Very nice. Found this on your website - reading now - https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/242/abundance-paradigm-novella

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 That's what I hope We will choose to co-create here on Our planet!

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I liked a fair amount of this, until you started on the patriarchal fascist anti-trans canard. And yet you say you studied some psychology? Gender dysphoria (caused by gender incongruence) is not a mental illness - this was disproven quite some time ago by fMRI scans amongst other things. It's simply a brain development disorder. And no, they do not chop bits of children. There are some intersex children they've operated on, but that's a completely different category - namely it's a developmental disorder of the genitalia (i.e. purely physical), not the brain (gender incongruence). Gender incongruence is having a different gender brain to the gender of the body. It's freaky, but it happens. And it's not possible to 'convince' a child they have it if they don't, any more than it's possible to convince someone they are gay when they are hetero, or vice versa. And you should never moralise about something over which the individual has no control. Like eye colour - you wouldn't say blue eyes are immoral, would you? Also, neither gender incongruence nor gender dysphoria has anything to do with sexuality (sexuality is governed by specific areas of the brain, as demonstrated by fMRI scans). And you don't get to choose.

Ironically, for once the Wikipedia entry for causes of gender incongruence is pretty good, and contains references to most of the important scientific papers on the subject, starting with Zhou et al. 1995. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_gender_incongruence

With regards to electrogravitics and free energy, I am completely with you on that one and I've written about it myself, in my 'DEXOS' series, which starts here: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/welcome-to-dexos-part-i?r=2s9hod

Overall it's 5 parts and around 20k words but is a fun read. The free energy bit (and some electrogravitics at the end) is part 3: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/welcome-to-dexos-part-iii?r=2s9hod

The remaining two parts are about the existence of extraterrestrials, which you may well be interested in. Especially part 5, which has the decipherment of some of those SETI signals.

But I would leave the anti-trans thing alone, as it only makes you appear like a right-wing bigot - personally I think it was specifically designed for that reason, then infiltrated into the resistance movement to discredit by association with right-wing ideas. Same with the ridiculous 'viruses don't exist' rubbish. Ever since they made moon landing sceptics look like nutters as far as the public are concerned, the bad guys have realised that associating truth-tellers with an image of a lunatic really works to turn people off.

I totally agree with you about them being psychopaths, btw, and in fact I often call them monsters - I think they are a different, but hominid, species, and brain scans would prove that. Their behaviour is so inhuman, and behaviour is governed by the brain, ergo they must be non-human. Neuroscience could prove this, I am sure.

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Huh? Where did I start on the "anti-trans canard???" I'm not anti-trans - for adults. But the desire to hack and slash One's body to approximate the opposite gender was about 0.003% before the psychopaths in control made it a "thing."

And yes, there are children who have met the knife...

And yeah, I don't care what One chooses as an adult, as long as it's Ethical. The whole point of what I said clearly You missed and triggered over it. The point is that there are moneyed psychopaths who are trying to teach Our children that the point of life is to figure out what of a gazillion made up "genders" They are.

How Innocent I (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/how-innocent-i

But thank You for reading and I'm glad We both know of EG!!!

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I'll have to follow up on this later, as it's getting a bit late here. I guess you must be referring to American wokeist stuff? If so then this kind of thing doesn't really happen this side of the Atlantic, so perhaps I'm not able to fully appreciate the extent of all the propaganda that must be being thrown around. I also don't watch the mainstream media, which probably helps. I do know, however, that there is a massive amount of disgusting propaganda on the so-called 'anti-woke' side, and indeed it's the anti-woke side that came first (it actually originated in the Vatican - I've been meaning to do an article on this actually).

I will have to correct you on the children thing, however - it was only recently I discovered the cause of this misunderstanding. Children who have gender incongruence do not receive surgery - you're only allowed that once you are fully grown (i.e. an adult).

The difference is in 'intersex' children, where often the physical sex is indeterminate. This sometimes results in doctors making decisions to remove one side of the gender which turns out to be the wrong one (ironically this does prove that gender incongruence is a real thing, and not linked to any physical characteristics). So, I have come across this confusion (or deliberate misleading) before, where people conflate intersex children with trans children. I know, for example, that there is a growing number of intersex people who have been campaigning to prevent childhood surgery, and allow these children to wait until they are adults before they decide. I totally agree.

I don't know about all these different genders, to be honest. I do know, from my knowledge of neuroscience, that the brain really is gendered (it's kind of obvious when you think about it because males and females behave differently, and behaviour is governed by the brain - if males and females were the same, the species wouldn't survive), and in about 1 in 10,000 cases the gender of the brain develops at odds with the physiological gender, giving rise to what we call gender incongruence. This manifests itself as 'gender dysphoria' which is pretty understandable - imagine how you would feel if you woke up tomorrow in the opposite gender body, but then had to face all this prejudice. So we do need to separate out the 'wokeism' from the actual children who have this condition and do not have any agenda other than access to treatment and a little respect. And they are perfectly old enough to make such decisions. One thing I can't stand is how the anti-trans thing pretends to masquerade as 'concern for children' when it's the entire opposite - it's about denying children with a medical condition the life-saving treatment they need (puberty blockers, which have been safely used for over 60 years).

