Thorough and well presented. TY!

It is not politicians that need to be changed every 4 years, it is individuals who need to change by embracing information beyond what society considers normal, releasing attachment to beliefs that limit human potential, mastering our inner operating system to improve outer reality from the inside out and retaining personal power instead of giving it to others.

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Well, if We're going to wait for People to change, We will be waiting an eternity.

I'm going forward with efforts to strip psychopaths on Their dingle tool to power. And once THAT change happens, People will adjust to the freedom They have, motivated to change by the ability to live richly on Their (Our) planet.

And suggesting We stop consenting to being ruled.

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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Thank you, Amaterasu. Change happens 'through' man, not 'by' man. In other words, an individual cannot change another individual; individuals can only change themselves.

A CITIZEN is subject to duties under government, which means they are not free. https://heimatundrecht.de/sites/default/files/dokumente/Black%27sLaw4th.pdf

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While this is true, an Individual can offer motivation to change though information and example. And I am not a citizen (or CITIZEN). I am sovereign, standing on Ethical ground.

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Thank you, Amaterasu. Leading by example and information beyond what society considers normal, can be received or repelled by others. It depends on where they are in their journey to self realization.

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Very deftly articulated, thank you.

For a little while, your habit of capitalizing the first letter of nouns made me incorrectly assume you were a German author. :-)

"And They must tell Us in clear and certain terms. Then, and only then, is it Ethical."

Actually, I'd still say it wasn't ethical, even if they explained their plans crystal clearly to us. It would still be a case of offering a false dichotomy, that either you accept the plans, or the other thing they'll have prepared - the carrot and the stick position.

The truly ethical position would be that They made NO plans for us. They do not have our assent or approval, therefore They do not possess any authority to decide anything for us.

All in all, nice work and I'm keen to read your other articles.

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Well, that’s a different setup. They “tell” Us things and then proceed. Only in situations like Do this/let Us do this or We will do that to You is coercion. When They don’t tell Us Ethically, and then proceed as if We said “Okay…” THAT is what I was speaking of.

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Excellent article.

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Most humble thanks!!! I am enriched in Your payment of positive assessment!

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It’s time to KICK SOME RICH FUX ASS!!!

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Or just take Their tool to power away. LOL!

A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system

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Ami, I think this is your most powerful substack article about human (ethical) rights that I have seen. You lay it out clearly, about voting and what’s implied.

And you tell us that the psychopaths tell us what they are doing-they seem to need to tell us-but it’s all hints and numbers and hollywood and predictive programming and it’s plain ridiculous that “they “ expect us to figure it all out.

Instead we can just not comply.

I said today on a different substack-imagine what “they’d” do if everyone quit their jobs. Within reason of course. “They’d” freak out, I reckon-who’s going to pay the tax?! And imagine if no-one voted. If there was a great meeting of minds across America, and everyone knew no-one was voting. They’d have to install politicians, and the president and “they’d” be exposed for the sham they’re running. In all other countries too. I’m Down Under-we have the same problem-the uniparty(ours is made up of about 4 different political parties). I already reckon I know who’s going to be our next prime minister. Voting is compulsory down here. But-we can get our names crossed off, and write anything we like.

The so called election of 2020 in America-what a shambles. And “they” said the highest numbers of voters ever have turned out to vote. Ha! And the ballot dumping during the night. Really, the open all night or whatever they are voting bins are ridiculous.

When are people going to wake up and realise they can’t vote their way out of this mess? In every country. Voting is a sham, and the psychopaths know that we know, and all the old crows in Congress should be scared to death of losing their jobs.

Under one world gov’t most politicians will lose their jobs, and become useless eaters like the rest of us! Most people will lose their jobs.

Let’s just all roar loudly and wake up the ones who don’t believe us! If the poor souls live long enough after taking those shots.

Someone please, who has the means, help Ami get the free energy tech out. Then the psychopaths will be the useless eaters!

