Without video games, we have to negotiate, cooperate and compromise. What children lost when video games, TV, the internet, and smartphones were introduced is incalculable and not correctable. Innocence cannot be restored, it must be protected to be preserved. Parents need to get in the director's seat for their children's sake.

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I'm just finding out about this great substack now. Thank you for being a truth, warrior and providing solutions while exposing the darkness.

You have a unique voice and thank you for using it. I will continue to share and spread the word of this.

I found out about the hidden technologies and suppressed inventions a few years back and I asked the same questions you did. Why do we need money? With all the technology why can't we do something better? And on and on and on... Leading to the same conclusions you found.

We can beat these psychopaths. There are more and more voices speaking out and more people waking up. Even if it's small, it is growing.

Just last night when I was out with friends, I had two great conversations with people questioning the way the world is and who we're aware of our current situation.

And I keep having these conversations more and more in unexpected places from unexpected people.

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I am humbled, indeed. And glad to know that the idea that We can do better here without the tool - dangerous and archaic - called “money” is emerging!

I have been at this, overall, for nigh 20 years, and maybe I had some impact on the awareness. I like to think so… LOL!

I look forward to future thoughts You may have on My various writings. If You want one I recommend…

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

Love always!

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You absolutely have had an impact. All of us working in our own ways has and is making an impact.

Thank you for your long-haul dedication. That is impressive that you've been at this for so long. It's nice to have mentors like yourself who have the life experience and ideas to help.

I will definitely check that out! I definitely will be going through all your work slowly but surely.

Again, thank you brave soul.

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🤗 💜 🤗 I look forward to discussing things further with You!

Here’s a 14 minute video I did a while back when I was still able to make videos…

Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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I actually just finished that one. I really enjoyed that. When I was younger things just seemed off in this world. I could never put my finger on it. Especially with money. I didn't understand it. I wanted to get in the medical system at first and be a nurse because I loved helping people but then I found the whole thing was just wrong and doesn't Care about natural cures. I'm glad it didn't work out because I would have gotten fired anyway with the covid jabs and any other vaccinations they force you to get in that field.

I have struggled a lot financially since then but I am doing okay and grateful for what I have. Even in my own world I see so often. It is so hard for people who gain more money to hold compassion.

I'm a big fan of helping the homeless videos and help those individuals when I can. I love those because it shows the power of care and just how kind some people with nothing are.

Like you think to yourself, what if that person had all their needs met? What could they accomplish? What if they felt loved? What if they were part of a supportive community that looked at them as a human being?

I remember sometimes I would ask people why do we need money and they would think I'm a communist and I'm like what? Hahaha. I told them no. There's just psychopaths in control. There's a beautiful vision for our world that's possible.

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Big difference between communism and abundancism. Haha! Communism is, “from each according to ability; to each according to need,” whereas in Abundancism, it is, “from each according to bliss; to each according to desire.”

And speaking of having needs met… I offer this to People about M’self often:

I am targeted, elderly, disabled, denied assistance, lost everything, destitute, and homeless, sheltering on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 15+ year old laptop.

But I still strive to make Our planet better for All - when I succeed, We all will be paid in spades! Thus I am motivated!

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My heart goes out to you...if there is anything I can do to help your health please ask. I will send positive thoughts and prayers at least. I know all you ask for are shares but please, if we can do something more to help your day to day life just ask.

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Without money you wouldn’t be able to engage in commerce. The reason we use dollars is because there is a substantial network of coercion and violence ensuring that it is universally accepted as money. But money would be used regardless as humans who are not living in communality with each other want to benefit from each other’s abilities, resources, and creations and money is literally a technology that countless different humans independently developed because it facilitated these interactions. Please understand the difference between money as a broad concept and the specific pieces of paper our rulers issue by fiat and proceed to repeatedly debase at the slaves’ expense.

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I don't think You are aware of the societies that emerged in abundance - like We have today, but We emerged in scarcity. No money developed, no accounting for Our energy added into a system. The caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling thing as will happen in all moneyed societies.

The End of Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

Social Currency (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/social-currency

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BTW, crypto tokenization would seemlessly integrate into the corrupt Tradfi ecosystem and the next phases would be not to allow the overreach of Lawfare regulations and allow the networks to be autonomously self regulating as desired.

There's another phase to where we drill down to the activities in automated manufacturing & other physical labor challenges. Then ultimately the administration and labor pools could me managed much more efficient, less time on work, more on personal fulfillment and contributing to manage our environmental objectives that involve reversing the negative impacts from the relinquished Tradfi shackles of 21st century slavery and self destructive parasite or cannibalistic capital systems.

The issue at hand is the fact the world collective financial globalist regime is attempting to prevent this type of transformation to be accomplished without them staying put. And time is running out but there's a window of opportunity at our discretion to seize, before it is launched upon the world. Yep the CBDC.

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Oh, I am fully aware that:

1. ANY money system will provide power to the psychopaths.

2. Legal monkey business will oppress (and thus I do not consent to any but Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do.

3. Free energy tech would make ALL money, in any form - from trade/barter to electronic bits - pointless at the foundation. Any good, service, metal, paper, crypto, accounts for Our energy added into a system.

4. The psychopaths in control want to control Us 100% via the chains of money (CBDC's).

Thus I aim for abundancism.

The Third Option: Anarcho-Abundancism (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-third-option-anarcho-abundancism

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Think I found a friend! I'm home. 🤩

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 I am humbled. Thank You so much for Your payment of appreciation! I am enriched!!!

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...And, thank you for your contributions. Let's Roll!

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You might want to look over some more of My work...

Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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Precisely what I've been doing. 🙏

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Again, I am humbled!!! Love always!

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hey alright Amaterasu Solar -- always up for intelligent discourse. that is, as long as we don't fall into "personal belief/opinion vs. personal belief/opinion" which sadly, is usually the case among people who get into discussing things.

in order to establish that we are able to converse and bring about a satisfying result for both of us, grounded in reality/fact, let me ask you this:

in your mind, is there is a difference between reality/fact and mental imagery/personal opinion/belief?

for example, if i were to say "the earth is round like a ball", would you see that as me stating an indisputable fact, or would you see that as me stating my personal view/opinion based on unprovable/unverifiable belief? which is to say, "the shape of the earth is not something that can be known nor agreed upon by the two of us as indisputable. the shape of the earth is whatever a person thinks/believes it is."

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Yes, there is a difference. And as for the facts... If You read My signature, You would know that I don't believe anything. I place probability of truth to data based on whether/how well they explain what I see.

