It's a circus that you can script. Don't ask me how but things clearly arn't what they appear to be

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Jan 31Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I don't think dreams are the controlling element - unless We're talking the dreams of psychopaths aiming to control Humanity 100%...

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Jan 31Liked by Amaterasu Solar

as above, so bellow

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Sometimes You're too cryptic for Me! LOL!

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We can call what's going on many things. I think of Groundhog Day, a seemingly endless repeat of the insane only in a different form.

Or April Fool's Day which has yet to end. Spotting the truth among the foolishness as opposed to vice versa.

But perhaps best a pantomime to which you can reply 'Oh no it isn't!. I will say 'Oh yes it is!' and so on and so forth.

Still a circus is good too.

Nevertheless William Shakespeare was right 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely Players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,...'

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What I am suggesting is that it is a purposeful and scripted mess They keep Us in. Your input could indeed describe some of what We see, but the point is that there are Ones deliberately performing so as to move the participatory audience as They want Us to move.

As for Shakespeare... I have long suspected He (whoever He really was) was not talking of Humanity, but of the useless ELiters - They saw the "rabble" as animals, not "men and women." And I think They have performed Their production - play, circus, game - for Us for a very long time.

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Since the beginning of time. What we see now is an amalgam, your purposeful and scripted mess, involving everything that ever was.

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Unsure about when the psychopaths took over - They did not in the societies that did not develop money, having abundance there for the taking (very few societies, at that!). And I give high probability that the 12,000 year cycle of solar micronovae as the solar system passes through the galactic current sheet, causing the planet to flip on its axis 90° and the waters flooding the land, cleaned out most of Humanity a number of times...

And the tech They have is just how to the point that They think They can "greatly" reset things, just as the 12,000 year cycle ends and another micronova occurs.

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I don’t see you was wrong. You were not thorough enough, precise, accurate, concentrated enough of the problem you like to solve. The most important weakness of your thinking is targeting the root cause of the problem you want to solve. What did you get wrong? How important to answer? Why you were wrong will be more important. If you suffer for what you think is wrong. Play or game or circus is not important too.

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You keep implying that I am doing things wrongly. Perhaps You might focus on telling Me what You think I need to do that is right, specifically and clearly.

And I cannot grasp why Your would think aiming for the root - rather than the branches? - of the problem is a...problem. When You take out the root, the whole dies.

But yes, the label is unimportant.

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I am sorry that you see me implying that you are doing things wrongly. I am just pointing out your weakness as I see. As a martial arts instructor with knowledge of Aikido your way of seeing the real enemy is not accurate precise and through. I f you like to learn more I shall write more on my substack.

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Well, I would surely appreciate any clarification. 🙏🏻

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What do you want me to clarify?Aikido? Enemy?Your weaknesses?

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Again: You keep implying that I am doing things wrongly. Perhaps You might focus on telling Me what You think I need to do that is right, specifically and clearly.

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I think you should learn Aikido first.

Amaterasu Solar

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Jan 26Liked by Amaterasu Solar

A circus, a shit show, a movie, it's all the same thing mind-numbing entertainment while the psychos do their dirty deeds.

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Well, true. But We were discussing the structure and function of Their stage. Haha!

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Jan 26Liked by Amaterasu Solar

That's not in my wheelhouse, I strafe the WEF'S and WHO'S.

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A circus exists to make money and to entertain the masses. The psychopaths want enough (so-called) “useless eaters” dead and enough useful producers enslaved in order to perpetuate the Pathocracy. I don’t believe that humanity lives in a Theater or in a Circus or in Game-type Simulation or Matrix. I believe that humanity — which includes the psychopathic rulers and their middle managers to the most desperate poverty-stricken families to the trafficked sex slaves (including children) — lives in a Pathocracy. Way too many people are blind to this global system of exploitation and oppression and violence and domination/aggressive coercion and leverage and influence. FFS, plenty of (so-called) “enlightened people” are true believers that the core self is benign and that the universe is benign. I think that these “enlightened ones” are stupid.

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The universe is not benign because in fact it be ten. :)

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“enlightened people” are true believers that the core self is benign and that the universe is benign. I think that these “enlightened ones” are stupid. Agree.

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There are plethora people who claim to be awake or aware or self-actualized or enlightened. I think that they are all self-deceived. There are NOT plethora buddhas and celestial bodhisattvas on this physical plane, in my opinion.

But then again, I’m cynical and pessimistic and depressed about the vast majority of the mass of the people. Plus, I’m a fatalist and politically apathetic. I suppose I’m a spiritual anarchist. 😊

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I never said it was a simulation. Just that the psychopaths in control are handing things like a circus. And yes, it IS a "Pathocracy." And My work is aimed at solving for psychopaths in control.

Solving for Psychopaths in Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-psychopaths-in-control

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First of all, the Pathocracy “is a human technology, a fabrication, aiming at total power. The world’s wisdom traditions have a great deal to say about human efforts to construct ‘gods’. What can be counted upon is that such ‘gods’ always overreach and are never as omnipotent and omniscient as they believe. While history may be littered with failed rebellions, it is no less littered with failed empires, totalitarianisms, tyrannies, despotisms, and other would be pseudo-deities.”

The Pathocracy will collapse. I have zero, zilch, nada, no confidence (or assurance or evidence or trust or faith or hope or belief or anything similar) that non-psychopathic people will overthrow the Pathocracy. None. Whatsoever.

