
Subsequent to this I learned that the One They say "died" had initials of CC - 33... I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

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Jul 15Liked by Amaterasu Solar

CC as in "33" or 33° Freemasonry! Definitely not a coincidence! The numbers don't lie! Great catch!

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Exactly that, the freemason approach.

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Aug 7Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Hi! Appreciate all your research into this psy-op. You have outstanding writing abilities :-)

Will sub.

There was a substack post about two shooters showing that Crooks was not the guy shot on the roof. The post said something about anomalies on the ears that matched the second guy and not Crooks. Do you have a link? I placed the link in my folder in reference to this event. Now my folder appears to have vanished...???

Thanks so much!


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Since I wrote this, My perspective has changed a bit. I don't think there was a "shooter" - "Crooks" looks like "He" was modeled after Elizabeth Warren. AI style. Identical face features...

And I conclude that the whole was a psyop/ritual. For more, I highly recommend Mike Huggins' SS:


He has TONS of observations and analyses on this event.

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Aug 7Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Thanks so much!

AI style fits in my opinion also . Elizabeth Warren....wow! The ritual is the way I am thinking also.

Yes, I just found Mike a few days ago. Will dig more into his work.

Much respect!!

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Amaterasu Solar

You may have already read Miles Mathis's take?

Miles is an interesting character.

I watch his updates...FYI

Got to run!


Added August 6: Pennsylvania is now refusing to release the autopsy of alleged shooter Crooks,

although laws are on the books requiring it. Butler County is claiming it can release only to next of kin

when Pennsylvania law states the opposite. Of course we saw this coming: they can't release an

autopsy report because the body isn't that of Crooks. It is either a ghost or some body they took from

the morgue. But CIA doesn't have to obey PA state laws, or any other laws. It never has in similar

events, and we have seen the same thing in hundreds of previous events.

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Well, nothing in that legal/governmental system is a Law…

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

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Aug 8Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Yes. So true.

Great article.

So did you go thru the process of smashing your Cestui Que Vie Number which is the red number on your birth certificate which at birth your parents registered you as "lost cargo at sea "under Cannon/Maritime/Admiralty Law. (one foot on the land, one foot in the sea) A Cestui Que Vie Trust was then made in your name.?

Good for you if you did!!

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Jul 21Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I’ve seen more reaction from people getting bit by a mosquito than the Don faking a bullet grazing his ear, which remained totally intact. The whole event was fake imo.

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I know, right? And I suggest it was a ritual, with crisis actors (that was a rather small venue, don't You think?), and fakery all the way.

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Jul 18Liked by Amaterasu Solar

The so called iconic shot of Trump raising his fist with a flag above him. That flag is nowhere to be seen before the pantomime begins.

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Jul 27Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Not only is the flag nowhere in the audience but why isn't the audience in the picture itself? Did they get photoshopped out? And the flag photoshopped in? And hey, while we are at it, let's make the sky a little more blue - gives a better contrast, don't ya think! Well maybe it's all photo enhanced to win that guy another Pulitzer! But then look at the formation of Trump and his SS agents. You will not find that exact formation anywhere in the live feed; especially look at the woman in relation to Trump. It doesn't line up in the live feed. Just a staged shot to illicit a particular response from people.....

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Jul 28Liked by Amaterasu Solar

You can see the flag when you see the whole scene. It is held between 2 cranes about 40 feet up. It seems it is out there for no other reason than the photoshoot.

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Jul 28Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Oh thanks! I finally found a shot of that in the live feed, and I think I see what you are talking about. Seems too high to have actually been captured in the Trump iconic pic and you can see it in the live feed with a very, very cloudy sky behind it. All the elements are there just enough for people who don't question things to buy into the picture. But if you look close, it really doesn't add up..... IMO

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It's the angle They shot that at. They were down, looking up with the cam. It was clearly taken on a different day, and the day He was "shot" was cloudy. They did a practice run...

Assassination Debunked https://michaelhuggins50.substack.com/p/trump-assassination-debunked-in-304/comments

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True. It's all a play.

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The title is given first in all caps fulfilling revelation prophecies..

Probability of injury is definitely a physics riddle

A pea shooter is the only realistic way for such a nominal injury in such location as he doesn’t have dumbo’s ears flapping in the wind 🌬️

Having personally met the man in the early 2000’s influences my perspective on his character and personality being less of the character portrayed by media and more of the working class kind of man

Time and events do change a man

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Somehow I missed that that was the title. I found it! Thank You!

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Jul 17Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Too many unanswered questions… Who were the doctors on what was the treating Hospital of Trump, and widely didn’t have a press conference discuss how he’s doing, etc.?

Same for the victim… Who is the hospital? Who was the treating physician? And where is the bullet for the forensics?

Who were the other news reporters from mainstream media that were in attendance that was able to film the rally? Why is it only that the BBC rocked up? Why is the only footage of the event they have? Is that alleged interview with a witness?

What were the names of the agents? And the name of the police officer who went to the roof and saw the shooter with a gun and then they ran off?

Why was the crowd so small? Every other Trump event to tend to be very packed. Was this rally already published? And if it was a Trump rally again main stream media would’ve been there… So where is their camera footage?

The infamous footage of Trump had on when he gets allegedly shot… Who filmed that? Was it a news agency? If so, which one?

