Great article. I often wonder why so many can't seem to see the writing on the wall. Here, where I live, it is understandable that they can't see it; life is simple and it mostly flows along the same way as it did fifty years ago. Sure, the Covid thing was not nice but I think 95% of the people here believe it was real. But I am talking about a tiny village where most people don't even have a TV, let alone internet. In the Netherlands, where I am originally from, it is so much more in your face. The problems with children (ADD/gender confusion/autism/disease/depression), the excess deaths over the last three years, the drop in fertility, constant issues with government corruption/overspending, inflation, obesity and I can go on and on forever. The only reason I can come up with is that they seem to love their prison; Stockholm Syndrome all the way down.

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Yes, a fair bit of SS, but I keep being told that 50% or more are “on [My] side…” LOL! When People start withdrawing Their consent in droves, I’ll believe that!

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Oct 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

The parasitic psychopaths are idiots! Do they not realize that human beings are a carbon life form as well as all life on planet earth! Oh, that's right! These younger generations of people are probably not aware that human beings are a carbon life form because stuff like this is probably not taught in school in science classes anymore! So of course, that explains why some people fall for the climate change bullshit and believe that nonsense! If people would stop for a moment and think about it, don't people realize that our true Creator has took all of these issues into account and thoroughly analyzed every problem and issue that could go wrong with His creation( planet earth, human beings and all life on earth, weather, severe weather that destroys things, earthquakes, floods😆I mean people do remember and know about the biblical flood that destroyed life on earth the first time right, and last but not least

"climate change" or a few years ago it was called "global warming!") I thought "global warming" sounded much scarier! Why'd they change the name 🙄😆 Anyway don't people realize that our true Creator took into account of "what would too much carbon on planet earth do and cause? "Would too much carbon coming from the carbon life that I ,God, created be detrimental to all life on planet earth?" Problems, if

any?" Don't people realize that our true Creator is in control of all of these things? I'm pretty sure that our true Creator took into account of how much carbon that human beings, animals and all life on earth will produce! He saw that His Creation was good! He was pleased with all of the carbon life that he created! So I don't believe that our true Creator would have told the human beings that He created to "go forth and multiply on planet earth" now would he if more carbon coming from His creations was detrimental and destructive to all life on planet earth! 😆 when we think about it this way it just goes to show how stupid and idiotic these so-called "globalists" "elites" which are nothing but parasites really are! They obviously do not take into account that the true Creator has planned and has solutions for everything that can go wrong on planet earth! So if carbon is soo bad, as the parasites claim, then don't we think that the true Creator would've chosen a different element to create His Creation out of!

So the problem is not us human beings! Afterall the parasites are the ones that created all of the plastics that's polluting the planet, all the synthetics, things that don't decompose in nature! The parasites create unnatural things and deceived humanity unto using these unnatural things! This is what's junking up the planet! Human beings were thriving when they were farming, raising animals and looking after the land and growing food!

Anyway here's a site that was shared with me yesterday and it might be an interest to people who want to get off grid and escape this lost and dying society! I'm still looking at it, reading and exploring the site!


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Oct 5Liked by Amaterasu Solar

That’s a great website, with ways for people to connect, also!

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Oct 5Liked by Amaterasu Solar


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Though I place little acceptance on religious stuff, I surely appreciate Your perspective. The psychopaths in control fully grasp that We're carbon-based. and that removing CO2 will kill off much of the life, including Us, on Our planet. But They rely on the Ones They did not educate to help in Their death cult aims for Humanity.

I'll check out the link, and thank You greatly for Your payment of attention in reading!

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Oct 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Yeah! I didn't mean to sound the religious stuff! I tried not to but be more scientific! I probably should've called Creator and creation "Source" "Source Energy" "Infinite Source" ♾️ I believe that everything was created and that we were not a cosmic accident as we are taught in evolution! I believe that a pure Intelligence created everything and I don't believe that the God of the Bible is that pure intelligence or pure Source! There's more to this Infinite Intelligence but as a soul in human form There's no way for me to fathom and understand this intelligence and what it is? Only a couple of Bible references in that Infinite Intelligence meant for human beings to expand and create because we were given the power of creativity! And to create is to expand! The parasites do not have the creative power that we do! That's why they do what they do!

I agree that They have targeted the uneducated! I learned earth science in junior high school and we were taught all about what life on earth is made of! It's sad how dumbed down some people have become over the decades!

That website looks promising and I'm going to share that all I can! There's quite a bit of information on there! Documentaries also! Let me know what you think about that site! I think that site can educate people and give people hope!🙂

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Not a problem. [hugs] However We came to be, it would behoove Us to solve for the psychopaths in control and regain Our rightful wealth - by removing money.

Love always!

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Oct 2Liked by Amaterasu Solar


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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Excellent and timely Pike quote! 1871 was the year the US was “incorporated”.

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I noticed that, too. That was an interesting year.

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