Jurisdiction is key.

What do think about this Treaty?


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I like it's basic desire for Ethics to reign. I do not like that it relies on the continuation of accounting for Our energy input (money in some form from trade/barter to electronic bits), and especially in light of the fact that They want free energy technologies going, which would eliminate the point of money at the foundation..

Interestingly, I am in the process of writing an article on this specific point. It may be a day or two before I am done - disabled I am and typing hurts so it's slow going.

And... Do We individually sign on or is this something controlminds (governments) sign on for "the People?" I want no organization above Me making choices for Me...

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The individual consents to abide by the Treaty (natural law). We have sovereign community trusts all around the country.

Regarding money, it will be a long time before mankind removes itself from the abstract concept that money has value.

We class our credit based system as a stepping stone to sweat equity.

In a credit based system the slavery/energy drain aspect you mention is completely removed.

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I dispute that it will be a long time. I suggest that when free energy is flowing, it will be about 10 years before it will be more effort to collect the penny for the house (or whatever) than it is worth.

100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy. The resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration. So as the cost of energy is removed, prices will drop and drop until.....

Add to that that We now have automation for boring, repetitive, or distasteful jobs no One LOVES to do. We can create machinery (robots) to fill in where We have needed work no One wants to do.

And... 80% of the "jobs" out there now do nothing needed for society to survive. Cashiers, sales, accounting, advertising. marketing, debt collectors, tax collectors, casinos, insurance, Wall Street, banking and more. If the SHTF, none of these jobs would be there.

And they ALL deal with money, and its overall movement upwards to the psychopaths in control.

We do not need 100% of Us adding energy to keep a rich and free society in operation. With automation and no money concerns, I would guess 5-10% max. And surely if there are problems that affect Us, PLENTY will be willing to spend Their now free time helping to solve the problems.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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All we've done is reverse engineer the Babylonian debt based system into a credit based system for the people. With slavery removed, everyone can put their energy into what actually matters and what they love and are good at.

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Also... I could not find anywhere on that site about how the money would be managed. Can You point to where that is?

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This was the last public update about our credit based system.


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It will work via promissory notes. A trustee or beneficiary would simply state the purposes of the funds on a PN and as long as the stated purpose is not a breach of natural law, like nothing a tonne of cocaine, then the credit is yours.

Obviously, greed, like wanting 10 houses just to show off won't fly, of course.

Cleaning toilets?! When the individual doesn't have to slave just to earn a crust, the entire dynamic changes, including attitudes.

When we have the means to create our own credit, we then simply do what needs doing, without having to worry about being paid to make ends meet.

The current hegemony could easily do that now, but they want enslavement instead

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And what of People like Me who are disabled? Yes, I can write, painfully and slowly. But... I need extended breaks.

And who cleans the toilets...?

Why have the accounting, credit or debt, when it's unnecessary?

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Exactly this. If more people would stop voting, it would put a dent in the system.

I stoped voting decades ago. I refuse to join them in their games and puppet theatrics.

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The fact that We have to abdicate Our Self sovereignty to vote did it for Me. As I said, I will not register. Haha!

Good for You for ceasing to surrender Your sovereignty to Them! I applaud You!!!

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😊☕️ new to this substack. Excellent analysis.

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Most humble thanks for Your payment of positive assessment! I am enriched! And welcome!

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I cannot partner with anyone assuming the pagan heliocentric model of our earth. You've already been propagandized by their "science so-called." You're subject to their system because you reject the same God they do. You're not a threat to them.


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Well, I am sorry to hear You fell for NASA's PPP (pancake planet psyop). They conceived of it as something to put People off looking for the reason They lie and fake things. The Pentagon with Dubay implemented the psyop, with the aid of YouToilet "recommending" these videos of Dubay/Pentagon origin.

Flat Earth Reasoning (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/flat-earth-reasoning

And I'm sorry You place dogma above Ethics. [shrug] Love always.

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Dubay has done good work, but don't subscribe to his occultic philosophies. Didn't fall for anything NASSSSA conceived of. I trust the 1611 King James Bible. The spinning ball theory is illogical and, considering all the evidence against it, a great fraud on mankind. Ethics uphold the truth of the revelation that God came into the world to save sinners, like you and me.

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Well, good luck with that.

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I am confused? You believe the earth is spinning and hurtling through space, yet our senses deceive us? And living in Australia as I do, I am

upside down but again, my senses deceive me…?

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I believe nothing. I place probability of truth to data I receive and adjust My probabilities when new data come along that better explain what I see.

I went pancake planet (PP) for two whole days, and then... I started to see a plethora of disingenuous arguments, and started making eight points which I have been asking the PP pushers to address in terms of the PP since that time Dubay was pushed by YouToilet.

Maybe grasp that the center of gravity is in the middle of the planet, and that no matter where You are, "up" is towards the sky, and "down" is towards the center. And that when choosing an axis to place at the top of the maps, They could have chosen "south."

Flat Earth Reasoning (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/flat-earth-reasoning

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I am making my way through an excellent compilation of experiments and arguments following the zetetic astronomy principles by Samuel Birley Rowbotham (first published in 1849) entitled ‘earth not a globe’. I find the arguments wholly convincing

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Welcome! I implore this ideology to it's fullest potential.

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Most excellent!!! Love always, and may enough of Us stand sovereign in aggregate!!!

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Before i can collaborate i need to know if you're open to discussing and potentially modifying your ethical rules. They seem to need at least a rewording because as written they do not encompasses how to behave with creatures, whether or not people, for whom fully informed consent isn't possible.

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It's simple, do no harm. That doesn't mean not eating animals because that is against the laws of nature and we would be harming ourselves doing do.

Common sense/common law.

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Well put!

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Well, I surely suggest We offer the critters We eat good and healthy lives before We eat them, but the Laws of Ethics are for Us who can grasp them and apply them to other sapient Ones.

So... You can write up rules You think People should follow relative to critters, but that would be more of a "government" function, and I am anti-government. For more:

The Three Laws of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-three-laws-of-ethics

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May 13
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Perhaps if You clarify what "BC" is, I can answer that question. [smile]

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May 13
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Ahhh. Cert of Berth. Yes, My status has been corrected from debtor to creditor, and on top of that I have, many times, stated that I do not consent to the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground.

A bit of My adventures with that legal system:

Walking the Walk Some More (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk-some-more

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May 13
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I withdrew consent some time ago. The reptilians, camp followers and useful tools don't care.

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True, They don't care as long as Our numbers are few. They WILL care when We are in number that make Their efforts pointless. Not sure I give high probability to there being reptilians, but there surely are psychopaths in control by virtue of money. They buy the "camp followers and useful tools."

But I will say... I know They do care at some level. Since I wrote My second letter to the courts, They leave Me alone:

Walking the Walk Some More (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk-some-more

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Reptilian because there is such revulsion against the likes of gates, schwab and others. Being in a room with them would be like being in a room with a king cobra and you're not a mongoose. psychopath just isn't enough of a description.

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Fair enough. I like reptiles so I guess to Me "psychopath" is far worse an epithet.

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Right on. The power is ours. Waiting there to take it. This is their system, and there's no changing it inside their system. Its gonna crash and they are gonna want to institute their solution. At that moment is when people will comply or not with their new system. I have not and will not!

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They're going to TRY. I say They will fail. Part of My work discu8sses Their only tool to power:

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

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🙏🏻 I am humbled. Please do share.

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