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(hey, love the purple in here)

"money" as we know it today, it does not actually exist, does it? it's all manipulation of human belief in this or that "currency" which is then mandated into use by legal statute (violence-backed force). take away the accounting systems on bank records as well as the guns that protect them and now suddenly everyone's wealth is reduced to what property they directly possess and are able to maintain/store on their own.

everything any living/moving/choosing creature does is about survival and those that are not content with just that think a bit more about it and come up with the question: "how best might we thrive?" regardless of our modern-day level of societal sophistication, this is all we're doing.

wealth/money - these evolved for a very good reason, which is, of course, to further advance our means of survival so that we may thrive and enjoy our lives with less expenditure of blood, sweat & tears. we regard wealth/money as "property" but there really is no such thing as "property". it is a concept inside our heads that pretty much everyone agrees is a good one because it helps us live with each other. it started with "ownership" of the human body, in that all manner of hell breaks loose whenever one of us attempts to take the body of another human being and subject it to our will by force according to our personal preference. the essence of "property" is control. that which you do not have exclusive control over is not your "property".

the only way to maintain control of your own body when an invading body tries to remove your autonomous control over it is to fight to the death. capture, incarceration, torture, none of these will work as long as you are willing to die to maintain control over your own body.

with invader-type humans around, survival is still possible, but thriving is out of the question. at any moment any given human being may be forced to fight for its' life? isn't that how wild animals live? as wild animals, we don't do so well, do we? living that way is frightening, difficult, short-lived, painful and brutish. but if we choose to not live being invaders of each other, a whole new relational realm of mutual respect and voluntary cooperation opens up to us. we can work together to survive and not live in fear of each other. enter the concept "property", and alongside it an accompanying "law" of non-violation/non-initiation of force toward the body of another.

so now we have "ownership" of our own body and we can, for the most part, rely on others to not violate our body nor our free will to decide what to do with it. things get better right away until someone figures out how to make a basket, or a club, or a spear and another human being sees it, wants it, then takes it away from the person who made it.

"hey, well, i didn't violate that persons' body." says the thief. true enough, we all say. so now everyone is stealing each others' sh*t and once again all manner of hell breaks loose in the tribe. the concept of property is then extended from ones' own body to encompass that which is "the fruit of ones' personal labor". if any given human being puts forth their labor and ingenuity, they can make a lot of baskets and a lot of clubs. these are then their property which, as long as they can protect them from thieves, is a store of "wealth" which can bring them some measure of power and respect among others in the clan who may choose to not make baskets and clubs but rather go out and gather food and/or kill wild beasts to eat. "give me that club and i'll bring you back a wild boar that your family can eat." this might have been the first form of "credit"? a fair and equitable voluntary exchange without force or coercion nor lingering subsequent obligation. this does not mean that all who produce food/goods will not choose to give these away as they see fit. any given human can be sensitive, sympathetic and generous as well as greedy, miserly and apathetic.

(this is not meant to be an historically accurate depiction of any particular historical group of people, but rather a general outline of how the realities of survival and efforts to thrive may have played out as civilization grew and prospered):

many years pass, agriculture starts up and you are a farmer. you find that unlike a teepee full of baskets or bows & arrows, your personal store of wealth rots away to nothing in a period of days, weeks, months. you have enough baskets and don't need bows & arrows, but the labor you've expended in cultivation is considerable. soon enough, you realize that if you don't convert your crop yields into some form of wealth that does not rot you are going to be on the losing end of things. so what you do is trade your crop yields for lasting goods as quickly as you can.

you see where i'm going with this? fast forward another thousand years or so and precious metals enter the picture as a means of storing wealth that reliably does not decay at all over long periods of time. coinage evolves, and after that, transportable paper contract/tokens that are redeemable for precious metals stored in bank vaults, which meant you didn't have to personally protect your storage of wealth from thieves.

so here one may see that this particular problem, "money" is not so much that it is intrinsically "evil" per se, but rather that via clever machinations it has been corrupted by invader-type humans into meaningless irredeemable paper tokens enabled by human belief in the sanctity of authoritarian power (violence-backed law) & then separated from its' once-held intrinsic wealth, ie, precious metals, real property, tangible goods, etc. today, our true and entitled fruits of labor are to a great extent being siphoned off into the hands of thieves and as well our free-will choices of what to do with our bodies/lives in interest of survival has become severely limited. we now have thieves and enslavers running rampant in our human tribes and thriving once again has become impossible. what else can happen? all hell is going to break loose. that is, if we don't fall to our knees and cower into robotized slavery believing in the sanctity/godly wisdom of "authority".

this notion, that free-gifting of the fruits of our labors makes "money" unnecessary, this may work (and has indeed worked) in a cult environment (mind-controlled, "island paradise" scenario) and i would agree this sounds nice enough, but among self-determined, free-thinking peoples it is unrealistic. not everyone thinks the same way in terms of how they choose to meet the demands of survival. most of us seem to want leaders who promise a "free ride". i've been part of communal living arrangements and in every case "the many" do not pull their weight and "the few" wind up doing most of the work. relationships suffer when the well you dug goes dry and nobody wants to help you dig another one. the fruits of one's labors can never be forced out of our hands into the hands of collective bodies without causing suffering and silent resentment which gathers steam and boils over into a self-destructive, disastrous mess.

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Minus the currency and your comment is mute.

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(assuming "mute" means "moot") yes, what we call "currency" is the tool of the psychopathic swindlers. remove it from any given transaction and there can only be value exchanging for value between the two parties. to ask "do we need money?" then, is the same as asking "do we need swindle?" the absurdity of that question reveals the state of mind we are in where swindle happens to us quite easily. and by our consent/approval. this is because most of us humans willingly, albeit unknowingly, abdicate the throne within ourselves. being timeless dullards, generally speaking, we are unaware that this slothful, cowardly act creates a power vacuum within our body/mind that sucks in the mind of the predator at large that is always ready & waiting for such slackness to occur.

ever watch a small animal in the wild? they are ever-vigilant, keeping an eye out for themselves and for each other nearly every waking moment. ever watch a predator in the wild? they keep an eye out for every tiny unguarded, unwary moment displayed by any singular example of their prey. especially easy to prey upon are the young and tender. is this not also the case amongst humans who see fit to prey upon one another?

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My point in the article is that, like the societies that emerged in abundance, where all They needed was there for the taking, We do not need ANY money - whether it's trade/barter, metals, paper, electronic bits.

We have a vastly abundant planet Now, and what keeps Us in poverty is the requirement that We prove Our energy input with something, and that with free energy and the abundance We can ALL live as richly as We choose - as We should.

This is Our planet, and We have an interest share in its wealth, but the psychopaths in control hold Our interest in TRUSTS (legal caps). They don't own it but They control it.

"Own nothing, control everything."

