I spent most of today reading and watching the presentations you have posted on Odysee. I totally agree that the freedom you describe is possible if only the public would believe and choose it. I also have spent my life trying to explain how society could claim our natural birthrights that have been stolen by the money power that enslaves us (see https://financialParty.ca). Thank-you for your tireless efforts to bring the truth to light. Despite the hardships that doing so creates, you are living the reality you perceive into existence. Bravo and may Goodness and Creation bless you.

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I am well paid! Thank You so much! I do ponder the need for "belief," however. I know that, whatever the public believes and chooses, all We have to do is get free energy flowing to remove money. The public need do nothing.

I am surely co-creating into the Now the vision I see as best I can! Haha!

Again, thank YOU! Love always!

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Amy, I know this is off topic but I have now discovered how the Side Thorn Op played out and what finally happened. After 4 years of everyone claiming he had been locked up in San Antonio, put in solitary confinement, denied all visitors, and rendered flat broke and unable to pay any legal fees and with only a court appointed attorney, he allegedly plead guilty in August of 2022 and was sentenced to "time served".

There was never any explanation of why the alleged, routine weapons charges never went to trial during that 4 years or why no one was ever allowed to see him during that time. It was being claimed on 153news in 2021 that even his attorney and close family were being denied visitation.

So he is now living in the very swankiest zip code in far West Austin, an area known as Lakeway. This is an area only multi-millionaires and billionaires can afford to live and encompasses the most valuable real estate in the entire State of Texas. This is basically the Beverley Hills of Texas. Wonder where he got the money to live there????

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Wow. Haven't really thought of ST in a very long while! Indeed, it is interesting that He wound up living like We ALL should (as richly as We choose). Fishy fishy, I say. And yeah, I'd love to know what it took to get Him in that position.

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He starred in this little drama for even more than this 4 years in "jail", more like 6 or 7. This was the final payoff without a doubt. I am trying to talk myself into paying to see the whole address so I can have a gander at his digs. It also looks like he owns an entire block of rental properties in Lockhart now. They never showed up in searches i was doing in 2021.

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Wow. Just wow.

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Money is simply a tool designed and used to achieve results. It is the desired results that are important. If money is used to supply abundant free energy for all then the social effects of money would be positive. If money is designed to create debt, artificial scarcity and massive wealth inequality then the social effects would be negative. In both cases, money itself is merely a useful tool to achieve the desired objectives. It would be silly to believe that all hammers are bad because occasionally they are used to bludgeon people.

Your post focuses on the fundamental importance of motivation. If your desired objective is to control society and harness the power of collective productivity in order to build private wealth and empires then a debt-based, profit-driven, competitive economy works great. Individuals become financially dependent on their government and corporate masters to sustain and protect them. Planned scarcity and restricted distribution of rights and resources ensure massive wealth transfers to monopolies in all major markets.

If your desired objective is to nurture individual development, autonomy and self-reliance in order to enrich the soil in the garden of life with the full spectrum of human potential , then a completely different financial and economic system would be needed. It is simply society's motivational forces that sustain our acceptance of the current economic model. Too many people believe they are superior to those around them. Too many people believe they are worth more than those around them. Too many people exhibit self-righteous intolerance and strive to control and censure others.

In short, there is no point in trying to fix the money system, the economy or our environmental and sustainability problems without first addressing the primary underlying motivational forces that are driving humanity to the edge of extinction.

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Well, I agree with You for the most part, but I will say, as 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy - the resources sit here freely on Our planet, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration - adding free energy alone will remove the costs all the way down the line, making the affording of robots to do necessary work no One WANTS to do easy.

And in the end... We will rely on Our heart's motive for production for all but those things We need and no One wants to produce.

The primary underlying motivational forces that are driving humanity to the edge of extinction are the psychopaths who are promoted to power in moneyed systems. Once They are stripped of Their ONLY tool to power (money buys all the rest They use - the things and the People), They will have no power.

