And, why are we not throwing it back at them?

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Because We're chained down with money and so Many are afraid of losing that.

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I'm not chained down w money, it's already gone!

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Well, I am chained down for lack of it… LOL! Homelessness sucks.

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They aren't paying, they are sticking us with the bill to move people around the globe.

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That is not the point. They control the energy accounting tokens (“money”), irrespective of how They got them, and are purchasing many a ghastly thing to beset Us with.

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They are. Restructuring to fit their nefarious plans

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The wicked establishment killed my only brother in 2022 by REMDESIVIR. I warned him for months, not to go to hospital NO MATTER WHAT and not to allow them to give you REMDESIVIR. He didn't heed my warnings NOR did he believe that Ivermectin would help him. He refused to take it because of the demonization of the media against it. He tested positive, got "Covid" pneumonia and went to hospital never to come out again. Only 61 years old.

My mom was "fully vaccinated" and only days after her last "booster" she fell down getting off an elevator and never got up by herself ever again. She got a UTI, sepsis, hospice, death, just a month after her final "vaccine". This was one month before my brother died. She wasn't in great health but she wasn't on death's door either. She had Rheumatoid Arthritis pretty badly but this took years to come on. They took the last years of her life from her.

The over-the-counter Covid tests were found to be contaminated; https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65503664 after the damage was done. Note: The headline reads "OVER" half a million. So how many is that? It may as well say "over 5 test kits were contaminated”. The word “over” leaves that number blank, to be filled in by assumption and, assuming they want us all dead, that number was more like 50 million or more.

My brother took that test and got one of the three viruses with which MILLIONS of tests were contaminated. Tell me, how, in the sparkling, sanitary, squeaky clean places where pharmaceuticals are manufactured, do MILLIONS of test kits become contaminated and THEN get past their quality control to make it onto the shelves of thousands of pharmacies across the country?

Let's reverse engineer this thing. We know they want to reduce the population (Georgia Guidestones; Bill Gates of Hell's Ted Talk, et al) and they want to get their poisonous shots into everyone in the world, how convenient would it be to frighten the sleeping people into taking a test for our gain of function, virus du jour (which is just an enhanced, common cold) which was contaminated with three pathogens known to cause respiratory distress and pneumonia; (Enterococcus, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and Serratia species), to get them into our complicit hospitals so that we could intubate them, get the lethal Remdesivir into them, fill them with enough narcotics to kill an elephant then watch them die slowly from complete organ failure AND get subsidized compensation for listing their death as COVID? How very convenient indeed.

I don't have their "health" insurance, I don't ever want to see the inside of one of their modern gulags and that is my fervent prayer to God and His Father; (see Revelation 1:6 KJV) that I NEVER need to be hospitalized. I trust in Psalm 91. These are promises from God to we who dwell in His secret place and who believe, i.e. have FAITH. If we don't believe God's promises, they don't work, why should they if one doesn't believe in them? That's how faith works. It is the Faith OF Jesus Christ which He gives to us who believe in Him. See Galatians 2:20 in the KJV. All other versions say faith IN Jesus Christ.

I have received the love of the truth. It is number one in my life. I am completely passionate about the truth and I follow it wherever it leads NO MATTER where it leads. If someone presents to me an idea that isn't part of my worldview, I will study that idea no matter what it is to learn whether or not it is the truth. I will study it until I have satisfied my mind that it is the truth and I will incorporate it into my entire worldview. This seems to be a very rare quality, studying to learn truth (looking at BOTH sides of an argument) as most people have adopted someone else's worldview WITHOUT QUESTION. And those views have been MANUFACTURED by this world through every bit of its media (newspapers and magazines; radio; movies; music; television) and in the public schools and universities. This world keeps the truth hidden from most people by deception and lies. I have been studying and exposing their lies for the last 16 years after I received an extra portion of the love of truth.

