Well I am what they would call anti vax because injecting a toxic soup into the body to get a so called immune response (basically slamming the immune system) is beyond lunacy. Then to inject foreign proteins what the hell, like seriously have people lost their minds. At least some of us are not hive mind.

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I agree. And really, I am anti jabbing crap into My flesh, but the point of the article is that there's nothing to jab against. That the whole story of "deadly viruses" and "contagion" was made up to convince Us that jabbing toxins (to Others' profit, and to experiment on Us) is what We want to do.

No such things. as "deadly viruses" or "contagion."

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Some relevant songs.

THE VIRUS IS MY GOD. The “virus” is claimed to have invaded a town in the old west and soon worshiped as a new idol among the populace: Watch the music video here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god.

Fight the Globalist’s plan for world domination. Watch Turfseer’s music video THE GREAT RESET. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-video-release-the-great-reset

A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s music video ONE TRICK PONY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/one-trick-pony

THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Watch Turfseer’s music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/nw-music-video-release-the-emergency

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Thanks!!! I will check them out!

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Interesting points of view that are based in some good reason, logic and common sense. I'm still can't see any substitute for real "money" that can be made with any amount of ease.

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Huge amount of antisemitism in this thread, vile

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I guess you have to understand what anti-Semitism is. To me it would be the disparaging of Semites, which by the way according to in depth research the "Jews" of today are not even Semitic. The Palestinians whom they continually attack ARE.

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Truly, what I am is an anti-psychopath. LOL! For none of the groups Themselves are at fault, but the "leaders, " who are psychopaths and cast in Their roles by the psychopaths in control (who We NEVER see), who write the script, cast the actors, and direct from the wings the play - with live props and participatory audience - They deliver on the LITERAL world STAGE through the "news" as "reality."

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A fair bit, yes. But I can't control what People say, and will not delete comments, as a rule. I loathe censorship.

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It was a sad and sorry tale.

Man had become so enamored of his own knowledge, his words, that he lost his way.

He could not stand up for what truly mattered. It was the most learned species to go into extinction. For the gods had become angry.

All the gods, every last one that had ever been believed in, had turned their backs on man for his exceedingly cruel ways.

Man had become so enslaved to his own intellect that he completely lost his humanity.

He had bowed down to kiss the feet of those whose intellect had shown the brightest that he lost his own soul.

For his own soul lay splintered before him and even he, this man stepped upon it with out noticing.

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I think You confuse "Man" with the psychopaths controlling society through money. Most of Humanity are merely slaves to the Ones who groom Us and manipulate Us.

Most of Us are Ethical People, and a great number carry the Betterment Ethic. But the lack of money stunts efforts to create better where the rot the psychopaths create sits.

Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

Why People lump Us all with the psychopaths who create illusions, creating the waste with Their planned obsolescence and blaming Us, and so many other lies, I have no clue.

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I don't confuse man with the psychopaths ruling over us.

I think you misunderstand me.

But I do find we elevate intellect over care for each other.

Which is what I was writing to.

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I would suggest that it is not We so much as the moneyed environment and the grooming that have created the way We approach things. And I also think that it is an illusion that money props up. But when You look at all the money charities collect (irrespective of the value of the charities themselves - most spend the money on "salaries" for the top players), and it's in the many, many millions a year, it is clear We WANT to help.

The environment that does not care, that is created for Us, is the psychopaths' creation.

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I understand, thank you

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It's not aimed at you personally and I reported through available channel.

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Please check out this website carefully and open your mind about the entire foundation of belief in viruses and contagion underneath the policies unleashed to enslave us all. https://virustruth.net

Once this myth is discredited, the whole enslaving medical/pharma/complex, in which Malone, Bigtree and CHD et al are deeply embedded, house of cards crumbles.

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to AMATERASU SOLAR's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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In searching Googles answer to 'The Black Death' we see the following present on the front page, The BBC X4!, Encyclopaedia Britannica, National Geographic, History dot com and of course Wiki, this is Wiki's stock headline answer - 'The Black Death (also known as the Pestilence, the Great Mortality or the Plague) was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Western Eurasia and North Africa from 1346 to 1353. It is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, causing the deaths of 75–200 million people, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351'

The problem we have in disproving virus theory is that most believe the above statement to be true, virus theory is deeply engrained in national and cultural psyche's, to break this is not going to be easy, as we have seen, but i think this could be a start ..... In studying tree growth ring data one can see a significant slowing of tree growth globally from approx 1340 to 1360 which would seem to indicate that the more likely cause of any excess death that may have occurred at that time can be attributed to a dimming of the sun rather than the spread of pestilence or disease. I think it would be a significant gain for terrain theory if someone was to conclusively prove this, unfortunately i don't have the time just now but i hope someone else does. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for reading! Yes, the stuff We were indoctrinated with is tough to break anyOne out of. Not sure about the dimming of the sun, though it could be that. Or... A toxic meteor disintegrated and scattered toxins about. All kinds of possibilities.

