If you haven't watched Dr Steven Greer's inspirational, transformational documentary entitled The Lost Century please do it now. It's an informative, exploration of the financial, scientific and political corruption that has kept humanity bound to a course of self-destruction. A sense of urgency builds throughout the presentation which is resolved in the hopeful conclusion that portrays the beautiful recovery of our planet and the unlimited possibilities of liberty and happiness that await us if we act now.

Please help spread this link far and wide across the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLF3PWieN_8

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I quite loathe Greer, but, like all controlled op People, He tells much truth. Definitely worth watching, overall.

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I totally agree with your assessment! The way this life functions makes me feel hopeless and stuck sometimes because I was not born a fortunate one which I have learned to be "it's not what you know or your skills that get you ahead in this life, it's who you know and who you're connected with that gets you ahead in life!" The concept of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours in return" will never go away! Seems like regular folks like me who tries to do the right thing always gets passed over and ignored! 🤷‍♀️ I wonder sometimes "what's the point?" The dishonest folks always get more of the resources that's needed for survival while the regular people, like me, always struggle with uncomfortable and painful lives! We do the best we can to get by!

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It may never go away, but when We ALL can live richly, the scratching will be literal. LOL! I don’t feel hopeless. I share awareness that We do not need to consent. Avidly, often, and everywhere I go.

The point is to make it better for those around You up to around the globe.

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Further. Having hopium and @ the same time allowing pirates on the street with assumed authority to continue is madness and a dis ease.

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Litmus is when the chemtrails are exposed and gone forever. Until then the mind con troll con tin yous.

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100% agree!

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I don't know what the Craig Summit is, which should tell you something because I spend a lot of time online and researching and sharing with friends who are even better at it than I am. I wonder what qualifies that 'meme' as a meme. It's not hopium anymore, it's just more gaslighting IMO that probably comes from the original gaslighting class, whether directly or indirectly. How anyone still believes that lame crap in 2024 (one could be forgiven for WANTING to believe it in 2020 and even in 2021) is just depressing. I still hold out that there are unseen forces and potentials not accounted for that could/would/might surprise the hell out of all of us (in a good way), I've long discarded the tropes/teddy bears listed in that 'meme.'

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Yeah with Trump back in I'm like "🙄 Oh no not with the Qanon crap again and the "Patriots are in control" crap up and going again! I'm like "no they're not! just more bs and gaslighting to keep the people complacent and passive while They are getting Their new world order up and going!"

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Exactly - and we can clearly witness the agenda going forward and the other stuff we're just supposed to trust in without any proof at all.

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I really don't know what to do when the shit does hit the fan? I will not comply with what they want, they can go ahead and kill me! I'm gonna try and run to find a place offgrid out of their system to live out the rest of my life if I can survive! But I'm not feeling good at all about what's coming in the next 4 years! I don't even know if I have the energy to run now because my health isn't so great for running! I see our freedom of speech getting squashed by Trump once he gets those antisemitism laws up and going! His antisemitism stance is just a disguise to attack and take away Americans freedom of speech! All the Trump supporters cheer him on as he talks about this! Trump recently said that he's gonna get the biometric face scans up and running to identify the illegals inorder to deport them! Again, just another disguise, the face scanning is for us, to identify and know everything about us, taking away our privacy to upload our identity to the AI cloud beast system! This scares the hell out of me and should scare the hell out of all Americans! I don't want my identity uploaded to some super computer! Remember the TV show "person of interest" with that actor Jim that did "the sound of freedom" movie, well that's what our future will be, you can be picked out of a crowd of people walking on a city street by this face scan and identified instantly where they know everything about you! Anonymity will completely disappear! We will be tracked and traced like animals! This is not a future that I want to be a part of, and it's coming closer as we speak! Trump is already busy getting his plans going! He's picking mostly Zionists for his administration and these people will monitor and be the speech police so we can expect more censorship! I haven't run into any censorship here on substack yet but this will probably change in the next 4 years! The Trump supporters are oblivious to this and yet cheer Trump on! People don't realize what they are cheering on, I don't cheer on enslavement and my loss to my privacy! I try not to let my apathy get to me, but it's hard sometimes! It's really painful to be awake and aware in this world today and really look at what's getting started! I haven't even talked about 5G yet, but it's probably included in the biometrics! 5G everywhere, they sure are pushing it hard! My feelings nowadays are if there's a real God/Creator out there that truly loves us, we need His help because I don't think humanity will be able to fight this alone, we won't make it through this one!

