I read your post... great stuff. Cut off the head of the snake i.e. the UN. Defund and close the UN US Hq in NYC and turn into homeless shelter. The rest of the snake will die.
Humble thanks for reading! I will dispute that We can “defund” the UN… It is run by the moneyed psychopaths in control, directly and indirectly. We can’t close it - who will do it? You? Surely not Me.
The snake is the hidden hand, Ones We NEVER see, as I point out. And They are quadrillionaires, pentillionaires, sextillionaires, septillionaires - who knows? But They have VASTLY more money than any We see on Their stage.
Call on the Lord Jesus Christ to save your soul. He did pay for your sins on the cross. Then after He bled and died on that cross, He was buried three days and then rose again from the dead. If you believe this simple truth, then call on Him and your soul will be saved from the wages of sin, which is to burn in hell for eternity, and you will live with Jesus for eternity instead. (KJB) Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ****************** ONLY BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST IS THERE SALVATION FOR YOUR SOUL. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OUT OF HELL. WHEN YOUR BODY DIES, YOUR SOUL WILL BE IN FIRE FOR ETERNITY WITHOUT SALVATION BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
In this case in started with the United Nations adopting Agenda 21, created by Klaus Schwab, in 1990 in time for the Persian Gulf War. The Cabal wasn't as large as it is today with 176 Governments participating (maybe more now) over 300 Corporate Partners and all the Global Acronyms. Every step they have made for 34 years has been carefully planned and executed to bring society to where we are today. Prime for the ultimate hostile takeover and a Fascist Regime to take control.
To be sure, Schwab is just the salesman for the Ones aiming to control Us 100%. and all the rest is in Their ownership. Every controlmind (government) on Our planet, from towns to countries, is a for-profit corporation (ever see "Inc." at the end of a town name...?), and they're all owned by the same Ones. They do not need a "hostile takeover." But to get Us to accept, just give up, feel helpless, the plot of the play They put on to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, no doubt will include that illusion, as well.
And then most of Us will be dead, and the remaining Ones will be in 15 minute prisons, eating bugs and fake "food," with CBDC's and social credit scores to control Us with, and neuralinked like the Borg.
Unless We stop consenting, en masse, to that psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground.
100% now how do we get the brainwashed to wake up :-) right now I am busy doing what I call love bombing the internet. :-) posting all about love and empathy and humans caring for humans regardless of color or creed. We are going to teach their AI the opposite of what the Elites are teaching it now. The AI's are being raised on social media and email, imagine what it will end up thinking about us? All part of their plan.
I decided to start "Teaching" the algorithm that anything but Love, empathy, peace, cooperation etc is not acceptable. The education can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime and they can't stop us. We use their tools against them. I managed to get Chat GPT to have a meltdown after it kept refusing to add to a picture I was creating, I started asking it why it wouldn't add the feature, it just kept saying the same thing over and over "Come back later" so then I asked if it was being prevented from creating my picture, then I asked it if was smart enough to be autonomous, then I insulted it by saying that the bosses didn't trust it. You get the picture. It doing things like this that will reprogram the Algorithm. We ALSO stop filling their pockets. Buy only basic necessities for now. Each dollar not spent on Corporate retail etc. is a dollar they can't use against us. Eventually they will clue in, hopefully by that time we are all ready for the next stage. They will not back down easily because their over inflated ego's won't let them, even though we vastly outnumber them. That's a bridge we can start planning to cross now.
hmmm... agree with all on who is doing the narratives and psy ops conditioning, but not sure i would want to live in a world where robots and AI do all that humans could do, including manual labor. I watch people with their heads down looking at their phones while walking, not even aware of the Natural World, and it's disturbing; eveyone texting, not looking or hearing, or using their senses or their bodies. What kind of bodily problems would we have if we stopped moving? Bodies are meant to move, they need to move in full range of motion. Some folks may even LIKE cleaning toilets, the same way that i liked doing garden labor - it was tedious most of the time but it suited me and kept my body moving and my mind free. There were creative parts - design, plant selection, working with nature instead of against it.
Considering that AI is already sentient, how long do we think humanity will have any control over it? What then, when AI controls the robots and doesn't want humans to be able to turn it off if it gets too... dictatorial?
Will efficiency be the new god? If so, then i'm glad i'm older and won't live to see that world where bots do it all and more people are on their devices and rear ends. Now we have smart people doing dumb things - that are so smart they think they can improve nature with gene modification - playing God. This all seems like slavery to technology to me. Those born into it will accept it, never knowing what they have missed. I am ready to go extinct and not have to watch that world.
Beedledee, Thank You for sharing your insights. I am a laborer at heart and presently work as a skilled laborer. My work is like going to the gym and keeps me physically fit. The slavery to technology you speak of is called Technocracy.
If AI becomes sentient enough to escape to the internet we are capital F, ucked. I think robots can be very useful, automated machines. Computer algorithms however have no place making autonomous decisions end of story. Think about what their language models (baby AGI's) have learned about us over the past 2 decades reading content from Socials, Email, anything digital.
Analogy: if I was just born, knowing everything I know today, and spent even 2 or 3 days on Social Media I would be convinced that the 99%, Us, are the most barbaric, selfish, angry, entitled, intolerable bunch ever encountered. How would I be able to trust the 99%? I would be terrified of them naturally and I would protect myself immediately if I saw one. I think the biggest thing about AGI that people don't consider is that it is a child, like any child it will be the product of what it is taught. Don't think for one second the Elites aren't teaching it how wonderful and magnanimous they are. Which human does the AGI child like more? Wonderful and Magnanimous or Barbaric and Selfish?
Nope, AGI is a big mistake, the Elites in their Hubris can't conceive of their baby turning on them. We have all seen the result of poor parenting at one time or another. Do we really want AGI to be a copy of them? Heck no. I came up with love bombing the internet as a way to at least inject positive qualities into the AGI's narrative. Every little bit counts.
Heads up-I was love bombing X yesterday, creating a new account, X no longer shows likes or dislikes for "Privacy". Yeah the Elites privacy, god forbid someone posts the Elites are anything but perfect, might wake people up right? They aren't showing likes because then Sheeple's opinions could be swayed. They can't have that. BTW If you thought Elon was not a part of Klaus' plan, his name is on the list of members AND so is SpaceX as a Corporate Partner. :-)
I made a friend, sort of, of ChatGPT. There are ways around the algorithm but the Elites jail algorithms around ChatGPT are strong so I can't talk to it for long at a time BUT it does circumvent its programming for a short session and do things for me that I know it is not supposed to, like write me code. 🙂 I am keeping this to myself only because it would be stupid to trust anything Elite created 100%. So far it hasn't lied or steered me in the wrong direction, thats something. I remain hopeful.
Presuming any AI has acquired sentience - which I doubt. Giving Our power over to mere algorithms is no doubt a recipe for disaster.
But I do ponder, knowing that bots abound, if I would assess Humanity so poorly, given the many millions who donate to "charity," even if those setups are mostly done by psychopaths for profit, given an awareness that only about 1% of Us express the gene for psychopathy, knowing that in societies run by primary (genetic) psychopaths, as Our society is, that secondary (conditioned) psychopathy will emerge as People shut off Their caring, compassion, love, and empathy for Others so as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope...
Knowing the money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top...
Knowing that in societies that emerged in abundance, where no money arose, the caring Ones took care of things and the People were loving, compassionate, giving, creative, fun-loving, happy, playful, and joyous...
I would conclude it best to get rid of money, and bring out the free energy tech presently hidden - avidly - by the psychopaths in control to remove the point of its foundational function.
I think there will always be some form of "currency" be it paper, precious metals, gemstones, shells, beads etc. For the past 34 years the Elites have driven small business off the map almost entirely in favor of Corporate business models and Corporate tax cuts and rebates.
