Dear One... Why would He need a "facelift," going from a face that had no wrinkles or crows feet to one that does? Can You explain that? Because the One with the crows feet at the eyes is the One We see now.
Biden was just so obvious, and people didn't see it, so I think its off to the races with this phenomena. As you pointed out, most likely going on for a very long while, with really only the internet maling this possible. The youngest pictures of Gaetz look nothing like this Jack Nicholson/Jim Breuer guy.
casting shadows on the wall so no one can fight with 'IT' and I mean 'IT' in the literal sense;
Polly Ticks is an illusion of democracy created by the 'ITS' that control the Polly Ticks by whatever means necessary; Be it 'money', blackmail or bribes, no one gets to be a Polly Tick unless they can be controlled
Doppel Gangers are very real; I have met Two of mine and we Three look remarkably similar with slight differences in the brow and ears... rest of the face looks the same at a glance; SomeOne who did not know Me as I live and breathe could easily be fooled into thinking the Others could very well be Me;
I have been told several times throughout this life that I was seen doing 'such n such' when I was nowhere near where 'such n such' (allegedly) occurred and I (obviously) know it was not I at the scene; Those that 'witnessed' the 'such n such' event would not even entertain that it was not I even though these 'witnesses' have known (did know) me for a great deal of time; Just so happens that none of these 'such n such' events were ever good deeds...
One can easily imagine that each of us has a Doppel Ganger or Two living not far away from Us so with this and the obscene amounts of 'money' involved with Polly Ticks in mind, all the minions we see on screens and stages are very likely to be 'doubles' of the real flesh and bone variety; It's pretty hard to 'hit' a target that cannot be seen
Clones? well, in a word No; a Clone would be exactly the same as the original would it not?; It would even have the same blood and DNA; I dunno for sure as this is not my area of sound knowledge but I remember the first (revealed) Clone of a living animal being "Dolly the Sheep" was said that 'Dolly' had all the exact gene markers as the (mother) stem cell donor; Dolly grew into an Exact Replica of the stem cell donor but lived a very short life due to 'persistent ill health'... no doubt a couple of 'inserted' genes through needles too many resulted in a not real sheep which was the root cause of constant illness; The Whacko's in Lab coats were 'granted' great wads of 'money' to create the "Perfect sheep with Perfect fleece" that was somehow going to benefit mankind; So Mankind Clones? Possible I'd say but possibility does not equate to long-term success
Masks? Absolutely beyond any shadow of doubt masks are all part of the show; Find a similar physical specimen, teach it some similar characteristics like walk etc and bingo..."there's ya double sir" "he/she is not perfect sir/madam but it will fool enough to get through the weeks ahead"... "now you sit back and enjoy the show in complete safety"... "we'll let you know when we need you to come out of hiding"
I have, in My 67 years, never met a "doppelganger" of Me. There were a few that kinda looked like Me, but not really. Interesting that You have seen some much like You.
Not sure what You think "IT" is...
But surely, as long as We account for the energy We add into a system (from trade and barter to metals to fiat to electronic bits) psychopaths will have a tool to control Us with.
The Two DoppelGangers I met were almost like looking into a mirror; It was very 'freaky' to be looking at OneSelf knowing that it was not OneSelf
If I didn't know better, I would say 'they' were clones of I... or I clones of 'them'... or all Three of us were One in the Same just walking similar but different paths only to cross 'time-lines' at certain points in time
It was not until close scrutiny of the facial features did I rule these 'theories' out; I wonder if the Others had/have the same thoughts as I did/do?
I'm not sure I want to find out the answer to that question...
'IT' is 'the system' that controls all of mankind with 'ITS' rules and regulations being enforced by fiat currency... or more like threat of not having any if One does not follow the rules and regulations' 'IT' moves around in shadows as the marionettes dance around on screens and stages... the marionettes are 'IT' as well; Agent for 'IT' is same as 'IT' because marionette is breathing life into 'IT'... no marionettes, no 'IT'
The worlds peoples are controlled by currency... not 'money' perse' Money has value; It has worth;
as this fiat currency is intrinsically worthless and its 'value' is constantly being manipulated into the 'negative' by the 'Money Changers' who change real wealth into bits of paper with numerals printed on it...every time the value of a 'dollar' decreases, the Real Wealth of man decreases too as he spends more of his days trying to make ends meet
Our Real Wealth is Our Sweat and Toil; Money is our Land, Our Water, Our metals, minerals, gasses and oils and trees that the Polly Ticks have decided is theirs to do with as they please and then 'charge' us mere plebs to have some even as it is the plebs who dig it all up and make it into something useful.. only to be paid with bits of paper so he can buy some of the precious for himself
Left to his own devices, a man could build a home for his family and or Kin within a year or two; He barters for or makes his own building materials; No Currency changes hands; No Middleman... maybe he exchanges some of his sweat and toil and area of expertise for fuels and foods while he builds the family nest instead of exchanging his sweat, toil and expertise for worthless bits of paper in a never ending cycle of catchup and currency debt
How does this 'system' make any sense when a man spends his days making and building in exchange for bits of paper he can use to 'buy' back what he builds or makes with his own hands? Sure, some might argue "but who owns the machines that man uses to build the things?" My answer is, "who built the machines in the first instant and does he have a share in what the machine produces or did he swap his machine building expertise for bits of worthless paper so he can then 'buy' what the machine produces at an ever increasing cost as the 'value' of his bits of paper gets dictated downwards by whomever has the most machines"?
