I visited the Odysee link that your posted for Living Fiat Free and the very first thing after the channel info is a link to SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS. James didn't turn off comments, he just moved them to a different page.
I followed Corbett for a while during the "global covid insanity", but after he played a video of himself doing something deeply insensitive, and offensive to me, I shut him off. Not because of the offensiveness of it but because from it I saw his real message and understood him clearly. I don't know what's up with him, or what his connections might be, and I'm not even curious.
Corbett is on the payroll of the Presidential candidate who wants to be the crypto POTUS and make the US the hub of digital money. Same goes for Catherine Austin Fitts and Whitney Webb. I just published a post about Kennedy's love affair with Fidel Castro and his desire to put us on blockchain. When we look behind the curtain, everything makes sense.
And behind the curtain are the psychopaths in control on Our planet, who own the for-profit corporation, UNITED STATES Inc., that appoints the presidents. Not sure which actor You think wants to be the "crypto POTUS." In the end, despite the script any are playing out, They are ALL in on the scamming of the public, casting sandy hooks into Our emotions and dragging Us where They want Us.
Love it. And I'm with you, but I didn't read all the links... I WILL share.... And what's wrong James C, anyway, eh? oh, fuck, buddy. ha hahahahaharf, woof.
I tried to share this, and it DOUBLED in the Notes, then I deleted it and tried again, and it TRIPLED. So ... fuck it. Next time. I did subscribe. (Stoopid stubstuck!)
I admire Corbett's work but I find him to be something of a Chomskyan gatekeeper who believes himself to be above reproach and he doesn't handle criticism from anyone who he believes to be his intellectual inferior. The sum of which -- at least in his apparent summation -- is probably everyone else on the planet. I don't expect any of us in this space to reinvent the wheel but he has shown signs of merely being a clever plagiarist who lets others do the speculation and who won't allow anyone to actually get a word in edgewise if he can possibly help it because he fears what they might say.
He does avoid certain subjects and data - like Judy Wood, and the DEW's used on 9/11. Yes, some of His work is great, but... I place high probability He is controlled op.
I tend to avoid People - don’t sub - if I have to pay. I have nothing to pay with - unless They will accept one of MY cat’s fur blossoms. Not sure how I would deliver though… LOL!
Me, too, m'dear, I'm going to retire early just for a few bucks/mo, for however long that lasts. I imagine the US is going to soon implode, and then all bets are arf.
The best way to tell is how shadow banned They are. A little, and They're just earning cred. A lot, and the psychopaths in control REALLY don't want the messages out there.
I am shadow banned on YouToilet, on X-Twatter. on Gab, and likely other web spots. But I have spent 20 years getting what little awareness of My work is out there.
Nothing about this article is convincing me of anything of substance. What are you accusing him of? He doesn't want to trade eggs but wants a real system of money that isn't hijacked and controlled by the globalists? What is your argument? Turning off comments is a necessary mechanism when a good journalist is being trolled.
Irrespective of token used, money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top - money = power, and psychopaths will do LITERALLY ANYTHING to get and keep the most. I did not accuse Him of anything. Just offering the fact that "a real system of money that isn't hijacked and controlled by the globalists" will never be.
Oh, sure, You can start it out looking grand and all, but it will not take long for the psychopaths to garner the most and thereby have the most power.
And beyond that, money systems steal from Us what is Ours. Our interest in the wealth of Our planet. Did You know that You - yes, YOU - are a multimillionaire? Read this to find out why You do not see Your wealth:
I had written a book review on a related subject a few years back, but encountered significant censorship in attempting to have it published. In my article, I showed that American political figures tend to focus on funding prison systems rather than helping those in need, showcasing a disregard for the well-being of others (referred to as "depraved indifference" or "moral disengagement"). This examination was influenced by the work of Loïc Wacquant, a protege of the esteemed French social scientist Pierre Bourdieu. (Link to manuscript: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luc-Lelievre)
Somehow I missed Your comments here... I would say, from both what You say here, as well as My assessments, that We have psychopaths in control. Not really a surprise when One sees that money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top. They will do literally anything to get and keep the power money provides.
2. I share your sentiments with Corbett. I took was introduced to his work years back and have learned a great amount but have taken a step back. I’ve labeled him and others in the potential gatekeepers: touching on some topics, but avoiding others: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-complex-roles-and-benefits-of
I 100% agree with your representation of money as in stored energy and I love your analysis on how most of our job only sustains the current wealth of the elites. This was a phenomenal point!
Lastly, wholeheartedly agree with your analysis of psychopaths and then creating a false reality. I’ve come to this conclusion from a spiritual perspective as well. I took the last two years to put this together and I was able to put together my first book here: https://www.unorthodoxtruth.com/
It looks like we agree for different reasons, but that's okay.
I used to be invested in the so-called Truth and Liberty Movement, but whatever it was before it's become a cesspit of snake oil salesmen, political gurus peddling their idolatry, and countless self-righteous layabouts who think being 'awake' means the world will conform to their wishes without taking any effective action for themselves.
