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Might Makes Right shall be the whole of The Law

To the Conqueror go the spoils

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That is wrong, though. Might merely makes bullies. And all conquerors are bullies. Beneath the beasts. UnEthical.

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No such thing as ethical cowards.

Kill 1 you’re a murderer.

Kill 10 you’re a serial killer.

Kill 1,000,000 you’re a conqueror and they make you king.

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Women and children are exempt from combat duty. Thank you for all your hard work. Keep fighting the good fight in your own way. It’s appreciated. Blessings.

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And elderly, too, as I recall... I surely will persist!

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Who said a word about cowards?

And how can killing anyOne be considered Ethical unless it is in immediate defense of Self or Others?

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

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You, me, all of us are being poisoned, robbed, lied to, manipulated and exploited. We are in a war and are under attack. ANYONE perpetrating this or aiding or abetting this is the enemy. Cowards will not survive this. Fight or die. That’s it and that’s all.

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Yes to all of that, and this elderly, disabled, denied assistance, lost everything, destitute, and homeless One, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on Her 10+ year old laptop, is doing all She can.

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

Dear AnyOne, I Am Not in Your Jurisdiction (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/dear-anyone-i-am-not-in-your-jurisdiction

Are You Aiding and Abetting? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/are-you-aiding-and-abetting

If You’re Rooting for SomeOne to Rule You, You’re Part of the Problem (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/if-youre-rooting-for-someone-to-rule

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Very well covered and stated in your article. I believe you covered all the bases. The 1% are the puppet masters and the 99% us are their puppets. Atleast that’s what the 1% would like to think. There are those like yourself and others ,maybe the ones that read and respond to your articles like us, are “Free Thinkers” as I like to say. When the plandemic started up I was shaking my head in disbelief that so many were panicking over a so called virus that if you were infected by it you had a 99.7… survival chance, which is better than the influenza! I was a no masker. It really got annoying when I was in a major grocery store all the “How Dare You” not wear a mask from all the sheeples or Lemmys as I liked to call them. Unknowingly that they were actually killing themselves with their own CO2 and bacteria from their own breathes. Which was part of the plandemic plot as well as “control the masses”. It amazes me that it seems like the majority of people lack “Critical Thinking”anymore. BTW, why do you type anOther with a capital O? To throw off algorithms or something else? Thank you once again for being a free thinker and encouraging others/someone to build the aether free energy device! Be blessed.

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Humble thanks for Your payment of assessment! I am well enriched!

Indeed, the 0.1%, who are the Ones really in control, with the avid help of the 0.9% - covering the 1% that are psychopaths - aim to control Humanity 100%. A fair few secondary psychopaths also help, plus so many They duped with Their lies, and the pretense that the "news" is the truth. (They never actually SAY it's the truth,,,)

I too was astounded at how Many were panicking over the rebranded flu. For though the flu, a seasonal detox, will be too much for People with comorbidities to handle and They die, in 2020, there was, perhaps, a lower degree of toxins about - or because People stayed inside, They were not exposed... Who knows why, the detoxing was less than normal

I too had confrontations about not wearing masks, keeping distance, and the whole panic bunk. But there were some places that never bothered Me at all...

Anyway, I cap Human pronouns out of respect for every sapient co-creator here in this universe (Human, and conceivably ET...). I cap "Other" when it refers to fellow Humans, and "anOther" is really a combo of "an" and "Other." Ergo, "anOther."

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I have read about "starseeds" who come from worlds that function as you have described. We seem to be transitioning there, but it is a process. Very few of us are that unselfish as yet.

I have also seen claims that bitcoin was intended to take the medium of exchange out of cabal control, thus enabling the transition.

Genes are over-rated. I watched a video by a man who casually tried to murder his own father after deciding Dad had never wronged him, because nothing matters if atom arrangements are all there is. Utter and total psychopath. He studied the Bible to prove himself superior to a Christian, and then one day he decided, it was either NOTHING or Jesus. He chose Jesus and EVERYTHING changed.

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Somehow every 2nd person in North America is a starseed, at least in their social media bio, yet none of them has ever done a single thing that is not permitted by the Cabal, and were meekly masked up during "Covid". Also they will be the first ones who will attempt to save their own skin, the instant they are exposed to an ounce of hardship for the first time in their life.

I'd say the author of this substack, has done more good than all of these "starseeds" combined.

I guess my message is, that people need to stop being narcissistic posers, and start being all the things they claim to be, because this world would look very different if people were what their social media bio would have you believe.