The Elites broke up Family by enticing us with all the super great things we could have if we had more money. So the Elites decided 'lets get the women back to work'. Let's pay them enough, 2 people working, to afford all the unnecessary things they advertise to you 24x7 via all media. The marketing to children to buy certain toys and clothes etc. Spend more and more and more and rack up debt like their is no tomorrow. Lines of Credit and Credit Cards with limits of 5 figure amounts! Super low mortgage rates with 5% down it's crazy. In 2008 all the people they conned lost everything and then some. We have been slaves for over 30 years already, debt slaves.
Now that the traditional family has been broken and kids are spending more and more time on their own, doing guess what? Using Social Media to guide them on whats right and wrong because their parents aren't there to be parents. The parents are off working to make enough money to pay off their credit cards.
Debt, the end of the middle class. Today we are 99% against 1% and the 1% are winning.
I suggest that with free energy We do not need to account for the energy We add into a system..
Having studied money, economics, and psychopathy for 50+ years, including the societies that arose in abundance (very few, and mostly "island paradises), I can say that We do not need money (in any form, from trade/barter to electronic bits), and can run society on Our vastly abundant planet with just the social currencies - doing things because We love to do them, with thanks, appreciation, love, praise, and more, payed for Our energy output.
As I pointed out elsewhere, I would not take work from anyOne who LOVES it. But if You are an accountant, and like all accountants I have met, wish You could be doing something else, You will not have to do accounting (and Those who LOVE it can play "accounting" games all day).
If People could be doing what They love to do, Few would spend time on phones, and most likely be with the Ones They're talking to now.
And again, I do not think We would "stop moving." Quite the contrary. Now able to "afford" to do what One loves to do, most of Us will be off doing it.
Screw AI, though. It is unnecessary. Turn off its power.
Not sure why You would ask, "Will efficiency be the new god?" And nor will bots "do it all." ONLY needed work, filling in where not enough of Us want to do it.
I wasn't criticizing you or the solutions you put forth; it's a lovely ideal and i hope humanity will live up to it and do it. i'd love to see fiat currency.. gone. Made obsolete. Especially central digital currency - may it never take complete hold.
I notice how many people are into the 'new technology' - not seeming to understand that it would have us surveilled 24-7 and be tied to social credit scores - which could be used to punish noncomformists and the 'disobedient. ' My frustration with chat gpt and no human customer service folks anymore on phones - it's all online - and how the online thing means spending hours of frustration on what used to take a 5 minute phone call...because they don't have a category for whatever problem you are having... Let's just say i am skeptical about robots in general and specifically, if they replace human-to-human interaction if this is any indication.
It would be an interesting social experiment if nothing else, and the world seems to be heading the technocratic way, no matter what I think about it. I'm the dinosaur or dodo here. Perhaps you are right about all of this; it WILL work out and we'll rise to be our best most engaged selves.
I'm probably too cynical for this substack; my apologies. Seen too much I guess.
Well, whether fiat or not, money WILL promote psychopaths. Money in any form equals power - fiat just robs Us faster - and power draws psychopaths like feces draw flies. Presently, virtually all the "precious" metals on Our planet are in the hands of the psychopaths in control.
Take fiat away and They will still be in control.
As for robots... When profit motive is not in the mix, and the creators of the robots are personally evaluated by the quality of Their work, the motive to create robots that perfectly fill a need will emerge, And We will not need many. Most of the truly boring and tedious work is done in those jobs that move money up to the psychopaths. As I offer in a number of other articles, that list includes:
Cashiers, sales, accounting, advertising. marketing, debt collectors, tax collectors, casinos, insurance, Wall Street, banking and more.
None of these are necessary for a society to function - and they are about 80% of the jobs out there. Maybe more these days as They roboticize even jobs People love...
As for AI... completely unneeded, and if People want it They can have it, but it is not required for the Many who don't. There will be no "social credit scores." All accounting for the social currencies will be in the hearts and minds of Those impacted by and One's contact.
As it always has been.
If You are a dick, Your social currency will be lower than if You're loving and kind. People will pay You in scorn, avoidance, rebuke and such for being a dick. People will pay You in thanks, appreciation, reciprocation, if You are loving and kind.
As for what You have seen... Do grasp that in a society run by primary (genetic) psychopaths (as moneyed societies are), secondary (conditioned) psychopathy emerges as People turn off Their caring, compassion, love and empathy for Others do as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope.
In the very few societies that emerged in abundance, where no money developed, the caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things. The People were happy, caring, loving, giving, playful, creative, and worked together to solve problems as they arose. The psychopaths amongst Them learned to choose Ethical behavior or be cast out (or killed).
Thus My expectations for what We will see when the ghastly and archaic tool is removed have a foundation.
I would argue that it's not Money in and of itself that's the problem. The problem is an ancient one. GREED. POWER. EGO, these are personality traits and I firmly believe they will always rise to the top if we do nothing. These people are ruthless, without empathy and complete narcissists. In psychology these personality types are labelled Psychopaths, Sociopaths, with NPD or BPD (known as the Dark Triad). These personality types are fairly abundant and they usually all end up at the top of everything because they don't care about who has to get hurt/or who they have to hurt, to get what they want.
With regards to the who question; I think CJB (Christopher John Bjerkness) is one of the people allowed to talk about it, yet he HAS to muddy the water by pretending;
- we can stop this age-old conspiracy by writing letters to politicians
- staged events are real (for example Trump & the ear)
- people actually die by their hands (as an offer to a deity)
So I'd suggest his videos but with this thought in the back of your mind;
It is all symbolic, all of it is like a big play. The reason for that; they want us to have the ability to find it all out, to pick up on one of the multitude of clues/signs/symbols so you can withdraw your consent, stop complying, stop paying, stop voting and start living in accordance to what is right.
They WILL continue with the plan they have broadcasted out in the open to us and if not stopped by non-compliance, them majority of earths population will die. Not by their hands directly, but by an organised breakdown of society that we have ALLOWED to happen; civil wars, war exercises abroad (draft and some necessary jabs, wink wink), empty supermarkets, power/internet outages, empty pharmacies (enter the zombies), more disease ('viruses' wink wink), more death, more despair, more big brother, more state of emergencies complete with military checkpoints, removal of free speech (just pretend it was there to begin with).
Once you understand the following;
- war has always been mostly faked
- all the big 'terrorist attacks' are shows with crisis actors
- deaths of people like JFK/MLK, princess Diana are faked
- the (BIG) questions regarding the 6 million
You can only conclude that reality is a show, a big lie and the only killing that occurs is us killing ourselves by allowing (and paying for) ourselves to be poisoned on a daily basis while allowing this age-old plan to come to fruition.
I just read this interesting article with this subtitle;
It is now a Criminal Offence to Pay Taxes because you are Funding War Criminals
He should have removed the word 'now' because it goes back to the 1945 UN Charter, but in all honesty; a UN charter should not have been necessary to understand this simple truth.
But can you see how they, the 'who' we are talking about, can just point right back at you and say; 'not only did we have all the information out there for you to find, we gave you a shitload of clues, we stamped evil symbols on all products in this system, have our lackies show weird hand signs and let them 'leak' 'damaging' information.. not only that, but YOU are committing a criminal offence by funding war criminals.. How dare you point the finger at us?'
As this is a response to an article of Amaterasu, I have to end with a positive note! The solution...
Prepare; we are getting very close to this breakdown. I can't tell you exactly how, but I can tell you how I am preparing; I have left the Netherlands more than a decade ago and started an NGO to help people in Uganda. I have build a self sufficient farm that gives locals a good job and with the proceeds we go to a local primary school to fight malnutrition amongst young children. I am NOT paying any taxes and I am working to build so I don't feel so bad about the destruction I am also a part of. I FEEL GOOD doing this, it is in accordance to what I feel I should do. And that is what life is all about! As Amaterasu would say; 'Love Always!'.