It’s hot outside, the sun is out, and the blood on trumps face remains bright red the whole time. Does he have a disorder where his blood doesn’t oxidize? Why did remain bright red and not start getting more orangey brown as blood normally does?

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Jul 21Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Outstanding questions! Very few asked about the forensics etc. Thanks for posting this.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 18Author

A lot of very good questions. There was nothing organic about this.

About the crowd... I would give very high probability We were seeing crisis actors. (Money will buy LOTS of People!) Likely everyOne there was in on the dupe. One thing I find interesting... There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless.......

This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the crown and scepter of Jerusalem.

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Jul 16Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Welp, if this Corey Comporatore was shot, god only knows where the bullet came from. My boss knows that dude. Doesn't know him well, but he lives right down the street from him. Or the CC guy is a local mason in on the fix. I don't know what to think.

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Gonna give highest probability He was in on it. Thank You for reading!

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Jul 16Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I loved it! LOL!

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Jul 15Liked by Amaterasu Solar

My initial very strong gut instinct after seeing the video for the first time was: total psyop. I thought I was watching WWE.

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I know, right? I couldn't believe there was no more blood flowing after the initial mess. And given I can see that it all is a play...

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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Jul 15Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I don't know if this is wrong but my assumption from the moment I saw it in Kitten's post was it would be fake - absolutely for sure - no need to even look ... although I did just a little.

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I was mesmerized by the blood - or rather the lack of it except for what the initial "injury" produced. I could not reconcile all the "blood" I saw but nothing further with what I got when I scraped an ear once. (Man, did THAT bleed!)

But if it's in the "news" I presume it's BS until proven true. So far zero in that mess has proven to be true.

Thanks for Your payment of time in reading and commenting! I am enriched!!!

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At first I dismissed the possibility - I did not think trump was smart or nasty enough to fake this. But the masters behind the scenes are both. they want trump back in the house. at first he seemed out of place there, but they probably found a way to leash him. like they do with everyone. now I think I can see this as a setup. I have not watched clips, only photos, and missed the 'more blood should be flowing'. Yes it should. Everyone who had a facial wound knows, that your face is the worst for bleeding. they want to lead the attention away from the one dementing old man towards the other dementing old man. does not really matter because behind the scenes, the few are handling things anyway. only a small change of scenery.

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It's not about wanting Him back - though They surely do - because They own the corporation USA Inc., and appoint who They want, "counting" the "votes" and telling Us who "won" (who They appointed). It's a ritual, and it casts sandy hooks into Our emotions to drag Us where They want Us.

The tells that it was ritual are many including the date, 13/7 (European format) - and 137 is the 33rd prime number. 13 is a fave of Theirs, too. The "victim" has initials, CC, and that's 33... There's more, but that should be enough to show that Their aim was ritualistic.

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Jul 18Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Three shots and the gun moves all over the place. If they were real bullets they would be hitting random spots.

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Mayhaps quick adjustments of position?

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I keep offering this...

Did You know... There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless...

This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the Crown of Jerusalem.


Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.

Psyop. 100%.

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A whole lot of cookie crumbs. Did you see there 3 possible shooters?

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Yeah, I did. More to add confusion, muddy the waters, add verisimilitude. Haha!

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"Supposedly", the pictures are fussy.

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An initiation ritual in plain view.

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Yup. Saw that!

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so well written and spot on - definitely a psy op. The real tragedy is that people believe 'it' really happened and his 'ratings' will soar - I guess the Owners have made their choice on who will be the next figurehead, er, president. Grab your popcorn!

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They made that choice loooong ago. Been in the script for decades. The "indecision" is an illusion. Haha! I do hope enough of Us awaken to the play, choose to leave the theatre and join Me as sovereigns!

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Jul 15Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Great write-up mate! I couldn't agree more, this whole thing has the air of a staged show.

What it means, who is behind it, or what their motives are is certainly unclear. But some of the photographs are pure marketing. This image of Trump with blood on his face will help him immeasurably, I have no doubt.

So, so many questions arise from this incident.

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Thank You for Your assessment! Indeed, like Sandy Hook, and all the rest of the psyops, more questions than answers.

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Jul 15Liked by Amaterasu Solar

One thing about the several shooter names. The shooter was surely an MK-Ultra victim. These are torture victims, who are shattered into hundreds of personalities, each with its own name and programming. Apparently his handler had fun deciding who to attribute the shooting to.

I see the oddities you do, and I increasingly doubt this was real as shown. If not, then Trump is just another Deep Stater screwing with our mind. May the Creator guide me on this and all others who seek the Truth.

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I don't think there was a shooter, not any shots. The shooter looked like a dummy to Me. But yes, I know a LOT about MK ULTRA (and NAOMI, and a few others...).

Trump is in the Big Club. If He were not, Their media would not mention Him. Truly, and I linked at the end of the article before My (long) signature, it's all a play - or circus.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 15Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I’m still thinking it’s not fake yet I’ll keep investigating. Free energy and land beyond the Antarctic full of resources. You tell of psyops here’s one I’m quite certain is absolutely provable by line of sight. So do I think this could be fake ? Trump has a double, is that Biden who’s to know. Strange when facts are still fluid. I find the place the gunman was on the roof in sight of people able to get 8 shots off before gunned down, hard to accept.

Still in process …

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