The fact that Corbett disabled comments was a major red flag, another was interviewing someone who thinks Roger Ver is in any way a good person when one need only glance at his history to see him for the scoundrel he is.
As for money, I don't fetishize or demonize one means of exchange over another. That's the domain of cryptobros, goldbugs, and other such conmen. These are merely tools with use cases. That's why most of the world still uses money.
So unless you can demonstrate an alternative, an alternative whose use case is as self-evident as a dinner fork, no one has any obligation to give up money in any way.
[smile] I am not asking People to “give up” anything. I am showing that We have the technology that, if brought out into the public light, will cause money in any form (from trade/barter to electronic bits) to fall into disuse.
Surely you didn't write that garbage about Trump committing genocide. No one with an ounce of common sense would write such shit. Trump supporters are regularly shadowbanned and kicked off social media platforms, that's a fact. I've saved the link you shared as a pdf so I can use it as a reference in a future post about TDS🤣
Perhaps the "persecution" is to further the illusion that Trump is Our Savior... If He was not in the Big Club, We would never hear of Him. The controlmind (government) is a for-profit corporation that appoints its CEO (and other officers)...
In 1871 the civil war debts came due, and to pay them off (and then some), a for-profit corporation was set up for DC that looked very much like the constitution but with a few words changed, and no Bill of Rights. The People in the original controlmind quietly moved over into similar positions in the corporation and the public was none the wiser.
They (the owners, the psychopaths in control who own ALL the "governments" on Our planet) used interstate commerce laws to reach into the states.
And since then have declared the People the enemy. All while keeping Us slaves taking Our money. To maintain the illusion We have a say, They hold "elections," "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).
So everything since 1871 is what They have chosen for Us. We would best not consent to being ruled by a corporation that sees Us as dollar signs only.
I heard about Trump when he saved my community of Refugees and Immigrants from bankruptcy, at a time when all the rich White folk wouldn't invest in my hood. He turned his investment into a global tourist destination. When he ran for POTUS, we were happy to support him as he had supported us.
Spoiled Americans who are clueless about life in 3rd world shitholes are constantly whining and lying about Trump and making idiotic comments about his mannerisms- irrelevant observations instead of focusing on how he helped underserved Black students, small businesses and the middle class. He made us a priority.
Government is bad in a mega wealthy country like the US? Elections are fake? Try living in a 3rd world shithole and learn about real government corruption, dictatorships and control of the financial system. Argentinians are rejecting crypto - maybe ask them about their life experiences with a grotesquely corrupt government - they're fleeing their homes and illegally entering the US, looking for a better life for their families.
Immigrant families like the Trumps should be celebrated for creating family wealth through real estate - my extended family has done the same. Why demonize people who have created jobs and improved the economy? Because they're in a "club" and we're not? That's so juvenile and self defeating.
FYI... I am elderly, disabled (psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs – typing hurts, but I do it anyway, slowly), denied assistance, targeted, lost everything, destitute but for the pittance of social “security” I now receive (that is MY money paid in for many decades!) – not 1/2 a studio apartment’s rent; just barely enough for food and sundries (and that's shrinking as prices go up) – and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 10+ year old laptop.
Do not think I have no clue about shitholes - I have slept in shelters, in trucks on the road to have a roof over My head, on park benches.
I would wager Trump saw "helping" Your community in mere dollar signs. And I suggest it was not Trump who "created jobs and improved the economy," but the psychopaths who control the lot and have a long-term script to get enough of Us to worship that character on the stage.
Given I have researched what You mentioned (and clearly a lot more) in the 67 years I have been here, and can clearly see the machinations of the psychopaths... I might ponder who is juvenile and self defeating. Just saying.
That website uses strawman arguments to discredit certain individuals. While I agree that most in the so called alternative sphere are grifters and/or controlled operatives, that website makes certain allegations that I would classify as suspicious. Allegations that are also not further substantiated, and I would describe as a virtual hit n run.
I've also found a few other inconsistencies on that website which don't help it's credibility.
You have a point, we can not confirm really whether there is or is not a truth to many discredits, but we can see what persons of interest say, write, and pair that together with who they associate with on the site's photos. For example you can see things about DJT that fit with his behavior, Masonic hand symbols, and the Masonic architecture and interior of Trump tower we can get from other sites. Then it is a short jump to see him in friendly picts on that site with some concerning characters and what it all probably means.
👉That site does make it easy to at least see who the many rich and powerful people and families are that would not be otherwise easy to have at one's fingertips, and "rich and powerful" is more easily confirmed. We can see the companies they run, the occult symbols their companies use, and who they are hanging out with in the photos. If we really wanted, we can see their genealogies and peerage connections. So that site needs to be triangulated with other info but it is a good start to learn who in general is likely behind the front people we see on the ground like Corbett, Icke, Fauci, etc. that would otherwise only be known in a vacuum.
