great 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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🤗 💜 🤗 Thank You for Your many payments of attention to My work! And payments of appreciation!!! I am surely enriched!!!

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This is a good idea. Next, would be the elimination of the 40 hour work week. Because nobody really wants to keep that up either. Any thoughts on what you might suggest regarding the matter?

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Once there is no money needed, no One will have to work 40 hours - or any hours. I though that was clear, but perhaps not... With 80% of the "jobs" doing nothing but moving money upwards, We will not need 80% of the jobs. With automation, We will need maybe 5% - 10% doing necessary work, and that will be done as needed, by Ones who love it. Because the necessary work We can't automate will be creative work.

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Okay, but...

That's in the "future". What about the transition period? Therefore a "bridge" is necessary for a transition. For example: O'Biden failed miserably at energy transition to so-called zero emissions away from the oil and fossil fuels. By cutting off supplies and punishing targets with lawfare and mandatory ESG regulations. Huge problems were created and even the solar panel industry is going belly up (again) in the USA due to the blatant disregard for comon sense.

The incentives for people to participate with your "social currency" model isn't enough to understand how to get to the future results. And unfortunately people are too used to being "sold" on things and governed and poked to get them to do anything that they don't understand. Therefore your great ideas are missing some things that are too important not to reinterpret how to get "the people" interested.

Automation isn't quite there yet to replace the labor markets. Paper pushers and desk jockeys are definitely already obsolete with the current state of automation but manufacturing and the rest of the physical services aren't.

Because the utopian fantasy of not working for money can't be realistic without something tangible and rewarding in the meantime.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but it's not a complete solution without a realistic and physically possible transition period or a plan of action. 💯💜💯

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I have a number of pieces that explain: get free energy tech out in the open and in about 10 years money will fall to disuse. 100% of the cost of everything is energy - the resources sit here freely but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration. And given the foundational function of money - to account for the energy We each add into a system - free energy makes that practice pointless, and is the reason the psychopaths in control hide and suppress the various technologies offering it.

It won't need "incentive." As the cost of energy is removed down the line, things will become cheaper and cheaper - which no One will complain about - and eventually it will get to the point that it is more energy to collect the penny for (whatever) than it's worth.

If awareness of the goals and opportunities is high, it will go swimmingly.

I hope I have covered Your questions. Love always. 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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Okay, but...

10 years from when? lol that's a pretty interesting perspective.

Yes you do require a incentive because people are already conditioned to get rewarded immediately from the moment they commit to something.

Your idea won't be widely accepted if people are told to believe that somehow all that automation and free energy will somehow come to fruition when free energy technologies come "out in the open".

They are already out in the open and so is the resistance to the matter called big tech and big money and big oil. And big money controls it all.

Therefore you'd have to incentives people with something that is better than big money or waiting around for that matter, 10 years from now.

What would people expect from participating in your idea otherwise?

Here's a few examples of what is necessary, from my own perspective.

1. The U.S. currency devalues to the point of "worthless" due to hyperinflation and other geopolitical forces. Becoming something like Argentina or worse : Venezuela.

2. People reject the idea of a one world government and digital currency.

3. There's a plan of action that is comprehensive and logical that which isn't anything that resembles capitalism. Including the 4 Day work week or any other daily grind that which takes away from what is most important to living a happy life with whatever is needed to be done within a contributory society and civilization.

4. I recommend getting a copy of the book: The Best That Money Can't Buy ~ Beyond Politics Poverty & War, A 46 year project that is ready to go, right out of the box. Or get a free copy of some of the context from my Substack @PlanetPrison "Books" LINK (not self promoting my work because we're on the "same page" as Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows that have already done that and their work has been around since 1978).

Thereafter, visiting the Venus Project website and/or booking the tour of the entire 20 plus acre exhibition, actually seeing and touching the prototypes and exploring the actual "Smart Buildings" on the property in Venus Florida, right here in the good ol' USA. In fact, I believe that the WEF and the UN agenda was circumvented, like Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, through these perspectives and Ideas, to be the blueprint for world dominance and enslavement - instead of world peace and freedom. And "we the people" cannot allow for that to happen to America, ever.



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From when We get free energy tech out in the open. And no need to tell People anything until then. If We don’t get it out, We’re screwed.

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/Electrogravitics-My-Knowledge-of-Free-Energy:5

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My kinda world for sure. Great juxtaposition of money payment vs. social recognition and love. I hadn't ever thought of it that way and yet it's obvious. xo ❤️

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🤗 💜 🤗 We will make it happen! Love always!!!

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YES! It's long been my dream!!!

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🤗 to you also 😻

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Oct 25
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Thank You for paying Me with sharing!!! Love always!

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Oct 25
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I too was schooled in the states in the public indoctrination centers - but I always thought differently… [shrug] 🤗 💜 🤗

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