– John D. Rockefeller

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

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"own nothing, control everything." this is sleight of hand, malarkey, b.s., double-talk coming from a master swindler. the essence of ownership is control. regardless of how one frames it inside ones' own mind, whatever you have exclusive control over, you own. ink on paper has nothing to do with it. trusts are a swindlers' way of denying ownership under cover of legal framework (designed of course, by the swindlers) so that their property is protected from debt collectors & lawsuits.

it is important to remember that the legal system is not real. it is a story we're told, something installed within our minds through a process of indoctrination that we call "school/education". so the story goes, human beings are bestial, potentially mad lunatics who require rule by means of violent force. we need libraries full of lists of orders telling us what we can and can't do. we are supposedly bound by these rules that are created along the lines of someone's personal preferences in line with their personal notion of morality and provide behavior guidance "for the good of all" lest we descend into self-destructive, abusive behavior and devour one another alive.

simply put, the whole thing is mind control. based on the lie "the true nature of man is beast/predator", laws exist not to protect common people, as we're told, laws exist to keep common people from overwhelming their "masters", those of us who own (control) the masses. in the past, naked brutality served these ends. today, control of the masses has been refined into an art, a science of mind control, whereby via an ongoing, every-changing litany lies based on illusory, imaginary concepts and notions we buckle in fear/confusion and abandon our deeper humanity, our individual greatness/divinity, we robotically fall in line loving our servitude.

the illusion of freedom (who today believes it? sadly, billions) exists only as long as it is necessary to fool everyone into thinking our gangster captors are noble and benevolent. once the game is locked down, and we are seeing that today, freedom (and along with it, privacy) will be openly declared as a hindrance to a safe and secure society, something unnecessary to our well-being that ultimately prevents us all from being unified in thought and action. "freedom" will be redefined as "that which is legally permissible". get ready for a global slave cult where each slave happily works double-duty as protector/guardian/keeper of every other slave.

think it can't happen? it can. do we think there will be some kind of love-based awakening or enlightened revolution? think again. do you see any cops or soldiers quitting their jobs? do you see any standing up to their masters and refusing to arrest/kill/destroy? i don't. the window of time for all that has passed. we are going to reap the bitter harvest due us for abandoning our deeper humanity en masse, for out-sourcing our individual morality into the hands of predator/beasts masquerading as human beings.

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Irrespective of all that, the psychopaths in control DO hold Our wealth in Cestui Que Vie "trusts" and are "trustees." And about that psychopathic legal/governmental system I do not consent to:

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

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And I appreciate the feedback. When time's are financially plentiful or a bustling economy is being manufactured folks tend to not examine that perspective and figure to let them roll. The one's that realize, as yourselves and me, the deeper rooted or underlying working of currency and middlemen, are more concerned about the sheeple's impact on everything. A conundrum of epoch proportion.

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You might want to see My response here to edGAR...

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First, My definition of money: anything We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).

Second, have You studied the societies that emerged in abundance? Where all They needed was there for the taking? Though cultures varied widely, the commonalities were:

1. No accounting for One's energy added arose - no money in any form.

2. The caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling things (as happens in moneyed societies)

3. People did things for the social currencies - the thanks, appreciation, gratitude, love, adoration, and so on.

4. The psychopaths in the societies learned to choose Their behavior Ethically or be outcast (or killed)

5. The People were happy, creative, loving, giving, fulfilled.

Third, I do not consent to any of that psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground (under the three Laws of Ethics ONLY).

Stealing breaks the second Law.

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

Maybe read these articles of Mine, before We go further:

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven

The Simplicity of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-simplicity-of-ethics

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

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hey alright Amaterasu Solar -- always up for intelligent discourse. that is, as long as we don't fall into "personal belief/opinion vs. personal belief/opinion" which sadly, is usually the case among people who get into discussing things.

in order to establish that we are able to converse and bring about a satisfying result for both of us, grounded in reality/fact, let me ask you this:

in your mind, is there is a difference between reality/fact and mental imagery/personal opinion/belief?

for example, if i were to say "the earth is round like a ball", would you see that as me stating an indisputable fact, or would you see that as me stating my personal view/opinion based on unprovable/unverifiable belief? which is to say, "the shape of the earth is not something that can be known nor agreed upon by the two of us as indisputable. the shape of the earth is whatever a person thinks/believes it is."

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Yes, there is a difference. And as for the facts... If You read My signature, You would know that I don't believe anything. I place probability of truth to data based on whether/how well they explain what I see.

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This is all terrific stuff - way ahead of anything else around. But it could be tweaked and made better.

You talk about people having abundance before money came along, but that world was pastoral, it wasn’t a sophisticated society. What world were you referring to?

Control doesn’t come with money alone – it comes from the belief in authority

Hidden technology comes about from censorship – copyright is censorship as are patents and classified information. If it wasn't for censorship free energy technology would be known. And censorship comes about from a belief in authority. We will need money (but not bank-issued money) to change the infrastructure from global to local. Then we won't need money. But we need a bridge to get to a no-money world. A new currency issued by the sovereign (ie you and me) is not tedious like the currency we know, but fun. It could also be called appreciation credits.

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Mainly the societies that sprang up were "island paradises" like Tahiti. Agreed that the "sophistication" was lower, but really that's not relevant. Though varying degrees of sophistication were seem, though the cultures varied greatly, the commonalities in all the societies in abundance were that They did not account for the energy Each was adding (no money at all), the caring Ones took care of things (not the psychopaths, like money promotes to power and which We see today), and there was no poverty.

I can assure You it was money that developed the belief in authority. With money, the rulers can instill that perspective. How much "authority" does a pauper have? It's all propped by money.

And okay. I will issue money with My signature on post-it notes. I am sure I can use them to buy a house and food... Or...

You Won’t Believe How Rich I Am! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/you-wont-believe-how-rich-i-am

Really, as 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy - the resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration - once free energy is added, the cost of things will drop as the cost of energy is removed. And they will continue to drop to a point where affording robots for necessary work no One WANTS to do can be created, and at some point, it will be more energy than it's worth to collect the penny for the house (or whatever).

Not seeing why We need the complication of "new currency."

And hidden tech comes about by a number of means, but always because it threatens someOne's money.

And why do We need a physical token for appreciation? I am humbled that You read My work, Your payment of attention. I pay You back in thanks! We accounted for it in Our hearts and minds.

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And why do We need a physical token for appreciation? 

It's akin to getting a golden star in kindergarten for "good behaviour"(doing as your told).

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Exactly. The accounting in Our hearts and minds is plenty when We have no need for money.

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The trouble with citing things from the past is that it isn't ever going to happen like that again. Things move on, things develop. We are now saturated with "the money mind" and we cannot go back to a gifting society and it's not even relevant because when everything is free, there is no need for gifting to get what we need, we just go and get it from a resource center.

It is egregious when you say you can't pay your house payments with a post it note because for starters, it won't be a post it note, it will be a digital number - you know - like we have now. Only we'll be in charge of the numbers through our production. To get things for free still means work has to be done.

You make no mention of how this free energy will be liberated so it's rather "pie in the sky" until that is proposed and we can talk about it.

The thanks is a platitude - what is needed is for you to take note of others who have synergies with your work because you can't do it alone. So though you many know much about the system, you ignore the major part. Without collaboration, they are just pie in the sky ideas. We need to collaborate and that is really the essence of the work. Your communication though is exemplary and thank you for that. I love the ideas you espouse however just doing videos on it and articles is mere theorizing - all theories need to be put into practice and you seem to have washed your hands of that part.