Y’know… So many People give Me definitions of “money.” Some say it’s quite the opposite of what You claim. Others add complications and all…
But by My definition, it does not matter what the unit of accounting looks like, it all accounts for Our energy added into a system, and that accounting allows Some to gain power over Others, drawing and promoting psychopaths…
My definition of money: anything We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).
time is money, money is power, and better yet power over others.. therefore, those who are monomaniac and psychos are chasing money because they want what it brings/gives.. POWER. Its all about power.
You and I have the same definition of 'money' only we present it with different words... however I do draw the line at bits of paper and electronic bits; Intrinsically, bank notes and electronic bits are worthless and add no value outside of what people imagine it to be
Coins add value; They are made of the precious and at the end of the day, can be repurposed into something other than a means of bartering; In this sense, Coins are money; Well, they were money before they were watered down into bits of pressed metals with no real value when melted down to try and make something else with it... all the coins in the world amount to nothing if one doesn't have spear tips or arrow heads to defend his castle with
What can bank notes or electronic bits be repurposed into? well, I suppose the bank notes can help start a fire for warmth or cooking food... the electronic bits? Nothing. Nadda. Zilch; all electronic bits can produce (apparently) is more electronic bits that can and do vanish at the press of a button or a line or two of a hackers code
Point is, if something can't be repurposed into actual wealth then it is not money, it is the definition of fools gold.
Intrinsically is rather irrelevant when whatever the token is You need it to survive. Which is what gives it power.
And how "intrinsic" is it when They have the tech to transmute elements from one to another, and the free energy tech to do it with? (You know They transmuted lead to gold in the 1970's, right?) And... They own virtually all the "precious" metals on Our planet now, so They will be in power no matter what.
And... Free energy makes accounting for Our energy added pointless anyway.
We can automate any necessary work no One want to do, and the 80+% of Us, doing jobs that merely move money/accounting units around and overall upwards to the psychopaths in control, will be free to live as richly as We choose...along with the 20ish% that now do the grunt work...
Famous people have had doubles for centuries, probably more. The question is, why would any famous person NOT have a least one double--it just makes sense. Yet so many people assume it never happens, in a sad case of terminal naivete. When I was doing a Trump caricature once, I looked at dozens of Trump pics, and I think there were at least 3 Trumps.
Which is to say... They have been scripting things for centuries. Which I conclude is a very high probability. Humanity is being led by psychopaths with agendas... And has been for a very long time. The hidden hand.....
Not sure what to call it--a committee of some kind? A small group of people--I don't know who--planning humanity, then they use friendly outsiders to carry out most of their ideas, such as at the CFR and UN, and academia.
I often ponder how these operations are organized--it must be quite complex, and I suspect it is probably mostly done with AI.
They pay People to do Their bidding. The minions would not be minions if there was no money involved. And thus My efforts to remove that psychopath-promoting tool.
Very true!!! In fact, as They need Our consent, They play fast and loose with "implied consent." By putting it out as implied (but not stated) fiction, when We do not say We do not consent, They take it as "implied consent."
Actors, Portrayers & Players! I forget the name of the acting school out of Israel, but I hear that AOC & a few others came from there. Not surprising when you trace back dual citizenship.
WHO was that masked man?? The Lone Politician(s)! Hi-Ho Silver....bullets. lol
Who do I think did this? And is behind all of this chaos and evil! This is why I've gone down the rabbit hole looking at the fallen angels and nephilim and it's suggested that They are still among us today but They are no longer giants! They didn't all die in the flood and the one's that survived the flood continued to intermingle and breed in with human beings and the giant genes got more deluded and bred out with each generation! Today They look like human beings but They are not regular human beings because They have no empathy! They hate human beings and they hate God/Creator, They all serve Satan and Satan is their master! They are the bloodline families, the black Nobility! The Rothschilds and Rockefellers work for these top families that are unknown to the public! They hoard all of the wealth on this planet, this wealth belongs to us and there's no reason for any of us to have to live in poverty and starve, it's because of these fallen angel nephilim parasitic psychopathic bloodline families that humanity suffers! They use the jews as scapegoats!