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That's just it, though, isn't it? We are NOT alone - if you believe in God - in whatever form, you KNOW this and if you don't, start KNOWING. I think that's what it's all about. You can't KNOW yourself and trust yourself and your guides/helpers/whatever, if you live in fear. Please make it a daily practice to banish the fear and face it down. You don't need that. If things go according to the demonic plans, you are correct but let's try to hold hands with our fellow/fellowette "KNOWERS" and raise the vibration and the defiance. They can accomplish NOTHING without our consent and more and more people are withdrawing that consent every day. And still, I don't think it's wise to 'rest' on that - the REAL work is knowing ourselves and trusting that whatever happens, we are loving and creative enough to figure out how to do what it is we need to do. I'm praying to find enough of my tribe to build a community but that may not be how things turn out. Be open, be aware, be kind to yourself and help wherever and whenever you can. For some of us that mostly means focusing on self care in a big way. I agree with your observations btw, but it's emotionally/mentally/physically and spiritually draining to look at all that shit everyday. xoxo ❤️ ❤️. As an astrologer I listen to said recently: "BE that representation of balance and harmony in a distraught world full of despair, anger and fear." That's how we're going to get our numbers I think and if not, it's a great place to be inside.

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Yeah I agree with what you said and, no I can't look at all the shit everyday because it is draining!🙂

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I know, right? And still it's hard not to! LOL

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I let go of fear 20 years ago. It was a choice of keeping quiet, going along to get along, or sharing what I know and worked out that would end poverty and psychopaths in control, knowing what I was up against.

I have no religion - raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion - and have never seen evidence that I have "guides/helpers/whatever." LOL! Just a strong drive to free Humanity on Our planet.

Love always!

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We all know what we know in the way we know it .... that's our guidance.

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It's another form of herding. From the ''right''. Trump to the rescue.

This is interesting:



''I still hold out that there are unseen forces and potentials''

''The ultimate of effect is already potential in cause.''

There is an unseen Force. The Great Organizing Power of the universe.

Surprise is It's specialty.

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Not sure I understand your post in its entirety but I agree with your first sentence for sure. Alison McDowell is a national treasure

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I'm talking about Cause and Effect.

Nothing happens without cause and that cause is thought.

What is the polar opposite of matter?

''If the psychic energies of the average mass of people watching a football game or a musical comedy could be diverted into the rational channels of a freedom movement, they would be invincible.''

Thought is the unseen Force that you are looking for. That we are all looking for.

It's Natural Law.

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Those were good links, thank you. Some would say that 'matter' is 'thought.' Cause and Effect - LOL - puts me in mind of Voltaire's "Candide." I don't know how things work, I really don't. I feel I have no choice but to put my 'faith' into relationships and love - I have to find reasons to get up in the morning.

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''thank you.''

You are welcome.

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I'm right there with you! I feel the same way about relationships and love! Me and my husband stick together because we both agree that we are all we got! But he's also got children from his first marriage and grandchildren too! You are definitely not the only one that has to find a reason to get up in the morning!

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If I'm sure about anything, it's that I'm not alone, either with people who feel the same way in one form or another or the unseen forces on our side in one form or another. Life is good Amii and we ain't gonna let some orange monkey puppet or any effing robot destroy us, right?

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Wasn't Voltaire French nobility?

Cause and Effect is an observable truth. Maybe find out how it works? (it works both ways, good and bad) All the necessary information is available for you. If you want?

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Yes, in fact a Jesuit trained/owned pedophile. Cause and effect - when we're talking grand designs by hidden masters, how you gonna know what is causing what? I mean some stuff is obvious and we're working on unmasking things but in the end it's just an opinion because we can't see a lot of causes and what we do see is extremely limited.