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" I love the ideas you espouse however just doing videos on it and articles is mere theorizing - all theories need to be put into practice and you seem to have washed your hands of that part."

Such a statement can only come from a mind that has been BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINATED by the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE/MONEY/HALF-TRUTHS ....

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. 4In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcomea it. John 1, 1-5

But of course we are so much wiser than the herdsmen having to endure harsh winters/lions ... says the very mind commenting on an article.

REALITY is spoken into existence, no matter who eventually does the physical assembly - usually John Doe. Or why do you believe Einstein is even by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN/MAKE BELIEVE/MONEY... so much reverenced?

Nothing is going to come about if man is not going to stop consuming and entertainment himself to death and thereby exactly handing over authority from GOD ALMIGHTY to the "psychpaths' the article is abundantly referring to. Which is the flaw in the analysis. "They" are equally just caught up in THE LIE from THE GARDEN OF EDEN. Where EVE established the mantra and ADAM fell for her DELUSION that serving CREATION is more important than serving THE CREATOR - GOD ALMIGHTY. And this continues to this very day, or why do you believe that getting entertaint in Disneyland is more cheerished than reading THE BIBLE. Because reading THE BIBLE truly confronts you with all the shortcomings of MAN, from which there is no escape no matter if you believe in GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT GRACE AND PURPOSE or not.

If you don't believe me happy travels on the broad road towards SELF-DESTRUCTION!

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I am not citing things from the past, per se. I am showing how abundance is enough, that no money is needed in abundance. How We are held here in money because the psychopaths do not want to lose Their single tool to world domination, despite the abundance now within reach of All.

And again... I offer what I know of one technology, and I have said, over and over, EXPERIMENT if You can, and share successes freely (no patents alerting Them).

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

If I was not elderly, disabled (psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs – typing hurts, but I do it anyway, slowly), denied assistance, lost everything, destitute, and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 10+ year old laptop, I would be doing all the work Myself.

Not sure WHERE You got the notion I would not collaborate. Been asking for that for 18 years.

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I got the "notion" from communicating with you. Never do you seek synergies but keep on defending your stance - which I'm saying is sound but you are not looking for synergies and it seems you are unaware that only through this can we build anything. There is nothing in your laws of ethics or articles. This is the fundamental factor that will mean success or failure. Surely you can see that we are all just solo clarion callers, we do not work together. We need to discuss issues about the format we espouse. This is what brings it to life, this is what gives it animation. Reciprocity is not a thing that comes up in patriarchy - nor atonement. But these are qualities we must cultivate if we truly want to change the world as nothing an get "lift off" without fundamental principles for our interaction. Our organic interactions have atrophied and we need to be cognizant of them again and revive them. My work shows some of these principles but my work is simply a template. Any principles that we live by must come with the ability to upgrade or change them promptly and coherently. That is the Egalitarian Proposal System. You won't adjust to allow money not even for a short while and using a different system and I feel this ignores the psychology of what money has done to our collective and individual psyche and it is really profound. We cannot shirk it just by citing our goals of a no-money world. We have to find a way to get there. I am showing how to get there and you completely disregard this duty. Our theories will just die in the water if we don't collaborate. That is a surety and yet so many truth activists completely overlook this stark factoid.

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So describe these "synergies" I am missing. You claim I don't do things and never describe them in anything specific.

And yes, People are welcome to talk and discuss - I have a forum I set up for that in... 2015? Around then, and... No One comes around anymore - for years. I link to it in My signature of every post with three pieces of illustrative works.

And it's not that I "won't adjust to allow money not even for a short while," but that whoever issues that money will have power Others do not have, and the role will be a fav for psychopaths. Don't expect it to fall into disuse without free energy asses.

And I am showing how to get there - over and over. Get free energy tech out in the open. And... You completely disregard this duty. You are welcome to go make it happen Your way, but I will bet it will never be. The psychopaths in control (by virtue of money) will keep the power until We make that tool obsolete.

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I can't believe you are telling me to go out and get free energy. This is your baby, you have to say how to do it, you can't just shuffle it off to others. Because that's the flaw that hampers advancement. We are the pioneers you could say for a whole new paradigm. We can't just sit on our haunches. We have to remain active. That can mean doing things from home. In your situation, something could even be done to get you a place to live and money to be able to continue your work. This is creative thinking - we have to make this happen!

But I'm afraid you are missing a lot of what I'm saying - you keep saying someone always has the power with money but if we are all issuers of money then we all have the power. Please acknowledge this. Perhaps it's too far out of "normal" thinking but it's now possible and very easy to make this happen. But if everyone keeps poopoohing every point then that's obstructing things from happening. I am interested in the forum you set up.

How do you propose to get free energy tech out there? Just tell me how. I have not heard you say how. I'm not interested in doing things "my way" I'm interested in what makes the most sense. Perhaps you are projecting your own motivations by saying that. I just want out of this hellhole. Yes it's difficult. Yes we are in a precarious spot. But we need to talk about how we CAN break out of the labyrinth not how we can't. In fact that "can't do" attitude is another thing we have to break out of. I'd appreciate if you provided that link to the forum. I have looked at I thought all your links but I could have missed a few. I think your ideas and intentions are terrific but we have to find ways rather than discourage ways.

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Wow - what a wonderful article.

In the last couple of years I have realized most of the points that you mentioned, but didn't make the leap to the island communities cooperative system of living by relying on the natural abundance and working together to meet their cost of living, but your article connected those dots.

Unfortunately you are right about the psychopaths, I have a file on this and keep adding to it, and your ideas are going in - I came to the conclusion that every single aspect of the western civilization's paradigm for society is meant to squeeze out the psychopaths so they can be boosted by the international cartel of Families that rule the world, which I call the Roman Empire Alliance-as they all track back to the Roman era.

And I have been wresting with the 'money problem' - how to create a better money system and eliminate the privately owned international monetary system, which is the apex predatory machine that transfers all wealth to the elites in the 1%, and has done for hundreds of years and ramped up with the privately owned central banking system. Privately owned land has of course become part and parcel of the 'scarcity' paradigm which prevents access to land and resources!

Do you have any more about the energy project your dad worked on?

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What would be the best way for people to have land to do whatever they want on? We should discuss ideas on this. I have some ideas on it and it would be good to hear others' ideas. We need to move off the systems that are imposed on us by empire and one way to get started is to adopt a secondary calendar. This has many good side effects - it shows one's initiative in choosing their calendar, thus choosing what time stamp to go by. It would be a huge poke in the eyeballs to Rome, and choosing a cyclical calendar like the 13 moon calendar would put us back into cyclical time thus opening up more clarity as we are in the static with this Roman calendar as the months are not consistent. All it would take is to cite the 13 m c after the Roman date and cite it in parentheses like this: October 27, 2023 (Day 11, Fourth Moon, 003) The "003" refers to a new century that some of us started in 2020 (Three digits not four, to differentiate between the two eras - one of empire and one of the sovereign or free individual)

We also could be issuing an alternative currency for things we need locally or through people we know. That would have the effect of bringing exchanges back to the local scene. Once that happens in a big way, bingo, the infrastructure becomes resilient and then we can go to the next stage - a no money world.