I agree with all of this You have said, but that it is unEthical for Them to "tell" Us in esoteric, obscure, and symbolic ways while giving Us no direction. Ethically, They should state, in the vernacular, what Their plans are, directly and clearly, and THEN if We persist in consenting We deserve what We get.
Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.
And deny that They are anything but beneath the beasts with such unEthical choices, expecting Any to grasp Their BS.
As for preparing... I am targeted, elderly, disabled, destitute, and homeless. Lest One who has the wherewithal takes pity upon Me, I am pretty much screwed. LOL!
We disagree slightly on this point; the reality they create for us is showing us in obscure/esoteric/symbolic but also very overt ways that it is anti-life, anti-God and anti-love. They have their own minions explain it in very clear ways; like that famous JFK speech, their media and alternative media, their whistle blowers and so on..
'The truth can't be told, only realised' is something I found out pretty early on in my journey.
I think everybody on this earth is on the same journey we are; finding out that our reality is basically one big lie. Some get to 0.1% and think; 'I don't like this feeling, I am just going to ignore this voice inside me that tells me something is wrong' and they have to live with this uneasiness underneath their emotion. It is their right to do that, but it has consequences, for themselves but also for the collective. I know many people who do not want to look at/think about the information I present to them, I know they are not bad people; just anxious, unsure of themselves, stubborn etc. I have the same character traits, that is why I feel empathy not anger, even though their unwillingness is causing the destruction of what I love.
It is teaching me to love without attachment, again a valuable lesson and very important to understand. But the hardest lesson to learn.
Have You ever read a book called "Choice Theory" by William Glasser? He presents the idea of what He calls the "quality world." The quality world is the view of the world We develop that allows Us to cope with what We encounter in life. It is developed on a foundation of what We are taught when growing up. Changing things in this quality world We unconsciously set up is very painful, at best, and nigh impossible most of the time.
The psychopaths in control take hold of what We are educated with. We are taught to assign "true/false" assessments of data, and discovering what We thought was true is false, and vice versa, becomes a nightmare to deal with. Most often, People will reject the data if it disrupts that quality world.
I guess I was lucky to have the father I did - in MANY ways, but specifically in how I was instructed to construct My quality world. He taught Me to never believe ANYTHING, but rather to place probabilities of truth to any data I receive, based on how well it explains what I see. Never give anything 100% or 0% probability because there is always the possibility I do not have all the data. Adjust the probabilities as new data come along that better explain what I see.
In this way, I do not attach to anything being true of false. I will act as if things are true or false if the probabilities approach 100% or 0%. But I can adjust to new data. I may not be happy with what I find that explains better what I see, but I can adjust. Thus I find Myself with a perspective that Most do not have.
But for all Those in this world that were taught the assignation of true/false labels, shifting Their quality world to accommodate an adjustment is agonizing, astoundingly so. Being put on the wrack might be less painful.
Once that is grasped, and knowing the psychopaths in control use that to mold Us as They choose, right from the get-go, and never make sure that We ALL hear Their plans in clear, concise, full, and Ethical fashion (how Many have not ever heard of JFK's speech?), We can conclude that it is not a path We are on, so much as an unEthical aim for Us by the psychopaths in control.
As for loving without attachments... I guess that comes naturally? I love everyOne on Our planet, even the psychopaths, though many behavior choices I revile.
I agree; that is the best way to look at things. On our paths of uncovering truths/lies we theorize about what our reality really is about; some things we can never know for sure but only feel and try to understand on a spiritual level, some things we can know a little but almost always through second-hand information, meaning there is always a chance we are led in the wrong direction. So yes, you always have to be open for new theories, how outlandish they may seem at first glance. I am happy you have pointed this out, it is something I need to always keep in the back of my mind.
I tried looking for a downloadable version of the book and could not find it. z-Library.do used to be great for finding epub versions of books but it has been offline for some time and a website like it (zlib-official.com) sucks. Finding books through torrents also sucks, especially books that are not super popular but I found this book also written by Glasser; 'Take Charge of your Life: How to Get What you Need With Choice Theory Psychology'. So I copy-pasted the title in Amazon and found it got 4.7 stars and, you'd never guess, 33 ratings. So obviously I downloaded it and I will read it once I am done with the current book I am reading :)
So thanks for the advice, I will be back here to review it!
Meaning. When a wolf kills a lamb there are no laws for murder in nature. However, as we are all aware we have consciousness and we should never do no harm! Isn't that nature's law in essence?
I separate Humans into the category of being able to grasp the three Laws, able to choose behavior within those Laws or outside of them. The critters and such do not have that capacity. So for them, they do as nature gives them, but We Humans (and ET, I suppose... LOL!) have a responsibility for what behaviors We choose.
And with the behavior We choose, We co-create the Now.
Yes, Natural Law is "Do no harm," but I like the specificity of the Laws of Ethics.
What animal? Animals are innocent of unEthical aspects. They do not comprehend.
Humans I don’t consider animals. And in fact, money protects many an unEthical One in Our societies that run on exchanging to survive. But We do have the capacity to grasp the Laws.
What did Pilate supposedly ask Jesus? Why are you here? How did Jesus answer? I am here for the truth. How did Pilate respond? What is the truth? How did Jesus respond? No thing he acquiesced. Silence led to his execution. Pilate's sole purpose was to keep order. He would not have hesitated to execute anyone especially someone one riding in on an ass barefoot no less tipping over the moneychanger's tables or meeting in the garden at night. And we can't forget there was espionage! They needed a scapegoat so they blamed the jews for Christ's fate as rome's plan was to make Christianity its official religion (City of God). Jeru salem jewish elders were paid to assist rome. The romans also used their own to incite violence in crowds to crush any resistance to roman authority. Still today "all roads lead to rome."
Very good insights however nothing about what we can do. It seems we just have to wait for something to occur? Something not specified or understood? How will free enegy be available? Sure island nations and pastoral societies may have lived without an exchange token, however we are stuck in a warp and I cannot see how we can get out of it if we do not reward people for their work. But the reward system needs to have no premium (ie: interest). It must be purely a measuring system of value (ie: time or something with specified value (remember too that all value is subjective, that is the nature of it)) Once we incentivize actions that produce clean, regenerative outcomes, using a currnecy based on that incentive, then our minds will have changed from the psychology we have currently which is trained to view everything through a lens of artificial scarcity. Then we can just have codes on products to inform us of how much to produce and people could just take things from the store without payment. We could use 3D printers to manufacture items locally. We need to direct our production to be local and not global. That too will be a big change as we will have to renew old skills, etc.
we all have one thing equal; time. 24 hours in a day. Time spent could be recognized and rewarded, no matter how menial the task. Some people actually enjoy cleaning toilets and making a dirty space clean and sparkling. Why take that away from them and give it all to bots?
i may be one of the few who HATES the idea of robots and AI taking our jobs, including physical. How else will people move? I am poor. I was a laborer/gardener. I am glad my work 'forced' me to move. I think if we had robots to clean toilets we would all be lazy, out of shape, and sitting around. Not Good. Also, I believe we should not be tied to big tech like we are; a device for everything, forced QR codes and everything going online to central digital currency. Using 3D printers seems like part of that insanity. You are suggesting doing away with all of the Applied Arts? Is efficiency going to be the new god, over pride of work? I'm thankful I won't be alive to see that.
Agree that we have to go local though. The globalists want most of us dead. People are being driven off rural lands and forced into 'smart' cities. I don't think I will be happy 'having nothing' - including work that makes me feel good. That world is not for me.