I know you're not religious and neither am I, but my goodness the things that I'm looking at and learning all fits, makes sense and this evil is all interconnected controlling events on this planet! They control and pull the strings through the Vatican and through all governments on this planet, our government leaders are complete puppets and are completely controlled by Them! It does go deep, the Anunnaki that came to earth, The Pharoahs of ancient Egypt and also Atlantis and the technology of Atlantis is all from Them, this fallen angel nephilim bloodline and They all inner breed "keeping it all in the family" as lord Rothschild said sometime back, the one who recently died! Like I said, I'm having a fascinating journey looking at all of this information and why there's so much suffering and evil on this planet and who and what's really behind it, hiding our true history from us, suppressing technology from us, keeping us all dumbed down and controlled, etc! Anything that They can do just to "f" with us and get a reaction out of us, They will do! They manipulate humanity for Their pleasure! This might be the truth about everything? Nobody can say for sure? If people are searching for the truth about everything they will have to go down many tunnels in the rabbit hole!! But these politicians wearing masks and many actors( and even clones being used) being used does not surprise me one bit! That Matt Gaetz is definitely different, that other one does not look human to me, his nose is too small for his face proportion, doesn't look right!
They have virtually all of that, so... My definition of money: anything We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).
All of these things will give the Ones with the most power over the Ones with the least. Thus My efforts to make that tool, that very dangerous and archaic tool, go away.
I know, right?
I thought it was the other way around, my bad.
Yeah, a lot of people make that mistake. They are definitely two different People.
He's had a facelift. The ears change because of the incision
Or, someone is wearing a mask and imitating him.. some of the masks are very sophisticated and do NOT have those demarcation lines..
Dear One... Why would He need a "facelift," going from a face that had no wrinkles or crows feet to one that does? Can You explain that? Because the One with the crows feet at the eyes is the One We see now.
Biden was just so obvious, and people didn't see it, so I think its off to the races with this phenomena. As you pointed out, most likely going on for a very long while, with really only the internet maling this possible. The youngest pictures of Gaetz look nothing like this Jack Nicholson/Jim Breuer guy.
casting shadows on the wall so no one can fight with 'IT' and I mean 'IT' in the literal sense;
Polly Ticks is an illusion of democracy created by the 'ITS' that control the Polly Ticks by whatever means necessary; Be it 'money', blackmail or bribes, no one gets to be a Polly Tick unless they can be controlled
Doppel Gangers are very real; I have met Two of mine and we Three look remarkably similar with slight differences in the brow and ears... rest of the face looks the same at a glance; SomeOne who did not know Me as I live and breathe could easily be fooled into thinking the Others could very well be Me;
I have been told several times throughout this life that I was seen doing 'such n such' when I was nowhere near where 'such n such' (allegedly) occurred and I (obviously) know it was not I at the scene; Those that 'witnessed' the 'such n such' event would not even entertain that it was not I even though these 'witnesses' have known (did know) me for a great deal of time; Just so happens that none of these 'such n such' events were ever good deeds...
One can easily imagine that each of us has a Doppel Ganger or Two living not far away from Us so with this and the obscene amounts of 'money' involved with Polly Ticks in mind, all the minions we see on screens and stages are very likely to be 'doubles' of the real flesh and bone variety; It's pretty hard to 'hit' a target that cannot be seen
Clones? well, in a word No; a Clone would be exactly the same as the original would it not?; It would even have the same blood and DNA; I dunno for sure as this is not my area of sound knowledge but I remember the first (revealed) Clone of a living animal being "Dolly the Sheep" was said that 'Dolly' had all the exact gene markers as the (mother) stem cell donor; Dolly grew into an Exact Replica of the stem cell donor but lived a very short life due to 'persistent ill health'... no doubt a couple of 'inserted' genes through needles too many resulted in a not real sheep which was the root cause of constant illness; The Whacko's in Lab coats were 'granted' great wads of 'money' to create the "Perfect sheep with Perfect fleece" that was somehow going to benefit mankind; So Mankind Clones? Possible I'd say but possibility does not equate to long-term success
Masks? Absolutely beyond any shadow of doubt masks are all part of the show; Find a similar physical specimen, teach it some similar characteristics like walk etc and bingo..."there's ya double sir" "he/she is not perfect sir/madam but it will fool enough to get through the weeks ahead"... "now you sit back and enjoy the show in complete safety"... "we'll let you know when we need you to come out of hiding"
I have, in My 67 years, never met a "doppelganger" of Me. There were a few that kinda looked like Me, but not really. Interesting that You have seen some much like You.