And surely if I was not elderly, disabled (psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs – typing hurts, but I do it anyway, slowly), denied assistance, lost everything, destitute and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 10+ year old laptop...

I would be all over it!

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Humble thanks!

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No contagion, no virus, no variants, no lab leak, no cure (as 'flu symptoms' are the natural healing!), no vaccines but only harmful injections, no pandemic, no (valid) pandemic laws or WHO treaty, no world wide health dictatorship.

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With You 100%! Thanks for reading!

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Hi, thank you for posting this article, I really respect your views.

I am also a virus non-believer (after reading BeChamp terrain theory, Firstenberg ‘the invisible rainbow’, the virus and the vaccine (about the Polio lie) and Suzanna humphries ‘dissolving illusions (about the small pox lie).

However although I know that there is an electromagnetic interchange that occurs and prompts a detox, how does this account for things like herpes which are then with a person for life and come back when the person is run-down? I’m really interested for your views on this.

P.s I used to get cold-sores and conjunctivitis but I cleared both using colloidal silver and haven’t had any for 3-years now, I seem to be cured! I also cured an ovary infection using nano-silver and 100% believe in the power of silver to cure all illnesses. I only use plants or silver for healing now....we have been lied to for centuries about their pharmaceutical ‘medecines’.

After all the meaning of the word doctor is ‘to falsify’. ...go figure! 😎

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The Antibacterial Activity of Colloidal Silver might inhibit true healing.


The book What really makes you ill explains most of what are called diseases.

Not from that book:


Better focus on general health and don´t confuse the healing symptoms with the true disease.


"There are three causes of disease;

1. Deficiency - of nutrients, water, sun, sleep, exercise, love etc

2. Toxicity - from junk food, chemicals, poisons, alcohol, drugs etc

3. Trauma - a physical trauma or emotional trauma

There aren't thousands of different diseases, there's only one. It's called allostasis. Allostasis is the process of being in an active state of returning to homeostasis.

The symptoms are not the problem, they are the answer to the problem. The symptoms are not the disease, they are the body's healing response.

The human body is a self healing entity, it does not do anything wrong. The body has a remarkable capacity to heal itself, when you give it what it needs, remove what it doesn't need, and then get out of the way and let it do its thing.

Nature doesn't do disease. It's a consequence of a toxic, Western, modern, digital lifestyle.

Good health doesn't need to be over-complicated.

Get back to basics."

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Sounds like GHK…I agree

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Thank you for your comment, I was made aware of the deception about what disease is in 2020, but I particularly appreciate those 3 causes of disease points. They make a great framework to hang the truth on.

And re "Good health doesn't need to be over-complicated." that is perhaps the most sensible thing to say. Health - keep it simple.

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I really am just reporting stuff I learn, but am not One with all the answers. I do recommend watching Dr. Sam Bailey's piece on herpes. This may assist in grasping the whole:


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Everyone needs to know most states have had and will be having AI Smart Goverenence Symposiums. I am CT and ours is next month. Time to get loud and say NO! Just like Hawaii had.

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Make One seethe! No! No! No!!! Thanks for reading!

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HopeForHawaii.Com is a great site to send money. A small local organization with four people managing it. I am watching him speak now. A man named Jason Jones. He is crying while speaking. The pictures are way worse from the locals that we haven't seen. I hope this is ok to post. I thank you for all your hard work, dedication and thoughts you so graciously put together for us daily.

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Think about the Maui fire and the denial of services by the police for disaster relief efforts . . .

❝The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception . . . the police are in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents.❞


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Oh, by all means! I will hope Many with money help out!!! (I'm destitute and homeless....)

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I had to go to a translation site... LOL! Thank You for reading, and to be honest, I give a probability approaching 100% that ALL "vaccines" have been and are experiments on Us. My jab experience from 1963:

Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/why-i-am-this-unspeakable-thing-5:8

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Good read, Jon Rappaport has written extensively about no viruses. I agree war and climate are both part of the next steps of culling and of control. I think more so the climate angle, smart cities, 5G, etc. All a part of Agenda 2030. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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Oh yes, the "climate crisis" is a major bit o' bollocks in Their plans. Thanks for the link!

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Thank You so much!

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When you use comments like this below, which is false, your entire premise falls apart.

"...that no virus has ever been isolated or purified"

Do you know how the first virus was isolated and viewed? It was a plant virus, isolated through simple straining out of bacteria and viewing under a microscope. All other forms of virus isolation and viewing are based on this initial simple straining technique. Antibiotics were used to kill bacteria, replacting straining.

The words I hear a lot "never viewed under a microscope" are similar to saying no cell has been viewed under a microscope. Blood may have looked like red water and some might have dismiss the cells through microscope but after decades if research and many blood samples you cannot deny cells exist.

To say no one has ever become sick by a virus without mercury is not true. Many of your statements are sweeping, requiring us to throw out over a century of research on viruses. It throws out viewing of viruses replicating inside of cells which is now possible.