Yes the claims about Trump committing genocide in a second term are factual, since he committed genocide during his first term😂😂😂
Those of us who are animated when we speak, make hand gestures like Trump. Whenever I read or watch anyone that claims hand gestures are a sign of White Supremacy, Masons, racism bla bla bla they instantly lose credibility in my book. Same goes for people who search for symbols or geometric designs used in logos and architecture - it's so juvenile. Most of the time, there's no there there.
The OK sign has nothing to do with White Supremacy. Gangs have their own hand signs but folks don't dare call them racist or they'll have their heads sliced off - that's one of the favorite forms of punishment of the Latino thugs.
People need to stop being so juvenile and stop spreading fear and lies. There wasn't a genocide under Trump’s first term and he didn't exterminate his foes - unlike Obama, Clinton and Bush.
Trump started the genocide ball rolling. The definition of Genocide includes a significant part of the population, even vaers showed tens of thousands, and Globally one study showed 17 mil deaths up to a year ago (Rancourt), but it's probably much larger.
While I stand by my comment about the occult symbols, it is the entirety of of data about Trump: his family and Tesla, being bailed out by the Rothchilds in the 90s, hiring deep stater after another, agreeing to warp speed-and starting to inject people in a phase 1 study only 2 months after pandemic was called, when 1. There were no toxicity studies, 2. No animal studies, 2. The Covid-19 test kit patent was started in 2015, 3. They were sent out in 2017, 4. The CARES act for corona virus was submitted to congress in Jan 2019, 5. The Fan Wu paper proving no Sars virus was found, only printing an alphabet from a computer and calling that a viral genome, and many more proofs that POTUS should know if even I as a nobody can find these out in a few min online. All the data is in the posts in this summary post, https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-virus-rouse-going-going-gonzo
👉In another proof, I am polite and logical, I don't call people names in comments because that only detracts from the credibility of the writer of rude words.
Dude, you're regurgitating propaganda. Warp Speed was started under Obama as did the mRNA transfections. Nothing was going to stop BARDA/DTRA/DARPA from continuing the work they've been doing for decades - they had mRNA transfections in clinical trials before C19 was declared a pandemic.
Denis Rancourt just came to Robert Malone's defense after I published video proving that the Vaccine Frankenstein is one of the crypto bros 🤣 he has no credibility in my book. Mathew Crawford has proven that the numbers are being exaggerated. Why exaggerate the data? Ask Tom Renz, he knew he was giving wrong data to Ron Johnson, but did it anyway because it keeps the grift going.
I do recall, irrespective of where it started, DJT going on and on about Operation Warpspeed. And calling Himself the "father of the vaccine." Just saying.
Yes I'm sure Obama was involved in Covid prep, that is not my point. The point is that DJT had all the info to know C-19 was a scam before shots started, I sent you the proofs in the link. I also agree Rancourt is a player, but there are millions of deaths. I have govt data of hundreds of thousands of post shot deaths where I live in Japan. It is not BS. Actually I think Rancourt is a minimizer, but we dont have to argue that point.
Now, there is no proof of mRNA in the shots, did you read and analyze any papers on mRNA in the shots? I did here:
In fact I am the only one who read and reported on the scientific papers spouting mRNA fraud of being in the shots, and there is no spike in the shots but that is another story.
I think we do agree on a bunch of stuff, pls try your best to stay polite.
Trump is just playing His part. The for-profit corporation (since 1871), United States, appointed Him as CEO and let things get a bit better, then appointed the actor in a Biden mask and created the mess, so when They reappoint Trump as CEO, People still attached to the "government" illusion will herald Him as "The Savior," bow to His every command, and when They announce another, "most deadliest" unicorn, He will mandate forced jabbing, "to save Humanity!," of course.
Do not forget that He rubs elbows with Klausipoo, appointed the swamp, praised Killary, pushed the death jabs, Declared Himself "the father of the vaccine," and knew in 2017 that 2020 was in the works when He said it was the "calm before the storm."
Thanks for the report! While I saw a few things I pondered, none seemed low probability of truth. Most I gave very high probability of truth to, with a small amount of the stuff getting a 50/50 probability.
What things specifically, if I may ask, stood out for You?
So... I checked the site. VERY interesting. Beyond Corbett, I discovered Zachary Hubbard with some creepy stuff about Him. If You know about gematria, You will know that He was the One who popularized it on YouToilet.
About Zach and My interactions with Him - I wrote this up a while ago, and today grasp far more about this than I did before:
I have offered this before, and I will again. When I first encountered Zach, I learned a great deal, becoming a staunch supporter of His. We had Him on Our show, Conspiracy or Not, Here We Come [note: this was back in 2017]. I went to bat for Him numerous times in comments. When He started a call for a truth site, which He announced the first $33,000 would go specifically for the site, though I had no money, I created a 1 minute "ad" video (which was pretty good given the limitations of hardware and software I had).
