I think there is a difference between what your calling DARK ENERGY and Orgone , Ether ect , I think its in a different slice of dimensional reality, The simple reason what your saying has not come to pass is the people have not overcome the suppression of all alternative developments that would take away this stranglehold on power, energy , money ect Our current money is negative energy because its a debt instrument, that is different . The entire purpose of this Geoengineered Transhumanist agenda is to REMOVE our capacity to ever accomplish what you describe as the problem , but without solutions.
I think the aether is an electro-gravito-magnetic field that pervades the universe, feeding it energy (zero point energy, anyOne?).
"Particles" are standing waves in the aether.
And the reason the free energy tech is hidden has everything to do with its making the moneyed psychopaths presently in control's single tool to power pointless.
Hi Amaterasu Solar, your article is very well thought out and has a lot of merit.
I do agree it would probably be best if inventors would open source their work before it's too late. It has happened again and again that projects demonstrate function only to be bought out, then everything about it disappearing, or made unavailable through high prices, or the inventor being outright ruined through lawsuits, financial problems etc.
Sure, I realize it's easy to say "make everything public, give away the secret for free", but what other option really is there against these kinds of threat? I imagine there must be alot of other income sources for inventors other than patents and exclusivity deals.
Fortunately some engineers have caught on this, but the only project that does this, that I know of, still hasn't produced anything exploitable.
As much as I would want to have access to unlimited energy, thinking of the bigger picture, is humanity really far enough? We still let our world run by psychopaths in almost all positions of power!
You yourself admit this.
What do you think what would happen if you give these people access to this kind of power? Directed Energy Weapons are already a thing where they can threaten entire nations with it since it is now possible to create earth quakes, and fires with it over a big distance. So I am conflicted about whether or not it would be a good thing or not.
On the other hand you could argue, "the psychopaths" already have access to these kinds of weapons but the normal people (as in healthy brain and not psychopathic) do not which would then tip the advantage in favor of the normal people.
As you can see I am very conflicted about this. Is humanity ready for this kind of power?
Dear One, the idea that "We let" Them do anything is... Not close to the truth, I would say. Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.
But clearly there is some percentage of Us who DO wake up, and We will lead, with Ethics at the fore, when the need for money dissipates.
Yes, They have such weaponry and it is money They use to pay People off to do Their bidding, be silent, etc. Will all those lackeys lackey when there's no money involved? When no One is paying the bullies to bully for Them?
Yes, Humanity always has been ready. We are, as a rule, Ethical and caring. But most of the care is blocked by the inability to afford to do anything more than send $10 to a charity - never mind that virtually all "charities" use the money They collect to pay directors and staff and all.
But charities collect millions a year from Us anyway. Lots of People care.
Do check out some of the links I offer above My signature.
Yes, they did a lot of things to stifle us, that much is evident, but still... it is actually an interesting question... how much potential for evil a human has left when all of these stifling factors would be gone?
Of course I too "want to believe" that humanity is ready for the leap into that bright future but I think one should be cautious. There are prerequesites to every manifestation.
You seem to have put a lot of thought into these prerequesites in your articles. I will read them. In the meantime I congratulate You on Your discoveries.
I don’t see “evil” and “good;” I see unEthical (“evil”) - the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics, Ethical (everything that does not break the three Laws), with “good” being the upholding of the Betterment Ethic - looking for ways to make things better for Those around You and around the globe and creating them.
And to be sure, with 99% of Us not psychopaths by birth (and only about 5-7% of Us conditioned psychopaths), Few will break the Laws of Ethics. Where would be the point?
With all of Us responsible for arresting (or calling for help in arresting) anyOne who breaks the Laws, and with little to no motive, where would the problem be?
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
The short answer is "no." The cap "O" includes all sapient Beings. This does not mean it is fine to torture the critters of Our planet. For food animals, give them a natural life and a quick death.
For more, the latest chapter in My novella goes over this:
Many, yes, but there are only a few that I think qualify as "free energy." As in overunity. Technically, hydroelectric is free energy, but it really is just changing the form of the energy from motion to electricity. At a loss, even.
There are technologies that are overunity - more out than in - but those are the ones the psychopaths avidly hide and suppress.
Thank you for directing me to this. I find it fascinating what you have written. I agree with the substance. Whether I have said before I do not recall but I consider that the two laws to follow are in essence to love God and your neighbour. These are of course positive rather than negative.
As to who God and your neigbour are that is another matter!