Not sure what You think "IT" is...
But surely, as long as We account for the energy We add into a system (from trade and barter to metals to fiat to electronic bits) psychopaths will have a tool to control Us with.
Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article):
The Two DoppelGangers I met were almost like looking into a mirror; It was very 'freaky' to be looking at OneSelf knowing that it was not OneSelf
If I didn't know better, I would say 'they' were clones of I... or I clones of 'them'... or all Three of us were One in the Same just walking similar but different paths only to cross 'time-lines' at certain points in time
It was not until close scrutiny of the facial features did I rule these 'theories' out; I wonder if the Others had/have the same thoughts as I did/do?
I'm not sure I want to find out the answer to that question...
'IT' is 'the system' that controls all of mankind with 'ITS' rules and regulations being enforced by fiat currency... or more like threat of not having any if One does not follow the rules and regulations' 'IT' moves around in shadows as the marionettes dance around on screens and stages... the marionettes are 'IT' as well; Agent for 'IT' is same as 'IT' because marionette is breathing life into 'IT'... no marionettes, no 'IT'
The worlds peoples are controlled by currency... not 'money' perse' Money has value; It has worth;
as this fiat currency is intrinsically worthless and its 'value' is constantly being manipulated into the 'negative' by the 'Money Changers' who change real wealth into bits of paper with numerals printed on it...every time the value of a 'dollar' decreases, the Real Wealth of man decreases too as he spends more of his days trying to make ends meet
Our Real Wealth is Our Sweat and Toil; Money is our Land, Our Water, Our metals, minerals, gasses and oils and trees that the Polly Ticks have decided is theirs to do with as they please and then 'charge' us mere plebs to have some even as it is the plebs who dig it all up and make it into something useful.. only to be paid with bits of paper so he can buy some of the precious for himself
Left to his own devices, a man could build a home for his family and or Kin within a year or two; He barters for or makes his own building materials; No Currency changes hands; No Middleman... maybe he exchanges some of his sweat and toil and area of expertise for fuels and foods while he builds the family nest instead of exchanging his sweat, toil and expertise for worthless bits of paper in a never ending cycle of catchup and currency debt
How does this 'system' make any sense when a man spends his days making and building in exchange for bits of paper he can use to 'buy' back what he builds or makes with his own hands? Sure, some might argue "but who owns the machines that man uses to build the things?" My answer is, "who built the machines in the first instant and does he have a share in what the machine produces or did he swap his machine building expertise for bits of worthless paper so he can then 'buy' what the machine produces at an ever increasing cost as the 'value' of his bits of paper gets dictated downwards by whomever has the most machines"?
Y’know… So many People give Me definitions of “money.” Some say it’s quite the opposite of what You claim. Others add complications and all…
But by My definition, it does not matter what the unit of accounting looks like, it all accounts for Our energy added into a system, and that accounting allows Some to gain power over Others, drawing and promoting psychopaths…
My definition of money: anything We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).
Accounting For the Energy We Add (article):
Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article):
time is money, money is power, and better yet power over others.. therefore, those who are monomaniac and psychos are chasing money because they want what it brings/gives.. POWER. Its all about power.
I say that all the time. [smile] Point is it's a dangerous and archaic tool.
You and I have the same definition of 'money' only we present it with different words... however I do draw the line at bits of paper and electronic bits; Intrinsically, bank notes and electronic bits are worthless and add no value outside of what people imagine it to be
Coins add value; They are made of the precious and at the end of the day, can be repurposed into something other than a means of bartering; In this sense, Coins are money; Well, they were money before they were watered down into bits of pressed metals with no real value when melted down to try and make something else with it... all the coins in the world amount to nothing if one doesn't have spear tips or arrow heads to defend his castle with
What can bank notes or electronic bits be repurposed into? well, I suppose the bank notes can help start a fire for warmth or cooking food... the electronic bits? Nothing. Nadda. Zilch; all electronic bits can produce (apparently) is more electronic bits that can and do vanish at the press of a button or a line or two of a hackers code
Point is, if something can't be repurposed into actual wealth then it is not money, it is the definition of fools gold.
Intrinsically is rather irrelevant when whatever the token is You need it to survive. Which is what gives it power.
And how "intrinsic" is it when They have the tech to transmute elements from one to another, and the free energy tech to do it with? (You know They transmuted lead to gold in the 1970's, right?) And... They own virtually all the "precious" metals on Our planet now, so They will be in power no matter what.