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Great thoughts Denise.

Regarding land I think part of the solution is to build Kibbutz style communities modelled on the Israeli concept - which is the secret of how they settled millions of people so fast, creating self-sufficiency communities - 3 other groups that create these types of communites are the Amish, the Mennonites, and the numerous colonies of western settlers in South America, especially Paraguay which gives them legal status as colonies.

This is the only way to escape the Monopoly Capitalism and money trap imposed on the majority.

I think you are spot on with regards to currency - I have been thinking about this 'money problem' for sometime myself. The private ownership of the money system, credit, printing of cash, and the central banks, based on the banking system invented in Babylon, is the primary enslavement and wealth extraction paradigm. When the American colonies created their own money with free banking, they were prosperous. And the British Currency Act which cancelled the freedom to create their own. money in the colonies and extracted their wealth for the enrichment of the Bank of England and its shareholders, amongst which is the British monarchy, is what led to the American Revolution.

Money is just an expression of energy, the energy of exchange, so if we can invent a way to release the pent up energy of every human being when they wake up in the. morning and must expend energy to meet their daily cost of living, this would create an abundance of energy interactions, which is what creates the economy - the more interactions there are the more it booms, this is the velocity of money - the less there are them more it contracts - which is what is happening now, as we rely on centralized money systems by central bankers who also play with the money supply and the interest rates to inflate and deflate the economy, this reliance on the central bankers means all of humanity is chained and enslaved to a tiny group of extremely wealthy bankers who own the central banks that yank our chains.

This must end.

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Thank you for these comments, I agree with you entirely. I have nothing against people making their own "colonies" - that seems very natural and it makes sense because it decentralizes everyone. Decentralization is key and we can do that right now! We don't have to move, we simply need to combine with others in our loal areas and create what I call "clusters" of like minded. They can share the growing of their food and other services and use a money exchange system to record the exchanges. Without recording exchanges, we cannot build anything lasting, the work just goes inot the "never-never" like voluntarily work does today. We only need a money system temporarily, just to get us to the ondition of decentralization. When that is complete, the technology can record not the transaction (because there will be no need to exchange as everything will be free) but the technology will inform us of demand so that it can manage supply. But the main problem is - getting started. We can start right now, as I and a few (very few) others are doing by recording transactions we make with people we know. The more this gets done by the many that will automatically create a new currency.

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I have no issues with privately owned land for Individuals. The land They live on and use. We each technically own an acre. It's when the corporations "own" land that issues arise. But without money, corporations become moot. As long as what One does does not create problems, then there is no problem.

Indeed, i give highest probability to the Ones at the top being Ones We virtually NEVER see, and that They are Roman/Italian. Rome never died, It just went underground.

I offered the video I did on electrogravitics above, but offer it again here:

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

And a few more things:

Electrogravitics PDF: https://starburstfound.org/downloads/aerospace/NASA-SEOP.pdf

Starburst Electrogravitics: https://starburstfound.org/?s=electrogravitics

Electrogravitics data: https://www.oom2.com/t36946-the-lifter-phenomenon-electrogravitics-antigravity-and-more

Lifter demo: https://odysee.com/@Happy:9/Anti-Gravity:c

Hope that helps!

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Nice to see someone else thinks that Rome went underground.

For easy terms of reference to make the world understandable I refer to them as the Roman Empire Alliance, the REA, - the inner core, with the outer group being the World (fascist) Government Alliance, WGA. The REA runs the WGA.

Thanks for the links - I'll follow them up. You did give it above and I lost track.

12 years ago I came up with the principle 'Energy must be free' - because we are surrounded by free energy, and the sun shines on the planet 24/7 with endless free energy.

But slavery capitalism seeks to extract our energy to enrich those at the top of the pyramids of power, and impoverish the rest.

It's a shitty, evil, genocidal model for humanity.

And the answer truly is free, or at the least abundant energy.

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Yes but we need a way to get there. I believe we need an alternative money system, more based on local currencies but networked so they are transportable. Once we bring the infrastructure to local rather than global or national, then we can go moneyless. But we will never get there in one fell swoop because money has done a number on our mind and we need another money system - one based on abundance - to free our mind first.

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There's more than just the sun, which sadly requires panels that are ecologically a nightmare to produce. You will discover, as You look through the links, that We swim in energy, fed to the universe by the electro-gravito-magnetic field that pervades all. That drawing on it is far cleaner than solar.

Yes, the energy belongs to ALL of Us, but the psychopaths, knowing the VERY intimate relationship between money and energy, avidly hide and suppress anything that draws on it.

I look forward to Your thoughts on what I have offered.

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“ the psychopaths, knowing the VERY intimate relationship between money and energy, avidly hide and suppress anything that draws on it.”

This comment makes me wonder if you are familiar with a document called “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” (https://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw/index.shtml). There is much of interest in this training manual excerpt, including how economics as a social energy science is directly analogous to electronics, and therefore the psychopaths’ advanced applied economics research could be hidden by publishing it as applied electronics research.

“Because problems in theoretical economics can be translated very easily into problems of theoretical electronics, and the solution translated back again, it follows that only a book of language translation and concept definition needed to be written for economics. The remainder could be gotten from standard works on mathematics and electronics. This makes the publication of books on advanced economics unnecessary, and greatly simplifies project security.”

“ Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.”

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I have read excerpts, and yes, "currency" - current - electric or water...

There is also social currency in denominations of thanks, praise, appreciation, love, lauds, fame, and such on the positive side, and with scorn, disgust, avoidance, and the like on the negative side.

It is these currencies I would like to see Our human society run on.

Humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation for My words!!! Love always!

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Hi - I think I mentioned that about 15 years ago I had the thought for the first time in my life that energy must be free, or as close to it as possible. And I've bounced that opinion off so many western engineers, especially the green energy types and always get very interesting reactions - despite all their 'education' they can't think outside the box. Because they were trained to think in terms of the parameters set by the globalists for global monopoly capitalism.

I am an outlier, always have been, a Sigma male - a concept I only came across recently which explained why I always felt outside the mainstream, and went in different directions to all my siblings.

I have several practical ideas for creating decentralized energy systems but the most practical is blindingly simple - what is the greatest problem with wind turbines? (apart from killing all the birds because they don't paint them)

A: If the wind doesn't blow you have no energy. Standard response.

Non-standard - they are monstrously over engineered in order to create patents and make them into big cash cows. Which is the primary obstacle of western engineering and 'innovation' today.

There is a simple method to over come the lack of wind - in fact you don't need wind. Just attach EDFs- electric ducted fan motors - the same types used by the hobbyists in the remote controlled airplane industry - to the wingtips of the blades and use them to spin the blades. Through the massive leverage created by this whatever energy is used to spin the blades by powering the wing tip EDFs, creates many multiples of energy from the turbine. On sunny days solar panels could provide the energy to run the EDFs.