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Most humble thanks! I am truly enriched in Your payment of appreciation!

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Yeah and this is why Americans and America is gonna lose! People have got to STOP seeing Donald Trump as their "savior!" Americans are getting played and deceived! They don't want the truth! I've done my best to try and wake my husband up! All I hear is "well I'm still gonna vote, Trump is the lesser of 2 evils" I say "Why?" "We should NEVER have to vote for or choose evil for anything, especially a leader!" "We are our on leaders!" People were born sovereign and these satanic criminals have beaten down the sovereignty in human beings and the majority of humanity says "we need a leader!" I keep hearing people say "well if you don't vote then you have no right to complain!" "Oh! The fuck I don't have the right to complain!" "The fact that I'm a human being with a brain who thinks for herself and who has a voice to speak up with gives me the right to complain and raise hell!" "Because I don't agree to being a slave and having evil controlling my life gives me the right to complain!" "My not voting is my vote because I don't support their system!" I just tell people "enjoy your freedom while you still have it, because you won't have it much longer!" People don't want to take responsibility for their own lives! People are scared to death of that!

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Have You considered suggesting withdrawing consent from being ruled by evil...? Have You explained that registering to vote is giving Oneself to the state such that the state can do with and to One as it sees fit - like forcing jabs...? Have You explained that giving "authority" to anOther that You don't have Yourself is a recipe for psychopaths to take control...?

And those of Us who do not consent will keep Our freedom as long as enough of Us stand in aggregate protecting One anOther from bullies.

Thank You for your payment of attention in reading!

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Chose in action or chose in possession?

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Not sure I grasp what You're asking... Can You give the specific line(s) You're addressing?

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Ah!! Amaterasu!! "They" have violated the "Consent Contract" on many occasions and have reaped the consequences. Why do you think they don't already have 15-minute cities? They have the power...do they not? And have had this power from time immemorial.

Universal Laws are strict. No one gets to undermine, bend, or ignore them. They're like the Law of Gravity: just there. I came to understand their dilemma through "The Hidden Hand" interview years ago. And through my understanding of practicing strictly according to a Buddhist school from the age of 30. Very strictly. You have to be willing to give up your life, or you gain nothing.

The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) has become ingrained and intuitive.

The founder of the school said that "if you want to know the future, look at the causes you now make" and "if you wanted to know the past, look at the conditions/consequences you experience now." Takes a special "kind of seeing." Not normal rationality or cognition.

Your solution is 100% correct. 100%. The system is corrupted from top to bottom and stacked against the "average person." Withdrawal is the most effective abnegation of their agenda.

BTW, just my intuitive feeling after studying and reading over at Gigi Young's site (a self-professed mystic and intuitive) for several years during Covid shutdown, the Will (via Steiner's concept of Will) and through what Buddhists call Determination can nullify our supposed "implied consent." Even in materiality, we retain enormous power. We've been convinced we don't.

Consciously with full knowledge from the bowels of our personhood, we can say "No. You do not have my consent. I do not consent to this." It works.

A psychopathic gene is interesting. I think more may be involved than genetics, Am. I think the more genetically favored carry psychic abilities. Hidden Hand was connected to his tradition or heritage...which involved eons of existence. Why else do they test their young (from whistleblowers)? Not all, even for them, are created equal. They, then, employ Monarch (MKUltra) methods to develop these young who are raised into leadership positions within THEIR structure which likely breaks the spheres into financial, military, religious, politics, etc.

MKUltra breaks the mind into compartments in order to deal with horrors inflicted upon a being. They become, in essence, highly gifted psychic autistic people...very much like proposed AI. They think this method creates a superior human (if the individual speaking in "Hidden Hand" is speaking the truth). Their primary need is control and exercise of power as opposed to humans who simply live for discovery and amplification of the Self. They feel themselves Gods and that the Universe should be subjugated to their will...which is why they're so entranced with space exploration and time-space machines to alter dimensions.