The site work was donated by two coder types, and the site went up. Many things were discussed, and the flat earth was included. Some were on one side, others on the other, but it was mostly respectful, and wasn't an issue. Zach rarely showed up, though, which I thought was strange, and when He did it was to drop a link to His work, and He was off again.
One day He came in ranting about how flat earth had taken over and destroyed the site, and accusing the two guys who donated Their time and skills to get the site up of "ripping [Him] off." The guys showed where every penny went of the just under $2,400 Zach had sent Them to pay for server and other such charges. Zach basically sabotaged the site.
Shortly after, I had a number of People who donated come to Me, as They thought I was the closest to Zach, and ask if I would ask Zach for His accounting. We know that He collected $16,000 on GoFundMe, and We estimate another $5,000 through PayPal.
Meanwhile Zach is talking about using the rest "for other things." People were angry. They donated specifically for the site, not for "other things." Based on the number who came to Me, I chose to stick My head out and asked Him for His accounting. (I have a video of My skype convo with him), and well... The fan was filled with feces, when He started attacking Me in comments I made on Others' vids, about other things entirely. Calling Me a "hag" was the mildest.
Zach avoided any discussion of the money He collected, and though Others tried to discover what the rest of the money went to, it was of no avail. Eventually the question of where the roughly $18,000 went to dropped off the radar.
Needless to say... My experience has left Me with a very bad taste in My mouth for Zach, and I will enrich Him not one whit, with My money or My attention.
I feel the site is truthful but we should be careful to make conclusions. We should take the site together with other info we can actually see and use what the site says as additional info only because it has no verifiable refs on it's own. Only, when it talks about dynastic families, well we know what they are in general.
I agree, but with Zach, it's odd He's in there, and it's odd the accusations - which surely don't surprise Me. Anyway, yes. I too feel that the site is truthful. But yes, it should be used only in conjunction with what We can verify.
It’s a good joke! But I think James Corbett has a fair bit of money, and I think he has gotten too big for his boots. I used to sub to him, but I never had time to watch his videos, and I actually found his site(s) to be very confusing. I unsubbed a few years ago!
That 9/11 viewpoint of his is quite surprising. I didn’t really think he was dumb?🤷♀️ And the DEW fires, they all speak for themselves. Maybe he’s being blackmailed.
Or just well paid to spout what He spouts... LOL! In any event, another One bites the dust in My estimation. Sad but true... If We hear of Them, very high probability They're part of this crazy and convoluted play the psychopaths put on to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us.
Humbly, I am unclear on what is "too difficult," and I didn't mention 9/11. What's THAT all about? I write for Humanity, honoring Us all, and will be making no changes to that. And I didn't "drop... Corbett's name." I was inspired to write this by the fact that I came upon the first post I have seen of His on Odysee that had comments turned off.
Your really getting an undeserved beating today, I think it means you've hit a nerve and that's a good thing. You might want to make a "Rules of Commentary Engagement" section in your About page. Here's mine as a reference
So sorry My honoring sapient Beings. consciously chosen, is an issue for You. I have had Many who highly appreciate it. If that is something You choose not to accept, perhaps don’t read My work.
I visited the Odysee link that your posted for Living Fiat Free and the very first thing after the channel info is a link to SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS. James didn't turn off comments, he just moved them to a different page.
Well... Then that was done after I made this post. Because I looked all over for any options. At the time, there were none.
I followed Corbett for a while during the "global covid insanity", but after he played a video of himself doing something deeply insensitive, and offensive to me, I shut him off. Not because of the offensiveness of it but because from it I saw his real message and understood him clearly. I don't know what's up with him, or what his connections might be, and I'm not even curious.
With You on that! Thanks for Your payment of time and attention! I am enriched!
Corbett is on the payroll of the Presidential candidate who wants to be the crypto POTUS and make the US the hub of digital money. Same goes for Catherine Austin Fitts and Whitney Webb. I just published a post about Kennedy's love affair with Fidel Castro and his desire to put us on blockchain. When we look behind the curtain, everything makes sense.
And behind the curtain are the psychopaths in control on Our planet, who own the for-profit corporation, UNITED STATES Inc., that appoints the presidents. Not sure which actor You think wants to be the "crypto POTUS." In the end, despite the script any are playing out, They are ALL in on the scamming of the public, casting sandy hooks into Our emotions and dragging Us where They want Us.
Love it. And I'm with you, but I didn't read all the links... I WILL share.... And what's wrong James C, anyway, eh? oh, fuck, buddy. ha hahahahaharf, woof.
I tried to share this, and it DOUBLED in the Notes, then I deleted it and tried again, and it TRIPLED. So ... fuck it. Next time. I did subscribe. (Stoopid stubstuck!)
Not sure what You're describing there. Still pretty new on this platform... LOL!
Hey, I'M not sure what I'm describing! LOL It's not YOU, it's SS. Glitchy sometimes... Faceborg they are NOT. lol
And WELCOME, btw. ^_^
Ahhhh. Okay. Yes, I have noticed a glitch or two here and there. 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻
Thank you 🙏
Most welcome! Thank You for the payment of Your time in reading and Your appreciation! I am well enriched!
