Another excellent article, thank you very much for the outstanding work that you do.
I really like your formulation of the three laws of ethics—concise yet comprehensive.
Some similar formulations I like which I wouldn’t be surprised if you are already long familiar with them, but other readers may not be:
First, Richard Maybury’s (aka Uncle Eric’s) Two Laws: 1) Do all you have agreed to do, and 2) Do not encroach on other persons or their property.
And of course Mark Passio’s excellent in-depth teaching of Natural Law, an important part of which is that every Person has the Right to take any action that is not a wrong action, and there are only seven categories of wrong actions: assault, murder, rape, theft, trespass, coercion, and fraud/deceit.
Indeed, I have familiarity. Though Passio and I butted heads a decade or two ago on the need for money on Our planet, His perspectives otherwise match Mine very well. All of those seven fall under the three Laws - theft of freedom (coercion), privacy (trespass), bodily autonomy (rape) all fall under the second Law...
I was given those Laws by someOne I met nearly 5 decades ago as the "Three Laws." But when I went on the web to see if I could find more on them, I could find nothing but laws of robotics, laws of thermodynamics, laws of motion, etc. I asked what they were laws of and "Ethics" stood out starkly, so... They are the three Laws of Ethics!
Thank You for Your payment of appreciation! You enrich Me greatly!
Ah! So interesting! You may very well have been a big part of helping evolve Mark's thinking and teaching on this aspect of Natural Law. I don't know if you've kept tabs on him since that time, but I have heard him speak at length, and very strongly, on the subject of the money system as an illusion in the toolbox of the [wannabe] slavemasters, from as early as 2013/2014 (Mark's output is so prolific that I find it hard to pin down an exact time or provide links to concise summaries of his teaching.) Here are two of his presentation slides in someone else's article:
It very well may be that I had influence... Though I have chosen not to pay Him in My attention since that time, I did catch wind that He was calling money an illusion not long after I gave up - almost like He didn't want to credit any Other with the insight...
His ideas are good, but the man is arrogant and forceful.
Still, I will check out the links. It would be interesting to see where He has taken that...
EDIT to add: He puts the cart before the horse. To eliminate money, free energy must come out FIRST.
Beautiful explanation and so true! The question is, will enough of us stand up and say "enough!" to these parasites inorder to be able to beat them back and down and take our sovereignty back from them? One major category that I didn't see you mention specifically in all the ways that the parasites control us is through religion! But I know you've also included how They control us through religion too in previous substacks! They deceive us through religion too by keeping important information from us so that we can't learn who we truly are! They've hijacked earth and turned this planet into a prison planet!
We need to take our sovereignty back from them while in this lifetime and, I'm starting to believe, in the afterlife too when our souls leave our bodies and we pass over! What I'm talking about here is the reincarnation soul trap! I believe that the parasites have lied and suppressed this information from us too through religion! Why would the parasites want to have control with this? To keep us from completely escaping this matrix prison planet system and to keep our souls recycling back down here lifetime after lifetime because the parasites feed off of our energy and They need us to keep this prison planet up and running! So we are getting told to "go to through light tunnel" when we pass over and that's the soul trap!
I've been looking at people's work lately who talk about this subject and I also listen to interviews with these people too! I don't know if you are familiar with this soul trap subject or not but I believe that it's worth learning about and sharing this information with as many people as possible because the more people that learn what this world really is and is really all about then more people can escape completely and help bring this parasitic control system down completely and stop the recycling reincarnation soul trap!
Since I've learned about this subject I've been pondering the thought that maybe this is the true reason that Jesus/Yeshua came down to earth? To teach humanity about the soul trap and how to get out and escape completely and the parasites killed him for it? Because the parasites need humanity and our energy to feed their system!