*Science builds on itself.* Saying anemia doesn't exist because it cannot be isolated and spread, would be similar. Each person is different. Their immune system, nutrient status, past immunity. If we didnt study iron deficiency during health, iron overload, gut compromise, we wouldn't know what causes iron deficiency and who is most susceptible. Im not calling iron deficiency and anemia contagious I'm just showing the study of viruses was not done in a vaccume.

Each one of your examples of proof is a single study or single virologist who made claims. It's like taking one scientific abstract and throwing out the rest of science. Throwing out tcell deficiency following CMV, severe immunodeficiency post thymectomy, susceptibility of elderly and infants.

Even covid showed us infants without ace-2 receptors do not catch covid and spread it like adults. Does their lack of ace-2 mean covid doesn't exist ... or does it mean some people are susceptible to illness and others are not?

I understand the "desire" to deny the existence of something YOU aren't at high risk of but denying the existence of something because not everyone gets it, because one study showed difficulty of spreading a virus (while hundreds of thousands of others show contagion), throwing out virology because you want to throw out viruses requiring cell RNA enzymes to replicate much like bacteria and fungi require their own medium for growth... it seems counterintuitive, like people are trying to call virology a religion, only read one line out of their book of beliefs then make up their own religion based on dismissing everything the other religion believes in without even truly delving into it first.

I'm not asking anyone to change their beliefs only keep an open mind. Theres a lot of info out there not being discussed regarding virology, just dismissed on faulty premise.

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"that no virus has ever been isolated" AS IN purified, is correct.

What virology calls isolation is far from that; contaminating the sample with multiple sources of DNA and antibiotics and then claiming to have found fragments of a virus that only exist as a mental construct, not in reality.

Stefan Lanka did do the control experiments virologist should have been doing, and could find any 'virus' he looked for in an 'isolated' clean sample.

But to skip the isolation discussion, there is no evidence disease is transmissible of contagious as it never happened in the many experiments done. So viruses by definition do not exist.


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I disagree with everything you've said.

I read part of the link you provided.

Contamination does not occur in virus isolation. Some people dislike the method of isolation then make statements which do not back up their claims. For example he says there is contaminated with animal cells. Is there contamination with agar during bacterial culture? How do they prove it is the bacteria? First. A virus is seen under microscope. Antibiotics are introduced to kill all bacteria (similar to simple straining method of virus isolation) then further isolated and introduced into animals cell cultured so the virus enters the cells and replicates. Replication is seen. The cells are put through centrifugal machine to remove all non viral particles. I dont see anything wrong with this. Not one part of this does not make sense to me. Compare this to the initial virus seen under a microscope prior to isolation and culture - it's the same exact thing. It was the same virus before it was isolated as it was after.

I feel like something which makes perfect sense to me is being distorted by someone who's only argument is, I dont like how they do this!

There are a lot of things I don't like or fully understand but this doesnt mean they are fake

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Fine, but that is because you seem to miss that virology redefined the word isolation as they are contaminating their samples with several sources of genetic material like 'kalf serum' (call that isolation) and then claim that are parts of a virus, but never found a whole virus.

These pictures of so called viruses are identical to those of exosomes and thus real isolation as in purification never happened, how would you know the difference?

Where is the idea of virus replication proven? Just like contagiousness of disease that is an assumption to make their fairy tales work.

There is no evidence contagious disease exist, thus no evidence viruses exist, whatever you beLIEve.

Virology is 100% pseudo science:

in 7 minutes https://www.bitchute.com/video/mUWDjoL0i9xI/

all details: VIROLOGY ON TRIAL - Where is the logic and evidence?


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A song about the fraud of Virology. Watch THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-dish

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Good luck if you bump into Ebola or any number of nasty non existent viruses.

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Ebola was also a mayor scam, just like ALL so called contagious disease: none could ever be proven to be transmissible EVER!


A list of experiments trying to prove transmission, but ALL failed: https://dpl003.substack.com/p/virology-the-damning-evidence


If Ebola or AIDS were real, we would all be dead.

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Your proper delusional/ of your tits.

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Thank You for bringing all this here. Indeed, to "prove" virology, They had to redefine "isolate" to mean "not an isolate."

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Let's isolate human from oxygen and see how they survive and reproduce. After all humans need oxygen but oxygen contains particles which may disprove the existence of humans to a giant being that views us under a microscope.

Or maybe we should redefine isolation as the most isolated something can be while still surviving and able to multiply. Starve a human and they will die. Starve a virus and it will die. Viruses require cells to live. This is science. Expecting a virus to behave like bacteria or fungi is not scientific.

Your views are based on throwing out scientific facts which are not disproving viruses. They are what defines a virus.

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"Viruses require cells to live."

Viruses are said to be dead, not living, as they don't have a metabolism.

Have a look at the control experiments as far as these have been done. Even in a clean 'virus free' sample they can find 'virus like particles'.

