So glad I finally “found” your writing, although I’ve come across your name here and there previously. For some reason i never clicked and looked into your Stack. Reading this piece I must say that I can’t find anything to disagree with (not that I’m looking for that) and it confirms for me all sorts of thoughts that I’ve had percolating in my brain-hole for months/years.
I’m also new to the concept of anarchy which, as it turns out, is the proper and most sacred way to live under natural law. Kind of along those lines I used to muse about how the world would run if there was no money. I took as my starting point for the thought experiment the Star Trek “universe”, as these things are termed today. As you might recall, the concept of money was done away with on Earth and in the Federation in that utopian Roddenberryian (actually Luciferian) future. As with most people’s surface-level notion of Communism, it sounded good so you just went with it. Anyway, when I did more than just “go with it” I got to wondering how is it that they had all this astonishing technology and people doing different jobs, seemingly willingly and happily, without getting money for doing those jobs. It was so hard to envision how that could be when the only reality I had ever known is that there must be poor and there must be rich and it’s always been that way. Otherwise we would not have “civilization” and the Arts (what I am most associated with) and culture, etc. -- we would only have survival. Luckily, for me, I was able to work my way through that and get to a point at least where I can read work such as yours and see real glimmers of reality and of hope in it.
Thomas Sowell always points out that the “natural” state of humans is to be poor. That is to say, we are born poor so what makes us rich? I think to myself instead, to turn that around and wonder, “why are we not all born rich?” What is stopping that from happening? Basically, what you say in this essay is the answer.
That TLDR is my long-winded way of saying that I look forward to digging more into your work -- I’ll start with the links you provide.
Could you remind us again of which societies "...emerged on Our planet in abundance, where all They needed was there for the taking, and how, in these societies, though they varied in customs and beliefs, there were commonalities in that..."?
On this point it is worthy to consider, or at least wonder about, some of the very ancient, antediluvian societies that built the cities and civilizations (i.e., the megalithic cultures) that are now considered part of our more recent history. It is entirely likely that those “Atlantean” cultures, as they are sometimes referred to, are much, much older than we are led to believe by the “mainstream”. We don’t really know anything about them today; we don’t know how these structures were made or even why, for example. As such, there is no reason to think that their philosophies and economics were the same as ours today. It is as plausible as any other explanation for them (which, as mentioned, we have none at present) that they were thriving under the Natural Law. What has arisen from the ashes and debris of those ancient, ancient societies and eventually became our current world may well be a psychopathically derived falsity, fully contrary to Natural Law that is meant to, and does, enslave us all.
Indeed, there have been civilizations in the very ancient past. And I suspect the solar miconova cycle has much to do with why civilizations seem to fall rapidly, leaving little to describe the actual past.
I am not sure where to place probabilities of who started the practice this time around of accounting for Our energy added... LOL! But clearly that practice has promoted psychopaths to power and We now are dealing with Them.
Very comprehensive piece Amatetasu. Abundance is the way. Sharing and caring is where it's at! The 'system' we've been given is a lose lose situation. Sure there will be winners, but by design, there will also be losers.
I teach private music lessons. It's a role that is as close to "doing what I love" as possible (and that would be actually having the time and energy to create and perform music and other art). Yes, I work for "money" at this point in the timeline, although I have had a couple students in the past with whom I bartered for goods and/or services.
So you *ARE* that Sharine! I saw something o line about you somewhere a long time ago... And remembered the name. A musician. I think the pic had you with a guitar and looking sorta"Stevie Nicks-ish" 💖🌺💖
So glad I finally “found” your writing, although I’ve come across your name here and there previously. For some reason i never clicked and looked into your Stack. Reading this piece I must say that I can’t find anything to disagree with (not that I’m looking for that) and it confirms for me all sorts of thoughts that I’ve had percolating in my brain-hole for months/years.
I’m also new to the concept of anarchy which, as it turns out, is the proper and most sacred way to live under natural law. Kind of along those lines I used to muse about how the world would run if there was no money. I took as my starting point for the thought experiment the Star Trek “universe”, as these things are termed today. As you might recall, the concept of money was done away with on Earth and in the Federation in that utopian Roddenberryian (actually Luciferian) future. As with most people’s surface-level notion of Communism, it sounded good so you just went with it. Anyway, when I did more than just “go with it” I got to wondering how is it that they had all this astonishing technology and people doing different jobs, seemingly willingly and happily, without getting money for doing those jobs. It was so hard to envision how that could be when the only reality I had ever known is that there must be poor and there must be rich and it’s always been that way. Otherwise we would not have “civilization” and the Arts (what I am most associated with) and culture, etc. -- we would only have survival. Luckily, for me, I was able to work my way through that and get to a point at least where I can read work such as yours and see real glimmers of reality and of hope in it.
Thomas Sowell always points out that the “natural” state of humans is to be poor. That is to say, we are born poor so what makes us rich? I think to myself instead, to turn that around and wonder, “why are we not all born rich?” What is stopping that from happening? Basically, what you say in this essay is the answer.
That TLDR is my long-winded way of saying that I look forward to digging more into your work -- I’ll start with the links you provide.
Cheers and Excelsior to you and your readers!
I am truly humbled - and no... It wasn't TLDR at all! Thank You greatly for Your payment of attention in reading. I am truly enriched!
The "island paradises" surely show Us that We CAN all be rich! Looking forward to Your future thoughts!
Could you remind us again of which societies "...emerged on Our planet in abundance, where all They needed was there for the taking, and how, in these societies, though they varied in customs and beliefs, there were commonalities in that..."?
Tahiti was one. Figi another. Mostly "island paradises."
On this point it is worthy to consider, or at least wonder about, some of the very ancient, antediluvian societies that built the cities and civilizations (i.e., the megalithic cultures) that are now considered part of our more recent history. It is entirely likely that those “Atlantean” cultures, as they are sometimes referred to, are much, much older than we are led to believe by the “mainstream”. We don’t really know anything about them today; we don’t know how these structures were made or even why, for example. As such, there is no reason to think that their philosophies and economics were the same as ours today. It is as plausible as any other explanation for them (which, as mentioned, we have none at present) that they were thriving under the Natural Law. What has arisen from the ashes and debris of those ancient, ancient societies and eventually became our current world may well be a psychopathically derived falsity, fully contrary to Natural Law that is meant to, and does, enslave us all.
Indeed, there have been civilizations in the very ancient past. And I suspect the solar miconova cycle has much to do with why civilizations seem to fall rapidly, leaving little to describe the actual past.
From Suspicious0bservers: Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence (17 minutes):
I am not sure where to place probabilities of who started the practice this time around of accounting for Our energy added... LOL! But clearly that practice has promoted psychopaths to power and We now are dealing with Them.
Very comprehensive piece Amatetasu. Abundance is the way. Sharing and caring is where it's at! The 'system' we've been given is a lose lose situation. Sure there will be winners, but by design, there will also be losers.
And nigh all losers at that. Haha! Humble thanks for Your payment of appreciation! I am enriched!
I teach private music lessons. It's a role that is as close to "doing what I love" as possible (and that would be actually having the time and energy to create and perform music and other art). Yes, I work for "money" at this point in the timeline, although I have had a couple students in the past with whom I bartered for goods and/or services.
So you *ARE* that Sharine! I saw something o line about you somewhere a long time ago... And remembered the name. A musician. I think the pic had you with a guitar and looking sorta"Stevie Nicks-ish" 💖🌺💖
Trade and barter are "money," too... LOL! We will work for social currency and have all We could want.
Social Currency (article):
Excellent Expose and Plan!
Most humble thanks for the payment of appreciation! I am enriched! Do share! Love always!