Have you ever gone without weed for weeks or months at a time?
I've been smoking dope daily, with occasional unplanned breaks, since 1979, and I can tell you from experience that even Colombian Gold from 1979 could cause a racing heart or other symptoms of anxiety.
Something else I have noticed with chronic, longterm potheads: Every once in a while Life forces you to give it up for awhile and it does this by unpleasant symptoms. You can't even take just one hit without symptoms and so it becomes more trouble than it's worth and you give it up for awhile. And then you notice, looking back in hindsight, that during your break you got things done that otherwise would not have gotten done had you remained stoned 24/7.
I'm surprised you didn't raise the issue about how much legal weed costs.
When it was illegal, the prices were high because of the risks of growing, transporting, and selling, and therefore if there are no more risks, then the prices should drop bigtime -- even with taxation.
My suggestion is that those of you who live where it's legal should OVERGROW and give the shit away for free or dirtcheap. I certainly would. Undercut the rip-off merchants.
I live in England and it will most certainly be one of the last places on earth to legalize pot >> England, Saudia Arabia, Iran, North Korea, and Singapore.
Lastly, if y'all don't realize we live in Hell (a non-biblical hell), I don't know how you can miss the glaring fact that we live in a world that tells us by LAW & PUNISHMENT what we can and cannot grow in our gardens. Is that Heaven? Is that Paradise? Is that some sort of Neutral Zone where right wins over wrong? Where good wins over bad? Where life is a grand Easter Egg Hunt for Irrefutable Facts that set us free and make for a happy mortal life?
Fuck no.
Ain't nothing here worth clinging to.
And so we muddle through each day, moment by moment, awaiting to die or be killed or to get fed up enough to jump off a very high cliff. Sounds maudlin, but I feel an inexplicable peace when I admit such things freely. There is literally nothing more exciting to look forward to than death, the great awakening from this prison sentence nightmare and a return to my never-changing Homestate of Awareness, RealityHeaven, where there is no such thing as "too good to be true", and where-upon my return I will smile and say, "Ain't it nice to be Home again?"
Yes, there was a decade of pain when I was not in a situation conducive. No, I was less productive during that time - the pain slowed Me down.
Maybe there's strains that cause racing heart and I just miraculously didn't encounter them... Because I have only had the heart racing issue with the stuff I have bought in the smoke shops - which ALL cause that.
And I am not "stoned 24/7." I smoke a bit for relief, and then go as long as I can before the pain overtakes the effects, and then I have a bit more. About 1 joint's worth a day delivered in a pipe. I am not a "pothead." I loathe that term and ponder calling anOther, say, an insulinhead, or other medicine They take to solve health problems with.
As for this hell... If You familiarize Yourself with My work, You will find I aim to co-create heaven with Humanity. Yes, this hell that calls legalates "laws" and then uses force to make sure We follow the rules is something I do not consent to, and I work to get enough of Us not consenting that They, the psychopaths in control creating the hell, have no power left.
I am a pothead and I would smoke it 24/7 if I wasn't employed & married with pets. I smoked it 24/7 from age 15 until 22. I love the stuff. The stronger, the better. The more it makes me cough, the better I get off.
But all that aside, what price do you pay for the buds? Are you charged by the gram? If so, what's the price? I am curious. Greenbud was $10 per gram starting in the autumn of 1980....you'd think it'd be ten cents by now...
If smoking it causes a racing heart, have you tried eating it? Baking it into some cookies? Or, as Timothy Leary suggested (and it works!) >> take a Triscuit, put a tiny bud on it, put some cheese on the bud, microwave or heat until the cheese melts, and then consume. For me, and I've only done it a few times over 45 years, the weed doesn't kick in for about 2 .5 hours, but lasts the rest of the day until sleep-time. Unfortunately, the high is totally different compared to smoking it. It is indeed more of a body high than a cerebral one.
Psychopaths have always ruled this world, and always will. That's why we call it hell. Ironically enough, good intentions pave the way to hell (or at least maintain its hellishness). It's a sticky conundrum, a kind of tangled cat's cradle >> you want to help the hell become a Heaven but that's like wanting to make water a dry substance, or wanting to make shit smell like vanilla. It's a futile effort. It's a mainstream media con. It's the American Dream...and all it does is perpetuate the chaos and the never-ending struggle between Us and Them.
