I grasp that Many see it as spiritual, but I don't need that to explain what I see... [shrug] Just moneyed psychopaths inbreeding to retain the gene and severe manipulation of Their children. But yes, I am very aware of the content there.

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But what of the energy of the group that intensifies as the skull is lifted and the blood is let, the energy that swirls and gathers in the room and penetrates the psyche of all those entranced. And what of the energy they carry out into the world that feeds their greed and reckless self-interest, that enables them to destroy the innocent, the pure and the natural energy of love that powers Creation? Do you deny that Evil exists and that it is worshiped through symbols passed on from generation to generation? Is this not the essence of religion?

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They are psychopaths, with a gene that manifests Ones who CANNOT feel caring, compassion, love, or empathy for Others, and who LUST for power over Others.

I don’t see “evil” and “good;” I see unEthical (“evil”) - the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics, "Ethical" (everything that does not break the three Laws), with “good” being the upholding of the Betterment Ethic - looking for ways to make things better for Those around You and around the globe and creating them.)

But yes, the psychopaths do have ghastly things They worship.

Learn About The Human Psychopath (38 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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Are compassion, love, empathy and lust not spiritual? Is the sensation of Good not spiritual?

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Yes, caring, compassion, love, and empathy are spiritual, though I don't think I would count lust - more like an opposite...

"Good" is not a sensation, but the caring heart motivating the good choices is.

But I have never felt it "in a room," but emanating from the hearts of Self and Others.

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I recognize Good and Truth as a spiritual vibration inside of me that feels like a merger with the energy of Creation. It sort of feels like remembering something important that you had forgotten but you know beyond any doubt is real. When it comes to you during a conversation it feels like a chilly, ethereal atmosphere enters the room.

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People don't necessarily have sovereignty. If they're incapable of using reason they're not capable of making good decisions for themselves or others and are ethical children. If they choose not to they've given up their humanity and are ethical animals.

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Not sure how I missed this... Tell Me... Who has "authority" over these People, and... Who gets to decide who They are?

And One either chooses One's behavior Ethically, or One does not.

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There is no government to not consent to.

The wise recognize only the I Am.

A man who strikes himself in the head repeatedly for years needn’t defend himself. One morning he might understand that the simplest course of action is to not strike himself in the first place.

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That is very profound; the whole thing called government is a fiction, people have been taught from an early age to believe in the power of the State. This is where acquiescence comes from.

I really like the way you put it though, "a man who strikes himself in the head."

"I am" is a very important part of seeing the spiritual Oneness.

Also, it's important to never answer the question: "Are you 'a' US CITIZEN?" Placing "Being" in front of a "Legal Paper Fiction" is linguistically diminishing to Being. Especially if we can agree that we are all Consciousness and therefore Infinite Being that is only just having an individual experience called "Human."

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Who now speaks with such wisdom?

Hey Nef, if you're into a Course in Miracles, as the google thing intimated though I was looking up something completely different about a different Egyptian god, you should check out just the picture on my Substack today (Thorsday). The description of the picture is at the very bottom of the Substack and it's actually a true story.

--I Am "David"

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My dear friend who is into a Course in Miracles, I have done a collaborative post on Isha Upanishad with her and she said there are many parallels between the Course and what she sees in the Isha.

Thor is an excellent name to have; I love the Norse Gods as well as the Egyptian ones. My original cultural background is Hindu, but I'm not an Indian.

I have been learning to translate and read the Ancient Egyptian texts, there are many similarities among ancient cultures and their languages. It's fascinating stuff.

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Well I love a bit of etymology, I does. India is surely my mother.

I call PIE not by its capital-letter version but merely pie, as proto-Indus is the original linguistic pie whose pieces are disbursed amongst half the globe. I like to say that when the English showed up in India to do a bit of imperialistic naughtiness, their own language hinted to them that they were home. I write with authority in English and I dabble in German and the Romance languages with varying comic effects and I have a priest’s scatter of Latin and—and!—and I yearn for Indonesian, but despite the happenstance of my name, I know little of the north. If I have prejudices for or against India, I may have picked them up from Alan Watts. For many a year I had a mental guru in Mr. BKS Iyengar of Pune, but I am otherwise a free man. I put great stock, storywise, in a late-Iron Age text sometimes called the old or first testament, and as for the Bible of my English forebears, my Hebrew and Greek are hearsay and tale, though I’ll trade pharmakon quips happily over a beer. I speak the idiom of Shakespeare, the 1611 Tempest, as a second first language. Every day for a period of time each day as I grew up (if indeed I ever did) I was immersed in the language of King James. As for Egypt I know nothing, though I do hope Jesus spoke it and that the pyramids are as fun as I think they are.

As for The Course in Miracles, alas that is my wife’s department, but I have seen enough of the inside of that book to be surprised that the language is not halting. As for who I am, well, you know, I Am, as are you.

—Thor [This is a name so close to the one on my state birth certificate that it is close enough for government work, which is funny as I recognize no states and never could.]

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While I agree wholeheartedly, the psychopaths play fast and loose with "implied consent" and when We don't say "no" to the things They "tell" Us of in Their movies, media, and publications, in esoteric and symbolic ways, They see that as a "yes."

By specifically stating We do not consent, They cannot assume We do.

And to be sure, no matter how I AM We are, We don't have the money/power alone to stop the work of the psychopaths. It is only in aggregate that We will succeed against Them. Thus My work to bring Us, sovereign and free, to a time when Ethics rule, and psychopaths have no more power than You or Me.

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I believe we've covered this territory before, AmSol. I recognize us.

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Could be. [smile] Just pointing out that We need to stand in aggregate if We are to save Humanity. I guess You know that... LOL! Love always!

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Fail to consent. Simple yet difficult for most. I’m there with you Amaterasu! Love your idea… leave cards about. Or a poster with tear off web address!

Thank you for your efforts. 💖

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Autographing things and adding "without prejudice," "under duress," or "all rights reserved" is an easy step to take... We still function in the system, just under duress.

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Yes, "without prejudice," or "under duress," with UCC1 - 308 This is a section on contract law that vitiates a contract if both parties to it are not consenting. The courts hate this, so I love it.

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Of course, none of that ghastly and psychopathic legal/governmental system applies to Me. I stand under the three Laws of Ethics ***only***.

They can, however, bully Me.

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Take care, my friend, I share your words, your inspiration and your work. Blessings and love 💙🙏💫

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Love always!!! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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Much love Always 💙🙏💫

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This is an excellent call to arms AS. There are more of us that the mainstream misleadia would like us to believe. But sadly there are still far too many going along to get along. I don’t know which frustrates me the most, the apathy or the naivety.

I will share your inspiration widely. Thank you for the work you put in, please know that it is appreciated.

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I am humbled - and very well paid! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Like I said... We just need to make the tipping point!

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https://northerntracey213875959.wordpress.com/2021/06/30/the-amino-age-and-the-new-abnormal-doctors/. Previous article in my inbox resonates too. Coincidence!

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A very interesting article! I liked the Russian proverb!

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Say I just discovered she died 10 days ago

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OMG! Wow! Any word on how...?

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Sorry no. My pal on messenger told me after she sent me the article.

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Hmmmm. Well, what an odd thing...

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Indeed. I am committing to reading more of her work

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