I'm not coming back to this shit hole for another lifetime and I'm planning to get out when my time is done here! While reading your substack today this subject came to my mind with me thinking "it's also unethical for the parasites to keep information about the soul trap from humanity too through religion and religious control!" I also question why on earth would the parasites want to alter, edit and remove books from the Bible?? What are They hiding? Why did They burn down and destroy the library in Alexandria, Egypt? To me these are worthy research questions!
The parasites have lied to us about everything on this planet lifetime after lifetime! So of course they would lie about a recycling reincarnation soul trap too! This might sound crazy and the information in my comment here might trigger some people! But I think it's important to share because this life is just too crazy and there's just too much evil going on with the evils getting away with deceiving humanity! So if people are interested please check out the work of Wayne Bush! I don't have his website but people can search his name and find his work! Another person that's studying this information is Howdie Mickowski and Howdie has written a book about the soul trap based on the teachings of Plato and Plato's cave! I've ordered Howdie's book myself and I'm including the link if anybody is interested
Will enough of Us make a sovereign stand? Unknown, but I aim for it. All I can do.
As for religion, yes, They do use it. I rarely bring it up because there are so many perspectives, and a lot of People are attached to Their brand.
I have no idea what to expect when I leave this mess. I figure I will find out when I get there. But here and now? I will perform service to Self AND service to Others with My work. When I succeed, I will live as richly as I choose. And so will everyOne else. With the caring Ones taking care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things.
Of course! I know that this soul trap subject is a tough subject for people much based on religious beliefs and many people aren't ready to consider such a thing! None of us here really knows what's going to happen when we pass! This information is truly Gnostic territory! But the important thing to remember is that we are created to be sovereign beings with free will to decide for ourselves how we want to live here in life and in the afterlife also! For myself when my time comes I'm not going to let any beings on the other side influence me, trick me or influence me to come back here! We are supposed to have free will and if we stick to saying "no" then no other beings should be able to violate our freewill and make us come back here! 👍
Having no religion, only one spiritual experience - You saw that, right? - and seeing that We co-create the Now with the behaviors We choose, I don't think about what's "beyond" if anything. I focus on creating the best Now that I can!
That's My point. It's NOT moral principle. It's Ethical principle that is Natural Law. But They conflated the words. And so "moral" was used when what was meant is "Ethical."
And list all the "principles?" What principles fall outside those Laws?
Sorry. I am in a lot of pain and mistyped (kinda amused that You did not figure out I had...). It should say, "Ethics are objective." I corrected it.
Not sure where You pulled that second line from...
And looking into Natural Law, I found that all the proscription fell into those three Laws. Been looking decades for anything outside of those three things that is not a matter of taste. But if You can provide Me with something, I will consider it.
The Principle of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause And Effect, Gender.
''In conclusion, morality defines an objective standard of “right” and “wrong” behavior, with “right” actions being those which duly acknowledge the true nature of the being in question, and “wrong” actions being those which do not. Man is powerless to alter this, and it is not dependent upon time or place. No amount of declarations, rationalizations, consensus, social rituals, or perceived “necessity” will have the slightest effect upon it, and man will eternally be bound to its cause-and-effect consequences.''
Indeed, three of the commandments are weak versions of the Laws. The difference is that if You asked everyOne if doing these three things to Them would be okay, to a One, They will say, "NO!" Thus it is clearly Natural Law. Not everyOne would say worshiping one given Being was okay...
And the rest of the commandments are similar - there are People who were gruesomely tortured by Their parents, and They would likely not think honoring Them was a good thing...
Another excellent article, thank you very much for the outstanding work that you do.
I really like your formulation of the three laws of ethics—concise yet comprehensive.
Some similar formulations I like which I wouldn’t be surprised if you are already long familiar with them, but other readers may not be:
First, Richard Maybury’s (aka Uncle Eric’s) Two Laws: 1) Do all you have agreed to do, and 2) Do not encroach on other persons or their property.
And of course Mark Passio’s excellent in-depth teaching of Natural Law, an important part of which is that every Person has the Right to take any action that is not a wrong action, and there are only seven categories of wrong actions: assault, murder, rape, theft, trespass, coercion, and fraud/deceit.