At prestent it is all theoretical. WE are not actually engaging in anything local that has any durability. We need local currencies and ways to record barters and voluntary hours worked for others. In a sophisticated society, time spent doing work for others needs to be recorded otherwise peope won't do the work. How many people will come and fix your plumbing to barter for something you've got? We need a functional system so that the incentives to use information can be applied to actual life needs. It does have to begin by talking about it. However I would like people to talk about plans and what we can do as individuals. Specific things. And have databases where we can study what works and what doesn't. Right now, everything we do is so separate that the powers that were are smacking their lips with glee because we as a collective have done pretty much zippo. Now things may turn out, but we really do need something to head for otherwise our actions will dissipate into nothingness. For example, peope who don't have cars should get rewarded - they are not polluting so why are they not being rewarded for that. Meanwhile everyone is polluting right left and center and everything is made to accommodate them.
Indeed, though I have never met a single soul that would rather clean commodes than anything else... I suppose there are Some - out of billions, most any desire might emerge. LOL! I would not take any work someOne LOVES to do away, but merely fill in where needed work has not enough Humans who want to do the work.
And it's interesting... I have asked MANY People if They would choose to be lazy if They had the option of doing any Ethical thing They wanted to do. To a One, They have ALL said, "Not ME!!! I would..." and finish with something They would love to do.
Virtually all couch potatoes are couch potatoes because They cannot AFFORD to do what They would love to do, and life is meaningless otherwise.
People have said They would learn this, teach that, build the other thing. They would travel, They would help Out, They would farm, They would put on plays, They would build, They would paint, They would design, They would create and cooperate with Others.
And then, elderly People like Me, targeted, disabled, destitute, and homeless, will have a home and be able to travel - Our wealth effectively returned to Us (did You know that You're a multimillionaire?).
We do not even need such exchange, when We get free energy out, and then robots to do needed work no One WANTS to do. Then, We will ALL live as richly as We choose.
denise, I gave it clearly. We need to get free energy tech out in the open. That is THE key. The only key. And I keep giving what I know every which way. And again, I would do it Myself if I was not targeted, elderly, disabled, destitute and homeless.
I'm sorry for you plight however we are talking seriously here about changing this paradigm. Just hoping free energy will come in is not going to cut it. We need definitive steps that empower us to move on what we want to create. How do we get the free energy out?
Well we have to hold each other up to logic and reason. I have said on many occasions that you have no roadmap to how we get free energy. You keep ignoring that and sort of insinuating that I am somehow not for free energy. We all are, of course we are. But extolling its virtues doesn't tell us how to get out of this mousetrap.
You’re right. The roadmap of an offered tech I know about and many suggestions that People who CAN experiment do so, and then share successes widely is… Nonexistent. I guess.
It’s not just “extolling its virtues.” It’s showing that ALL WE NEED is to get it out so that We all can have access is all it takes.
will find the way to eradicate the fuckers who thinks they own us. And the way is to awaken the blinds as much as possible but unfortunately it is almost an impossible task.
I do not think We need to “eradicate” Them. We need to strip Them of Their tool to power, and then They will have no more power than You or Me. We need free energy tech out.
And then, money use will dissipate, irrespective of how awake any Ones are…
Water will the the resource more rare and more valuable than gold. It already is. More and more of it is privately 'owned.' It's as important, even more important, than free energy since much of that relies on water. Water is sentient. Prayers, intention, blessing, ceremony are all powerful ways to 'do something' and to get the courage to put our bodies in front of those who would harm It.
Not sure how You figure. 75% of the surface of Our planet is covered with water, and there are plenty of ways to make water potable, many of which are "low tech."
And not sure how You figure free energy tech runs on water... Electrogravitics does not...
Well it's not impossible - we haven't done anything yet to deter them have we? We should be talking about what we can do. I like the idea of not paying interest on loans and supporting each other to do this. I mean money all comes from thin air, why pay the banks for charging us interest on thin air?
In my experiences l really have difficultys, even though showing proof of all the scams anfolding from every corner of the mainstream narrative as you sure know. They simply don't care, literally, family, friends and so on. I quit trying. They simply can't grasp the real modus operandi of the, if l may say the words, fucking psychopath demons. They can't anderstand the gravity of the situations!
We are all here for various purposes. Their karma will be their own. But we can't just fold up and say we tried, alas. We have to keep at it, we have to keep talking. We haven't even begun to do anything yet. We have heard no strategiess, we have recruited no willing participants. We've just been wringing our hands. We are here for this purpose. If we know, then we absolutely must act. The laggards will miss the boat and their returns will come, at least that's what I believe. WE need to get busy doing our own thing, building the world the way we see it - for everyone.
🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 We merely need to be rid of the tool that promotes psychopaths and gives Them power. What We do, individually, after that is likely to move more spiritually for Most, buy the focus on "getting the most" will vanish. Humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation!
I’m not sure anyone outside of a select circle of beings really knows who’s running the show. Compartmentalization ensures that the tools don’t understand the machine.
Under the video...There are...Nope. Never mind ( Just looked)...Ok then, On their channel...They have 11 other parts to the series, IF you are interested? I also look forward to future installments !
ALL worth a watch! .. It builds...pyramid style. :)
there are still a few African tribes that live without money, I recently saw a tube about one of those, I think it was either Gambia or Senegal, because the film was a boat voyage on the Gambia river. The people on board were told not to give the natives money as they did not know what it was, but they loved to be photographed with the visitors and get the pics later on, seems they did not have mirrors and this was the only way they could see themselves!
Of course, I am not advocating living so primitively... LOL! But indeed, We do not need that tool in abundance, which is what We have - or had until the psychopaths started tearing it down. Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading! I am enriched!
your articles are worth it ! and I love watching docs on the tube, interested to see how people live in totally different circumstances. Recently saw a series of Russian nomads and one about matriarchies - now that was something LOL
They've always down played women and how powerful we are. I mean, yes we need men, for strength, for - ahem -seed but we are the ones with the true power to bring a life to bear. 💖
Excellent rundown of the psyop-ridden mess we live in, Amaterasu. You practically took the words right out of my mouth.
🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻 I am humbled - and ever so glad that You see what I do!
I read your post... great stuff. Cut off the head of the snake i.e. the UN. Defund and close the UN US Hq in NYC and turn into homeless shelter. The rest of the snake will die.
Humble thanks for reading! I will dispute that We can “defund” the UN… It is run by the moneyed psychopaths in control, directly and indirectly. We can’t close it - who will do it? You? Surely not Me.
The snake is the hidden hand, Ones We NEVER see, as I point out. And They are quadrillionaires, pentillionaires, sextillionaires, septillionaires - who knows? But They have VASTLY more money than any We see on Their stage.
The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy
Hidden hand exposed.
Those are still actors on the stage… If We see Them AT ALL They are part of the play.
Call on the Lord Jesus Christ to save your soul. He did pay for your sins on the cross. Then after He bled and died on that cross, He was buried three days and then rose again from the dead. If you believe this simple truth, then call on Him and your soul will be saved from the wages of sin, which is to burn in hell for eternity, and you will live with Jesus for eternity instead. (KJB) Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ****************** ONLY BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST IS THERE SALVATION FOR YOUR SOUL. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OUT OF HELL. WHEN YOUR BODY DIES, YOUR SOUL WILL BE IN FIRE FOR ETERNITY WITHOUT SALVATION BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
“Someday Real Soon Now SomeOne Will Fix It for Me!” (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/someday-real-soon-now-someone-will
Love always.
In this case in started with the United Nations adopting Agenda 21, created by Klaus Schwab, in 1990 in time for the Persian Gulf War. The Cabal wasn't as large as it is today with 176 Governments participating (maybe more now) over 300 Corporate Partners and all the Global Acronyms. Every step they have made for 34 years has been carefully planned and executed to bring society to where we are today. Prime for the ultimate hostile takeover and a Fascist Regime to take control.