And... Free energy makes accounting for Our energy added pointless anyway.
We can automate any necessary work no One want to do, and the 80+% of Us, doing jobs that merely move money/accounting units around and overall upwards to the psychopaths in control, will be free to live as richly as We choose...along with the 20ish% that now do the grunt work...
Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article):
Truman Show
Very much so!
They introducing the Ai Machine to society.
"Dominic Cummings: is AI already in control?"
Yes, They are.
Aliens in control :)
Maybe. I work to bring control back to Humanity...
Famous people have had doubles for centuries, probably more. The question is, why would any famous person NOT have a least one double--it just makes sense. Yet so many people assume it never happens, in a sad case of terminal naivete. When I was doing a Trump caricature once, I looked at dozens of Trump pics, and I think there were at least 3 Trumps.
Which is to say... They have been scripting things for centuries. Which I conclude is a very high probability. Humanity is being led by psychopaths with agendas... And has been for a very long time. The hidden hand.....
Who Do You Think Did This? (article):
Not sure what to call it--a committee of some kind? A small group of people--I don't know who--planning humanity, then they use friendly outsiders to carry out most of their ideas, such as at the CFR and UN, and academia.
I often ponder how these operations are organized--it must be quite complex, and I suspect it is probably mostly done with AI.
They pay People to do Their bidding. The minions would not be minions if there was no money involved. And thus My efforts to remove that psychopath-promoting tool.
The End of (Social) Entropy (article):
There’s always a grain of truth in everything the C👁️🗨️A’s Hollyweird puts out; the Matrix always comes to mind.
Very true!!! In fact, as They need Our consent, They play fast and loose with "implied consent." By putting it out as implied (but not stated) fiction, when We do not say We do not consent, They take it as "implied consent."
Great catch!
Actors, Portrayers & Players! I forget the name of the acting school out of Israel, but I hear that AOC & a few others came from there. Not surprising when you trace back dual citizenship.
WHO was that masked man?? The Lone Politician(s)! Hi-Ho Silver....bullets. lol
Yes, the psychopaths who own USA Inc. own Isis Ra El Inc. They use that corporation for much dirty work in Their plot.
Who do I think did this? And is behind all of this chaos and evil! This is why I've gone down the rabbit hole looking at the fallen angels and nephilim and it's suggested that They are still among us today but They are no longer giants! They didn't all die in the flood and the one's that survived the flood continued to intermingle and breed in with human beings and the giant genes got more deluded and bred out with each generation! Today They look like human beings but They are not regular human beings because They have no empathy! They hate human beings and they hate God/Creator, They all serve Satan and Satan is their master! They are the bloodline families, the black Nobility! The Rothschilds and Rockefellers work for these top families that are unknown to the public! They hoard all of the wealth on this planet, this wealth belongs to us and there's no reason for any of us to have to live in poverty and starve, it's because of these fallen angel nephilim parasitic psychopathic bloodline families that humanity suffers! They use the jews as scapegoats!
I know you're not religious and neither am I, but my goodness the things that I'm looking at and learning all fits, makes sense and this evil is all interconnected controlling events on this planet! They control and pull the strings through the Vatican and through all governments on this planet, our government leaders are complete puppets and are completely controlled by Them! It does go deep, the Anunnaki that came to earth, The Pharoahs of ancient Egypt and also Atlantis and the technology of Atlantis is all from Them, this fallen angel nephilim bloodline and They all inner breed "keeping it all in the family" as lord Rothschild said sometime back, the one who recently died! Like I said, I'm having a fascinating journey looking at all of this information and why there's so much suffering and evil on this planet and who and what's really behind it, hiding our true history from us, suppressing technology from us, keeping us all dumbed down and controlled, etc! Anything that They can do just to "f" with us and get a reaction out of us, They will do! They manipulate humanity for Their pleasure! This might be the truth about everything? Nobody can say for sure? If people are searching for the truth about everything they will have to go down many tunnels in the rabbit hole!! But these politicians wearing masks and many actors( and even clones being used) being used does not surprise me one bit! That Matt Gaetz is definitely different, that other one does not look human to me, his nose is too small for his face proportion, doesn't look right!
I do not need metaphysical to explain what I see… Just psychopaths with virtually all the money [shrug]
Yeah! That's true too! The true money is actually gold and silver! 👍
They have virtually all of that, so... My definition of money: anything We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).
All of these things will give the Ones with the most power over the Ones with the least. Thus My efforts to make that tool, that very dangerous and archaic tool, go away.
Did You read this piece?
Response to a Meme (article):
Who knows what They're doing with the actors on the stage...