I like the vision, great post👍

Now how do we practically do it?

Abundance for all.

Self autonomy that provides opporunities in a positive feedback loop for all.

Inherent , birth till death.

Now that's a question worth answering 😁😎.

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Get free energy tech out in the open. That is all We need to do. Yes, it helps to have a blueprint to work with, but, as 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy - the resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration - the cost of energy will be removed all down the line.

In about 10 years, I estimate, it will get to the point where it's more energy than it's worth to collect the penny for the house (or whatever), and money will fall to disuse.

About that blueprint...

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society Of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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We could easily end homelessness...


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I agree that if the People had control of the stolen funds (taxation is theft), We could solve for most every problem. Sadly, The thieving corporations Most call "governments" (ALL "governments" are for-profit corporations, town to country, around the globe, all owned by the same Ones...) will pay little heed to the needs of the People.

Really, the mother of the problem is willingness to be led... But money is the power tool for Those who aim to take control of People with "governments."

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"trade and barter sprung up to ensure no One was skating on the efforts of Others"... except the profiteers and bankers. Debt-based money and profit-based economics are the skating rink.

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When trade and barter initially emerged, there were no bankers. Banking came in when the metals began being used. And not so much profiteers, either in trade/barter. The psychopaths were not seeking "profit" per se, but control.

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It's possible to solve for poverty, anything is possible, I just don't know how probable it is. The advances in AI make it less possible.

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I ponder the effect of a Carrington event on AI... LOL! When enough of Us are aiming for the same goal, I give good probabilities We will achieve it. Thus I hope People will pay My price of 10 or more shares.

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