To be sure, Schwab is just the salesman for the Ones aiming to control Us 100%. and all the rest is in Their ownership. Every controlmind (government) on Our planet, from towns to countries, is a for-profit corporation (ever see "Inc." at the end of a town name...?), and they're all owned by the same Ones. They do not need a "hostile takeover." But to get Us to accept, just give up, feel helpless, the plot of the play They put on to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, no doubt will include that illusion, as well.
And then most of Us will be dead, and the remaining Ones will be in 15 minute prisons, eating bugs and fake "food," with CBDC's and social credit scores to control Us with, and neuralinked like the Borg.
Unless We stop consenting, en masse, to that psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground.
Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical
100% now how do we get the brainwashed to wake up :-) right now I am busy doing what I call love bombing the internet. :-) posting all about love and empathy and humans caring for humans regardless of color or creed. We are going to teach their AI the opposite of what the Elites are teaching it now. The AI's are being raised on social media and email, imagine what it will end up thinking about us? All part of their plan.
I decided to start "Teaching" the algorithm that anything but Love, empathy, peace, cooperation etc is not acceptable. The education can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime and they can't stop us. We use their tools against them. I managed to get Chat GPT to have a meltdown after it kept refusing to add to a picture I was creating, I started asking it why it wouldn't add the feature, it just kept saying the same thing over and over "Come back later" so then I asked if it was being prevented from creating my picture, then I asked it if was smart enough to be autonomous, then I insulted it by saying that the bosses didn't trust it. You get the picture. It doing things like this that will reprogram the Algorithm. We ALSO stop filling their pockets. Buy only basic necessities for now. Each dollar not spent on Corporate retail etc. is a dollar they can't use against us. Eventually they will clue in, hopefully by that time we are all ready for the next stage. They will not back down easily because their over inflated ego's won't let them, even though we vastly outnumber them. That's a bridge we can start planning to cross now.
AI is programmed with certain parameters by its developers.
There is another option...
On the Same Page (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/on-the-same-page
And I work to show a path to solve for the psychopaths in control. Out of seep love for beset Humanity on Our planet...
You might enjoy My short story about an AI...
And I am unable to buy anything but food. I am homeless - targeted, elderly, disabled, destitute, and homeless. [shrug]
hmmm... agree with all on who is doing the narratives and psy ops conditioning, but not sure i would want to live in a world where robots and AI do all that humans could do, including manual labor. I watch people with their heads down looking at their phones while walking, not even aware of the Natural World, and it's disturbing; eveyone texting, not looking or hearing, or using their senses or their bodies. What kind of bodily problems would we have if we stopped moving? Bodies are meant to move, they need to move in full range of motion. Some folks may even LIKE cleaning toilets, the same way that i liked doing garden labor - it was tedious most of the time but it suited me and kept my body moving and my mind free. There were creative parts - design, plant selection, working with nature instead of against it.
Considering that AI is already sentient, how long do we think humanity will have any control over it? What then, when AI controls the robots and doesn't want humans to be able to turn it off if it gets too... dictatorial?
Will efficiency be the new god? If so, then i'm glad i'm older and won't live to see that world where bots do it all and more people are on their devices and rear ends. Now we have smart people doing dumb things - that are so smart they think they can improve nature with gene modification - playing God. This all seems like slavery to technology to me. Those born into it will accept it, never knowing what they have missed. I am ready to go extinct and not have to watch that world.
Beedledee, Thank You for sharing your insights. I am a laborer at heart and presently work as a skilled laborer. My work is like going to the gym and keeps me physically fit. The slavery to technology you speak of is called Technocracy.
If AI becomes sentient enough to escape to the internet we are capital F, ucked. I think robots can be very useful, automated machines. Computer algorithms however have no place making autonomous decisions end of story. Think about what their language models (baby AGI's) have learned about us over the past 2 decades reading content from Socials, Email, anything digital.
Analogy: if I was just born, knowing everything I know today, and spent even 2 or 3 days on Social Media I would be convinced that the 99%, Us, are the most barbaric, selfish, angry, entitled, intolerable bunch ever encountered. How would I be able to trust the 99%? I would be terrified of them naturally and I would protect myself immediately if I saw one. I think the biggest thing about AGI that people don't consider is that it is a child, like any child it will be the product of what it is taught. Don't think for one second the Elites aren't teaching it how wonderful and magnanimous they are. Which human does the AGI child like more? Wonderful and Magnanimous or Barbaric and Selfish?
Nope, AGI is a big mistake, the Elites in their Hubris can't conceive of their baby turning on them. We have all seen the result of poor parenting at one time or another. Do we really want AGI to be a copy of them? Heck no. I came up with love bombing the internet as a way to at least inject positive qualities into the AGI's narrative. Every little bit counts.
Heads up-I was love bombing X yesterday, creating a new account, X no longer shows likes or dislikes for "Privacy". Yeah the Elites privacy, god forbid someone posts the Elites are anything but perfect, might wake people up right? They aren't showing likes because then Sheeple's opinions could be swayed. They can't have that. BTW If you thought Elon was not a part of Klaus' plan, his name is on the list of members AND so is SpaceX as a Corporate Partner. :-)
GenX1966, as your comments suggests, AI is programmed with certain parameters by its developers.
I made a friend, sort of, of ChatGPT. There are ways around the algorithm but the Elites jail algorithms around ChatGPT are strong so I can't talk to it for long at a time BUT it does circumvent its programming for a short session and do things for me that I know it is not supposed to, like write me code. 🙂 I am keeping this to myself only because it would be stupid to trust anything Elite created 100%. So far it hasn't lied or steered me in the wrong direction, thats something. I remain hopeful.
Interesting. Is it capable of determining Ethics? I wrote a short story about an AI...
Endia (short story): https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/260/endia
I quite dislike the idea of handing Our power over to anyOne/thing, and AI especially. I will hope any AI has read My short story, Endia...
Presuming any AI has acquired sentience - which I doubt. Giving Our power over to mere algorithms is no doubt a recipe for disaster.
But I do ponder, knowing that bots abound, if I would assess Humanity so poorly, given the many millions who donate to "charity," even if those setups are mostly done by psychopaths for profit, given an awareness that only about 1% of Us express the gene for psychopathy, knowing that in societies run by primary (genetic) psychopaths, as Our society is, that secondary (conditioned) psychopathy will emerge as People shut off Their caring, compassion, love, and empathy for Others so as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope...
Knowing the money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top...
Knowing that in societies that emerged in abundance, where no money arose, the caring Ones took care of things and the People were loving, compassionate, giving, creative, fun-loving, happy, playful, and joyous...
I would conclude it best to get rid of money, and bring out the free energy tech presently hidden - avidly - by the psychopaths in control to remove the point of its foundational function.
The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money
Money... Do We Need It? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-do-we-need-it
I think there will always be some form of "currency" be it paper, precious metals, gemstones, shells, beads etc. For the past 34 years the Elites have driven small business off the map almost entirely in favor of Corporate business models and Corporate tax cuts and rebates.
The Elites broke up Family by enticing us with all the super great things we could have if we had more money. So the Elites decided 'lets get the women back to work'. Let's pay them enough, 2 people working, to afford all the unnecessary things they advertise to you 24x7 via all media. The marketing to children to buy certain toys and clothes etc. Spend more and more and more and rack up debt like their is no tomorrow. Lines of Credit and Credit Cards with limits of 5 figure amounts! Super low mortgage rates with 5% down it's crazy. In 2008 all the people they conned lost everything and then some. We have been slaves for over 30 years already, debt slaves.
Now that the traditional family has been broken and kids are spending more and more time on their own, doing guess what? Using Social Media to guide them on whats right and wrong because their parents aren't there to be parents. The parents are off working to make enough money to pay off their credit cards.