Actually this idea could be scaled down and put in a house ceiling to generate onsite power.

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Very cool idea! I'm no engineer, but it sounds feasible. Would love to see it built!

I'm not sure what a "Sigma male" is, but maybe I'm a "Sigma female." LOL! I never fit in, went very different direction from the siblings I had, and overall stand alone...

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Glad you liked that idea. I made a note so that when I build a prototype I'll let you know. It'll go into my Substack

I only discovered what a Sigma male was recently on YT - and I realized why I had felt different all my life. And I think the term can equally fit the female side as well. It is in my estimation a person who the zombification and indoctrination process of school failed to rewire them from what is really a natural human being.

Check out the videos - you sound like a Sigma to me.

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You mention societies that didn't use money and say they were all happy but were they? Do we really n=know much about those societies? Were they steeped in ritual, ritual you had to go along with? We are a different society now, they didn't have computers etc, we surely want to keep these treats don't we? The thing many do is they "throw the baby out with the bathwater", being against money rather than being against money born of debt. It's not money, per se, that is the problem, it is money done like this. Ok so you have all those visions but how do we get there? I say we use another money system to retrain our motivations in the right way. I know for sure that we cannot get to a no money world without some sort of stepping stone. It's a pity so many just reject the idea of another money system based on the fact that this one doesn't work. Several money systems have worked in the past but they were taken down. We can have a money system now where it cannot be taken down because we all have access to cell phones. It's much harder to take something down when millions of people are using it. The fixation against money is actually closing your mind to us going to another level. It's like a prejudice that keeps us mired in this system because we cannot go from this to what you envision without something changing and so what needs to change? And what can I do today to make it go in the right direction?

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Tahiti was one of those societies. And yes, We have data from the first "western world" contact. And it was called an "island paradise" because the People were, overall, very happy and peaceful.

And I'm struggling to grasp why You think a society free from money means no tech (I guess). On the contrary, without money, the arts and the sciences will burgeon. Rather than suppression of advancements for the profit motive, advancements will emerge freely.

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I don't think a society free of money will mean no tech. In fact how I see it is that tech will be used to inform us of the supply and demand factors. I imagine we could go into a resource center (i'm imagining state houses used as resource centers as there will be no need for politicians or courts) and take what you need and just walk out of the center with whatever you need. No cashiers to line up to. The bar code on the product will indicate that that product needs to be replenished so it would tell the production department how much to make. Also with the use of 3D printers, most things can be produced locally. I am all for technology!

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Perhaps My novella will make more clear what I see:

The Abundance Paradigm: https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/242/abundance-paradigm-novella

EDIT to add: Also some short stories:

What Happened When Money Went Away (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-happened-when-money-went-away

Technological Nature (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/technological-nature

Imagine That! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/imagine-that

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Currency is needed for fiscal transactions - I'm in favor of barter in general.

Money is the root of all evil - Mammon will be defeated.

Now or never as they say......now or NEVER.

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Sound Money is not the root of all evil, the practice of "Usury" now that is a evil and it is a crime.

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Yes it is the practice of usury that is evil. People often get it entangled with money itself. And that's a big mistake that is costing us time.

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It truly does not matter at the foundation what We use to account for Our energy input into the system. Even without usury, it offers psychopaths power over Others. And They will do all They can, Ethical or unEthical, to get and keep the most.

It is not usury that allows Them to buy the things and the People They use to control Others. It is not usury that allows Them to buy all major corporations, including all the controlminds ("governments") on Our planet, which are ALL for-profit corporations. Buy all the schools and then teach lies. Buy the publishing to offer the lies with, the media for the same. The research facilities where They can claim They found things (like "viruses"), the food production, water facilities, airplanes to chemtrail with, transportation, and on and on.

It is money.

Yes, usury helps Them get more sooner, but it is NOT the foundational problem. The power over Others that draws psychopaths, usury or no, is at the foundation.

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No that's not correct. It is usury and the authority that people give them to rule over their lives that allows psychopaths to get to the top of the heap. Moving off hierarchy is the way. Money should be issued by the sovereign meaning the individual. Now that we have technology we can do this and it can be safeguarded. But we have to think in new ways. We are not optimizing the technology that is at our disposal. We are still thinking in old ways. I study money and have done for years but someone who doesn't study it think they can know the same things and that's not the case. It is assumed in other fields that if one studies them they usually have more knowledge of the subject. I can see you don't understand money if you say that it is not usury that is the problem but money itself. Of course money done like this, issued by banks and charged a premium to use (ie: by interest) is no good, is definitely evil. But money should be merely an accounting system, a measurement of energy. It should not be a commodity where it is bought and sold, appreciates and depreciates. Like inches, it should be available when we need it in any amount. It should be merely a measurement and any money system that isn't so, is then nefarious. But it's not ALL money systems.

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Usury is the very instrument that allows them to do what they done.

This has been used for thousands of years.

I am not sure how else the aims, plans, agendas they seek could have been achieved in any other way.

Without Usury the corporations could not be bought up.

The foundational problem is there is a segment of the population that are 'parasitic psychopaths' who use occult techniquest to gaslight, hoodwink, lie, decieve, co-op...etc...etc... but it never would have gotten to where it is this second without the long held practice of Usury.....Hell it is what got jesus killed after all.......turning over the money changers tables in the Temple Mount......

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And they have mind controlled or traumatized everyone into believing we need "representatives" or babysitters to decide our destiny for us. Now they think we also need babysitters to decide what goes into our body and our children's bodies. We go along with that at our peril. But now most people have this stronghold over their psyche. How to get out of it? There are ways and they're easy. But people have to try something new. Nothing will change unless they are willing to do that. And it's not even hard but the resistance is strong.

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I dispute that it was usury that allowed Them to buy things with money They got through lies, deceit, theft, murder and other unEthical acts. And I have no idea why You think You need usury to buy something... If You have the money and it's for sale...

The "segment" You speak of are genetic (primary) psychopaths - about 1% of Us across the board express the gene. That many of Them are from the "jewish" community is happenstance, The "jewish" psychopaths were at the right place at the right time in history to seize monetary control, inbred to retain the gene, and passed it and the wealth/power to the psychopathic heirs We see today.

But I can assure You, that if the psychopaths from the Inuit had been at the right place at the right time in history to seize monetary control, today People would be yelling, "It's the Inuits!!!"

Again, usury is just the icing.

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Debt-based money is what keeps people down. Who gets all the interest? The bankers. How vast is that amount? Huge. Many times more than all the money in the economy. Interest is cumulative so it far outweighs the amount of credit available. They made a debt-based system so they would be on top. Get rid of the interest - just doing that - would alter that dynamic in one stroke. But the money system issued by banks is passe. There is no need for this control at all anymore. Now we have digital technology and that means something. But it means nothing if we cannot see how to optimize it to our advantage.