📍Control experiment 1 is from Enders 1954

The whole pseudoscience virology is based on this single flawed experiment.⚠️

END OF GERM THEORY - THE PROOF - 6 Mins clip: https://rumble.com/v2v3pna-end-of-germ-theory-the-proof-6-mins-more-in-description.html

Full presentation https://www.bitchute.com/video/GX4aYwY40CLK/

ENDERS 1954 CONTROL TEST - THE END OF GERM THEORY (4 mins) Clip https://www.bitchute.com/video/MB47hI7fZ0uw/

document shown https://drive.google.com/file/d/174zcah9e1NocHM10s7t7WDZLom3lDwZT/view

full video https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ch8v4TVL9yq0/

📍Control experiment 2 is from Stefan Lanka 2021.





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LOLOL! [I roll My eyes] I have told You We are at an impasse, so... Yup. You're right. Off Y'go. Have a very nice life.

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Well, I tell You what. You watch these videos by Dr. Sam Bailey, that point out the flaws You are supporting here. Then perhaps We can talk.

The Truth About Viruses: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/the-truth-about-viruses:a

What About Rabies?: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/What-About-Rabies:a

Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Toxicology-vs-Virology-Rockefeller-Institute-and-the-Criminal-Polio-Fraud:1

HPV, Pointless Tests & Toxic Shots: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/HPV-Pointless-Tests-and-Toxic-Shots:f

The Origins of COVID-19: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/The-Origins-of-COVID-19:d

Health Risks Of Using Your Cell Phone On The Toilet: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Health-Risks-Of-Using-Your-Cell-Phone-On-The-Toilet:1

Why Pathogens Don't Exist: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Why-Pathogens-Don't-Exist:d

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I've already listened to Sam Bailey and purchased her book. Do you really think listening to one person espousing their views opinions personal observations and "convincing arguments" which only allow for sweeping statements is a valid replacement for studying all aspects of virology and asking questions like why they isolate viruses the way they do? How isolation techniques built upon themselves until a method was developed to perfect isolation and replication? How are viruses different from bacteria and why you cannot pretend they must be isolated the same? How do viruses affect different body parts, cell types, point of entry, immunodeficient, malnourished, infants versus adults?

Babies fare much better when contacting some viruses because their thymus is at peak functioning. If they do not catch chicken pox as a small child it can be more deadly as an adult. This is just one tiny aspect of the immune system which is separate from toxins.

No one is saying toxic exposure, malnutrition, immune compromise, etc. does not contribute to making viruses more deadly. I'm not saying everyone will catch every virus and get very sick and yet it seems like many arguments against viruses existence require these sweeping statements.

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Sam is just one representative. I think She brings the most clarity to the discussion - along with citing research papers by Others and offering specifics therefrom. If You want to poo-poo what She offers, including the many papers, as mere "views opinions personal observations," be My guest, but I will not be taking anyOne seriously who does that.

Maybe You can answer why things are as I describe here:

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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I dont agree.

I read part way. There were many mistruths and sweeping statements. Just because someone says something doesnt make it true.

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I agree. Just because They indoctrinate Us into thinking "viruses" exist (and You sound thoroughly indoctrinated to Me...) doesn't make it true.

And I do ponder why there are so many in that industry that are giving up Their lucrative jobs because They can see it as a lie. I mean... If it was true, why would They be doing that?

Anyway, it is clear We're at an impasse. So I will end My input with You. Thanks again for reading.

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My sons thymus immune organ was stolen as a newborn during heart surgery. He is severely immunodeficient. I studied nutrition organic eating, herbs (including ancient antiviral herbs like andrographis), supplementation with everything from reduced glutathione and NAC to sulphoraphane and b Vites, pre and pro biotic, growing and cold press juicing my own herbs and greens, chelation, gut microbome. For over a decade my entire focus was on keeping his terrain in peak condition including taking him for intravenous vitamin C, to clinics for chelation, cranial sacral, spiritual healers, hair mineral analysis, FIJI water, many other things.

Instead of getting better he got worse and worse eventually catching everything anyone was sick with and ending up in critical condition in the ICU with pneunonia multiple times per year. With normal people viruses do not turn into pneumonia. Only immunocompromised, elderly. My son was dying. The only way he was healed was accepting the immune hormones inside thymus from a doctor and injecting them into my son so he can fight viruses. He has not been hospitalized since those injections and pharmaceutical grade peptides. It's been 8 years since he was hospitalized.

Ive done research on viruses, purchased medical books but seeing the immune system at work with my own eyes. Watching my son exposed to others and getting critically ill because of his susceptibility, inability to fight viral infections was not fake. You can call me indoctrinated but it doesnt make it true.

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Poisoning looks a lot like contagion. Virus actually means poison. Yes, some people are more susceptible to poison than Others . I know of a very healthy, athletic young man in his 20’s who became deathly Ill from the poison that was released in Manhattan in March 2020. The poison that was released at that time was deadly to a lot of people.

