amount of people. We have masses today.

People only think within their little race box to make it ideal if only it was this way all over. That's not how the real world works over time and with the law of large numbers. Heck, this one religious group ran into problems themselves along enough with other religions.

There are NO easy answers to this. I see it as you have to take the lesser of X evils because for every mind there's potential for a new set of problems to solve because of what they can dream up. That's why you need a system to sustain large numbers to protect itself as much as possible against other larger groups that develop.

To me, in the end, the community that can transact the fastest potentially has the best chance to survive assuming they know what's best for their populace to grow. Transacting the fastest implies a convenient method to barter with each other. Hence, gold, silver or fiat $$$ (if you have trust) are standards that must be in play for this to happen.

Moravians is another case study that provides an overview of why it's not so easy to have a "no-money" communal economy. Sure you may have some extraordinary pockets where it works on a limited basis, however duplicating it for masses in diverse environments doesn't work so well. It's why I advocate against it.

I would love for you to prove me wrong, but I just don't see it happening. History tells me if this way of life was so popular, people would gravitate to it and never look back.

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This piece explains why money promotes psychopaths. It is the one commonality in all societies that lived in abundance that NONE started accounting for Our energy added. And ALL the examples You offer do not start with free energy. That is key, because, although We are "post-scarcity," We need the accounting for energy added function removed.

You might want to spend some time with other pieces of My work. I have psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs and typing hurts, so rather than retype what I have offered...

But yes, with free energy, and putting robots in where not enough of Us LOVE to do necessary work will free Us to live richly - ALL of Us.

Here's a few links showing how it will work:

Own What You Use! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/own-what-you-use

What Happened When Money Went Away (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-happened-when-money-went-away

Technological Nature (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/technological-nature

The Abundance Paradigm (novella): https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/242/abundance-paradigm-novella

Birth of an Invention (short story): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/birth-of-an-invention

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I always wondered why these WEF’s puppets can’t see that they will inevitably be the next useless eaters to be disposed of. These FEW masters -pun intended- will never share their wealth with them.

Watch the documentary ‘’Monopoly: Who Controls The World’’


Less than 5 entities do, not 100!

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I have watched. And yes, at the very top, there may be only One. Wasn't there a movie that said there could be only One...? Anyway, thank You so much for reading!

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This 28 episodes documentary might answer many of your questions about the top of the wealth pyramid; Fall of the Cabal Series, by Janet Ossebaard.


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I have seen that, too. Thanks, though. Readers who have not can watch!

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Thanks for your writing. It is greatly appreciated.

Gary Barnett seems to agree with us too.


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I am well paid in Your appreciation and time spent reading! Will check Gary out!

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Sage Hana and Sasha Latypova are 2 of the stacks I follow, but they are overwhelming me and it is overloading my mind, so I am falling behind. My brain cannot process as much information as I thought it could, so I am expanding it to accommodate the new information.

I overestimated myself.

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May You succeed! [hugs!]

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I read recently a 2-book work by Oswald Spengler, written in about 1926, titled, "The Decline of the West." Spengler compared civilizations over time to discern patterns in their founding, growth, maturation and decline. He concluded that Western Civilization will decline in a similar manner to the decline of ancient civilizations, and that that decline is inevitable and cannot be avoided. Interestingly, he traces the beginning of the decline in these civilizations to the introduction of money into the civilization. His conclusions are chilling. Oddly, he suggested that the decline of Western Civilization began in about 1800, since the last of the great thinkers, artists, builders, composers, etc. started to die off in the late 18th Century, and he predicted that the beginning of the downhill slide would begin about 2000. Amazingly prescient, is he not?

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Indeed! And so I work to eliminate money! I ponder where Humanity will go once psychopaths no longer have a power tool to hold sway over the rest of Us...

Do You Have the Balls? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/coming-soon

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Just so I’m clear. The terms sociopath and psychopath are man made constructs to define categories of behavior. These constructs were provided as a useful tool for psychologist and psychologist to communicate. As with all constructs, there are errors.

What I seem to be seeing it that you are redefining these terms based upon your own theory. I have no problem with that. However, if I’m correct, then you are proving your point essentially with your own theory.

I’ll let it go at that. Adios.

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Somehow I missed this. No... I am not redefining anything. What I learned was from Dr. Hare (and others), as well as this (He starts out discussing primary (genetic) psychopaths, and mentioned secondary (conditioned) psychopaths in the end):

Learn About The Human Psychopath: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8?

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Snakes in Suits is one of my favorite books on this topic. I lend or give as many copies of it as I can to as many people who are open to that sort of topic.

Does it seem that the world is running down or degrading to a predestined level?

Was this all inevitable? Are the bad ones going to make humanity its own enemy?

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I don't think it was inevitable, per se, but that with Their advantage of controlling money and information, They had a strong lead. It seems that psychopaths have planned this for a century and more, but We are not "running down" so much as We are being herded as the psychopaths want Us to go.

