Universal community trust is on the verge of creating a credit based financial system that will make the debt based system obsolete.

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Why do We need to account for it all to begin with? If We add free energy tech, We no longer will be tied to debt or credit. We are then free from any strings holding Us. We ALL will be able to live as richly as We choose, as We should on OUR planet - We each have an interest in the wealth of Our planet, but long ago the psychopaths in control declared Us "incompetent" and started putting Our wealth in "trusts" with Them as "trustees." (Own nothing, control everything.)

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

And I have been hearing about how "real soon now" things will be changed up - with things like NESARA and such - for MANY decades.

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This is an interesting one. On the one hand, it is not at all about the money; the ones in control have never had a lack of it. For them it is just a tool, so in that sense money plays a role (just like 'democracy', organised religion, mainstream & alternative media).

On the other hand, for the majority of people, life almost completely revolves around money. To them it is THE thing that ties them to this destructive system and that is the main reason why they won't even want to investigate the obvious conspiracies in our LARP reality. They can't envision a way of surviving outside of this system and secretly they like the toys (cars/TV/vacations) that this evil system is giving them.

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Well, I would say that We can have technology (run on healthy frequencies) without that tool for control, and We each can choose how We live. In a cave with no tech, like the Amish, in villages and communities at any common level of tech, in "middle class suburbia," in mansions (though mansions will not be a status symbol, and Most will not choose to worry about huge abodes).

Where We are not just "surviving" but thriving as well. Where We can fulfill Our potential, follow Our bliss, make Our dreams come true. Where the arts and the sciences are not hindered or hidden for profit and control. Where they burgeon and Humanity profits.

The ONLY tool the psychopaths have to affect what They do upon Humanity is money. An archaic and dangerous tool.

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

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"energy accounting tokens". Love that. Hubby calls them consumer credits.

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Either works. But "energy accounting tokens" goes to the foundational function of exchanging to survive.

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Money is a tool used by the ruling class to oppress and control us. Oh, it also makes them feel "special" 🙄 The vast majority of wealthy people are assholes and they're also idiots.

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Also "foundations" are equally insane.

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They're there to launder money... Haha!

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They can be used for that, sure. But I can tell you that I have put more than 40k in my foundation so I can help out in Uganda. We have started some really helpful projects to clean up the environment, create jobs and much more. In the 10+ years of doing this, I have only put my money in it, never earned a dime.

I am not complaining, don't get me wrong. In the end I do all this because I wanted a way out of this system and this is giving me the opportunity to do it. I pay little to no taxes, live a relaxing life and I feel good knowing I create more than I destroy.

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To be sure, there are foundations that are set up by Ones with caring motive. But the larger percentage - and by a very wide margin! - are there to launder money, to profit the founders, to do little to actually help.

I applaud You for being in that minority!

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You a very right, it is the old boys network but with a philanthropic veneer.

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Money is the opposite of alcohol.

There are better things in this whirled....

but alcohol sort of compensates for not getting them!

just an observation. <grin> after your wise observations :)

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Money is an archaic and dangerous tool. Haha!

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No doubt about it Sistar!

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🤗 💜 🤗

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Aug 4Edited

Yeah the people running these charity organizations are pocketing the money so of course there's no money left over to help the people! Or they have no intention of helping people and use the "you don't qualify" bullshit line and get away with that! These charity things are a scam and easy money for the lucky people who are able to start these things up and deceive people with these things and get away with it! These scammers shouldn't be called "lucky" they are nothing but crooks! I think there are maybe a tiny number of legit charities around but they are hard to find because they don't advertise and market themselves like the other charities do because these real legit charities don't have the money for advertising!🤷‍♀️

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Yes indeed! The only charities that are honest are the ones that collect real things - food and clothing and tools and etc. and give them to the Ones who need them. Wherever money is the flow, expect nothing in real charity.

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