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Wrong. There is no way for ALL to be rich. A few will be rich, and They will be psychopaths who can buy schools, publishing and media and tell Us a deadly unicorn is out there and We had better buy Their masks, and take Their shots, and the planet is burning up, and We must eat bugs...

Usury is irrelevant.

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The love of money (power over Others) is the root of all evil (unEthical behavior choices). And "fiscal transactions" means what specifically? When all the necessary work is done by robots and/or People who LOVE to to the work...I'm thinking accounting for Our energy added would just be slave chains.

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You've got that right - once there are robots doing a lot of the menial work, money won't be needed. But the infrastructure needs to be changed first so that it is decentralized. Otherwise a one world order will rule the day. We don't want that. So we need a decentralized money system to get us to a no-money world. I wish you could see this because when people see it then we can make it happen. It's all been written how we can do this. It is all available for us to start today. Everyone can do something about this situation. But if nobody is willing to try the smallest thing even, then they will get what's coming.

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Once free energy is released, money will gradually fade away. Things will get cheaper and cheaper as the cost of energy is removed. About 10 years, I estimate, after free energy is first available money will fully dissipate. As things become affordable, We can focus on building the robots needed for work no One WANTS to do, but We need done.

My Most Memorable Economic Lesson (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-most-memorable-economic-lesson

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denise ward (I appreciate your posts). As a starting point, I recommend E.F. Schumacher's "Small Is Beautiful for those who want to contemplate "small-scale" actions that can benefit the community.

I would like to also suggest that "menial" work in the eyes of some is meaningful work in the minds of others. There is nothing better sometimes then to literally use my mind and my body doing physical labor fulfilling such as fixing a broken valve or working in the garden. There are some things for which robots are truly not necessary, needed, or desired.



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Thank you - I am glad you appreciate my posts. And I hear you about doing "menial" work. I think it stimulates the brain to think of other things if the task is repetitive or very easy (like shelling peas) Work like this is good for us. Sure machines can do the heavy toil to alleviate drudgery but we have to keep our abilities going. I wonder if people will lose their sense of direction if they rely on GPS's for example.

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I would prefer the "menial" work of perfecting a painting or invention... But that's Me, and I would never say Others cannot do that. They can clean Their own commodes if They don't want a robot.

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Again, the robots are for work We NEED done and no One (or not enough of Us) WANTS to do. We will fill in only as needed if Some want to... I would never advocate taking work People WANT to do from Them.

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I don't have a problem with robots. If a "robot dog" ever sets paw on my property without permission, I will OWN that robot in a heartbeat.

A simple "EMP" device will disable the dog and then I will either reprogram it or use it for scrap parts - either way, any damn robot dog hostile shows up my property - consider yourself warned.

Not kidding around.


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Well I surely do NOT advocate any "policing" but that We all keep an eye out for anyOne breaking the three Laws of Ethics, prepared to arrest Them.

Justice in a Society Of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES) (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/justice-in-a-society-of-ethical-sovereigns

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A little background info on my sentiment:


Here - I'll type what I said in a comment here again:

....ah forget it. Read yourself if you are interested.

I know about Robots and I don't take kindly to hostility from an effing machine.

I do believe barter however is the best form of trade.


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Fiscal transactions are what happens amongst humans trying to share the benefit of goods offered. There needs to be a means of transaction and barter is best, but when barter is not an option then there needs to be currency for the sake of transaction. While I'm fond of "river rocks" I reckon gold or silver or other physical items could form the basis in support of currency associated with any sovereign entity.

Do that answer your question specifically with respect to "fiscal transactions" - I mean really some of this is evident and obvious and I'm not playing around - I'm not kidding around - tis time for some serious business and I'm ready. Some of us have planned in advance.

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Yes transactions need to be recorded otherwise we won't have anything to build on. Bartering can only get society to a pastoral level. Anything more sophisticated needs to have a way of accounting of energy. This is only until we get the system to be decentralized then we can manufacture close to home using 3D printers and sources of power close to home. Everything needs to be decentralized including money. Money can now be issued by the sovereign. Imagine you issuing your own currency. And it can show those who are trustworthy. We can do a lot more now than in any other time in history that we know of because information flows immediately now. We have technology that no one ever had before. So we need to change the way we do everything and decentralization is one way of changing where it benefits everyone. It unshackles us from having overlords.

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No, no there doesn't. In societies that arose in abundance no energy accounting arose. When You go through My work, I discuss these rare societies, mainly "island paradises" like Tahiti, where all They needed was there for the taking. And what They used, rather than physical objects, was the social currencies.

They did things for the thanks, appreciation, reputation, adoration, respect, honor, fame, love, bragging rights, Self satisfaction, and other social currencies accounted for in the hearts and minds. There was no poverty.

And the caring Ones took care of things, not the psychopaths controlling everything - in fact, if psychopaths didn't learn to choose Ethical behavior, They were cast out of society.

These societies were happy, joyful, loving, giving, caring, compassionate, creative, peaceful, and empathetic. Unlike societies run by genetic (primary) psychopaths like today's, which will see conditioned (secondary) psychopathy emerge.

I don't know about You, but I would rather live as richly as I might choose in a society where love is valued far more than gold.

Today, We are "post scarcity" (no political baggage attached), where there is plenty for ALL of Us, and We have robots to do the necessary work no One WANTS to do. And the only reason We retain the accounting for the energy We added is because the psychopaths that such accounting will promote to the top will not let Us stop the practice, creating artificial scarcities for profit and control.

So basically, You are calling for a retention of the system (accounting for Our energy added) that promotes psychopaths to power - when it is no longer needed. When We have the tech and the resources to put down that ghastly and psychopath-promoting tool.

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

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It would help me to analyze you critique of money if you gave a specific concrete definition of money.

Our definition is: “Money is tangible value earned from labor utilizing Earth’s resources valued in ounces of pure silver.” $1 Dollar is 1 troy ounce of .999 fine silver.

I do not have any desire to not earn money for my time and skill. I could not live in your world because baling and processing hemp is hard dirty work. I want some silver for putting out that much of my energy all day long in the Sun.

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The idea that money has to be backed by gold, silver or anything else is a red herring. Money is just numbers, that's all. They try to make out it's more impressive so people think it takes something special but really all of it is based on numbers. If there was no water where you lived, gold would be worthless. It would be water that has value. If you lived where there was no salt, then salt would be valuable. Value is always subjective. The theory of money is very convoluted. Not money per se, but debt-based money. It really makes our minds do somersaults.

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Money is anything used to account for Human energy added into a system/community. It can be goods and services, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, metals (coins), paper (bills), or electronic bits.

And I would not want You do do anything You do not LOVE to do. If You could order what You want on the web and have it delivered by robot (or any Human who LOVES to deliver stuff), and live as You choose, without having to worry about affording it, would You still be bailing and processing hemp? Is that what You LOVE to do?

Or would You do something else?