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Yes, since we were asleep at the wheel, and let the psychos take control, we are at a major disadvantage now trying to catch up or prevent their plans, and it's not looking good for anyone, but their "utopia" will be their "dystopia" as well.

They just don't see that reality yet either.

By "running down" I was referring to entropy, which seems that everything eventually goes through. Thermodynamics from an engineering viewpoint.

It seems that it was inevitable that the psychos would take control unless they were stopped, which they weren't, so here we are dealing with them now.

Connecting the dots and extrapolating what we already see leads to where we are going unless that trajectory is changed.

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Sep 1, 2023
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My humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation. Love always!

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Question. Isn’t it sociopaths you are describing instead of psychopaths?

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No... Having studied psychopath for 30 years, what I learned is that psychopathy can manifest in a number of ways, including sociopathy, narcissism, and others. A good video I mirrored starts with describing how primary (genetic) psychopathy can manifest, and near the end He brings in secondary (conditioned) psychopathy:

Learn About The Human Psychopath: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8?

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Some things that you haven't touched on. Yes psychopaths lie, but they begin by lying to themselves and continuing that facade. Thus to them it is just another day at the office. Slightly like you, my dad taught me not to believe, but in a hands on manner. Ever see a truck crashing through a factory wall? The smoke and debris like you see on television is a very accurate depiction. We had a Swedish firm try to buy us out (we wouldn't sell) so they padlocked the doors, which was very illegal, but they had a pretty well known lawyer (Dershowitz and I beat him in court, fancy shows don't cut it there). So dad with his shotgun, me with my Henry sunburst waited for them, but they never appeared. They did later in the light after they were served.

I won't bother you with my military career. I have a high security clearance and anytime I get intel I'll give it to you. Such as don't believe the many 'Alien Invasion' propaganda that will probably come from the Pentagon. The why is because I love everyone here and don't really hate the 'enemy. or who they say is the enemy. To me it is the US government. That's why I'm in a parallel military. The one most veterans are used to, not this wokey thing.

The absence of devices, that I loved. I really have none. The best are my landline and tv (not a smart tv). When my wife was still alive she used to say of her cell phone that it wasn't a smart phone, but a dumb phone (I had disabled the GPS and I think she could text her brother who can't talk with it) otherwise she just played games. The television, I refused a free smart one. They are really are still spying on you when you shut them.

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Now there is no need for TVs, GPS or Alexa… Nowhere to hide! Whenever they decide, they will track, restrain or kill us, their fellowmen. Scientists, customers and users of these weapons all deserve to become the targets of their own foolishness.

Outraged Human’ Substack offers us a glimpse of military advancements starting two decades ago. Frightening: https://substack.com/@outraged?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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And so, We work all the more to end Their power...

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I am not seeing how it matters whether They lie to Themselves... Whether They do or do not makes no difference in the fact that psychopaths lust after power over Others...

As for ET... I do give high probability ET has been involved on Our planet for a very long time. But that the "alien invasion" is more crown bug invasion propaganda to sell narratives as "truth." And getting Us to consent to Their plans for Us.

And... I was raised without a TV, only had two of them in My 66 years - and both were used as monitors for computers and x-boxes. I have no phone, and rely on a VOIP in a tab in My browser. The only device I have now is a 10+ year old laptop with no cam and with Win 7. Haha!

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Lying to themselves really doesn't matter that much, but it is the jumping off point. One lie can follow another and it just gets easier to them. That was what I meant.

ET, yes very probable, but in what form? A virus or bacterium would make perfect sense. In the past months Military Intelligence has told me to expect many false flags of alien invasions. The Dems do have another plandemic, I don't think that many will believe them this time so they may have to go to martial law to secure the lockdowns.

I was raised with a tv, always second-hand, so we were often buying new tubes for it. Never an x box. Phones, for the last two weeks my land line has been out, I really didn't miss it. My wife would have. I used to have a built in cam. I was really thinking of getting a VOIP. The computer and tv are the only things in my life besides my cats and fish, but they are real life, kind of how I see you and some of the guys I work with. 73 years and some ask me how. One day at a time.

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ET, as in Humanoid. No such thing as a "virus," nor "contagion." The Sumerian tablets tell a story of ET taking Their DNA and mixing it with a native species to create workers for Them (slaves). "Gods" ("Elohim" is plural) making Us in Their image.

My parents could have easily afforded the newest and best TV, but They wanted Us children to learn to entertain Ourselves without it. So... No TV.

My article on "viruses...:"

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/A-Post-to-Be-Viral:d

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Not a virus as we know it, more a one celled organism. Something that could make the long trip and if it died oh well no great loss. As you said a slave.

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I doubt a single-celled organism is going to build a craft to traverse space... LOL! And not sure why any ET would send a single-celled organism out - to what purpose?

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lol no, an organism couldn't build a ship. Consider why would they risk their life. I've never gotten an answer from supposed aliens as to how they traversed the Van Allen Belt. I suppose that is why I do not believe he really is one. Another guy would sell his grandmother for him.

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