I admire Corbett's work but I find him to be something of a Chomskyan gatekeeper who believes himself to be above reproach and he doesn't handle criticism from anyone who he believes to be his intellectual inferior. The sum of which -- at least in his apparent summation -- is probably everyone else on the planet. I don't expect any of us in this space to reinvent the wheel but he has shown signs of merely being a clever plagiarist who lets others do the speculation and who won't allow anyone to actually get a word in edgewise if he can possibly help it because he fears what they might say.
He does avoid certain subjects and data - like Judy Wood, and the DEW's used on 9/11. Yes, some of His work is great, but... I place high probability He is controlled op.
I heard (digitally) someone else say that, too. Maybe he is.
I get annoyed with ANYONE who won't allow comments with PAYING to make them.
So kudos to thee.
I tend to avoid People - don’t sub - if I have to pay. I have nothing to pay with - unless They will accept one of MY cat’s fur blossoms. Not sure how I would deliver though… LOL!
You Won’t Believe How Rich I Am! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-wont-believe-how-rich-i-am
More About the Millions! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/more-about-the-millions
Me, too, m'dear, I'm going to retire early just for a few bucks/mo, for however long that lasts. I imagine the US is going to soon implode, and then all bets are arf.
Agreed about the US - and really, the world.
Growing pains. Pretty ouchie, but not ALL ouchie.
At this point I start out assuming people are controlled opposition due to pure cynicism.
The best way to tell is how shadow banned They are. A little, and They're just earning cred. A lot, and the psychopaths in control REALLY don't want the messages out there.
That's how we know!
I'm in the latter slot then because no one knows I exist, haha.
I am shadow banned on YouToilet, on X-Twatter. on Gab, and likely other web spots. But I have spent 20 years getting what little awareness of My work is out there.
Nothing about this article is convincing me of anything of substance. What are you accusing him of? He doesn't want to trade eggs but wants a real system of money that isn't hijacked and controlled by the globalists? What is your argument? Turning off comments is a necessary mechanism when a good journalist is being trolled.
Irrespective of token used, money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top - money = power, and psychopaths will do LITERALLY ANYTHING to get and keep the most. I did not accuse Him of anything. Just offering the fact that "a real system of money that isn't hijacked and controlled by the globalists" will never be.
Oh, sure, You can start it out looking grand and all, but it will not take long for the psychopaths to garner the most and thereby have the most power.
And beyond that, money systems steal from Us what is Ours. Our interest in the wealth of Our planet. Did You know that You - yes, YOU - are a multimillionaire? Read this to find out why You do not see Your wealth:
Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity
>Turning off comments is a necessary mechanism when a good journalist is being trolled.
Joseph Goebbels himself couldn't have said it better.
Well said!
I side with you on the issue!
Glad I do not stand alone! 🙏🏻
I also side with you on the issue
Love always, dearest Proton!
I had written a book review on a related subject a few years back, but encountered significant censorship in attempting to have it published. In my article, I showed that American political figures tend to focus on funding prison systems rather than helping those in need, showcasing a disregard for the well-being of others (referred to as "depraved indifference" or "moral disengagement"). This examination was influenced by the work of Loïc Wacquant, a protege of the esteemed French social scientist Pierre Bourdieu. (Link to manuscript: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luc-Lelievre)
Somehow I missed Your comments here... I would say, from both what You say here, as well as My assessments, that We have psychopaths in control. Not really a surprise when One sees that money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top. They will do literally anything to get and keep the power money provides.
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths
Thank You for Your heart!
Thanks for the link.
- Luc
Most welcome!
Be brave.
Wow — what an article! Thank you for this! Where do I even begin??
1. I like your term “conspiracy analyst.” I’ve coined one similar I call “theoretical scientist” in which I wrote an article about here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-art-of-theoretical-science
2. I share your sentiments with Corbett. I took was introduced to his work years back and have learned a great amount but have taken a step back. I’ve labeled him and others in the potential gatekeepers: touching on some topics, but avoiding others: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-complex-roles-and-benefits-of
3. I’ve also written a similar topic on money, but came no where close to the work that you did just now. https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-esoteric-philosophy-is-vital-329
I 100% agree with your representation of money as in stored energy and I love your analysis on how most of our job only sustains the current wealth of the elites. This was a phenomenal point!
Lastly, wholeheartedly agree with your analysis of psychopaths and then creating a false reality. I’ve come to this conclusion from a spiritual perspective as well. I took the last two years to put this together and I was able to put together my first book here: https://www.unorthodoxtruth.com/
I have a feeling you would like it. Here is a summary of the book: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-history-of-you-a-book-that-connects
Thank you for this article! I will be PAYING you by sharing, reposting and many many more! Thanks again!
I am both humbled and extremely well paid in Your appreciation! Thank You so much! I will check out what You offer here!