As for Laws, I like the three Laws of Ethics. They are ancient, and were called just the three Laws for a very long time, but when I did a search for "the three Laws," I got back all kinds of stuff but not those, so I asked what they were the Laws of, and "Ethics" came back clearly. Thus I call them.
And they are Natural Law, expressed as the three things not to do. And proof that they are Natural Law is the fact that if You asked everyOne if any of those things would be okay to do to Them, to a One, They will say, "No!" (To say "yes" would be consenting and leaving the question unanswered.)
And look high and low, I have not found anything else that is not a matter of taste. [shrug]
So I go with those three Laws. They seem immutable.
Excellent food for thought by Amaterasu 天照 (her name itself meaning light from the heavens is quite fitting today):
"If money is merely the accounting of the available energy, it becomes clear that should an energy source come along that has the properties of being effectively infinite, available from anywhere, and negentropic (from “negative entropy”), the need for money dissipates. “Infinite money” has no social application."
Yes. the character 天 pronounced Ama or Ten, can mean sun, heavens, sky, and 照らす Terasu means shine on. In your case it means the "heavenly goddess of free energy".
I think there is a difference between what your calling DARK ENERGY and Orgone , Ether ect , I think its in a different slice of dimensional reality, The simple reason what your saying has not come to pass is the people have not overcome the suppression of all alternative developments that would take away this stranglehold on power, energy , money ect Our current money is negative energy because its a debt instrument, that is different . The entire purpose of this Geoengineered Transhumanist agenda is to REMOVE our capacity to ever accomplish what you describe as the problem , but without solutions.
I think the aether is an electro-gravito-magnetic field that pervades the universe, feeding it energy (zero point energy, anyOne?).
"Particles" are standing waves in the aether.
And the reason the free energy tech is hidden has everything to do with its making the moneyed psychopaths presently in control's single tool to power pointless.
Obsoleting Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/obsoleting-money
80% of Us Merely Move Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/80-of-us-merely-move-money
Quantifying Wealth (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/quantifying-wealth
Accounting For the Energy We Add (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/accounting-for-the-energy-we-add
That definition seems to be how Tesla saw it check this out
Thank you for this VERY IMPORTANT EVERYTHING HE IS DOING is this kind of scam by other names and plans , I CANT BELIEVE EVERYONE CANT SEE THIS SK
On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 11:12 AM Cornelia O'Leary <living200@fairpoint.net> wrote:
Why CBDC’s have not been killed.
Hi Amaterasu Solar, your article is very well thought out and has a lot of merit.
I do agree it would probably be best if inventors would open source their work before it's too late. It has happened again and again that projects demonstrate function only to be bought out, then everything about it disappearing, or made unavailable through high prices, or the inventor being outright ruined through lawsuits, financial problems etc.
Sure, I realize it's easy to say "make everything public, give away the secret for free", but what other option really is there against these kinds of threat? I imagine there must be alot of other income sources for inventors other than patents and exclusivity deals.
Fortunately some engineers have caught on this, but the only project that does this, that I know of, still hasn't produced anything exploitable.
As much as I would want to have access to unlimited energy, thinking of the bigger picture, is humanity really far enough? We still let our world run by psychopaths in almost all positions of power!
You yourself admit this.
What do you think what would happen if you give these people access to this kind of power? Directed Energy Weapons are already a thing where they can threaten entire nations with it since it is now possible to create earth quakes, and fires with it over a big distance. So I am conflicted about whether or not it would be a good thing or not.
On the other hand you could argue, "the psychopaths" already have access to these kinds of weapons but the normal people (as in healthy brain and not psychopathic) do not which would then tip the advantage in favor of the normal people.
As you can see I am very conflicted about this. Is humanity ready for this kind of power?
Dear One, the idea that "We let" Them do anything is... Not close to the truth, I would say. Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.
But clearly there is some percentage of Us who DO wake up, and We will lead, with Ethics at the fore, when the need for money dissipates.
Yes, They have such weaponry and it is money They use to pay People off to do Their bidding, be silent, etc. Will all those lackeys lackey when there's no money involved? When no One is paying the bullies to bully for Them?
Yes, Humanity always has been ready. We are, as a rule, Ethical and caring. But most of the care is blocked by the inability to afford to do anything more than send $10 to a charity - never mind that virtually all "charities" use the money They collect to pay directors and staff and all.
But charities collect millions a year from Us anyway. Lots of People care.
Do check out some of the links I offer above My signature.