Indeed, I have familiarity. Though Passio and I butted heads a decade or two ago on the need for money on Our planet, His perspectives otherwise match Mine very well. All of those seven fall under the three Laws - theft of freedom (coercion), privacy (trespass), bodily autonomy (rape) all fall under the second Law...
I was given those Laws by someOne I met nearly 5 decades ago as the "Three Laws." But when I went on the web to see if I could find more on them, I could find nothing but laws of robotics, laws of thermodynamics, laws of motion, etc. I asked what they were laws of and "Ethics" stood out starkly, so... They are the three Laws of Ethics!
Thank You for Your payment of appreciation! You enrich Me greatly!
Ah! So interesting! You may very well have been a big part of helping evolve Mark's thinking and teaching on this aspect of Natural Law. I don't know if you've kept tabs on him since that time, but I have heard him speak at length, and very strongly, on the subject of the money system as an illusion in the toolbox of the [wannabe] slavemasters, from as early as 2013/2014 (Mark's output is so prolific that I find it hard to pin down an exact time or provide links to concise summaries of his teaching.) Here are two of his presentation slides in someone else's article:
Back in those days he used to speak annually to the Nikola Tesla conference in NYC:
It very well may be that I had influence... Though I have chosen not to pay Him in My attention since that time, I did catch wind that He was calling money an illusion not long after I gave up - almost like He didn't want to credit any Other with the insight...
His ideas are good, but the man is arrogant and forceful.
Still, I will check out the links. It would be interesting to see where He has taken that...
EDIT to add: He puts the cart before the horse. To eliminate money, free energy must come out FIRST.
On the Same Page (article):
Beautiful explanation and so true! The question is, will enough of us stand up and say "enough!" to these parasites inorder to be able to beat them back and down and take our sovereignty back from them? One major category that I didn't see you mention specifically in all the ways that the parasites control us is through religion! But I know you've also included how They control us through religion too in previous substacks! They deceive us through religion too by keeping important information from us so that we can't learn who we truly are! They've hijacked earth and turned this planet into a prison planet!
We need to take our sovereignty back from them while in this lifetime and, I'm starting to believe, in the afterlife too when our souls leave our bodies and we pass over! What I'm talking about here is the reincarnation soul trap! I believe that the parasites have lied and suppressed this information from us too through religion! Why would the parasites want to have control with this? To keep us from completely escaping this matrix prison planet system and to keep our souls recycling back down here lifetime after lifetime because the parasites feed off of our energy and They need us to keep this prison planet up and running! So we are getting told to "go to through light tunnel" when we pass over and that's the soul trap!
I've been looking at people's work lately who talk about this subject and I also listen to interviews with these people too! I don't know if you are familiar with this soul trap subject or not but I believe that it's worth learning about and sharing this information with as many people as possible because the more people that learn what this world really is and is really all about then more people can escape completely and help bring this parasitic control system down completely and stop the recycling reincarnation soul trap!
Since I've learned about this subject I've been pondering the thought that maybe this is the true reason that Jesus/Yeshua came down to earth? To teach humanity about the soul trap and how to get out and escape completely and the parasites killed him for it? Because the parasites need humanity and our energy to feed their system!
I'm not coming back to this shit hole for another lifetime and I'm planning to get out when my time is done here! While reading your substack today this subject came to my mind with me thinking "it's also unethical for the parasites to keep information about the soul trap from humanity too through religion and religious control!" I also question why on earth would the parasites want to alter, edit and remove books from the Bible?? What are They hiding? Why did They burn down and destroy the library in Alexandria, Egypt? To me these are worthy research questions!