But of course that's just male and female. I can perfectly well understand the principles involved in the 'T' bit of LGBT. And the 'I' bit is simply a physical developmental disorder. So that's equally easy to understand. In fact those categories should all be separated imho.

But it's the other so-called letter I don't really get, like 'Q' supposedly for queer. I'd always thought queer was simply slang for homosexual.

Still, the times they are a changin', eh.

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Indeed, tomes are changing. I will say, perhaps You missed it, but there have been a couple of stories of Children, aged 10 and 16, if I recall correctly, that were surgically "gender reassigned..." With parental consent, of course (some "parents!"). But... Maybe They made up those stories. Seems 99.9% of what's in the news is fake...

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Hmm. I would say that probably reflects more on the parents than the child. Plus there's the old thing about a few anecdotes not making a general rule.

But yeah - there are some really bad people out there, for sure.

And - totally indeed - given there's so much fakery in the news these days, how can we be sure any of it is true!

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I noticed in the comments no one explicitly agreed that this "Biden" (or the wife) is not the same person who was VP. This very obvious fact is the most damning of the awareness of humans. How people do not see it has dumbfounded me for 4 years now

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I know, right? All the evidence is overwhelming, and yet People go on as if They are not being duped. Like the system works for Them. Like if We just vote harder, things will get better. Like the Trump character is "The Savior."


I do what I can to point out We would best cease consenting to the whole mess, leave the theatre, and create vastly better. May enough of Us, soon enough, join in aggregate to get rid of the fraud They put on for Us!

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Great article! Your writing style is easy to read and to get lost in the words. 😀

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I am very well paid in Your appreciation! I am surely enriched! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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I just discovered you right now and the less I can say is how happy I did. Brilliant ideas and writings. Thank you for being who you are.

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I am very humbled in Your appreciation! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Love always!

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Very true, everything is a play as Shakespeare said. A world play within which we play our roles and write our own plays.

I have said elsewhere history is His story, God's story within which we write our own stories. What we see now has become a pantomime with the most ridiculous events to make us laugh and cry.

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I have the distinct impression the One using Shakespeare's name was referring not to Us, the participatory audience - which They (the useless ELiters) do not consider "men and women," but rather, beasts.

He was speaking of the Ones who move Us with Their performances.

But We have free will, and can disrupt Their play.

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Shout 'Rubbish!', 'Get off!' and throw rotten vegetables. :)

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All the time! Haha! [hugs!]

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Totally 💯 theatre! I’m not giving my consent by not bothering doing the useless routine of voting in the Presidential election this year for the first time. Why bother when it’s already predetermined…I came to the realization in the 80’s that we were being duped by the politicians. They try to put on a good act of being divided into party lines when in the TV cameras eyes but when off camera they are all patting each other on the back, going out golfing and dinners together. It’s all a farce! Too bad that the majority of Americans don’t see it or don’t care to see it!

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Agreed. I haven't "voted" in decades. I could see the pointlessness of it. Haha!

Yes, the actors on the world stage are good buds. All of Them. They don't care about Us one whit.

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I’m sure that “they, the Cabal” have it all figured and plans layed out decades ahead who the next world leader in which country will be next. I’ve seen charts where they showed that every President was a descendant of the Blue Bloodline except for Trump. So that should tell us something.

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Absolutely! We would best disrupt those plans...

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Oh honey I stopped voting a long time ago too! Why bother, all politicians lie and cheat! Our votes don't matter and I just wish that America would wake up to that! The fact that I don't register and the fact that I don't vote is my damn vote, because there ain't jackshit worth voting for! As an example, Trump said that he was going to put Hillarys ass in jail didn't he, the people begged Trump at one of his rallies to "lock her up! lock her up!" Trump just stood there and grinned, I don't remember what he said but he blew it off like he was joking and just laughed about it! Trump never had any intentions to lock killerys ass up in the first place! It looks to me like that Americans would get tired of being mocked and laughed at by these g-damn criminal politicians don't it! We the people don't "f"ing need these lyin' ass politicians, we the people can govern and take care of ourselves! But sadly Americans do not learn! They don't realize that every "f"ing election is going to get hijacked now! Elections in America is the definition of insanity---- keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over again expecting different results!

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Totally 💯 agree with everything you said👍🏻

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Truly, though... It's a planetary problem, psychopaths in control. We would best see that and act planetarily, not just "America." ALL controlminds ("governments") on Our planet are for-profit corporations, owned by the same Ones, who use them as "props" in the play.