At the end of the day, kissing your wife goodbye, hugging her when you get home, petting your dog & cat and telling them you love them, picking up the litter in front of your house, smiling at those who smile at you when you're walking down the street, doing your best to not stay angry or depressed, doing your best to not hold grudges, and seeing everyone as totally untrustworthy, lost, bewildered, befuddled, confused, and ignorant that they live in hell, is enough of a good contribution. "Forgive them Lord for they know not they live in Hell".
I have had heated cannabis I have eaten, but when I need relief, I need it NOW. And smoking it comes on right away.
And no... Psychopaths have only ruled in societies that emerged in scarcity, where all hands are needed to get needed things done... I wrote an article on that, and, as typing hurts, I'll let My article finish the story:
I thought , or perhaps have been brainwashed to believe , that heart racing just meant high THC, which has been maximised with the calming CBD minimised in counter balance but perhaps something more sinister is afoot, wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
I find it interesting that I never had that issue until this "legal" crap. And I had quite a wide range of supply... LOL! I place highest probability that something more sinister is afoot.
I am from the government and I am here to hell. The more they create 'testing facilities' the less they are looking for actual poisons or inserting them. Just using city water fo the plants may be enough to taint. All a racket. I agree it is very hard to find weed outside the system now. I wish you luck, I wish all of us luck.
You are allowed to grow 6 plants in NY. A 5-7 gallon fabric container will grow at least an ounce of most landrace strains. It’s far easier than you think to grow. The trickier part is the drying and curing process needs to be temperature and humidity controlled to get good tasting and smelling product. Harvesting at the correct time for the plant maximizes effect. A sunny apartment window will do the trick
Oh, I have grown cannabis in the past, and yes, it is easy. And yes, harvest is tricky. Haha! I just have no home, and friends whose floors I crash on that have no interest in the herb, and really, no place to put one container, let alone six... (They're hoarders and I barely have room to sleep on the floor, let alone putting gallons containers about - and Their places get little to no sun.)
The concrete jungle here is not conducive to growing things either...
Once the state legalized cannabis, I knew they would taint all the products with various poisons. We have a friend with a small but clean grow. We don't smoke it but we use the non-psychoactive leaves in smoothies for other health benefits. I recommend finding such a friend!💝
Easier said than done. My supplier was out-of-state to begin with. And I am homeless in a concrete jungle. My friends whose floors I crash on are not into that, so... Not sure where to find such friends. [sigh]
I have "set [My] intention" for many things in this life. I knew I would succeed, have a home I loved, have a job that was creative, and on and on... But when One is targeted, intentions become worthless. Thus My situation. But I appreciate Your caring. I'm out on Long Island, NY...
Good topic and excellent pick up. I agree there must be a catch and something related to mind control and/or depopulation is probably of first order. I would try to get seeds and grow.
Thank You. I would get seeds and grow for sure if I had more than the clothes on My back, a cat, and a suitcase... LOL! Someday soon I will have a place of My own and then... I will grow weeds like there's no tomorrow!
Lots of studies also showing molds & other chemicals (cyanide) In todays GMO Frankenweed.. I suspect the gummies have bio gel & those quantum dots in them.
It's just bad news all round for natural medicine. Good Post.
I think you need to find some organic seeds from an old grower who has maintained their own natural 'landrace' cannabis variety for many decades and not used seeds from the newer, concentrated THC (and who knows what else) hybrid strains. Grow your own still works well :)
They hybrided it for control as it is much more powerful and more than likely has nanobots that invade lungs to cause cancer or other dis eases! Psycopaths is what they are just look @ that Rockefellar he definitely looks out of this world or inbred!
If I was not homeless in a concrete jungle, crashing on friends' floors, I surely would be growing My own. Sadly, that is not an option. I need an honest supplier.
Oh, for sure. I mean, I have been using it for 50+ years, regularly, and I'm COMPLETELY retarded and schizo. And yes, the societies in the past that used it abundantly were all retarded and schizo. [I roll My eyes.]
Do You really buy into the lies and propaganda? Or are You making a wry joke?
Hi Amertarasu, do you have an email i can contact you on. Love the work you doing. Your heart and mind resonates along the same lines as mine.
🙏🏻 I will try to message You... I still don't have much figured out on this platform... LOL!
EDIT to add: It says "Page Not Found?" Weird.
Have you ever gone without weed for weeks or months at a time?
I've been smoking dope daily, with occasional unplanned breaks, since 1979, and I can tell you from experience that even Colombian Gold from 1979 could cause a racing heart or other symptoms of anxiety.