I hit on many points here; the fake pandemic; the murderous Remdesivir protocol; the clot shots (the covid scam was designed FOR the clot shot not vice versa); and most importantly the TRUTH of Jesus Christ who this world has thrown into the bin of fiction and fairy tales. Isn't that so appropriate? They who want us dead believe (and teach our kids from an early age) that "in the beginning", NOTHING, and that unimaginable amounts of time plus MISTAKES made everything that ever was including us. It's the RELIGION of Darwinism which is the most nonsensical construct ever foisted upon the imaginations of mankind yet the world believes it! Evolutionism is taught in perpetuity to this very day and has solidified within our culture that each of us is a random collection of cells with no apparent purpose, drifting through a nanosecond of geologic time until the light goes out and we’re gone. It was this very subject that prompted me at an early age to question Darwinism; to look at BOTH SIDES and make my own determination - a skill sadly lacking in today’s youth for many reasons - some of them physiological to the intentional dumbing down of society by childhood vaccinations and the fluoridation of the water, not to mention the spraying of our skies by the controlling powers to the tune of 10s of millions of tons of aerosolized nanoparticles of aluminum, barium, strontium, polymer fibers and only they and God know what else. I have very much to say about this world and I say it loud and clear from my little platform which God has granted me by my extensive learning about these subjects and an adequate vocabulary and many years of typing practice.

I came from by way of "Strange Sounds" substack. I have been commenting on Manuel's substack for a few years. I'm a 62 year old, retired CEC (certified executive chef) who, plain and simply loves the truth. I speak of it everywhere I go because it needs to be heard. I have discovered the true meaning of our origins and it is such good news that I can’t keep quiet about it because I want everyone that shares in the gift of our having been thought out and put into being by our Eternal Creator to discover the same. It has come to my attention that most people do not WANT to know the truth and they can’t find truth for the same reason that a thief can’t find a cop. I write to those whose hearts and minds I can spark with some questions within them that beg answers. I stand ready to give my testimony to anyone that asks the reason for the hope that is within me.

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I am so sorry to hear of Your losses at the hands of the psychopaths. Humbly I will say there has never been a virus involved with any illness - they don't exist. But overall, Your story is gut-wrenching! Some are saying the tests contain nanotext and/or toxins...

But yes, the moneyed psychopaths in control aim for taking out most of Us, and the rest kept in 15 minute prisons, eating bugs, with CBDC's and social credit score, neurlainked like the Borg, to be used for servants, slaves, sex toys, and sacrifices.

I'm 68 and... Targeted, disabled, denied assistance, lost everything, destitute, and homeless, sheltering on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 15+ year old laptop.

Working the best I can to solve for the moneyed psychopaths in control.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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So similar to my story! Those who dare to speak out...By the power and the blessing of God, we keep on. Warriors, we are! God bless and keep you!

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🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻 Love always!

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Shared my friend

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Humble thanks!

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You're welcome

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snipers and kamakazi pilots where are you? Thatsbthe solve... in my view. quick, hard. fast. throughly .done. They are known .

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People can’t meaningfully resist because there are feds everywhere, and they infiltrate every community and encourage it, then use it against them. You are glowing yourself

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I withdrew My consent...

Walking the Walk Some More (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk-some-more

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://blurt.blog/blurt/@amaterasusolar/4kmbbz-just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://blurt.blog/blurt/@amaterasusolar/zbtrk-join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical-ground

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Your solve is to kill?

My solve is to educate that rule by force is the disease. Reducing that belief, the superstition of authority, will reduce the cult of statism powerless to do anything significant untill enough numbers are present to cause a shift in the paradigm to something that is less harmful than what statism has to offer to the table.

You can't rage a war when none show up to make it happen.

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"Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lords decision for those who deserve it..". Judas Maccabeus when a larger army tried to overtake their land and people. They underestimated God's power. We must fast and pray.

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So... You're saying We know who the "hidden hand" is/are behind the Ones We see on the stage? Witch hunts? Dropping Us to Their level beneath the beasts by breaking the Laws?

No... Take Their tool to power away.

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Lulita!! ☝🏻🎯

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You have to be living in fear to think more killing is the answer.

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I disagree... See My reply.

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thx 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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Thank YOU for the payment of attention!!! You enrich Me well!!! 🤗 💜 🤗

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