We don't have to go on witch hunts, or other direct attacks. We just have to remove that tool.

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Right, but a wide majority of regular people use and support many of the features that are a part of the current money system design. The general public loves receiving interest on their investments, the profit from selling goods and services for far more than it costs to produce them, and acquiring new properties by renting them to people who pay the cost to own them over and over again. Until people aren't motivated by such selfish, predatory, anti-social behaviours we won't get the support necessary to remove that tool.

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The "general public" is mostly living in poverty, or very close to it... They would love to be able to afford the rich life They only dream about now....

And yes, Many are attached to the dopamine fix money offers.

And all We need is to get free energy tech out. That's it. Though having a blueprint to aggregately build helps a lot...

The Dopamine Fix (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-dopamine-fix

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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I didn't read your piece yet, that was purposeful. This is what I think. Heart driven-our usual economy. Greed driven, any way the psychopaths can make extra money. Here are some examples: the fake baby formula shortage, I just got a new computer, but if anybody is effected, I can still get you a DIY alternative. The fake gas and food price raises that was government and big business working together, there really were no shortages. GREED as you said.

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Well, not quite. But I would guess You will have read the piece and seen that "our usual economy" is greed-driven. Heart-driven is doing things because We love to do them for the social currencies.

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You love to do for the social currencies? I am not. I am doing things as my heart drives me for the peace for them. Engineering Peace. Heart-driven is doing things for peace. I am trying to digest your work but I can say that your idea is beautiful and could be the best. Money, currencies, greeds are important facts for peace but not evereything. The will to outsmart and influence shall not be underestimated. Hope my english is good enough to make you understand. I will try to write more soon.

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Yes, I love to do graphics for Others for the thanks and appreciation I am paid - the social currencies. I ask for no money.

I am humbled by Your assessment that what I offer is good. 🙏🏻

I agree that the will to "outsmart and influence" is strong, but without money, no One can buy Others to Their agendas. There is no way to control it all.

And yes, I think Your English is just fine!

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Thanks for your prompt reply and assurance of my English acceptable. May I ask few questions? Please?

1/ Why you want to buy others? To control?

2/ What is your definition for HEART and GREED?

3/ Why you use ( Heart vs. Greed) ? I would prefer Heart and Greed. For Engineering Peace.

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Huh? LOL! I don't want to buy Others - quite the opposite. The psychopaths DO "buy People" with money. Money to get the People to do things They want, or be quiet about things They see or participate in.

If there was no money needed for ALL of Us to live richly, the psychopaths would have nothing They could pay many People do do things like lie about a virus, lie about "safe and effective," lie about the deaths caused by the jabs...

So yes, the buying of People is for control.

The definition of "heart" in terms of the article is doing things because You care, because You love what You do. "Greed" is doing things to get the most - money or stuff.

And one economy promotes doing things for the love of it and Others. The other promotes screwing Others for the money. So it's not "and." It's "vs." Either You have a money system or You don't.

What "engineering" are You speaking of?

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Engineering Peace, Peace Engineering. I am working for. Engineering the mind set of the leaders, policy makers, including economic. The idea of heart driven economy is very important. What kind of leaders shall we look for developing and protecting such economy? How shall we find, teach, train and develop such leaders?

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I agree with this to an extent. You've heard of people 'breaking their backs working' not literally but working hard. Another thing we love putting food on the table for a family we love. Otherwise, we're on the same page.

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I agree with this to an extent. Me too. The concept of free energy. Love to put food on the table.

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Well, If One loves to put food on the table, be a farmer? And there will be Ones working hard - and likely much harder than now - when They can do the work They LOVE to do. Being chained to having to find some way to plug Our energy in to afford to put food on tables - THAT is slavery.

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lol I am a farmer in my spare time. I know that there will be Ones working harder and robots along with them. I have a friend who delivers mail, a hard job, but he likes it.

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Cool! I would love to care for chickens... Nothing is better than a freshly laid egg! And yes, robots and People who love to deliver mail will deliver mail. Haha!

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