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I am humbled in Your payment of appreciation. Indeed, when We all who claim to be here to help actually take the hard stance against the psychopaths in control on Our planet, We will co-create something vastly better!

Love always!

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We surely do have control of Our behavior. And yes, psychopaths can choose Ethical behavior, even if They don't care. In societies that developed without money, because They had abundance, the psychopaths learned to choose Their behavior Ethically or be cast out - or killed.

So when a psychopath has a vision that suggests (S)He must choose Ethical behavior, (S)He will choose Ethical behavior, despite being a psychopath.

And I so give fair probability the Anunnaki created Humans out of Their DNA and the sapient species here at the time, to mine gold and other tasks, as slaves.

But any "coin" - from eggs to electronic bits - will offer power over Others, and sooner or later, the psychopaths will gain the most and be in control.

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Human, yet non-human. They will push those boundaries to test themselves. An example: The Clintons wearing a girl's real face as a mask and feeling no guilt or remorse.

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The Clintons surely are psychopaths, no question about THAT! LOL!

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They are also dead. Gitmo ghouls in my notes. What you see are dopplegangers, doubles, or clones

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Perhaps. What I ponder is why all these People are being said to be "gitmoed" and yet the play persists as always. The Ones doing the gitmoing are doing it WHY?

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These are our enemies. In a sense they are doing us a favor. That it's for power does not escape me.

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You wouldn't want to see the real Hillary, Brennan, or Obama walking around. They would be much too dangerous.

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Why? They were walking around before. What changed? Made Them more "dangerous?"

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Who are Our enemies? I still don't grasp the whole scene You're describing. Powerful People were hauled off and killed by...???...because...???

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A cold view of things. Our enemies are Ds and supporters. Don't bite my head off I'm just a messenger. Okay, 99% of the time you'll get a hanging judge in a military tribunal and they take 'hanging judge' literally. They are Commanders, Colonels. I'm surprised that you haven't seen a transcript. Roserambles often has them, she also has the wildest stuff you can imagine. Usually, they were hauled off by JAG and hung by everyday soldiers. The because is interesting on paper you'll find sedition and treason. espionage, murder, aiding and abetting a foreign agent, and seditious conspiracy seem to be favorites. Thought control?

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Well written. I didn't know psychopaths had a "gene", wasn't sure why some people feel no pain or remorse when hurting others... I've also considered degrees of a psychopath (using people as objects) versus the cold and calculating predators who derive pleasure from the maiming and death.

Are we sure they are human?

Thank-you for your thought provoking work!!!

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There are primary psychopaths - the genetic Ones - and there is no way They can feel for Others. They are born of Humans, so I presume that They are Human, but it can be nerve-rattling to encounter Them.

Then there are the secondary psychopaths that emerge in a society run by the primary psychopaths. People will shut off Their caring, compassion, love and empathy for Others so as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope.

In societies without money (which promotes psychopaths to power), the caring Ones took care of things. Tahiti was one place where abundance flourished and so They had no need to make sure everyOne added Their "fair share" of energy into the community.

You are most welcome, Dee. Thank You for Yours, as well!!!

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No they're not human! Why even ask that question! It's not a "gene" of human origin for this kind of evil! Good people from our Creator don't take pleasure and desire from controlling and destroying other life,period, unless that life wishes to corrupt and destroy the life that our Creator created!

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Well, as Jeannettecally points out, defining "Human" is a challenge. Yes, They are "Human" in that Many carry the gene, but it is recessive, so Most do not display the issues that the Ones in whom the gene expresses do. But this is why the useless ELiters inbreed. They want offspring in whom the gene is expressed.

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Is anybody SURE that we are human?

WHAT is human? ... Better yet...What is it that THEY tell us that we are?

Now they strive for what THey call Homoborgenesis ..the next "creation"

I heard we have a gene to grow feathers ... some folks retain their tail gene. That mixed, would be the original feathered serpent/ dragon? Maybe?

I think there are degrees of psycho. I cycle thru them occasionally...... Lololol

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If One is born of a woman (irrespective of any metal illnesses We see today), One is Human... And yes, They want to mess with Us some more. Indeed, there are many non-functional genes...

There are two sorts of psychopaths. Primary - genetic - and secondary - conditioned.

The primary psychopaths CANNOT feel caring, compassion, love, or empathy for Others. They do not feel remorse. They tend to lust after power over Others - the Few who do not tend to be complete loners.