Gigi Young offers the interesting hypothesis (or perhaps not...she hasn't ardently endorsed the concept, though, I haven't listened to her in a while) that this strain of human blew up their world, Mars, and migrated to Earth in late Lemuria when the human form was still developing physicality. They essentially destroyed The Feminine and retaining only The Masculine pulse. They became "The Sons of Beliel" Edgar Cayce saw in Atlantis and the people responsible for misusing the technology at the time which eventually blew up their world (Atlantis sank = The Flood in all cultures and myths--just like how tsunamis are created today when a volcano blows up undersea land mass displacing water. The Sphinx predates The Flood which is why it shows water damage/erosion.).

The body then was more etheric and responded in a more spiritual or telepathic approach to "the world." The Atlantean Age calcified man into present material form. The reason for individuation into materiality is the development of truly Free Will to carry into higher planes after this material one. Believe it or not, the high spirituality known prior to Atlantis was insufficient and lacking because individuation hadn't occurred. Everyone thought as One and moved as One. Everyone now must individuate as one and reunite with others as One via the exercise of their Free Will. It is a form of self-consciousness and a dimension the being must possess.

Earth is the densest and most material plane for the school in which we learn. Few people understand nor value correctly the world of deep materiality but only denounce and develop hatred toward it. Without this crucible of dense, horrific material substance in which time, dimension, and space are constricted and compacted into a cauldron of transformation/alchemy, true reformation of the character could not occur, and the spirit cannot rise. Higher spirit is dependent upon this material phase.

Of course, Steiner, Christian mystics, and many sects (Rosicrucians, etc.) point to The Christ as the embodiment of both the human transforming (living "again") and "way" (as in Tao=the path or way) forward in a condition called Love. Not agapé. Not brotherly. A Love which surpasses all human understanding but which governs the Universe. This Love is a Force not simply an emotion. Love comes to us in materiality as an emotion because humans learn through emotion.

Most of these ideas are my interpretation of the anthroposophical concepts Steiner presented. I don't know if I'm correct, but as you say, we best deal with our OWN spiritual probabilities which we each develop through spiritual data we sense, read, or come to know.

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Special K 😹😹😹

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Stacked against us. Your odds are better in Vegas than in one of their priesthood circuses!

“Fiction of law. An assumption or supposition of law that something which is or may be false is true, or that a state of facts exists which has never really taken place. An assumption [PRESUMPTION], for purposes of justice, of a fact that does not or may not exist. A rule of law which assumes as true, and will not allow to be disproved, something which is false, but not impossible. Ryan v. Motor Credit Co., 30 N.J.Eq. 531, 23 A.2d. 607, 621. These assumptions are of an innocent or even beneficial character, and are made for the advancement of the ends of justice. They secure this end chiefly by the extension of procedure from cases to which it is applicable to other cases to which it is not strictly applicable, the ground of inapplicability being some difference of an immaterial character. See also Legal fiction.” [Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, p. 623

In their “Fiction” Court Their “discretion” is, YOU LOSE – regardless how much “Proof” or "evidence."

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Thus... I withdrew My consent from that whole legal/governmental mess and stand sovereign on Ethical ground... "I will be happy to [engage this court, discuss this with You, etc.] if You prove I am subject to the system."

Without My consent, there is no proof.

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I did not make a claim you are a "citizen" (subject)?

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True, but I was making the point that One is not necessarily under that psychopathic legal/governmental system.

Calling a Legalate a Law (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/calling-a-legalate-a-law

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🤗 💜 🤗

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Your best images!

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 I am humbled! And well paid in Your praise!

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Voting on national [s]elections is for absolute retards. Good writeup.

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Thank You for Your payment of attention in reading! I am enriched!

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yes, T I L I I (tell it like it is)

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Thank You so much for Your payment of appreciation!!!

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