Secondly (and this goes deeply into human nature), desire must be divorced from ethics — assuming that this is even possible. Why? By “human nature” I refer to “people are portrayed as necessarily hostile and uncooperative toward one another and hence in a perpetual ‘state of war’, of ‘every man against every man’. Why war? Because Thomas Hobbes (who I believe knew all about the Pathocracy before it became a political thing) asserts that, by nature, we are all selfish and acquisitive and we can have no shared moral vision to regulate our conduct toward one another (‘But whatsoever is the object of any man’s appetite or desire, that is it which he for his part calleth “good”; and the object of his hate and aversion, “evil”). As the Romans said, man is a wolf to man. In such a condition, life is ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’.” The only way out of a Pathocracy is for human beings collectively to address our collective passions and appetites and strong desires. In Plato’s allegory of the chariot, these collective passions and appetites and strong desires are symbolized by the black horse whose gaze is forever downward. The black horse is juxtaposed with the white horse (thumos) and the charioteer (reason). Then there’s the chariot, the mortal coil.

It’s all very esoteric, eh?

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Well, good thing We just have to add free energy, eh? I think We can accomplish that.

And... You have better read Peter Kropotkin's work, Mutual Aid - A Factor in Evolution. And also grasp that what You see today in People is a product of what happens in a society run by primary (genetic) psychopaths. Secondary (conditioned) psychopathy will emerge.

Anyway, I will persist in My work. You might like this video I mirrored a fair while back:

Learn About The Human Psychopath: https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/learn-about-the-human-psychopath:8?

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Why would a world ruled by primary and secondary psychopaths — as well as sociopaths and malignant narcissists and sadists and Machiavellians — deserve free energy? I think that the mass of people deserve the government that they have. I don’t have the trust or faith or confidence or assurance or belief that human beings are deserving or that human beings are divine and benign at our cores, our hearts. This is why most people completely reject what the Bible has to say about human beings, preferring to believe lies. Jeremiah 17: 9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”

The mass of people would rather be deceived and self-deceived than to know the truth and be freed from their delusions.

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Actually, "psychopath" is a containing term - including sociopaths, narcissists, sadists, "Machiavenians," etc.

Guessing You're not grasping something here if You're asking if psychopaths "deserve" free energy, given THEY have it and We don't...

And humbly, as I have no religion - raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion - any appeal to a religious element is not likely to sway Me.

I have been homeless for 20 years and cannot tell You how many good and loving People I have encountered. Ones who wanted to felp but are one step from homelessness Themselves.

So They send a couple dollars to "charities" (robbery institutions, really, but Most don't know that) in hopes the problems will be solved. If We were not caring and compassionate as a rule, charities would not be collecting billions from Us who want to help.

Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

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From my research, psychopaths (essentially people born without a capacity to develop a conscience and a capacity to develop empathy) are psychologically different from people who develop personality disorders, such as sociopathy and malignant narcissism and borderline personality disorder and sadism and Machiavellianism. Maybe it’s not worth the discussion.

I’m actually talking about the mass of the people NOT deserving free energy. “Why are the people not deserving?” one might ask. Because of human nature. From what I quoted above: “by nature, we are all selfish and acquisitive and we can have no shared moral vision to regulate our conduct toward one another (‘But whatsoever is the object of any man’s appetite or desire, that is it which he for his part calleth “good”; and the object of his hate and aversion, “evil”).’” Imagine free energy in the hands of people who are all selfish and acquisitive and who have no shared moral vision to regulate our conduct toward one another!! This life would be an even worse hell on earth than it already is. Without religion, I’m unsure as to how you discern the good from the evil in the specific context of man’s strong desires and passions and appetites. With religion, i understand that these (natural) desires etc are fallen, carnal, sensual and devilish. This is precisely WHY the mass of people are tolerant of having psychopaths as their overlords. The hearts of the people are deceitful. In spite of the people having deceitful hearts, I too have compassion for the mass, AND i don’t believe that the mass deserves any better than the earth life we’re presently experiencing, especially at this point in our collective history. Maybe the hearts of the people will change for the better. I’m not holding my breath.

I’m reasonably certain that NO ONE is fully awake. The vast majority of us don’t see ourselves as wretched, pitiable, blind, naked and poor. We deceive ourselves into thinking that we are entitled to NOT be indoctrinated from birth, propagandized, lied to, groomed, gaslighted, etc. WHY is the world in this godawful and miserable state? Because the mass of the people want it this way. The mass of the people LOVE to be led, to be dominated, to be aggressively coerced & leveraged & influenced by powerful Others. The mass of the people LOVE their chains. They LOVE being whipped into compliance. Love is (arguably) the most powerful force in the known universe, yet the mass of the people love iniquity. It’s rather depressing.

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Jan 25Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I like circus much better than theatre👍🏻 But still I don’t like either one. Thank you for sharing Amaterasu Solar!😊

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Thank YOU for Your payment of appreciation!

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Lots to ponder Yes? Another added layer to the mix would be the Military theater...or setting the stage.

The stage has been set now whirled wide to be captured in the web....of lies & deceit. ...War on RKranium, Gaza, Tiwan , US etc. A circus indeed ....run by clowns.

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Indeed, indeed! Thank You for Your payment of attention! You enrich Me!

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I think you were both right.

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 Well... Yeah, it may be that!

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