I was able to catch the last 15 minutes of the show. On rumble I could hear you just fine. But the live chat was not loading for me. The YouTube link you provided here was not working either. All in all I loved what I heard. Watching it all again soon as it's available and when I am able.

Cheers love!

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It's 1:25 p.m. on the west coast and we tried to watch your interview. It wasn't coming together. I could barely hear you. You said you were disowned by your family. Me too. I was the scapegoat. I wonder if you have somewhere to live yet. I lived in my truck for a few years. Can you borrow or buy an RV?

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I crash on the floor of a friend's studio - 6 sq. feet to live in. But roof over head, bathroom and kitchen, for now...

With Low Expectations: HELP! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/with-low-expectations-help

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Alright Solar.

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🤗 💜 🤗

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

So cool! I can't wait to see it!

Saw this old book from 1891. I wonder if it has anything that would help


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Looks quite interesting! I am not much into the scientific aspects - I am going to tell what I know of My father’s work and what the implications of free energy are for Humanity. That’s My expertise.

Thanks!!! 🤗 💜 🤗

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Whoa, that's some ancient knowledge kinda stuff. Very Interesting thanks for sharing. 💜

Adding that to my library.

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Looking forward to the interview you will be having with my buddy, MES

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Looking forward to Your thoughts! 🤗 💜 🤗

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Ohh, it's being streamed on the Hive block chain too⁉️ Absolutely - wicked‼️

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Excited for you! Too. 🔥💜🔥

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Thank You! 🤗 💜 🤗

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This is very exciting! Will there be a replay available? My husband and I are hosting a friend's birthday party at our home on Saturday and I will be fully occupied doing final preparations until guests arrive at 3:00PM. I'll be playing music all day and also playing hostess!

I am very happy for you and hope to be able to view a recorded version!🤗🎉💝

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Well, unless YouToilet flushes it, it will be there, and I can’t imagine it not being on Rumble. I will do what I can to acquire a copy and will post to My channels on YouToilet and Odysee…

Thank You for Your payment of interest!!! You enrich Me!

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

👏👏😃 That's wonderful! You'll be great! Also would you speak out about the devastation from hurricane helene in the hard hit areas, particularly western North Carolina? The government is possibly doing a land grab in that area because it's being said that area is rich in lithium and the government wants to mine lithium for their stupid electric vehicles! I'm near the worst affected areas and what I'm hearing is heartbreaking and it makes my blood boil too! Fema is not letting people in who want to help! Fema is making people with supplies turn away from the hardest hit areas with people stranded and cut off from everything because many roads up there are destroyed and washed out from mud slides! Those stranded people have nothing, no water, electricity, food, no basic supplies at all!

The national guard and fema are telling people that they have everything under control but they are doing nothing! People trying to help are getting told to "Stand Down" Stand Down for what! Fema and our criminal terrorist government is allowing people stranded to die up in western North Carolina!

This needs to be exposed everywhere! Our criminal terrorist government needs to get exposed for what they are doing! Possibly confiscating land in western North Carolina to mine lithium! It's a disgrace and this needs to be exposed worldwide!

If you could speak out a little about the devastation from hurricane helene and for especially western North Carolina during the interview then more people can become aware of what our criminal government is doing! You will be on a popular platform with some great information! But I'm happy for you and people need to know about what you've been working on! You'll be great! 👍🙂

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They to go in and help in large masses of people. Survey the area and find new ways to get to to them. Hiking will be the norm for now. Carry weapons for protection, you do9knoe what kind of wildlife one might encounter like the FEMAbear.

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I will play it by ear, but likely that will be something I bring up, as I know I will bring up the psychopaths in control, and that’s a perfect example!

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19 hrs agoLiked by Amaterasu Solar

Yeah! Of course! 🤗 thank you! It's starting to come out now! People are talking about western North Carolina and what's happening there! I can feel the energy from people and people are posting all over the internet! I hope that this situation is enough to make people realize that we can't vote our way out of this! The government is at war with "we the people" and I want to see Americans angry and realize that we have strength in numbers!

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You are gonna rock!

I will happily tune in :)

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Most humble thanks!!!

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Knock em out sister.

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As best I can! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Very happy for you!

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Love always!!!

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Fantastic. That’s so good to hear. You are going to Rock. Thank you for being you.

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I am humbled! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

Bravo! Do us proud!

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 As best I can!!!

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar

you'll do great!

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🤗 💜 🤗

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Congratulations Amaterasu! 🙏

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Humble thanks!!!

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Oct 4Liked by Amaterasu Solar


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