This would be another meaning for the phrase "The devil is in the details".

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Indeed! Humble thanks for Your payment of attention in reading! I am enriched!!!

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Jun 5Liked by Amaterasu Solar


Do you mind if I ask whereabouts you live? Geographically speaking? And I donut require specifics.

And.... Have you ever heard of "The Archons"?

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🙏🏻💜🙏🏻 I'm out on Long Island... And yes, been hearing about Them for decades. Not sure where to place probabilities on Their existence. But it's pretty low so far.

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Jun 5Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I have the same feeling, butt— who nose!!!

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Jun 5Liked by Amaterasu Solar

I’m on the Other Side… No, not dead, lol. Near Seattle. Utterly WOKE here in PO dunk WA.

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Not too bad woke-wise here on LI.

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