Indeed, Trump, and any other "politician," is an actor on Their stage and campaign promises - like locking Killary up, draining the swamp, and all - are immediately forgotten when the (s)election is over.

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Ditto 💯👍🏻

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🎯 Yelp exactly! These psychopaths are playing people all over this planet!

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I became a conscious being at about 4. I broke a vase, my uncle walked in and asked what happened and I said I didn’t do it. He looked at me with pure hatred and said, “Your are JUST like your father.” He hated my Dad with a passion and that realization brought my awareness of self speeding into my body at break neck speed. I felt cursed after that, always acutely aware as opposed to blissfully ignorant. That all changed after noticing the chemtrailing in the mid 90’s, then realizing all vaccines were bioweapons in the late 90’s, and then especially during the electronically rigged 2000 election followed by the 9/11 false flag by our own government (pathetically obvious the day of). I realized I had sort of a super power because I saw through the bullshit and was mostly immune to the brainwashing. I’ve since come to realize that everything of importance discussed by mainstream media, politics, and corporations is almost completely a lie and that that is 100% by design by some hidden power above the reality we see in public. The best people in pretty much every field are uninformed about pretty much everything. What I value more than anything are the few others that have pulled the curtain back and seen the puppet strings. That’s why I am glad to have found your blog. You see it, and it makes me feel less alone and more hopeful. Thank you.

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I feel the same way as you honey! Everything we've ever been taught is a damn lie! It's important that people do their own research, look into things for themselves and discover the truth for themselves! I basically consider all these people talking about "what's really going on in this world" the Alex Jones's, David Icke's, Joe Rogan's and so on! They're a dime a dozen today, I consider them all controlled op until they prove to me that they are not controlled! So for none of them have! The only way things in America are going to change for the better is for Americans to get up off their asses and change these things ourselves! But sadly too many Americans still believe that their votes matter and some Lyin' ass politician is going to save our freedoms and America!

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Definitely controlled op!

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🙏🏻 I am paid well in Your appreciation! Thank YOU!

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Conspiracy analyst hits the nail on the head. Why not! They have analysts for every THING! If there's a group of conspirators who hide everyone's origin - fertiliaztion - I'm also a conspiracy analyst for lowercase genesis is One's beginning not conception/implantation into mother's uterine wall!

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Awesome! Humble thanks for reading!

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Ever since Ron Paul, when someone asks if I saw this or that or who I was voting for I always smiled, leaned into them, and said “It’s all theater”. No one’s ever challenged that statement other than to rationalize why this or that might be good or bad.

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Glad I'm not the only One who sees! 🙏🏻

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Yup. It's all theater but the presumed taking of our essence through the berth certificate is a dangerous road to challenge as they think they have plausible deniabilty just read Edward Mandel House's pledging/tithing system!

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Scripted, every last syllable.

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Not only scripted, for each year up to 2024 they had it planned. Probably have it planned for 2024 on also, but they have to see what their adversaries' narrative is. Big Mike for Prez? he hates America! Morons, that's worse than the corpse Bidet.

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They have it planned up to 2030 - thus "Agenda 2030." Haha! And the corporation masquerading as "Our government" will pay big Mike plenty to be CEO.

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yes, I'm very aware. However, it may just be their downfall. It hates America and everyone knows it. Add to that Mike is dead,

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People keep saying They're all dead, but I see no proof. Just words. Meanwhile, it continues as if nothing changed. And anyOne "elected" just plays Their scripted part...

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If you look carefully, you'll see subtle differences. For me , Biden's eyes and nose didn't look right. Then I went to his forehead. Most don't have the time to scrutinize pix. Hil was easy. read how she died.

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It’s been scripted.. tho, we can write our own 🌹

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That's what My work is all about! Haha! Humble thanks for reading!

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Your fates already been decided for you through their presumed taking or trespassing.

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It's historry ( his story) not mystery (my story)!

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We call it hisssstory, here - lol

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Enter = Enter

Tain = Hold

Ment = Mind

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Very quotable quote from the movie State and Main.: "Everybody makes their own fun. If you don't make it yourself, it isn't fun. It's entertainment."

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Go into the lower courts that are night courts they get chumps to believe through mind fucking you are in the district of columbia (so-called goddess) practice their black magic for joinder!

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Why consent to that whole psychopathic legal/governmental system?

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For sure! It's all fiction even though they use brainwashed psychopathic broken home road pirates with guns to enforce. We have to stand our ground administratively ending this madness. One has had success but they change the rules.

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When enough of Us aggregately stand on Ethical ground, eschewing that ghastly system, They will have no power. That is My aim.

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But when's enough of Us going to stand up and stand on Ethical ground? Hopefully before all of our freedoms are gone and America is enslaved in their New World Order! I've been raising hell ever since they rolled convid out! Then people lined up like good little obedient 🐑 and took their jabs!

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Agreed! Call these MOFers out for who they truly are!

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