The parasites have lied to us about everything on this planet lifetime after lifetime! So of course they would lie about a recycling reincarnation soul trap too! This might sound crazy and the information in my comment here might trigger some people! But I think it's important to share because this life is just too crazy and there's just too much evil going on with the evils getting away with deceiving humanity! So if people are interested please check out the work of Wayne Bush! I don't have his website but people can search his name and find his work! Another person that's studying this information is Howdie Mickowski and Howdie has written a book about the soul trap based on the teachings of Plato and Plato's cave! I've ordered Howdie's book myself and I'm including the link if anybody is interested
Will enough of Us make a sovereign stand? Unknown, but I aim for it. All I can do.
As for religion, yes, They do use it. I rarely bring it up because there are so many perspectives, and a lot of People are attached to Their brand.
I have no idea what to expect when I leave this mess. I figure I will find out when I get there. But here and now? I will perform service to Self AND service to Others with My work. When I succeed, I will live as richly as I choose. And so will everyOne else. With the caring Ones taking care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things.
Of course! I know that this soul trap subject is a tough subject for people much based on religious beliefs and many people aren't ready to consider such a thing! None of us here really knows what's going to happen when we pass! This information is truly Gnostic territory! But the important thing to remember is that we are created to be sovereign beings with free will to decide for ourselves how we want to live here in life and in the afterlife also! For myself when my time comes I'm not going to let any beings on the other side influence me, trick me or influence me to come back here! We are supposed to have free will and if we stick to saying "no" then no other beings should be able to violate our freewill and make us come back here! 👍
Having no religion, only one spiritual experience - You saw that, right? - and seeing that We co-create the Now with the behaviors We choose, I don't think about what's "beyond" if anything. I focus on creating the best Now that I can!
In case You did not see:
My Spiritual Experience (article):
No, ethics come from moral principles. Principle: A rule of action. A fundamental truth. NATURAL LAW. Think King Canute.
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
We know they are Natural Law because if You ask anyOne if it's okay to do these three things to Them, to a One, They WILL say "No."
Morals are relative. Ethics are objective.
How can NATURAL LAW be relative?
If one transgresses a moral principle, a transgression of NATURAL LAW, one will incur metaphysical debt.
Mans law, morals, are certainly relative. NATURAL LAW is not.
How come you don't list all the Principles? Unless NATURAL LAW means something different to you than me?
That's My point. It's NOT moral principle. It's Ethical principle that is Natural Law. But They conflated the words. And so "moral" was used when what was meant is "Ethical."
And list all the "principles?" What principles fall outside those Laws?
''Ethical are subjective.''
''based on personal opinions and feelings rather than on facts.''
''What principles fall outside those Laws?''
You don't know the Principles of Natural Law?
Sorry. I am in a lot of pain and mistyped (kinda amused that You did not figure out I had...). It should say, "Ethics are objective." I corrected it.
Not sure where You pulled that second line from...
And looking into Natural Law, I found that all the proscription fell into those three Laws. Been looking decades for anything outside of those three things that is not a matter of taste. But if You can provide Me with something, I will consider it.
I hope you are feeling fine.
General Principles of Natural Law
The Principle of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause And Effect, Gender.
''In conclusion, morality defines an objective standard of “right” and “wrong” behavior, with “right” actions being those which duly acknowledge the true nature of the being in question, and “wrong” actions being those which do not. Man is powerless to alter this, and it is not dependent upon time or place. No amount of declarations, rationalizations, consensus, social rituals, or perceived “necessity” will have the slightest effect upon it, and man will eternally be bound to its cause-and-effect consequences.''
This, to me, is what you are saying?
It's basically means don't be a twat
“Authority” is an illusion created by psychopaths. 100% and for centuries and centuries...
Absolutely! They have been at this a very long time.
Indeed, three of the commandments are weak versions of the Laws. The difference is that if You asked everyOne if doing these three things to Them would be okay, to a One, They will say, "NO!" Thus it is clearly Natural Law. Not everyOne would say worshiping one given Being was okay...
And the rest of the commandments are similar - there are People who were gruesomely tortured by Their parents, and They would likely not think honoring Them was a good thing...
So... Not the same.
Most welcome!