The secondary psychopaths emerge in a society run by primary psychopaths. They are the Ones who shut off Their caring, compassion, love, and empathy so as to "succeed," survive, and/or cope.

(Also, "psycho" is used to denote a psychotic - One who is out of touch with reality. Though some psychopaths are psychotic - in about the same percentages as non-psychopaths - most psychopaths are fully in touch with reality. They just don't care.)

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Can we just agree that psychopaths run this whirled?

I won't even argue that I think some of these psychopaths are hybrids & can't help it.

They may have been shot up with DNA other than their own & well, There you have it. 🤗

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We can surely agree that psychopaths are presently in control, indeed! As for "hybrids?" Maybe, but if You're saying They cannot control Their behavior, then They are not sapient - They are robots or similar, controlled by Others - in which case, the controllers are the scum, "beneath the beasts."

Sure, They may have been altered... Not sure where to place the probabilities...

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YES! Controlled by others...Like a MIND PARASITE? Parasites control the host.

Who knows what they put in these inocullations .... What if THEY put their genetically coded DNA in the shots & infected everybody w/ their "code" & it parasitically took over.?? THAT is what were looking at with todays biological technology.

That's actually what the Gnostic wisdom that' been collected for ages says. But they call it Diment'd mind parasites that manipulate folks with opposable thumbs.

Some say we are robots due to our chakras....RAM is the brain & DNA is the digital code that runs us. It's a freakin mystery. ....UNTIL we take one apart to figure it out. Lololol

People are supposed to be natural...We are anything but, at this point.... I wasn't there for any of this.... I'm just an unwilling participant in the game.

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Well, "mind parasites" could explain what We see... But so could merely a gene expressing that causes psychopathy.

And whether We are "robots" or not, irrespective of any "RAM," We need to solve for the problem of psychopaths in control, if not for Us, for the Ones that come when We are gone.

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Paul Wallis and Mauro Biglino talk about how we have an alien gene within our genome. We are actually hybrids from an off world race mixed bred with homo-sapion primate that was here on earth. Check out both of these men’s writings, especially Paul Wallis’s writings. He gets deeply into our beginnings. Well researched.

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Thank You IceboxPatriot ! Always looking for what They hide :)

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You are most welcome☺️ Since I can remember about around 5th grade sitting in Sunday School classes the teacher would read Bible verses and talk/interpret what was being read that would just make my head turn sideways and I’d say huh? I always had a lot of those “gray” areas about Bible teachings throughout my life until one day I received the “Red Pill” and started doing my own research outside of the Bible. Using renowned authors/researchers of the Sumerian Cuneiform texts translated and all of those “gray” areas from the Bible suddenly started to make sense to me. The scales have been removed from my eyes and I now see the real truth. I feel it in my gut/intuition. My spirit has been lifted free from the dogmaticisms of the modern day churches.

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Thank You for sharing. 😀 It always starts with indoctrination & hopefully ends in Deprogramming :) Love it! All in all, The Bible i a fascinating multi layered book (probably written by ancient A.I.) it's a very dangerous grimoire that cast various spells upon those that choose to succumb to it's enchantments. When read as a book of Astro theology , science & bioengineering/DNA it lends a lot of knowledge to what this place actually is. Do you believe that the Sumerian texts are the plagiarized roots of the actual BIble... .?

I'm glad that your scales have lifted & that your spirit has been freed! Never forget, This IS a spiritual battle ... Just not as it was represented. :)

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One thing that people tend to forget or not realize is that “The Bible” is a recorded history of a small tribe of people in a small area of the world in the middle east. A “Reader Digest Condensed version”. A lot of the Old Testament especially the book of Genesis was a copy of what this small tribe of people called Israel stories that they heard from their many captors through many years centuries and repeated by word of mouth to one another over campfires.

The Sumerians are the first society to have a written language. Then the Babylonians, Mesopotamian and Arccadians. 2500 years before the Hebrew people. Do I believe that the Sumerian texts are plagiarized roots of the actual Bible? Yes/No. The account of creation, yes. But as we know and realize that in 6 BCE the original scriptures were rewritten to change from a plurality gods to a monotheistic god to better fit “the scenario “ and agenda of the ruling king and religious sect at the time. Ten rewritten again in the C6AD and horribly dissected in the C17AD to what is now the King James Version.

Yes this is a spiritual battle. I firmly believe the more people we can get the truth out to the more free we will be as a whole and break the shackles of the 1%. More people need to be Red Pilled. Peace.

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