From Your summary, I think You're right! I would enjoy the book. But to get an idea of where I am, You might want to read these short articles:
You Won’t Believe How Rich I Am! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-wont-believe-how-rich-i-am
More About the Millions! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/more-about-the-millions
Thanks for sharing this with me! I just sent you an email
Will go hunt it down! Haha!
It looks like we agree for different reasons, but that's okay.
I used to be invested in the so-called Truth and Liberty Movement, but whatever it was before it's become a cesspit of snake oil salesmen, political gurus peddling their idolatry, and countless self-righteous layabouts who think being 'awake' means the world will conform to their wishes without taking any effective action for themselves.
The fact that Corbett disabled comments was a major red flag, another was interviewing someone who thinks Roger Ver is in any way a good person when one need only glance at his history to see him for the scoundrel he is.
As for money, I don't fetishize or demonize one means of exchange over another. That's the domain of cryptobros, goldbugs, and other such conmen. These are merely tools with use cases. That's why most of the world still uses money.
So unless you can demonstrate an alternative, an alternative whose use case is as self-evident as a dinner fork, no one has any obligation to give up money in any way.
[smile] I am not asking People to “give up” anything. I am showing that We have the technology that, if brought out into the public light, will cause money in any form (from trade/barter to electronic bits) to fall into disuse.
The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money
Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of
Start to look people up on this site and you will then understand what they do and why
Use search in upper right, then do in page search for the pages that come up.
No, Corbett is not your friend.
Surely you didn't write that garbage about Trump committing genocide. No one with an ounce of common sense would write such shit. Trump supporters are regularly shadowbanned and kicked off social media platforms, that's a fact. I've saved the link you shared as a pdf so I can use it as a reference in a future post about TDS🤣
Reply is below. If you are polite, your comments will have more credibility.
Perhaps the "persecution" is to further the illusion that Trump is Our Savior... If He was not in the Big Club, We would never hear of Him. The controlmind (government) is a for-profit corporation that appoints its CEO (and other officers)...
In 1871 the civil war debts came due, and to pay them off (and then some), a for-profit corporation was set up for DC that looked very much like the constitution but with a few words changed, and no Bill of Rights. The People in the original controlmind quietly moved over into similar positions in the corporation and the public was none the wiser.
They (the owners, the psychopaths in control who own ALL the "governments" on Our planet) used interstate commerce laws to reach into the states.
And since then have declared the People the enemy. All while keeping Us slaves taking Our money. To maintain the illusion We have a say, They hold "elections," "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).
So everything since 1871 is what They have chosen for Us. We would best not consent to being ruled by a corporation that sees Us as dollar signs only.
I heard about Trump when he saved my community of Refugees and Immigrants from bankruptcy, at a time when all the rich White folk wouldn't invest in my hood. He turned his investment into a global tourist destination. When he ran for POTUS, we were happy to support him as he had supported us.
Spoiled Americans who are clueless about life in 3rd world shitholes are constantly whining and lying about Trump and making idiotic comments about his mannerisms- irrelevant observations instead of focusing on how he helped underserved Black students, small businesses and the middle class. He made us a priority.
Government is bad in a mega wealthy country like the US? Elections are fake? Try living in a 3rd world shithole and learn about real government corruption, dictatorships and control of the financial system. Argentinians are rejecting crypto - maybe ask them about their life experiences with a grotesquely corrupt government - they're fleeing their homes and illegally entering the US, looking for a better life for their families.
Immigrant families like the Trumps should be celebrated for creating family wealth through real estate - my extended family has done the same. Why demonize people who have created jobs and improved the economy? Because they're in a "club" and we're not? That's so juvenile and self defeating.
FYI... I am elderly, disabled (psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs – typing hurts, but I do it anyway, slowly), denied assistance, targeted, lost everything, destitute but for the pittance of social “security” I now receive (that is MY money paid in for many decades!) – not 1/2 a studio apartment’s rent; just barely enough for food and sundries (and that's shrinking as prices go up) – and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 10+ year old laptop.
Do not think I have no clue about shitholes - I have slept in shelters, in trucks on the road to have a roof over My head, on park benches.
I would wager Trump saw "helping" Your community in mere dollar signs. And I suggest it was not Trump who "created jobs and improved the economy," but the psychopaths who control the lot and have a long-term script to get enough of Us to worship that character on the stage.
Given I have researched what You mentioned (and clearly a lot more) in the 67 years I have been here, and can clearly see the machinations of the psychopaths... I might ponder who is juvenile and self defeating. Just saying.
You are correct.
🤗 🙏🏻 💜 🙏🏻 🤗
That website uses strawman arguments to discredit certain individuals. While I agree that most in the so called alternative sphere are grifters and/or controlled operatives, that website makes certain allegations that I would classify as suspicious. Allegations that are also not further substantiated, and I would describe as a virtual hit n run.
I've also found a few other inconsistencies on that website which don't help it's credibility.