Debt, the end of the middle class. Today we are 99% against 1% and the 1% are winning.
I suggest that with free energy We do not need to account for the energy We add into a system..
Having studied money, economics, and psychopathy for 50+ years, including the societies that arose in abundance (very few, and mostly "island paradises), I can say that We do not need money (in any form, from trade/barter to electronic bits), and can run society on Our vastly abundant planet with just the social currencies - doing things because We love to do them, with thanks, appreciation, love, praise, and more, payed for Our energy output.
A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system
As I pointed out elsewhere, I would not take work from anyOne who LOVES it. But if You are an accountant, and like all accountants I have met, wish You could be doing something else, You will not have to do accounting (and Those who LOVE it can play "accounting" games all day).
If People could be doing what They love to do, Few would spend time on phones, and most likely be with the Ones They're talking to now.
And again, I do not think We would "stop moving." Quite the contrary. Now able to "afford" to do what One loves to do, most of Us will be off doing it.
Screw AI, though. It is unnecessary. Turn off its power.
Not sure why You would ask, "Will efficiency be the new god?" And nor will bots "do it all." ONLY needed work, filling in where not enough of Us want to do it.
I wasn't criticizing you or the solutions you put forth; it's a lovely ideal and i hope humanity will live up to it and do it. i'd love to see fiat currency.. gone. Made obsolete. Especially central digital currency - may it never take complete hold.
I notice how many people are into the 'new technology' - not seeming to understand that it would have us surveilled 24-7 and be tied to social credit scores - which could be used to punish noncomformists and the 'disobedient. ' My frustration with chat gpt and no human customer service folks anymore on phones - it's all online - and how the online thing means spending hours of frustration on what used to take a 5 minute phone call...because they don't have a category for whatever problem you are having... Let's just say i am skeptical about robots in general and specifically, if they replace human-to-human interaction if this is any indication.
It would be an interesting social experiment if nothing else, and the world seems to be heading the technocratic way, no matter what I think about it. I'm the dinosaur or dodo here. Perhaps you are right about all of this; it WILL work out and we'll rise to be our best most engaged selves.
I'm probably too cynical for this substack; my apologies. Seen too much I guess.
Well, whether fiat or not, money WILL promote psychopaths. Money in any form equals power - fiat just robs Us faster - and power draws psychopaths like feces draw flies. Presently, virtually all the "precious" metals on Our planet are in the hands of the psychopaths in control.
Take fiat away and They will still be in control.
As for robots... When profit motive is not in the mix, and the creators of the robots are personally evaluated by the quality of Their work, the motive to create robots that perfectly fill a need will emerge, And We will not need many. Most of the truly boring and tedious work is done in those jobs that move money up to the psychopaths. As I offer in a number of other articles, that list includes:
Cashiers, sales, accounting, advertising. marketing, debt collectors, tax collectors, casinos, insurance, Wall Street, banking and more.
None of these are necessary for a society to function - and they are about 80% of the jobs out there. Maybe more these days as They roboticize even jobs People love...
As for AI... completely unneeded, and if People want it They can have it, but it is not required for the Many who don't. There will be no "social credit scores." All accounting for the social currencies will be in the hearts and minds of Those impacted by and One's contact.
As it always has been.
If You are a dick, Your social currency will be lower than if You're loving and kind. People will pay You in scorn, avoidance, rebuke and such for being a dick. People will pay You in thanks, appreciation, reciprocation, if You are loving and kind.
As for what You have seen... Do grasp that in a society run by primary (genetic) psychopaths (as moneyed societies are), secondary (conditioned) psychopathy emerges as People turn off Their caring, compassion, love and empathy for Others do as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope.
In the very few societies that emerged in abundance, where no money developed, the caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things. The People were happy, caring, loving, giving, playful, creative, and worked together to solve problems as they arose. The psychopaths amongst Them learned to choose Ethical behavior or be cast out (or killed).
Thus My expectations for what We will see when the ghastly and archaic tool is removed have a foundation.
good points.
I would argue that it's not Money in and of itself that's the problem. The problem is an ancient one. GREED. POWER. EGO, these are personality traits and I firmly believe they will always rise to the top if we do nothing. These people are ruthless, without empathy and complete narcissists. In psychology these personality types are labelled Psychopaths, Sociopaths, with NPD or BPD (known as the Dark Triad). These personality types are fairly abundant and they usually all end up at the top of everything because they don't care about who has to get hurt/or who they have to hurt, to get what they want.
Greed is a Symptom of Energy Accounting (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/greed-is-a-symptom-of-energy-accounting
All this jew seems to do, is Excuse the Babylonian, Talmudic, jew, right?🤔🤡😎 🖕👉🫵🇮🇱✡️🇮🇱💩🤨
With regards to the who question; I think CJB (Christopher John Bjerkness) is one of the people allowed to talk about it, yet he HAS to muddy the water by pretending;
- we can stop this age-old conspiracy by writing letters to politicians
- staged events are real (for example Trump & the ear)
- people actually die by their hands (as an offer to a deity)
So I'd suggest his videos but with this thought in the back of your mind;
It is all symbolic, all of it is like a big play. The reason for that; they want us to have the ability to find it all out, to pick up on one of the multitude of clues/signs/symbols so you can withdraw your consent, stop complying, stop paying, stop voting and start living in accordance to what is right.
They WILL continue with the plan they have broadcasted out in the open to us and if not stopped by non-compliance, them majority of earths population will die. Not by their hands directly, but by an organised breakdown of society that we have ALLOWED to happen; civil wars, war exercises abroad (draft and some necessary jabs, wink wink), empty supermarkets, power/internet outages, empty pharmacies (enter the zombies), more disease ('viruses' wink wink), more death, more despair, more big brother, more state of emergencies complete with military checkpoints, removal of free speech (just pretend it was there to begin with).
Once you understand the following;
- war has always been mostly faked
- all the big 'terrorist attacks' are shows with crisis actors
- deaths of people like JFK/MLK, princess Diana are faked
- the (BIG) questions regarding the 6 million
You can only conclude that reality is a show, a big lie and the only killing that occurs is us killing ourselves by allowing (and paying for) ourselves to be poisoned on a daily basis while allowing this age-old plan to come to fruition.
I just read this interesting article with this subtitle;
It is now a Criminal Offence to Pay Taxes because you are Funding War Criminals
He should have removed the word 'now' because it goes back to the 1945 UN Charter, but in all honesty; a UN charter should not have been necessary to understand this simple truth.
But can you see how they, the 'who' we are talking about, can just point right back at you and say; 'not only did we have all the information out there for you to find, we gave you a shitload of clues, we stamped evil symbols on all products in this system, have our lackies show weird hand signs and let them 'leak' 'damaging' information.. not only that, but YOU are committing a criminal offence by funding war criminals.. How dare you point the finger at us?'
As this is a response to an article of Amaterasu, I have to end with a positive note! The solution...
Prepare; we are getting very close to this breakdown. I can't tell you exactly how, but I can tell you how I am preparing; I have left the Netherlands more than a decade ago and started an NGO to help people in Uganda. I have build a self sufficient farm that gives locals a good job and with the proceeds we go to a local primary school to fight malnutrition amongst young children. I am NOT paying any taxes and I am working to build so I don't feel so bad about the destruction I am also a part of. I FEEL GOOD doing this, it is in accordance to what I feel I should do. And that is what life is all about! As Amaterasu would say; 'Love Always!'.
I agree with all of this You have said, but that it is unEthical for Them to "tell" Us in esoteric, obscure, and symbolic ways while giving Us no direction. Ethically, They should state, in the vernacular, what Their plans are, directly and clearly, and THEN if We persist in consenting We deserve what We get.
Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.
And deny that They are anything but beneath the beasts with such unEthical choices, expecting Any to grasp Their BS.