Yes, they did a lot of things to stifle us, that much is evident, but still... it is actually an interesting question... how much potential for evil a human has left when all of these stifling factors would be gone?
Of course I too "want to believe" that humanity is ready for the leap into that bright future but I think one should be cautious. There are prerequesites to every manifestation.
You seem to have put a lot of thought into these prerequesites in your articles. I will read them. In the meantime I congratulate You on Your discoveries.
I don’t see “evil” and “good;” I see unEthical (“evil”) - the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics, Ethical (everything that does not break the three Laws), with “good” being the upholding of the Betterment Ethic - looking for ways to make things better for Those around You and around the globe and creating them.
And to be sure, with 99% of Us not psychopaths by birth (and only about 5-7% of Us conditioned psychopaths), Few will break the Laws of Ethics. Where would be the point?
With all of Us responsible for arresting (or calling for help in arresting) anyOne who breaks the Laws, and with little to no motive, where would the problem be?
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
Quick question. Are animals included in your concept of "anOther"?
The short answer is "no." The cap "O" includes all sapient Beings. This does not mean it is fine to torture the critters of Our planet. For food animals, give them a natural life and a quick death.
For more, the latest chapter in My novella goes over this:
The Abundance Paradigm Novella; Chapter 5 (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-abundance-paradigm-novella-chapter-172
(links to previous chapters are offered...)
Fascinating thoughts...
Literally "heavenly"... and showing how beautiful life can be to mankind!
The darkest night, will be transformed in a luminous day!
Thank you! Be always blessed!
🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻 Most humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation, thanks and blessings! I am enriched!
⭐⚡The Abundance Paradigm – A Novella by Amaterasu Solar ... reading now!
Most humble thanks!!!
Hey, you know about this free-energy stuff right?
Many, yes, but there are only a few that I think qualify as "free energy." As in overunity. Technically, hydroelectric is free energy, but it really is just changing the form of the energy from motion to electricity. At a loss, even.
There are technologies that are overunity - more out than in - but those are the ones the psychopaths avidly hide and suppress.
Thank you for directing me to this. I find it fascinating what you have written. I agree with the substance. Whether I have said before I do not recall but I consider that the two laws to follow are in essence to love God and your neighbour. These are of course positive rather than negative.
As to who God and your neigbour are that is another matter!
Well, to Me, "God" and "Neighbor" are the same...
My Spiritual Experience (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/My-Spiritual-Experience:f
As for Laws, I like the three Laws of Ethics. They are ancient, and were called just the three Laws for a very long time, but when I did a search for "the three Laws," I got back all kinds of stuff but not those, so I asked what they were the Laws of, and "Ethics" came back clearly. Thus I call them.
And they are Natural Law, expressed as the three things not to do. And proof that they are Natural Law is the fact that if You asked everyOne if any of those things would be okay to do to Them, to a One, They will say, "No!" (To say "yes" would be consenting and leaving the question unanswered.)
And look high and low, I have not found anything else that is not a matter of taste. [shrug]
So I go with those three Laws. They seem immutable.
Take the incentives away from the controllers and they will entrophy. That also goes for the insane laws and slave trust! This is possible. Thank you.
Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading!!! I am enriched!
Excellent food for thought by Amaterasu 天照 (her name itself meaning light from the heavens is quite fitting today):
"If money is merely the accounting of the available energy, it becomes clear that should an energy source come along that has the properties of being effectively infinite, available from anywhere, and negentropic (from “negative entropy”), the need for money dissipates. “Infinite money” has no social application."
🤗 💜 🤗 I am honored! Indeed, Amaterasu is the Shinto Goddess of the Sun.
Yes. the character 天 pronounced Ama or Ten, can mean sun, heavens, sky, and 照らす Terasu means shine on. In your case it means the "heavenly goddess of free energy".
LOVE it! [hugs!!!] I do ponder the “Tera” in “Terasu…” Many Goddesses around the globe are or have “Tera/Terra” as names. “Sun on Earth Shines?”
Anyway, little proton, I love what You bring to the table!
Tera is probably because you are a 'holy tera' (sic)! :)
Actually though the 'T' represents a 'tree' and a 'house', say a tree house. Trees are the basis of timber for most dwellings.
Ra is the sun god so the whole is 'House of Ra'. The sun gives light so 'House of light'.
Light gives energy. And as someone wrote 'The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it'.
LOL! Good one there!
Thanks for that!
🤗 💜 🤗