And in what I propose, You can surely ask for silver, and have all You want of it, but it's not like You need it for anything (unless You're creating jewelry because You LOVE to do that, or electronics because You LOVE to do that). It is a pretty and a useful metal, but money will not be needed.

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At present we are too tainted by money to be able to be a gifting economy. We can't even get what we need without money at this point. How is work that nobody loves to do get done in this no money world you envisage? I think even in a no money world, people will still have to put in some hours for doing what is needed sometimes like unplugging blockages in water pipes etc.

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All We have to do is get free energy tech out in the open.

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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I agree. We get money when we harvest the earth. The berries are the wages of my harvest. Silver makes the best money. I can trade silver for milk & eggs from my neighbor, and the handiman can keep our home in good repair with a few silver dollars. I do like having money. Money is fun and soon we may have flying cars with Tesla turbines in them.

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You did not answer My question. If You could live as richly as You might choose, would the thing You chose to do be that processing of hemp? Or might You choose to have robots do it, or People who LOVE to do it?

We do not need to account for Our energy added. So it's clear You DON'T agree. Because You are making it all about an unnecessary tool. Money is ghastly when You're disabled, denied assistance, lose everything, are destitute, and homeless. Like Me. Not that I am a victim, per se, but that money systems lead to Most being in poverty and a few living as richly as They choose.

And soon We will own nothing and be miserable, while the planetary tyrants - by virtue of money - own everything (including Us) and live as richly as They choose.

And Most of Us will be dead.

And screw Tesla. Give Me electrogravitics. Free energy and gravity control.

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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I agree with this. “Money is anything used to account for Human energy added into a system/community.”

Yet, I look at it from a more individual level rather than community. I am responsible for myself.

Harvesting silver from the earth, to use for electrical wire or just to trade with someone who wants it, is an accounting of the labor required to get it. The labor required to harvest the silver from the Earth is either individual effort expended, or several laborers work together to harvest a lot of silver for solar panels, mirrors, etc. Even if robots, in the future, harvest the sliver, labor will be required for maintenance of the robots. That takes time out of someone’s life. Therefore, whoever harvests the earth is directly responsible for expending the energy for the harvest. That energy is stored in the value of the silver. The energy to harvest a potato is stored in the potato until it is eaten or rots. Silver is better than potato because silver lasts virtually forever.

If one is unable to harvest the earth, then they can still participate in the economy by adding value to other people. Write a book, post a blog, or cook and clean. All those tasks are beneficial to the world even though they are not directly responsible for the harvest. For example, a harvester will buy a book on how to increase the harvest. Both the harvester and the author benefit and the easiest way to create an economy that works it to be honest with each other. I buy your book, or subscribe to your blog, by trading the silver that I harvested, and you use the silver to buy food. Round and round it goes.

Getting rid of money would be like getting rid of guns. It can not be accomplished. People make guns out of pipes so it would be useless to ban guns. Banning money is like banning sticks. Therefore, for us, 1 ounce of silver is more useful than 10 pounds of potatoes.

The problem is not money itself. It is the misuse of money. People cheat and steal because it is easier than working. If there were no lows against stealing then a lot of people would cheat and steal all the time. You can find many examples online today where people, both rich and poor, just walk in Walmart and steal with impunity. The very wealthy central bankers steal with impunity. No central banker went to jail in the grand theft of 2008. Not one. They were required to pay the regulators like a $billion but that was a small price to pay for stealing $trillions. This is anarchy. No rulers. We have no rulers to stop the theft so they steal with impunity. The regulators made off with a $billion payoff. No rulers sucks for the honest people in the world.

To answer your question, I do live richly. I have not always had it so good … I too was homeless for year or more living out of my truck. Now I am a happily married man looking forward to a great future. If you embrace silver as valuable, and save a few silver dollars, then you will own a few dollars. It is tough to go from destitute to happiness, but a lot of people do.

The Federal Reserve System of “elastic” money is the fundamental problem society has always faced. Theft for power. The money changers killed Jesus, and a whole lot of people since, so how do we stop them?


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Just remember the earth's resources are for everyone and for future generations. We need to have ethics to mining. These are also issues we need to talk about. Someone shouldn't be able to just go and strip mine silver or any other resource. How do we access these resources fairly?

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The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

Why Littering is UnEthical (8 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/why-littering-is-unethical:c?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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If We had no money - no need to account for Our energy added - and ALL were living as richly as They chose (as We ALL should be, but They hold Our wealth in "trusts"), what motive is there to steal? If You want something, high probability You can just order it, or "shop" for it in "markets" where People bring what They have created to gift it to the Ones who pay in appreciation, admiration, respect, and other valued social currencies accounted for in the hearts and minds.

Robots and People who LOVE to harvest things will be set to do so. Whether metals, minerals, or food, We don't need wage slavery. And I can assure You, there are MANY who would love to spend Their time creating robots, including ones that maintain the other robots. That do that now in Their spare time, not for money, but for the time spent in joy doing it.

With money, most of what We do is done in perseverance to get through the day, no joy at all, so that We can collect the energy accounting tokens and thereby worry about food/clothing/shelter for the masters (the psychopaths in control), and 80% of the "jobs" out there merely move Our wealth to the psychopaths. They add NOTHING needed for living and survival and VERY Few LOVE what They do.

No, getting rid of money is NOT like getting rid of guns. When You add free energy, the accounting for Our energy added will become pointless and will fall into disuse. And I surely would not "ban" it - in a society of Ethical sovereigns, People who want to exchange are surely welcome to do so. But it will not be needed to survive, or live richly.

That You had to say "The problem is not money itself. It is the misuse of money.," tells Me You have not watched My video, "Is Money Evil?" It's linked in the article and is 14 minutes long. I'll link again for ease of access:

Is Money Evil? (14 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

And when I say, "live richly," I don't mean having to go plug Your energy in somehow to get enough tokens to live well on. I mean You DON'T have to plug energy in to live richly. Would You still choose to harvest the hemp?

And... In ALL money systems the psychopaths WILL "misuse" money, garnering the most. And then what is to stop Them from buying all the media, the schools, the publishing, the medical industry, and then planning a demic to get Us to allow toxins and nanotech to be jabbed into Our flesh?

It is not the “elastic” money that allows that. It's the use of money. Period.

Here's a novella I wrote that illustrates Humanity living without money, ALL doing what They love to do, with robots filling in where not enough People LOVE to do necessary work:

The Abundance Paradigm: https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/242/abundance-paradigm-novella

(Do not confuse it with the crappy new age bunk the CIA put out about 6 months after I posted it to AboveTopSecret dot com to obfuscate My work - and yes... They do not want People to know of My work. I am shadow-banned most everywhere, so that should clue You in on the fact that I'm onto something.)

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I love your work and hope everyone sees it. You keep saying humanity without money but nothing about how we are to get there from here. And when I offer solutions you poopooh them without asking any questions. It's like a mental block in you. I think you have a great mind but I am trying to get you to see how we can do it and I'm having the darnedest time trying. This is too important to give up easily.

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