Sorry. I found it. But I knew it was on Dee Dees Substack in comments and I couldn’t find any of her subs!?! I finally had to go to her profile page and find the Substack bloomers and boomers, to find it. Oddest thing.
I just happen to catch that I was on dee dees sub when I clicked on it.
I have my daughter and husband ready here. I have a browser on the tv. Where is that link.
Where did that Odessa link go of Dr. Dooley s interview??
Not sure I know what You're looking for....
Sorry. I found it. But I knew it was on Dee Dees Substack in comments and I couldn’t find any of her subs!?! I finally had to go to her profile page and find the Substack bloomers and boomers, to find it. Oddest thing.
I just happen to catch that I was on dee dees sub when I clicked on it.'s-Federation-Of-State-Medical-Boards---Dr.-Bruce-Dooley:f
Ahhh. Got it. Glad You found it!
So logical!
🤗💜🤗 You pay Me well in praise! I am rich!