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What I'm saying to you or anyone else here is not in a sarcastic light even if it sounds that way. My mood right now is not desiring an argument or to make anyone look foolish or insult them. I just dont find the argument against viruses to be compelling. I dont feel the people making the arguments are viewing all sides. Which his ok. No one has to view all sides to make their own decisions on what to believe. I'm just bringing my own views into the conversation. I'm sorry if I seem at all insulting it isnt my intent. I'm just calling out things that dont make sense to me and sometimes simple examples help me to express myself.

I probably shouldnt have even gotten into this conversation. There really is no point it usually just makes things worse. I will bow out maybe delete all my comments.

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I’ve been a nurse for almost 20 years and the first time I heard someone talk about the no virus theory was in 2018. I thought that was crazy and and put it out of my mind until I witnessed the Covid lies in the nursing home I work in. It is a large (350+ residents) facility and I saw zero deaths from Covid. Zero hospitalizations from Covid and I promise you that the avalanche of deaths only started after the injections started. That’s not to say I instantly believed in no viruses. It still took me a good while to understand many aspects of it. In fact, I do believe viruses exist but their function has been corrupted. I believe they are part of our bodies way of decomposing dead material. They show up when the body either detoxes and/or are dead. I do not believe in contagion of viruses. I do believe in many other ways our bodies communicate with each other and in our surroundings whether by light, sound, magnetic, hormone frequencies...I’m not a scientist nor anyone with a “high” degree of understanding of science I just have my observations and life experiences. I continue to try to observe and prove to myself all of these theories. I’m glad I’m aware of the lies.

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That is very good to hear. Your phrase '...their function has been corrupted.' is spot on in my books.

Although I am not a nurse or medic in any way by training when everything went crazy in the spring 2020 I got to thinking. I refine my standard text as necessary but this is my summary position.

"The problem is that virology is fundamentally flawed. I do not say to people viruses don't exist, merely that something has been taken and corrupted.

Virus as a word meant 'poison, slime, venom' at one time. The meaning of the word though can be derived from the Latin thus:

Vi = force

Vir = man

The relation of these two words is that a man is a 'force' i.e. strong.

Add 'us' and you have 'force/man us', strength of us, mankind.


What people see through the electron microscope is the exosome, part of the body's own defense mechanism, garbage collectors if you will.


As regards diseases I used to believe that these could be 'caught' until early in 2020 I saw briefly a comment on YouTube that there were no such things as infectious diseases. I thought in very strange that anyone should say this but kept it in mind.

By June 2020 I had worked out that virology as it was understood was false and we had been lied to for decades.

I then came to the conclusion that 'flu could not be 'caught' as it is an internal poisoning of the body, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water.


The whole 'disease is catching' propaganda is without substance as it merely appears people are catching something when in reality they are typically suffering from toxic poisoning around the same time of year, typically when vitamin D levels are low in the northern hemisphere when the sun is low in winter.

Wuhan was a psyop based on the dumbing down of the masses and people lack of critical thinking and not bothering to double check the circumstances or indeed history.


When people fully understand these things fear of 'catching' disease will go, although one must be wise in what one does to avoid disease."

I thought Gerben in the comments had a very good summary on disease. I will repeat the 3 main points here, but worth reading his comments.

1. Deficiency - of nutrients, water, sun, sleep, exercise, love etc

2. Toxicity - from junk food, chemicals, poisons, alcohol, drugs etc

3. Trauma - a physical trauma or emotional trauma

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I know 2 people who died at home with severe covid (possibly 3 if the one who died in Nov 2019 had covid). I also know 2 who were so sick they were hospitalized then killed with covid protocols, both under 50 years old. My husband caught Delta and almost died. Within 4 hours of symptom onset he had low oxygen and difficulty breathing. He gave it to our son who got monoclonal antobodies on day one of symptom onset of fever and cough. The monoclonals completely cured our son meanwhile my husband was near death on covid protocols and supplements. He has never been sick like that in his life. 50 years old and healthy brought down by delta. My husband's younger sister in her 30s was hospitalized unable to breath taken to emergency in an ambulance, was fortunate enough to be given inhaled steroids by an amazing doctor and released the next day. Not everyone was so lucky. I believe most of covid deaths, like many of us here believe, were caused by lethal meds and lack of proper treatments.

I also have 3 nurses in my family one against the vaccines all treated sick covid patients. Another is a radiologist and saw the ground glass pneumonia.

There may have been many things deployed by gov bioweapons dept. Not everyone has the same experiences and that's ok.

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Poisons do that. I believe it is many factors at play. I am sorry your family experienced all that illness. Bless you.

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Thank you. 🙏 blessings to you also.

I agree many poisons are similar to viruses in symptoms.

The body's response to anything foreign is inflammation. It's a signal for the body to take action. However we cannot detox from a virus and we cannot build inmunity to a toxin. They are different despite their similarities.