You have a point, we can not confirm really whether there is or is not a truth to many discredits, but we can see what persons of interest say, write, and pair that together with who they associate with on the site's photos. For example you can see things about DJT that fit with his behavior, Masonic hand symbols, and the Masonic architecture and interior of Trump tower we can get from other sites. Then it is a short jump to see him in friendly picts on that site with some concerning characters and what it all probably means.
👉That site does make it easy to at least see who the many rich and powerful people and families are that would not be otherwise easy to have at one's fingertips, and "rich and powerful" is more easily confirmed. We can see the companies they run, the occult symbols their companies use, and who they are hanging out with in the photos. If we really wanted, we can see their genealogies and peerage connections. So that site needs to be triangulated with other info but it is a good start to learn who in general is likely behind the front people we see on the ground like Corbett, Icke, Fauci, etc. that would otherwise only be known in a vacuum.
Yes the claims about Trump committing genocide in a second term are factual, since he committed genocide during his first term😂😂😂
Those of us who are animated when we speak, make hand gestures like Trump. Whenever I read or watch anyone that claims hand gestures are a sign of White Supremacy, Masons, racism bla bla bla they instantly lose credibility in my book. Same goes for people who search for symbols or geometric designs used in logos and architecture - it's so juvenile. Most of the time, there's no there there.
The OK sign has nothing to do with White Supremacy. Gangs have their own hand signs but folks don't dare call them racist or they'll have their heads sliced off - that's one of the favorite forms of punishment of the Latino thugs.
People need to stop being so juvenile and stop spreading fear and lies. There wasn't a genocide under Trump’s first term and he didn't exterminate his foes - unlike Obama, Clinton and Bush.
Trump started the genocide ball rolling. The definition of Genocide includes a significant part of the population, even vaers showed tens of thousands, and Globally one study showed 17 mil deaths up to a year ago (Rancourt), but it's probably much larger.
While I stand by my comment about the occult symbols, it is the entirety of of data about Trump: his family and Tesla, being bailed out by the Rothchilds in the 90s, hiring deep stater after another, agreeing to warp speed-and starting to inject people in a phase 1 study only 2 months after pandemic was called, when 1. There were no toxicity studies, 2. No animal studies, 2. The Covid-19 test kit patent was started in 2015, 3. They were sent out in 2017, 4. The CARES act for corona virus was submitted to congress in Jan 2019, 5. The Fan Wu paper proving no Sars virus was found, only printing an alphabet from a computer and calling that a viral genome, and many more proofs that POTUS should know if even I as a nobody can find these out in a few min online. All the data is in the posts in this summary post, https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/the-virus-rouse-going-going-gonzo
👉In another proof, I am polite and logical, I don't call people names in comments because that only detracts from the credibility of the writer of rude words.
Dude, you're regurgitating propaganda. Warp Speed was started under Obama as did the mRNA transfections. Nothing was going to stop BARDA/DTRA/DARPA from continuing the work they've been doing for decades - they had mRNA transfections in clinical trials before C19 was declared a pandemic.
Denis Rancourt just came to Robert Malone's defense after I published video proving that the Vaccine Frankenstein is one of the crypto bros 🤣 he has no credibility in my book. Mathew Crawford has proven that the numbers are being exaggerated. Why exaggerate the data? Ask Tom Renz, he knew he was giving wrong data to Ron Johnson, but did it anyway because it keeps the grift going.
It's all about the grift.
I do recall, irrespective of where it started, DJT going on and on about Operation Warpspeed. And calling Himself the "father of the vaccine." Just saying.
Yes I'm sure Obama was involved in Covid prep, that is not my point. The point is that DJT had all the info to know C-19 was a scam before shots started, I sent you the proofs in the link. I also agree Rancourt is a player, but there are millions of deaths. I have govt data of hundreds of thousands of post shot deaths where I live in Japan. It is not BS. Actually I think Rancourt is a minimizer, but we dont have to argue that point.
Now, there is no proof of mRNA in the shots, did you read and analyze any papers on mRNA in the shots? I did here:
In fact I am the only one who read and reported on the scientific papers spouting mRNA fraud of being in the shots, and there is no spike in the shots but that is another story.
I think we do agree on a bunch of stuff, pls try your best to stay polite.
Trump is just playing His part. The for-profit corporation (since 1871), United States, appointed Him as CEO and let things get a bit better, then appointed the actor in a Biden mask and created the mess, so when They reappoint Trump as CEO, People still attached to the "government" illusion will herald Him as "The Savior," bow to His every command, and when They announce another, "most deadliest" unicorn, He will mandate forced jabbing, "to save Humanity!," of course.
Do not forget that He rubs elbows with Klausipoo, appointed the swamp, praised Killary, pushed the death jabs, Declared Himself "the father of the vaccine," and knew in 2017 that 2020 was in the works when He said it was the "calm before the storm."
Trump with Klausipoo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYtGYGButRQ
Trump praising Killary at inaugural luncheon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD8j29PsKfc
Trump and the calm before the storm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH0AvaG3SqQ
You are correct.
