For some reason this particular poster reminds me more than most, that I've failed everyone including you.

Sorry I could not do more.

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Humbly, I struggle to see what You're referring to... Can You elaborate?

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I suppose nothing in particular. Just a disappointment with myself that we got to where we are.

I should have had the strength and/or intellect to do more.

The only thing on the horizon that I can promise the people now, is an inevitable mass culling. Nothing but bad news once again...

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I can relate, but... I will persist in seeing hope. I work for Humanity aiming to strip the psychopaths in control of Their single tool to power, freeing Us all to live as richly as We choose, as it should be. We all have an interest in Our planet's wealth.

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

And don't blame Yourself. Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet, including You. 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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Perhaps in return, I can inspire you with some hope as well, but it comes at a cost. I am a firm believer that what we are experiencing right now, is part of a natural cycle. The good and the bad. I believe that what is going to unfold in the next few years, is practically inevitable. But after that we will be faced with a choice. The path of regeneration, or degeneration.

So you see my paradox? On the one hand i'd want things to stop/be over, on the other hand I know this is a stage we need to go through.

As such, I honestly cannot think of any advice that I could give to anyone, other than to work on yourself and to know thyself. Sadly that's the best I've got for now...

For me, the propaganda/indoctrination efforts have never been the issue. Because (((they))) tried to make my family work for them many decades ago, I've always been aware of their presence. No, what I'm going through is actually both a blessing, as well as a curse. The clear vision of what is going on, at the cost of being forced to watch this real life snuff movie unfold.

To end on a positive note. I do hope that once everything is said and done, people will choose the before mentioned path of regeneration, and hopefully many, and you included, will get to enjoy those "better days" 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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Oh, I brim with hope. [smile] But thank You for Your payment of caring! I am enriched! As for knowing Myself... Went there years ago. Now I work for Humanity as My heart calls Me.

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

Love always!

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