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Well, it was passed off as a meme on... I think it was MeWe. Not sure. Anyway, one look at it and I knew it was at LEAST hopium, and yeah... I can see it's gaslighting. I just know there are LOTS of People buying the "Trump is Our Savior" bunk, so for Them it's hopium. That's what They think He will do.

And yes, I keep seeing something good, but it's more Us withdrawing Our consent from that mess and co-creating better. Haha! But maybe good ET's will step in... Heh. Probability is getting lower by the day, but... It's not zero yet.

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I don't know about good ET's, if infact they do exist? I've been looking down the rabbit hole about the flood, the Watches and the angels that came to the daughters of men and the children born from this, the nephilim! They didn't all die in the flood? some survived and they are still among us today which explains all of the evil in this world! Many parts of the Bible have been edited and information taken out! I believe information about all of this stuff has been edited out, this is some of the information that the controllers hide from us, information about the giants that existed! There's proof that giants exited because giant skeletons have been found and the Smithlyinsonian institute has taken these giant bones and has suppressed the information denying that the museum has any giant skeletons/bones, other than dinosaur skeletons and bones! It's an interesting story and I'm searching for the truth! The Bible is a great place to start! Did all of these things truly take place and are real? Or is some of this stuff in the Bible only stories told to teach humanity about morality and right living? But old newspapers 📰 had stories about giant skeletons and bones being found all over this planet! Are there giant skeletons and bones the remains of the nephilim of the Bible? I'm having a fascinating journey going down the rabbit hole and looking at this stuff! Are ET's the fallen angels/watchers? The more learn about the more questions I have but I do know that They work hard to keep things about this world that we live in suppressed!🙂

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The ET's were kinda a joke... As for the biblical stuff... Having no religion - raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion - I ponder the truth of such stories, whether there was anything real that, perhaps got elaborated through tome, or whether some psychopath made it up out of whole cloth for entertaining minions and slaves and to keep Them controlled.

Yes, giants did exist, and yes, the Smithsonian hides the evidence. What significance that had is unknown, giants roaming about.

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🎯🎯 Exactly! None the less, it's an interesting story and I'm having a ball looking into this stuff! It's a mystery and I love mysteries! If it ever came out as the truth then other truths would be revealed too! But I see it like you do, and I also ask "did some psychopath or a bunch of psychopaths come up with all of this and the entire Bible too inorder to manipulate humanity?" 🙂

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💯! 🤗 💜 🤗

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You're cute - great reply. I LOL'd your last 2 sentences. I agree that it's all about us withdrawing our consent/cooperation and building our own stuff. I'm expecting the miracle of numbers at some point - whereby people actually hunger to be friends with us and work with us toward a future of respect for each other and nature and a disgust with power-hungry political types and a death machine called health care.

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Yeah that's exactly what humanity needs to do! Build our own stuff and life out of their system! People gathering together and working together is key, that's why They work so hard at keeping us divided in Their stupid 2 party system! I wish more Americans would wake up to this and stop seeing Donald Trump as their "savior" I've been saying this from the beginning when Trump came on the scene! They've got 1 hell of a scheme going! Trump is just their puppet!

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I'm just aiming for the tipping point. Then it will be all downhill.

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That's fair. I'll readjust! 🤗

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🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻

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Hey there ! Good for you for pointing this out. I totally agree . So tired of hearing all this HOPIUM BS

It is right in front of our faces and after a while it should become obvious . The problem is most brains are fully desensitized these days. What a ride the world is in for:-(

I am also linking a post Sarah, the author does a great job attempting to display the hopium narrative.

Stay well my friend!!


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Most humble thanks for the payment of You appreciation! I'll check Sarah out!

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Nov 23
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Oh well, that's life! That's usually the way it works!

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Care to provide Your point?

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I think it works like a zen koan.

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I see... Well, I guess I'm koan deaf. I see no point.

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That's the point.

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Um... Okay... [shrug]

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