🤗 💜 🤗
Thanks for the report! While I saw a few things I pondered, none seemed low probability of truth. Most I gave very high probability of truth to, with a small amount of the stuff getting a 50/50 probability.
What things specifically, if I may ask, stood out for You?
So... I checked the site. VERY interesting. Beyond Corbett, I discovered Zachary Hubbard with some creepy stuff about Him. If You know about gematria, You will know that He was the One who popularized it on YouToilet.
About Zach and My interactions with Him - I wrote this up a while ago, and today grasp far more about this than I did before:
I have offered this before, and I will again. When I first encountered Zach, I learned a great deal, becoming a staunch supporter of His. We had Him on Our show, Conspiracy or Not, Here We Come [note: this was back in 2017]. I went to bat for Him numerous times in comments. When He started a call for a truth site, which He announced the first $33,000 would go specifically for the site, though I had no money, I created a 1 minute "ad" video (which was pretty good given the limitations of hardware and software I had).
The site work was donated by two coder types, and the site went up. Many things were discussed, and the flat earth was included. Some were on one side, others on the other, but it was mostly respectful, and wasn't an issue. Zach rarely showed up, though, which I thought was strange, and when He did it was to drop a link to His work, and He was off again.
One day He came in ranting about how flat earth had taken over and destroyed the site, and accusing the two guys who donated Their time and skills to get the site up of "ripping [Him] off." The guys showed where every penny went of the just under $2,400 Zach had sent Them to pay for server and other such charges. Zach basically sabotaged the site.
Shortly after, I had a number of People who donated come to Me, as They thought I was the closest to Zach, and ask if I would ask Zach for His accounting. We know that He collected $16,000 on GoFundMe, and We estimate another $5,000 through PayPal.
Meanwhile Zach is talking about using the rest "for other things." People were angry. They donated specifically for the site, not for "other things." Based on the number who came to Me, I chose to stick My head out and asked Him for His accounting. (I have a video of My skype convo with him), and well... The fan was filled with feces, when He started attacking Me in comments I made on Others' vids, about other things entirely. Calling Me a "hag" was the mildest.
Zach avoided any discussion of the money He collected, and though Others tried to discover what the rest of the money went to, it was of no avail. Eventually the question of where the roughly $18,000 went to dropped off the radar.
Needless to say... My experience has left Me with a very bad taste in My mouth for Zach, and I will enrich Him not one whit, with My money or My attention.
My Skype Conversation with Zachary K. Hubbard: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/my-skype-conversation-with-zachary-k:d
I feel the site is truthful but we should be careful to make conclusions. We should take the site together with other info we can actually see and use what the site says as additional info only because it has no verifiable refs on it's own. Only, when it talks about dynastic families, well we know what they are in general.
I agree, but with Zach, it's odd He's in there, and it's odd the accusations - which surely don't surprise Me. Anyway, yes. I too feel that the site is truthful. But yes, it should be used only in conjunction with what We can verify.
Soooo many!
Yes, I had it worked that Corbett is controlled op. LOL! I'll check out that site! Thanks!
James Corbett - When a 9/11 truther is wrong on DEW, will he apologise?
Link: https://rumble.com/v4rskqx-james-corbett-when-a-truther-is-wrong-on-dew-will-he-apologise.html
Low probability, I would guess.
comments are still on on his website but of course you need be a paid subscriber to comment
Too bad I can't pay... Ah well.
Gosh, is his website his only source of revenue? (Sarcasm)
LOL! Likely not... Haha!
It’s a good joke! But I think James Corbett has a fair bit of money, and I think he has gotten too big for his boots. I used to sub to him, but I never had time to watch his videos, and I actually found his site(s) to be very confusing. I unsubbed a few years ago!
That 9/11 viewpoint of his is quite surprising. I didn’t really think he was dumb?🤷♀️ And the DEW fires, they all speak for themselves. Maybe he’s being blackmailed.
Or just well paid to spout what He spouts... LOL! In any event, another One bites the dust in My estimation. Sad but true... If We hear of Them, very high probability They're part of this crazy and convoluted play the psychopaths put on to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us.
High probability.
Humbly, I am unclear on what is "too difficult," and I didn't mention 9/11. What's THAT all about? I write for Humanity, honoring Us all, and will be making no changes to that. And I didn't "drop... Corbett's name." I was inspired to write this by the fact that I came upon the first post I have seen of His on Odysee that had comments turned off.
If You have issues, feel free to move on.
Love always!
Your really getting an undeserved beating today, I think it means you've hit a nerve and that's a good thing. You might want to make a "Rules of Commentary Engagement" section in your About page. Here's mine as a reference
Don't give up!
Robert, Ama wrote a good SS here, certainly does not deserve derision, and being rude discredits the impact of what you wish to say.
So sorry My honoring sapient Beings. consciously chosen, is an issue for You. I have had Many who highly appreciate it. If that is something You choose not to accept, perhaps don’t read My work.
Love always.
P.S. I’m 67…