Something else I have noticed with chronic, longterm potheads: Every once in a while Life forces you to give it up for awhile and it does this by unpleasant symptoms. You can't even take just one hit without symptoms and so it becomes more trouble than it's worth and you give it up for awhile. And then you notice, looking back in hindsight, that during your break you got things done that otherwise would not have gotten done had you remained stoned 24/7.
I'm surprised you didn't raise the issue about how much legal weed costs.
When it was illegal, the prices were high because of the risks of growing, transporting, and selling, and therefore if there are no more risks, then the prices should drop bigtime -- even with taxation.
My suggestion is that those of you who live where it's legal should OVERGROW and give the shit away for free or dirtcheap. I certainly would. Undercut the rip-off merchants.
I live in England and it will most certainly be one of the last places on earth to legalize pot >> England, Saudia Arabia, Iran, North Korea, and Singapore.
Lastly, if y'all don't realize we live in Hell (a non-biblical hell), I don't know how you can miss the glaring fact that we live in a world that tells us by LAW & PUNISHMENT what we can and cannot grow in our gardens. Is that Heaven? Is that Paradise? Is that some sort of Neutral Zone where right wins over wrong? Where good wins over bad? Where life is a grand Easter Egg Hunt for Irrefutable Facts that set us free and make for a happy mortal life?
Fuck no.
Ain't nothing here worth clinging to.
And so we muddle through each day, moment by moment, awaiting to die or be killed or to get fed up enough to jump off a very high cliff. Sounds maudlin, but I feel an inexplicable peace when I admit such things freely. There is literally nothing more exciting to look forward to than death, the great awakening from this prison sentence nightmare and a return to my never-changing Homestate of Awareness, RealityHeaven, where there is no such thing as "too good to be true", and where-upon my return I will smile and say, "Ain't it nice to be Home again?"
Yes, there was a decade of pain when I was not in a situation conducive. No, I was less productive during that time - the pain slowed Me down.
Maybe there's strains that cause racing heart and I just miraculously didn't encounter them... Because I have only had the heart racing issue with the stuff I have bought in the smoke shops - which ALL cause that.
And I am not "stoned 24/7." I smoke a bit for relief, and then go as long as I can before the pain overtakes the effects, and then I have a bit more. About 1 joint's worth a day delivered in a pipe. I am not a "pothead." I loathe that term and ponder calling anOther, say, an insulinhead, or other medicine They take to solve health problems with.
As for this hell... If You familiarize Yourself with My work, You will find I aim to co-create heaven with Humanity. Yes, this hell that calls legalates "laws" and then uses force to make sure We follow the rules is something I do not consent to, and I work to get enough of Us not consenting that They, the psychopaths in control creating the hell, have no power left.
The Society Of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES) Justice Way (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-society-of-ethical-sovereigns
I am a pothead and I would smoke it 24/7 if I wasn't employed & married with pets. I smoked it 24/7 from age 15 until 22. I love the stuff. The stronger, the better. The more it makes me cough, the better I get off.
But all that aside, what price do you pay for the buds? Are you charged by the gram? If so, what's the price? I am curious. Greenbud was $10 per gram starting in the autumn of 1980....you'd think it'd be ten cents by now...
If smoking it causes a racing heart, have you tried eating it? Baking it into some cookies? Or, as Timothy Leary suggested (and it works!) >> take a Triscuit, put a tiny bud on it, put some cheese on the bud, microwave or heat until the cheese melts, and then consume. For me, and I've only done it a few times over 45 years, the weed doesn't kick in for about 2 .5 hours, but lasts the rest of the day until sleep-time. Unfortunately, the high is totally different compared to smoking it. It is indeed more of a body high than a cerebral one.
Psychopaths have always ruled this world, and always will. That's why we call it hell. Ironically enough, good intentions pave the way to hell (or at least maintain its hellishness). It's a sticky conundrum, a kind of tangled cat's cradle >> you want to help the hell become a Heaven but that's like wanting to make water a dry substance, or wanting to make shit smell like vanilla. It's a futile effort. It's a mainstream media con. It's the American Dream...and all it does is perpetuate the chaos and the never-ending struggle between Us and Them.
At the end of the day, kissing your wife goodbye, hugging her when you get home, petting your dog & cat and telling them you love them, picking up the litter in front of your house, smiling at those who smile at you when you're walking down the street, doing your best to not stay angry or depressed, doing your best to not hold grudges, and seeing everyone as totally untrustworthy, lost, bewildered, befuddled, confused, and ignorant that they live in hell, is enough of a good contribution. "Forgive them Lord for they know not they live in Hell".