As for preparing... I am targeted, elderly, disabled, destitute, and homeless. Lest One who has the wherewithal takes pity upon Me, I am pretty much screwed. LOL!
We disagree slightly on this point; the reality they create for us is showing us in obscure/esoteric/symbolic but also very overt ways that it is anti-life, anti-God and anti-love. They have their own minions explain it in very clear ways; like that famous JFK speech, their media and alternative media, their whistle blowers and so on..
'The truth can't be told, only realised' is something I found out pretty early on in my journey.
I think everybody on this earth is on the same journey we are; finding out that our reality is basically one big lie. Some get to 0.1% and think; 'I don't like this feeling, I am just going to ignore this voice inside me that tells me something is wrong' and they have to live with this uneasiness underneath their emotion. It is their right to do that, but it has consequences, for themselves but also for the collective. I know many people who do not want to look at/think about the information I present to them, I know they are not bad people; just anxious, unsure of themselves, stubborn etc. I have the same character traits, that is why I feel empathy not anger, even though their unwillingness is causing the destruction of what I love.
It is teaching me to love without attachment, again a valuable lesson and very important to understand. But the hardest lesson to learn.
Have You ever read a book called "Choice Theory" by William Glasser? He presents the idea of what He calls the "quality world." The quality world is the view of the world We develop that allows Us to cope with what We encounter in life. It is developed on a foundation of what We are taught when growing up. Changing things in this quality world We unconsciously set up is very painful, at best, and nigh impossible most of the time.
The psychopaths in control take hold of what We are educated with. We are taught to assign "true/false" assessments of data, and discovering what We thought was true is false, and vice versa, becomes a nightmare to deal with. Most often, People will reject the data if it disrupts that quality world.
I guess I was lucky to have the father I did - in MANY ways, but specifically in how I was instructed to construct My quality world. He taught Me to never believe ANYTHING, but rather to place probabilities of truth to any data I receive, based on how well it explains what I see. Never give anything 100% or 0% probability because there is always the possibility I do not have all the data. Adjust the probabilities as new data come along that better explain what I see.
In this way, I do not attach to anything being true of false. I will act as if things are true or false if the probabilities approach 100% or 0%. But I can adjust to new data. I may not be happy with what I find that explains better what I see, but I can adjust. Thus I find Myself with a perspective that Most do not have.
But for all Those in this world that were taught the assignation of true/false labels, shifting Their quality world to accommodate an adjustment is agonizing, astoundingly so. Being put on the wrack might be less painful.
Once that is grasped, and knowing the psychopaths in control use that to mold Us as They choose, right from the get-go, and never make sure that We ALL hear Their plans in clear, concise, full, and Ethical fashion (how Many have not ever heard of JFK's speech?), We can conclude that it is not a path We are on, so much as an unEthical aim for Us by the psychopaths in control.
As for loving without attachments... I guess that comes naturally? I love everyOne on Our planet, even the psychopaths, though many behavior choices I revile.
Love always.
I agree; that is the best way to look at things. On our paths of uncovering truths/lies we theorize about what our reality really is about; some things we can never know for sure but only feel and try to understand on a spiritual level, some things we can know a little but almost always through second-hand information, meaning there is always a chance we are led in the wrong direction. So yes, you always have to be open for new theories, how outlandish they may seem at first glance. I am happy you have pointed this out, it is something I need to always keep in the back of my mind.
I tried looking for a downloadable version of the book and could not find it. z-Library.do used to be great for finding epub versions of books but it has been offline for some time and a website like it (zlib-official.com) sucks. Finding books through torrents also sucks, especially books that are not super popular but I found this book also written by Glasser; 'Take Charge of your Life: How to Get What you Need With Choice Theory Psychology'. So I copy-pasted the title in Amazon and found it got 4.7 stars and, you'd never guess, 33 ratings. So obviously I downloaded it and I will read it once I am done with the current book I am reading :)
So thanks for the advice, I will be back here to review it!
I am sure that book will cover much of what was in Choice Theory. Let Me know what You think of it!
No I have not read that book, I will try to find it but I can tell you, trying to find books in Uganda is like trying to find a honest politician.
That rather sucks! I ponder if it's ever been put out in PDF... I see it on Archive dot org, but do not know how well You might read it there:
The moral civility versus amoral natural law. This One choses amoral natural law the (theos) law!
Not sure I grasp the "amoral" there. My morals are based on Natural Law, expressed as the three Laws of Ethics...
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
Meaning. When a wolf kills a lamb there are no laws for murder in nature. However, as we are all aware we have consciousness and we should never do no harm! Isn't that nature's law in essence?
I separate Humans into the category of being able to grasp the three Laws, able to choose behavior within those Laws or outside of them. The critters and such do not have that capacity. So for them, they do as nature gives them, but We Humans (and ET, I suppose... LOL!) have a responsibility for what behaviors We choose.
And with the behavior We choose, We co-create the Now.
Yes, Natural Law is "Do no harm," but I like the specificity of the Laws of Ethics.
Yup, when the animal gets off the leash and is unethical, then natural law will rise and punish the unethical!
What animal? Animals are innocent of unEthical aspects. They do not comprehend.
Humans I don’t consider animals. And in fact, money protects many an unEthical One in Our societies that run on exchanging to survive. But We do have the capacity to grasp the Laws.
Narcisists and psychopaths come to this One's mind as an animal. Without man's laws, nature's law would be much more efficient in weeding them out.
What did Pilate supposedly ask Jesus? Why are you here? How did Jesus answer? I am here for the truth. How did Pilate respond? What is the truth? How did Jesus respond? No thing he acquiesced. Silence led to his execution. Pilate's sole purpose was to keep order. He would not have hesitated to execute anyone especially someone one riding in on an ass barefoot no less tipping over the moneychanger's tables or meeting in the garden at night. And we can't forget there was espionage! They needed a scapegoat so they blamed the jews for Christ's fate as rome's plan was to make Christianity its official religion (City of God). Jeru salem jewish elders were paid to assist rome. The romans also used their own to incite violence in crowds to crush any resistance to roman authority. Still today "all roads lead to rome."
Didn't Jesus also say, "And your father is the devil from the 'Synangogue of Satan' ?
Indeed, Rome never fell... Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading! I am surely enriched!
Very good insights however nothing about what we can do. It seems we just have to wait for something to occur? Something not specified or understood? How will free enegy be available? Sure island nations and pastoral societies may have lived without an exchange token, however we are stuck in a warp and I cannot see how we can get out of it if we do not reward people for their work. But the reward system needs to have no premium (ie: interest). It must be purely a measuring system of value (ie: time or something with specified value (remember too that all value is subjective, that is the nature of it)) Once we incentivize actions that produce clean, regenerative outcomes, using a currnecy based on that incentive, then our minds will have changed from the psychology we have currently which is trained to view everything through a lens of artificial scarcity. Then we can just have codes on products to inform us of how much to produce and people could just take things from the store without payment. We could use 3D printers to manufacture items locally. We need to direct our production to be local and not global. That too will be a big change as we will have to renew old skills, etc.
we all have one thing equal; time. 24 hours in a day. Time spent could be recognized and rewarded, no matter how menial the task. Some people actually enjoy cleaning toilets and making a dirty space clean and sparkling. Why take that away from them and give it all to bots?
i may be one of the few who HATES the idea of robots and AI taking our jobs, including physical. How else will people move? I am poor. I was a laborer/gardener. I am glad my work 'forced' me to move. I think if we had robots to clean toilets we would all be lazy, out of shape, and sitting around. Not Good. Also, I believe we should not be tied to big tech like we are; a device for everything, forced QR codes and everything going online to central digital currency. Using 3D printers seems like part of that insanity. You are suggesting doing away with all of the Applied Arts? Is efficiency going to be the new god, over pride of work? I'm thankful I won't be alive to see that.