There are also times like with my son where a person needs more. No matter how perfect a person lives their life it will not save them if they have no immune system, a severe immunodeficiency.

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I’m sorry you experienced all that loss. It’s strange that I worked with the most fragile and at risk and did not witness those atrocities until after the injections began. I too nearly died, 12 hours AFTER my 2nd Pfizer dose. Never again!

Poisoned by chemtrail “smart” dust? Me thinks that is one of many ways. Pcr nasal swabs, HEPA filters, water filters, food, the list goes on.

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Don't bow out! These conversations are important because they prove that it's ok to disagree. There are many ways to interpret what we are observing. My view comes from listening to Tom Cowan, who I have been listening to for many years through the Weston Price Foundation. I like that he is an out of the box thinker. I believe his, and his cohort's motivation is just that We don't succumb to propoganda.

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"I believe his, and his cohort's motivation is just that We don't succumb to propoganda"

This is a wonderful motivation.

Some viruses lead to specific cancers. Understanding means taking the right things which prevent cancer. Due to chronic EBV all my life I had 3 deadly autoimmune diseases (known to be caused by EBV) and what appeared to be cancerous sores on the roof of my mouth (also caused by EBV) at the beginning of the pandemic. I didnt know about ivermectin, was practicing intermittent fasting, many supplements, so many things to no avail. Ivermectin cured me and took my autoimmune diseases and cancerous looking sores away. If the pandemic had not happened. If I had not been concerned about catching covid and giving it to my son. If I had not taken ivermectin, I might not be here today.

What would denying viruses exist have gotten me?

I want this for EVERYONE. I dont want to see anyone suffer like my son and I have.

My motivation is to raise awareness and hopefully others will not suffer as my son has. Most of us become susceptible to viruses at some point if we live long enough. The thymus shrinks and immune competent cells become exhausted, unable to fight new infections even as early as teenage years in some people.

People exposed to toxins sometimes develop immune defects. The thymus also makes cells which attack rogue autoimmune cells and cancer. Understanding the importance of the immune system to fighting infections means we have one more way of keeping healthy.

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No virus (disease causing particle) has ever been correctly (Koch postulates) proven to exist, including the cancer causing 'viruses'.

And please stop the ivermectin lunacy as that is very dangerous for almost half of the people and not curing anything. Covid does not exist and the flu is a detox which we should not even want to stop as it is the natural healing.

The ivermectin, HCQ and other hoaxes are launched to get the people just smart enough not to take the jab.... it is a bloody shame!

⚠️Ivermectin = Dangerous PSYOP

Untold Ivermectin dangers - Tim Truth playlist



Ivermectine the true story



Rethink Ivermectin http://enformtk.u-aizu.ac.jp/ivm/ivm_caution.pdf


MDR-1 makes Ivermectin neurotoxic


Half of the population would have MDR-1 gen mutations ⚠️


MDR-1 people were excluded from human ivermectin trials ⚠️⚠️



No contagion, no virus, no variants, no lab leak, no cure (as 'flu symptoms' are the natural healing!), no vaccines but only harmful injections, no pandemic, no (valid) pandemic laws or WHO treaty, no world wide health dictatorship.

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Regarding Koch's postulates:

Koch's postulates fulfilled for SARS virus


Have you ever considered Koch's postulate does not apply to everyone since not everyone is susceptible to an infection? Koch's postulate has been revised due to this fact. Whether you want to acknowledge the flaws in Koch's postulate or not doesnt make viruses fake. Plenty have been proven with kochs postulate. If you want an example of the flaw in Kochs postulates based on a bacteria not a virus, showing how important it is to not use Kochs as diagnostic factor of disease take this example below.

Investigating dysbiosis and microbial treatment strategies in inflammatory bowel disease based on two modified Koch's postulates


The necessity to revise Koch's postulates and its application to infectious and non-infectious diseases: a mini-review


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None of what you are saying is verifiable. It is all your opinion based on biased non scientific theories which discard all scientific proof of ivermectin blocking viral entry, reversing autoimmune diseases, preventing cancer and promoting beneficial bacteria.

Ivermectin is an extract of a soil bacteria much like a probiotic. Not only did it cure me of my yearly/bi-yearly episodes of severe EBV and autoimmune diseases, possible oral cancer (the sores which appeared cancerous) I also got a prescription for my son and the first time in his entire life he started gaining weight - his life long failure to thrive GONE. It was and continues to be a miracle for us and many others.

My son had been on many herbal anti parasite cleanses which did nothing for him. I believe it was ivermectin's promotion of beneficial bacteria which may have helped him most. Possibly multifactorial.

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I'm happy for you. I wonder if taking desiccated thymus gland would have helped? I personally cannot tolerate any pharmaceuticals and studied homeopathy so that I could treat myself.