I have had heated cannabis I have eaten, but when I need relief, I need it NOW. And smoking it comes on right away.
And no... Psychopaths have only ruled in societies that emerged in scarcity, where all hands are needed to get needed things done... I wrote an article on that, and, as typing hurts, I'll let My article finish the story:
The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money
I thought , or perhaps have been brainwashed to believe , that heart racing just meant high THC, which has been maximised with the calming CBD minimised in counter balance but perhaps something more sinister is afoot, wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
I find it interesting that I never had that issue until this "legal" crap. And I had quite a wide range of supply... LOL! I place highest probability that something more sinister is afoot.
I am from the government and I am here to hell. The more they create 'testing facilities' the less they are looking for actual poisons or inserting them. Just using city water fo the plants may be enough to taint. All a racket. I agree it is very hard to find weed outside the system now. I wish you luck, I wish all of us luck.
Love always! We will prevail, I do not doubt!
You are allowed to grow 6 plants in NY. A 5-7 gallon fabric container will grow at least an ounce of most landrace strains. It’s far easier than you think to grow. The trickier part is the drying and curing process needs to be temperature and humidity controlled to get good tasting and smelling product. Harvesting at the correct time for the plant maximizes effect. A sunny apartment window will do the trick
Oh, I have grown cannabis in the past, and yes, it is easy. And yes, harvest is tricky. Haha! I just have no home, and friends whose floors I crash on that have no interest in the herb, and really, no place to put one container, let alone six... (They're hoarders and I barely have room to sleep on the floor, let alone putting gallons containers about - and Their places get little to no sun.)
The concrete jungle here is not conducive to growing things either...
Once the state legalized cannabis, I knew they would taint all the products with various poisons. We have a friend with a small but clean grow. We don't smoke it but we use the non-psychoactive leaves in smoothies for other health benefits. I recommend finding such a friend!💝
Easier said than done. My supplier was out-of-state to begin with. And I am homeless in a concrete jungle. My friends whose floors I crash on are not into that, so... Not sure where to find such friends. [sigh]
Set your intention! I don't know where you live, but home-growers are in every state. Best wishes to you.
I have "set [My] intention" for many things in this life. I knew I would succeed, have a home I loved, have a job that was creative, and on and on... But when One is targeted, intentions become worthless. Thus My situation. But I appreciate Your caring. I'm out on Long Island, NY...
Good topic and excellent pick up. I agree there must be a catch and something related to mind control and/or depopulation is probably of first order. I would try to get seeds and grow.
Thank You. I would get seeds and grow for sure if I had more than the clothes on My back, a cat, and a suitcase... LOL! Someday soon I will have a place of My own and then... I will grow weeds like there's no tomorrow!
Lots of studies also showing molds & other chemicals (cyanide) In todays GMO Frankenweed.. I suspect the gummies have bio gel & those quantum dots in them.
It's just bad news all round for natural medicine. Good Post.
Humble thanks. I wish My supplier had not picked up and left. I could trust the product 100%.
I have a friend that frequently reminds me to put my trust in the Mexican cartel over the global cabal. Best of luck girl!
Thank You so much! Your friend is right!
I think you need to find some organic seeds from an old grower who has maintained their own natural 'landrace' cannabis variety for many decades and not used seeds from the newer, concentrated THC (and who knows what else) hybrid strains. Grow your own still works well :)
They hybrided it for control as it is much more powerful and more than likely has nanobots that invade lungs to cause cancer or other dis eases! Psycopaths is what they are just look @ that Rockefellar he definitely looks out of this world or inbred!
I have no issues with hybridization. That happens in nature. I have issues with GMO, which is grossly unnatural.
But yes... Ol' Rocky sure was a piece of work!
If I was not homeless in a concrete jungle, crashing on friends' floors, I surely would be growing My own. Sadly, that is not an option. I need an honest supplier.
Oh, for sure. I mean, I have been using it for 50+ years, regularly, and I'm COMPLETELY retarded and schizo. And yes, the societies in the past that used it abundantly were all retarded and schizo. [I roll My eyes.]
Do You really buy into the lies and propaganda? Or are You making a wry joke?
Haha. Thank goodness for you and your quick whit. How do you do that when you are so completely retarded? Hahhaha. I am impressed and am now a fan.
I know, right? LOL! My wits are so dim, I need a flashlight to find them! Glad to have a fan!
True... But I have had plenty of sativa that did not make My heart race. [shrug]
Sounds delightful. I would that that was an option in My life. Love always!
🙏🏻 Most humble thanks!