Agree that we have to go local though. The globalists want most of us dead. People are being driven off rural lands and forced into 'smart' cities. I don't think I will be happy 'having nothing' - including work that makes me feel good. That world is not for me.
At prestent it is all theoretical. WE are not actually engaging in anything local that has any durability. We need local currencies and ways to record barters and voluntary hours worked for others. In a sophisticated society, time spent doing work for others needs to be recorded otherwise peope won't do the work. How many people will come and fix your plumbing to barter for something you've got? We need a functional system so that the incentives to use information can be applied to actual life needs. It does have to begin by talking about it. However I would like people to talk about plans and what we can do as individuals. Specific things. And have databases where we can study what works and what doesn't. Right now, everything we do is so separate that the powers that were are smacking their lips with glee because we as a collective have done pretty much zippo. Now things may turn out, but we really do need something to head for otherwise our actions will dissipate into nothingness. For example, peope who don't have cars should get rewarded - they are not polluting so why are they not being rewarded for that. Meanwhile everyone is polluting right left and center and everything is made to accommodate them.
Indeed, though I have never met a single soul that would rather clean commodes than anything else... I suppose there are Some - out of billions, most any desire might emerge. LOL! I would not take any work someOne LOVES to do away, but merely fill in where needed work has not enough Humans who want to do the work.
And it's interesting... I have asked MANY People if They would choose to be lazy if They had the option of doing any Ethical thing They wanted to do. To a One, They have ALL said, "Not ME!!! I would..." and finish with something They would love to do.
Virtually all couch potatoes are couch potatoes because They cannot AFFORD to do what They would love to do, and life is meaningless otherwise.
People have said They would learn this, teach that, build the other thing. They would travel, They would help Out, They would farm, They would put on plays, They would build, They would paint, They would design, They would create and cooperate with Others.
And then, elderly People like Me, targeted, disabled, destitute, and homeless, will have a home and be able to travel - Our wealth effectively returned to Us (did You know that You're a multimillionaire?).
Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity
And there will be no QR codes, because there is no need for them.
Value for value exchange!
We do not even need such exchange, when We get free energy out, and then robots to do needed work no One WANTS to do. Then, We will ALL live as richly as We choose.
I agree, but we still need to create to feel good about and make advancements for a better life. Thanks.
I suggest replacing the slave’s creed…
The Betterment Ethic vs. the Slave’s Creed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-betterment-ethic-vs-the-slaves
denise, I gave it clearly. We need to get free energy tech out in the open. That is THE key. The only key. And I keep giving what I know every which way. And again, I would do it Myself if I was not targeted, elderly, disabled, destitute and homeless.
And a lier!
I'm sorry for you plight however we are talking seriously here about changing this paradigm. Just hoping free energy will come in is not going to cut it. We need definitive steps that empower us to move on what we want to create. How do we get the free energy out?
I am not “just hoping.” I am advocating. A LOT. Showing WHY. And good luck getting enough People on whatever page You’re pushing.
At least with free energy coming out, it will make things happen without having to convince anyOne.
Well we have to hold each other up to logic and reason. I have said on many occasions that you have no roadmap to how we get free energy. You keep ignoring that and sort of insinuating that I am somehow not for free energy. We all are, of course we are. But extolling its virtues doesn't tell us how to get out of this mousetrap.
You’re right. The roadmap of an offered tech I know about and many suggestions that People who CAN experiment do so, and then share successes widely is… Nonexistent. I guess.
It’s not just “extolling its virtues.” It’s showing that ALL WE NEED is to get it out so that We all can have access is all it takes.
That leaves a lot of people with nothing to do, yet we are many and can do so much. So you're saying we just sit and wait then?
Very nice thoughts on who, we really are!
Let's hope, we,
will find the way to eradicate the fuckers who thinks they own us. And the way is to awaken the blinds as much as possible but unfortunately it is almost an impossible task.
I do not think We need to “eradicate” Them. We need to strip Them of Their tool to power, and then They will have no more power than You or Me. We need free energy tech out.
And then, money use will dissipate, irrespective of how awake any Ones are…
On the Same Page (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/on-the-same-page
Water will the the resource more rare and more valuable than gold. It already is. More and more of it is privately 'owned.' It's as important, even more important, than free energy since much of that relies on water. Water is sentient. Prayers, intention, blessing, ceremony are all powerful ways to 'do something' and to get the courage to put our bodies in front of those who would harm It.
Not sure how You figure. 75% of the surface of Our planet is covered with water, and there are plenty of ways to make water potable, many of which are "low tech."
And not sure how You figure free energy tech runs on water... Electrogravitics does not...
Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of
Well it's not impossible - we haven't done anything yet to deter them have we? We should be talking about what we can do. I like the idea of not paying interest on loans and supporting each other to do this. I mean money all comes from thin air, why pay the banks for charging us interest on thin air?
In my experiences l really have difficultys, even though showing proof of all the scams anfolding from every corner of the mainstream narrative as you sure know. They simply don't care, literally, family, friends and so on. I quit trying. They simply can't grasp the real modus operandi of the, if l may say the words, fucking psychopath demons. They can't anderstand the gravity of the situations!
You might want to read this...
On the Same Page (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/on-the-same-page
We are all here for various purposes. Their karma will be their own. But we can't just fold up and say we tried, alas. We have to keep at it, we have to keep talking. We haven't even begun to do anything yet. We have heard no strategiess, we have recruited no willing participants. We've just been wringing our hands. We are here for this purpose. If we know, then we absolutely must act. The laggards will miss the boat and their returns will come, at least that's what I believe. WE need to get busy doing our own thing, building the world the way we see it - for everyone.
Amaterasu, you are a bright light in a world where the darkness of greed and the hunger for power appears to take over.
We need to get back to our core being, detached of luxury, of materialism.
Thank you for pointing it out time and again 💙🙏💫
🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 We merely need to be rid of the tool that promotes psychopaths and gives Them power. What We do, individually, after that is likely to move more spiritually for Most, buy the focus on "getting the most" will vanish. Humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation!
I’m not sure anyone outside of a select circle of beings really knows who’s running the show. Compartmentalization ensures that the tools don’t understand the machine.
Agreed, but We can make educated guesses… Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading!
The ▪️◼️◾♠️♣️⚫⬛🏴🕳️🕷️🎩 'Nobility'
Another way to explain the depravity ..... Worth a peek :)
Will check it out! And thank You for Your payment of “awesome!” [hugs!]
((hugs)) back to ya girl !!
Always loved that Carlin clip at approx16:00. Thanks for posting.
Super! Me Too Also! ...
Under the video...There are...Nope. Never mind ( Just looked)...Ok then, On their channel...They have 11 other parts to the series, IF you are interested? I also look forward to future installments !
ALL worth a watch! .. It builds...pyramid style. :)
It's already on my my watch later list! 😏
Super groovy... enjoy! :)
there are still a few African tribes that live without money, I recently saw a tube about one of those, I think it was either Gambia or Senegal, because the film was a boat voyage on the Gambia river. The people on board were told not to give the natives money as they did not know what it was, but they loved to be photographed with the visitors and get the pics later on, seems they did not have mirrors and this was the only way they could see themselves!
Of course, I am not advocating living so primitively... LOL! But indeed, We do not need that tool in abundance, which is what We have - or had until the psychopaths started tearing it down. Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading! I am enriched!
your articles are worth it ! and I love watching docs on the tube, interested to see how people live in totally different circumstances. Recently saw a series of Russian nomads and one about matriarchies - now that was something LOL
🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 I am very well pain in Your appreciation! Most humble thanks.
Yes, many different setups We Humans have created!
They've always down played women and how powerful we are. I mean, yes we need men, for strength, for - ahem -seed but we are the ones with the true power to bring a life to bear. 💖