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Thank you 🙏🌹

The doctor I went through was a natural doctor M.D. who has a wellness center in Colorado and compounding pharmacy he works through. I no longer purchase from him thought. I buy bulk oral from China through a supplier that sells natural extracts in bulk and a place called purerawz which sells injectable peptides (including thymus peptides) to the public online. Everything I purchase is 100% natural. One of the reasons children are left to suffer from immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases, chronic viral infections, etc. Is because doctors refuse to give these natural cures which were discovered in medical studies from the 1930's- 1980's. Children were cured of asthma and chronic respiratory infection with an oral thymus peptide.

I have every book ever written on the thymus. Some show thymus peptides curing mice of deadly viral infections naturally. All these cures have been hidden. I hope to write a "cures" series on substack going over some of these cures one by one. I do have substack articles on the thymus and other things...

As for thymus desiccated many thymus oral supplements have been proven not to work. I've used a few online oral ones I like. One has been proven to increase immune cells which fight infections. It's called Pro Boost, thymic protein A. It is an oral sublingual powder which has a mild sweet taste like sugar. They made it in injectable form which cured cats of the deadly virus FIP (animals get all the good stuff). I've also been using a liquid seal thymus extract from Amazon as well as the pharma grade extracts. All are natural.

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A lot of poisons look like contagion and a lot of contagions look like poison. How is this proof? A lot of 6 year olds look like 7 year olds so 6 year olds are actually 7.

The odds are gov has many poisonous ops going all at once along with accidental toxins and poisonings. I'm not saying everyone in the world is getting sick from the same thing. I'm just saying you have no proof viruses do not exist.

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Also someone needs to call out the hypocrisy. Saying viruses requiring cell medium means they are fake is like saying bacteria require agar so it's fake or ... studying a pest eating a variety of plants, some people say, "I cant see that pest with my naked eye so it doesnt exist. The plant is being destroyed by something else because there is air in this room" similarly saying "because the pest supposedly eats this plant but doesnt eat that one, pests do not exist." This is what people who do not believe in virology do. They dismiss some pests thrive on some plants, inside some people, and not others much like candida infection thrives in people who consume too much sugar and have imbalanced gut microbiomes. Not everyone is the same. Not every pest thrives off the same thing.

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You are misgrasping. Putting bacteria on agar is not the same as putting cells in a dish, poisoning and staving the cells, and when the cells die, pointing at dead cell debris and calling it a "virus."

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I'm not making sweeping statements which require me to deny why viruses are isolated as they are. You are.

You are pretending there is only one virus isolation technique. There are many including isolation without cell medium. Why do you think in some methods they put isolated viruses inside animal cell types to grow?

I would think people would be happy to learn a virus was fully isolated then put into monkey kidney cells to grow but instead they treat it like bacteria isolated then put into agar is bad, viruses isolated then put into cells is bad.

You arent going to change my mind. I'm just highlighting that in order to disprove something a person needs to know more about it and not just listen to one person espousing their views.

Some people can cell ice to an eskimo.

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Excellent! I am in almost 100% agreement.

I feel to say I am Anti-virus could mean I am opposed to viruses doing harm, so I oppose them to stop the death they cause. Like anti-biotics. It affirms the existence of viruses, in the minds of some. But I figured your meaning. Perhaps "I am Un-virus" or "Ur-Virus" would be more suggestive of the true meaning. Or even "I am Pro-Terrain." Words are our weapon.

Capping the pronouns... I also often Cap certain words and names to emphasize or demonize/sanctify. Some use parentheses as a kind of euphemism, like this: (((they))).

I just say Jews. Not all Jews! but a major cohort of (((those))) who are manipulating us. The Jewish banking family dynasties are notoriously interbred for psychopathic traits such as you describe, most importantly a lack of empathy. That is how they rule as the bullies you rightly call them. But bullies on a mass scale of death and destruction.


More please!

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The title was supposed to get People pondering what I meant, and thereby draw Them in for a read. Haha!

The reason I capitalize Human pronouns is that I respect every Human, every sentient, sapient Being, as a co-creator here. I give honor to Us all in this way...

And it is not the "jewishness" that defines Them. It is the psychopathy. 1% of Us across the board are genetic (primary) psychopaths, and it was happenstance that it was the "jewish" psychopaths who were in the right place at the right time in history to seize monetary control, inbreeding to retain the gene and passing it and the wealth/power to psychopathic heirs.

Money promotes psychopaths to power, and so it is small wonder that some group ended up on top.

And saying "jews" paints 15+million working class People with an undeserved brush. Far more specific, and accurate, is to call them as I do, the psychopaths in control.

Thanks for reading and I will be bringing more for sure!

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It did bring people in, and the graphic with the "No virus" circle-slash was a good feature.

Some humans are more honorable than others, that's why Aryan means Honorable Ones or Noble Ones. It fits.

To many of them, Jewishness defines them in their own words and minds. They have bragged about their Choseness many times, and loudly. Still do. In my understanding, happenstance was no factor, since happenstance found other peoples and tribes too, but they did not seize the opportunity to become the psycho-rulers of Usury. That took a special breed, who we now know as Jews. Not all Jews! as I say in Chapter 1 of my book, but the tribe puts forth more psycho-rulers than any other by far. It is an excresence of their tribal nature. Jews suffer from Tay-Sachs disease, a mental disorder not so much from inbreeding as cross breeding. The Jewish Power Elite (JPE) cultivate it and breed for it, as you say. They also bred for intelligence by selecting young men for their ability to memorize and comment upon the highly complex Talmud, then moving them West to breed with European intellectual and power elites. This caused a brain drain which lowered the IQ of the Eastern Jews.

Their group ended up on top because it had the psychopathic cunning, ambition, greed, paranoia, control mania, nepotism, amorality, and evil to subvert their enemies (whom they see as all the rest of humankind). it even allows them to rape, torture, slaughter and drink the blood of innocent children as training for psychopathic traits.

In my worldview, saying "Jews" means the JPE, and Not All Jews!, but sometimes I lose patience with having to describe this all the time. I expect we all should know this by now. In my chapter 1, I present plenty of Jewish groups and individuals who exemplify Not All Jews! and are in fact on the side of the rest of humanity against the JPE. Otherwise the JPE uses the false accusation against All Jews as a protection racket, using other Jews as moral shields to continue their depraved evil power. I invite the relatively good Jews to join the rest of us against the JPE, but mostly they become hysterical and denounce me, thereby protecting the JPE. This in my view makes these other good Jews into bad Jews, though they know it not.

I trust all can be awakened and join the good side of history.

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Well, I will persist in calling Them the psychopaths in control. None of My "jewish" friends throughout My 66 years has ever spoken of being "chosen," aside from the One who said She was not taught She was special for being "chosen." That She just had mo9re rules to follow.

My friends do NOT "protect the racket" and the Hasidic "jews," revile Isis Ra El...

As for the happenstance - the "jewish" psychopaths were in the right place at the right time in history to seize monetary control. Usuary was just a way to increase what They held.

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It is awkward to discus the Jewish Issue, isn't it? The awkwardness and indeed fear is inflicted, it is imposed upon us all in a psychological operation to protect the JPE from not just criticism, but denunciation and reprisal. They know it has happened too many times before in history, so their strategy is to impose a cult programming that triggers a psycho-social taboo against the mere mention. That is why I call my substack Taboo Truth. The true is found within the taboos, that is why they are taboos: to block admitting the truth.

I have had plenty of Jewish friends. They turned when I identified Jews as some kind of problem (not my friends, but the JPE). For instance, one time I went to an anti-vax Vaccine Education Seminar organized by a Jew I knew well, was friends with, and had done work for on his land (he liked me because my bid was low, but also because he felt we were genuine friends). I showed up with a research essay called "Those Who Lead the Vax Wars Are Jews," which you can find in a search. I had printed out a number of copies and tried to hand him one.

As soon as he saw the title he turned into a bad Jew and started shouting that I was an "antisemite" and "holocaust denier" and "Nazi" and all the standard hypnotic trigger words pouring from the psycho-social taboo. Many other people in the room took notice--this was in a public library!--and some tried to threaten me. They including my former friend Jew insisted I leave.

This has been my experience with the otherwise good Jew friends of mine who became passionately outraged and positively hostile toward me, their former friend, simply because I pointed out the obvious fact the some Jews--Not All!--are bad actors among the JPE. In that case, among the Jews leading the vaccine wars against the rest of humanity.

I sincerely ask you to read this and let me know if you think it is 'antisemitic' and hostile to Jews, even normie Jews we all know.

I suspect you have never tested your Jew friends in this way. You are probably afraid to. I call that Semitophobia. May I suggest you try it and see how they react? Very few will even remain calm, and most if not all with instantly turn into rabid Jewish haters of you and your guts. This is the best test I know to understand the underlying nature of otherwise normal good Jews as distinct from the JPE. They always end up protecting the JPE with a paranoid fear that it means they are being denounced too. A case of mistaken identity and false association. And they blame the person who points it out, which in my case was me! Their former friend!

How we separate the wheat from the chaff. Try it and see. it is very interesting. Maybe Jews are paid subscribers to your substack though, and you will certainly lose their subscriptions, so it's best to be strategic about it. I value truth over strategy and money.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Yesterday I was reading in the new Protocols book by Thomas Dalton and Clemens & Blair publishers of the National Socialist interpretation of the Protocols. Their documents chronicle a kind of prophecy told by a Jewish writer of small bands of Jews moving throughout Europe with "phials" of yellow dust hidden in their clothing, sneaking the contents into drinking water, wells, indoor air, food storage buildings...

This is creepy, and it is real.

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Those who led the vax wars are psychopaths. Irrespective of lineage, religion, or affiliation... What They do is psychopathic. Ergo, They are psychopaths. By Their fruit shall You know Them.

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I’m in no virus camp too, and happy to be here!

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So glad to hear!!! Thanks so much for reading!

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